christ is krishna ( vatican shiva linga proof )

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christ is krishna ( vatican shiva linga proof )

Post by unknown11 » Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:35 pm

krishna came 2000 years before so called christ/kristos and there is solid proof he existed not in just books ! for so called copycated christ there is no proof except bible which is in itself is a collection of stories which contradict eachother

Dwarka, India - 12,000 Year Old City of Lord Krishna Found

Lost city of Dwaraka

Australia goes all PC with a ban on BC: Birth of Jesus to be removed as reference point for dates in school history books ... books.html


reason for fish shaped pope's hat -->



just as said in the beginning of life on earth the fish carried the vishnu and delivered his message to some guy and saved the world.. the so called elected pope acts like the carrier of vishnu or his message or whatever .. to this world! a wannabe lol

1. Matsya, the fish-avatar who saved Manu – the progeniter of mankind from the great deluge and rescued the Vedic scriptures by killing a demon. Story can be found in the Matsya Purana.
2. Kurma, the tortoise-avatar, who helped in the Samudra manthan – the churning of the ocean. Story can be found in the Kurma Purana.
3. Varaha, the boar-avatar, who rescued the earth from the ocean, by killing her kidnapper-demon Hiranyaksha. Story can be found in the Varaha Purana.
4. Narasimha, the half man-half lion avatar, who killed the tyrant demon-king Hiranyakashipu, to rescue the demon's son Prahlada, who was a Vishnu-devotee
5. Vamana, the dwarf-avatar, who subdued the king Maha Bali. Story can be found in the Vamana Purana.
6. Parashurama, sage with the axe who killed the thousand-armed king Kartavirya Arjuna
7. Rama, the king of Ayodhya and the hero of the Hindu epic Ramayana
8. Krishna, the king of Dwarka, a central character in the Bhagavata Purana and the Mahabharata and reciter of Bhagavad Gita. However, in the original Dasavatara stotra, Balarama, the elder brother of Krishna, is stated as the eight incarnation, while Krishna (Lord Kesava) is the source of all the incarnation.
9.Gautama Buddha
both christ/krishna are said to come back on white horse with god's wrath or whatever.
when they created bible what they did was they skipped the rest of the so called avatars and only used the fish and the kristos.. and also tried to eliminate many things related to krishnas life so that noone can trace the original religion /source for  the bible



why pillars/shiv linga are erected because ancient people believed it was the beginning of this universe -
The Linga

The sages said, “We know that a linga is Shiva’s image. But why is Shiva worshipped in the form of a linga?”

Lomaharshana recounted the following story.

Many years ago, at the end of a destruction, there was water everywhere in the universe and the universe was shrouded in darkness. Vishnu slept on the water in his form of Narayana.

Brahma discovered Vishnu sleeping thus and woke him up. Failing to recognize Vishnu, he asked, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

Vishnu woke up and noticed Brahma standing there. He smiled and said, “How are you, Brahma? Is everything well with my son?’

“How dare you call me your son?’ demanded Brahma. “I am Brahma, the lord of everything. I am the creator of the universe. How dare anyone call me his son?”

“You seem to have forgotten everything,” said Vishnu. “I am Vishnu and you were born from me. That is the reason why I addressed you as my son.”

Brahma did not accept this and started to fight with Vishnu. While the two were thus grappling, a shining linga suddenly appeared. It was almost as if the linga had emerged to settle Brahma and Vishnu’s dispute. The linga rose way up into the sky and it seemed to have no beginning or end.

“What on earth is this pillar of fire doing here?” Vishnu asked Brahma. “Let us investigate it. Why don’t you go up and see where it ends? As for me, I shall proceed downwards. Let us meet after a while and compare notes.”

Brahma agreed to do this. He adopted the form of a swan and flew up. Vishnu adopted the form of a boar and went down. No matter how further down Vishnu went, he could find no end to the linga. Nor could Brahma discover its upper extremity.

They returned and were amazed to find that neither had been able to find the end of the linga. They realized that they must be in the presence of a power that was greater than their own. They therefore began to pray to the linga and the sound of the mantra (incantation) om echoed all around the linga. Shiva appeared from within the linga in the form of a sage named Vedanama. He told them that it was the linga which was the origin of the universe. It was from the linga that the primordial egg (anda), the origin of the universe, had been created.

Shiva also taught Brahma and Vishnu the sacred gayatri mantra. He told Brahma and Vishnu, “We are all three part of the same supreme brahman. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and I am the destroyer. Don’t fight amongst yourselves.”

Ever since that day, Shiva has been worshipped in the form of a linga..
Judaism and Shaivite Hinduism connection - Connection Between Ancient Indian And Hebrew Language, A scholars find compelling evidence



A 19th Century British Scholar Explains Why the Western World Never Learned About the Indian Origins of the Jews.

