Self Realization

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Self Realization

Post by swetha » Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:46 am

How would you define self realization. I was just reading today that the virtues necessary to achieve the same is faith and patience....

I agree with it... but what do you feel? You will need a lot of mental strength to actually practice it :)

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:43 pm

I believe the necessary skill is understanding and forgives ( of self ).. Be your own best friend.
The tool.. other people.
Learn to understand others complete to the core, be non judgmental.. you cant be judgmental when you understand it.
You will start seeing a little of yourself in every human, know them, love them, and you will learn to know yourself.
If you understand what you see in others you learn to fear it less when you acknowledge it when you find it in yourself.

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misty sur
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Post by misty sur » Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:59 am

Self-realization or self-actualization is a matter that cannot be told, explained or taught to anybody. it is a very innate feeling that comes to your mind when you are old, when you have crossed a substantial phase of your life and have been there and done that. so, what i think is, having a discussion or thought of self-actualization at a young age, is not necessary.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:58 pm

Self awareness knows no age.  When you learn your lessons in life it is through each and every experience.  Sometimes when you are feeling like there are no other choices, stop and examine how you 'feel' about the situation.  You can actualize your own feelings by being aware of who you are and what you truly want in your life.

Do not use other people to define you.  Know thyself is the admonition given to us by many sources.  Knowing yourself is being self absorbed to the extent of knowing what you want and what you don't want in life.  This does not come easily - you must practice and see what works in your life and what does not.  

There is no age limit to where someone can be bamboozled into thinking something is right when it is wrong.  Just look at how many internet scams are alive and working.

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Post by swetha » Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:27 am

Yes, right and wrong as always are so relative.
And realizing what is right and what is wrong does take time. I guess, there is a "right" time for everything. nothing ever happens before it is supposed to happen just because you want it to happen. and realization, doesn't happen overnight :) and on the way you learn a lot of other things.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:21 pm

Only those open to learn about themselves will learn the lessons the experiences are teaching.  Self awareness is a button we can turn on or off within ourselves.  Sometimes a lesson can be just too painful to go through so we opt out.

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Post by Chidancer » Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:08 pm

In all reality, there is no right or wrong. Those conceptions are simply based on momentary judgments, and since judgments are something to be observed as to from whence they come, stepping outside oneself to observe becomes the work of self actualization.  It is said that if one does no go within, one goes without.  Be the observer, seek the source of what is creating your feelings, and learn to step away from things being right or wrong.

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Post by Kai_H » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:07 am

Self-realization or self-actualization, huh? I'm reminded of Philosophy discussions back in university, though now I'm not certain which philosopher said what regarding the human psyche and self-actualization. What I DO remember from the discussion - and it's my own belief now, as well - is that the state of self-realization is reached through constantly questioning oneself and one's abilities, relative to one's purpose and, ultimately, one's existence. That state, then, is one that's reached when a person realizes he or she has reached his or her greatest potential, can no longer 'evolve', and is content with one's station in life and no longer asks the question "Why was I born?", in any form.

Self-awareness is a different matter, I believe, but still related to self-actualization. One can't question one's actions, emotions, etc., if one isn't aware of oneself.

...ugh. Too many one's. ^^;

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:42 pm

Placing all things as monetary judgements is a bit short sighted.  There are other considerations to the whys of our thinking - about ourself or others.  Gain is sometimes measured by our reputations - what we think of ourselves and what others think of us.  I would welcome a reputation for integrity over wealth any day.

Spirituality growth is all about self.  And yet, it is not selfish.  Each and every lesson is there for its value - all experiences being a lesson.  When we can learn to take the value of the lesson and leave the pains to gain it behind we have lightened our load of baggage in life.

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Post by caithiggs » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:53 pm

I think self realization is about being a student and allowing the lessons to come in. Of course as for the exact  formula for doing this, that I do not know!

Self actualization, well that is a foreign concept to me. I feel like it could be a hinderance if we tried too hard to achieve this, not knowing what it was. It's like reaching enlightenment. Half the time I think the problem is that anybody is "trying" at all. You just have to get there. There is no other way to do it (I imagine, though  I clearly have no clue)

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Post by peter238 » Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:46 am

Self-realization is a concept that has become widely popular in the Western and that has great influence from some Eastern religions.

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Post by blackspring » Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:09 pm

I am slowly coming to believe that self-realization or self-actualization involves the one thing I still struggle with: truly loving myself and believing that I deserve love. And here I mean LOVE in its highest, most spiritual, universal form.

I can do this on a philosophical level - in other words, I can understand the concept of self-love, and how it is need before one can ever really love others - but in real life I still can't truly believe that I deserve such love yet, and am incapable of fully giving it to myself.

It's like there's this dark subconscious part of myself that doesn't think I deserve happiness - that inner critic that tells me I'm not good enough, I need to do more before I can earn the love I desire. I know I need to face this dark part of myself, to find its origins and conquer it, or perhaps integrate it,diffuse it, HEAL it. For me this process will also be my process of self-realization.

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