People accepting me for who I am?

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sabbath siren
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Post by sabbath siren » Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:00 pm

I have had some issues that are similar, in part, to the ones being discussed here regarding self-acceptance and questioning what is at the root of our fears and feelings.
Some years ago, on the passing of my grandfather, I found myself mindful of my short-comings and things I had done that I was ashamed of.  I was wondering to myself, as my grandfather had passed and, I believe, gone on to a more total knowing and understanding of things, what would he think of me now if he was with me and seeing all of my failings and mistakes.  It troubled me only briefly at the time because I came to the conclusion that, whatever I may have done and whatever my failings might be, if he could see into my heart and know who I really am inside, that would be enough for him to be able to go on loving me as he always had in life.
It's only now that I'm starting to understand the lesson of that story and how my understanding of the love that my grandfather always had for me can show me the way to be able to make peace with myself.  Actually, reading this thread helped bring it to mind in a whole new way.  I hope it speaks to you, too.  How about that!  When I started writing, I didn't know I was going to sign off with a thank you.
Thank you all.  I love this place!

Sir Mullich Vn
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Post by Sir Mullich Vn » Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:59 am

Well, according to your post I think you have a strong mind. I also don't like encountering unfriendly arguments. So if there are an escalation of intense, I may temporarily retreat. In the book "36 conspiracies" by Sun Tzu, the last wise thing to do when we cannot encounter something anymore is retreat.

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Post by swetha » Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:56 am

How good are we at accepting others for who they are? and how do we do it better?

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:23 pm

Expectations of self and then others is what gives a false sense of who someone is inside.  It is truly a gift when someone can do this in the first instance, rather than getting to know another person.

How often does perceptions of others change the more we get to know them?

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Post by swetha » Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:47 am

I agree, many times perceptions change with time or when we get to know someone better. Expectations the root cause of all evil :)

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Post by iamjennamia » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:58 pm

Life is a series of cycles.  Somebody's going to get teased for something and being different is the first outlet.  If your worried about your son being teased then keep your "differences" on the down low.

Sunny Stream
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Post by Sunny Stream » Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:37 pm

I have come across this problem myself and heard it from others... whilst searching for what felt right for me, i checked out many religions, cultural beleifs... i found almost all very closed and judgemental... yet within the whole, good people, with love in their hearts... as we are all one, i know this makes sense... how you deal with it is another question..

For years i kept quiet, cept within my family as they knew i sometimes saw things, but explained it away because i am a twin. As a child i accepted those reasons as only a child will. When i finally found out who and what i really am... well even my family find it difficult. I dont go on about it all the time, but when im busy taking reiju or sending reiki or down at my crystal shop,  doing shared reiki, readings, ect im asked what im doing and i answer truthfully... they just say... you mad... but there is an acceptance from them that this is what i am.. Outside of my family ive encountered, aggression, or scorn from a minority only..or i get the curious stares cus i do readings... sometimes i do actually feel like im at a fairgound on display if that makes sense... it used to bother me a lot, so kept quiet... but now... i actually dont care what others think of me... if they want to judge, thats fine, i just surround myself in a protective bubble and my children also..

Did they suffer becuase of my beliefs, no... not very happy to say...

My advice to anyone with children going to school, is dont go advertising, but dont hide it either. Put a protective bubble of light around them every day and ask the angels to protect them as much as they can..

Children can and will be bullied at school..for all sorts of reasons.. infact adults can and do get bullied in the workplace, its a process. Not a nice one, but maybe one where we learn as individuals to value ourselves.

I know this post is quite an old one, so wandered how things are panning out for you Soul Flower? I hope very well (((hugs)))


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