Though not generally known in this day and age, Godfrey Higgins (1772-1833), archeologist, politician, humanitarian, social reformer, and author, was one of the most enlightened and educated men of early 19th century England. He was a well-known iconoclast, rationalist, and admirer of the Jews, who vehemently opposed any kind of persecution of this ancient religious group. He wrote two oversized volumes, totaling around 1600 pages of fine print, about the Jews' Indian origins. These two volumes, entitled Anacalypsis, are extremely rare. The last printing was done in 1965 by University Books, NY. It's a difficult book to read because the author painstakingly proved the minutest of details in his dissertation.

Walter Raymond Drake (1913 - 1989) -
The Dead Sea Scrolls surprise us by not mentioning Christ or Christianity, the Essene teachings suggest that some of the Christian doctrine originated a century earlier. Nothing is gleamed of Christ from contemporary sources, surprising in an age of classic writers; almost all we know of Him is from Church written by imaginatives decades later. Perhaps Christianity is a Myth necessary to the evolution and inspiration of man during the lost Piscean age? Man’s questing soul soars beyond the dogmatic creeds of yesterday to the cosmic religion of tomorrow.
The oldest source of wisdom in the world must surely spring from India , whose initiates long ago probed the secrets of heaven, the story of Earth, the depths of Man’s soul, and propounded those sublime thoughts which illumined the Magi of Babylon, inspired the philosophers of Greece and worked their subtle influence on the religions of the West. "


At the beginning of the book of John in the New Testament, it states, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This is actually a verbatim translation of the Vedic Sanskrit mantra: “Prajapatirvai idamagraasit, tasya vag dvitiyaa asit, vag vai paramam Brahma.”


In Sanskrit, Month is called 'Mas/Masa'

1. Christmas or X-mas is nothing but continuation of Hindu tradition in a different form. Christmas literally means Krishna-Maas or month of Krishna.

2. The X in X-mas or 'Dec' in December refers to number 10. Because if we calculate as per Hindu Calendar which starts in March, December is the10th month. As per English calendar, December is 12th month and hence number 10 in X or Dec does not make any sense.
December is root of Dashambar meaning tenth part of sky meaning tenth month of the year.

3. Bell, Book and Candle – the major symbols of Christmas are nothing but reminiscent of Hindu temple where bell is a must, book refers to holy book and candle is equivalent of Deepak or light of Yajna. Bell is derived from Sanskrit word "Bal" meaning strength. Bell is used in temples to provide strength to prayers.

4. The ancient Vedic custom of applying ash or sandalwood paste to the body is still retained by Christianity in the observance of Ash Wednesday. The so-called “All Soul’s Day” is an exact translation of the Vedic observance of Sarva Pitri Amavasya, the day fixed by tradition for the worship of all deceased ancestors.

Pope derives from "PaapaH" meaning remover of or absolver from Sin.
Vatican derives from "Vatika" which means a hermitage. In Vedic tradition, sages used to live in hermitages.(Ashrama-Vatica" or "Dharma-Vatica" or "Ananda-Vatica.)
Priest and Abbot derive from "Purohit" and "Bhat" respectively, both signifying Vedic priests.
Pontiff is a corruption of the Sanskrit term 'puntah'.
Saint obviously is offshoot of 'Sant'. Apostle is Sanskrit 'Aap-Sthal' signifying one who proceeds from place to place [for preaching]

1. World Vedic Heritage Vol 1,2 – PN Oak
2. Christianity is Krishna Neeti – PN Oak
(Publisher: Hindi Sahitya Sadan, N Delhi, India

The term “vestry” in referring to the room in churches in which holy clothes are kept comes from the Sanskrit word vestra, meaning clothes. Even the word “psalm” with a silent “P” comes from the Sanskrit word sam or sama which means holy and serious sacred songs, hymns or chants, as found in the Sama-veda.

Other Christian links with Sanskrit words can be found in the name Bethlehem, which is the English mispronunciation of the Sanskrit Vatsaldham, which means “the home (town) of the darling child.” The Sanskrit term Nandarath is linguistically connected with Nazareth. Nandarath means Nanda’s chariot, and King Nanda was the guardian at whose village he nurtured Lord Krishna (sometimes pronounced as Chrisn, and later Christ in some regions).

manuscripts what does it means
'handwritten scripts'? but why 'manu' scripts?

Manu = "Satyavrata" (One with the oath of truth)

well Manu [???] is a title accorded to the progenitor of mankind, and also the very first king to rule this earth, who saved mankind from the universal flood.
He was the one to give the knowledge to sages/rishis to write the first laws for humans known as 'Manusmriti' [?????????] [Smriti (Sanskrit: ??????)] literally "that which is remembered," refers to a specific body of Hindu religious scripture/text]

The text presents itself as a discourse given by Manu to a group of seers, or rishis, who beseech him to tell them the "law of all the social classes". All future Dharmasastras followed it and yeh corrupted it also.

The word Man surely originates from Manu or "Manav" .Manav[hindi/sanskrit] means 'Human' in english.

MANU AND NOAH were same person
In Sanskrit, the name Manu appropriately came to mean "man" or "mankind" (since Manu, or Noah, was the father of all post-flood mankind). The word is related to the Germanic Mannus,2 the founder of the West Germanic peoples. Mannus was mentioned by the Roman historian Tacitus in his book Germania.3 Mannus is also the name of the Lithuanian Noah.4 Another Sanskrit form, manusa is closely related to the Swedish manniska,5 both words meaning "human being."

The same name may even be reflected in the Egyptian Menes (founder of the first dynasty of Egypt) and Minos (founder and first king of Crete). Minos was also said in Greek mythology to be the son of Zeus and ruler of the sea.6

The English word "man" is thus also related to the Sanskrit manu, as well as its equivalents in other Germanic languages. Gothic, the oldest known Germanic language, used the form Manna, and also gaman ("fellow man").

****this guy manu as per vedic mythology was the person was saved by a fish (vishnu avatar) which marked as the beginning of life on earth, the reason why jesus(vishnu) is written in fish

Christ and Krishna's mothers were holy virgins [Krishna was conceived via an immaculate, miraculous or sexless conception. The Srimad Bhagavatam (10.3.17) also says: "You never entered the womb of Devaki; rather, You existed there already.]
Yeshua and Krishna were called both a God and the Son of God.
Both was sent from heaven to earth in the form of a man.
Both were called Savior, and the second person of the Trinity. Christ is often depicted as a shepherd; Krishna was a cowherd
His adoptive human father was a carpenter.
A spirit or ghost was their actual father.
Krishna and Jesus were of royal descent.
Both were visited at birth by wise men and shepherds, guided by a star.
Angels in both cases issued a warning that the local dictator planned to kill the baby and had issued a decree for his assassination. The parents fled. Mary and Joseph stayed in Muturea; Krishna's parents stayed in Mathura.
Both Yeshua and Krishna withdrew to the wilderness as adults, and fasted.
Both were identified as "the seed of the woman bruising the serpent's head."
Jesus was called "the lion of the tribe of Judah." Krishna was called "the lion of the tribe of Saki."
Both claimed: "I am the Resurrection."
Both referred to themselves having existed before their birth on earth.
Both were "without sin."
Both were god-men: being considered both human and divine.
They were both considered omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
Both performed many miracles, including the healing of disease. One of the first miracles that both performed was to make a leper whole. Each cured "all manner of diseases."
Both cast out indwelling demons, and raised the dead.
Both selected disciples to spread his teachings.
Both were meek, and merciful. Both were criticized for associating with sinners.
Both encountered a Gentile woman at a well.
Both celebrated a last supper. Both forgave his enemies.
Both descended into Hell, and were resurrected. Many people witnessed their ascensions into heaven.

In the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) Yeshua's crucifixion on a cross or stake is often referred to as being "hung on a tree"

Acts 5:30: "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus...hanging him on a tree.
Acts 10:39: "...hanging him on a tree."
Acts 13:29: "...they took him down from the tree..."
Galatians 3:13: "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree."
1 Peter 2:24: "...who his own self bare our sins in his body upon the tree..." (All ASV)

krishna was said to have been killed by an hunter's arrow and was literally hung onto a tree but their is an alternative story also, if you go by that also then it also proved that christ is krishna . The story of crucifixation just made it look awesome that some guy died for our sins by getting crucified onto a cross :D people always like others to die for their own sins ..

Death of Krishna - An alternate view[/size]

S Acharya’s book called ‘Suns of God’ that tries to draw conspiracy theory parallels between Krsna, Christ and Buddha. Notwithstanding its generic viewpoint on various things, the one section which caught my attention was called ‘Krsna Crucified?’ which narrates a slightly different variant of the Amar Chitra Katha version of it. Here the author suggests that due to the various enemies Krsna had made for himself (with the infighting in the Yadava clan) a man named Angada (explanation further below) took him to the banks of the Ganga and executed him with arrows. His mortal frame then stuck to a tree for a while which, perhaps by whatever divine force was in him, bore ‘bright red flowers and diffused around it the sweetest perfumes’. By the time his biggest follower Arjna could reach the spot, Krsna’s mortal soul had already vanished.

read more /source - ... -view.html

The Krishna and Christian Jesus Parallels
Robert Howard Kroepel

here read -

What a strange world in which we live! The Catholic Church has always known that Christianity did not begin with Jesus Christ, but yet it tries to make us think it did.

St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) wrote: "This, in our day, is the Christian religion, not as having been unknown in former times, but as having recently received that name."

Eusebius of Caesarea (circa 283-371 AD) said: "The religion of Jesus Christ is neither new nor strange."

In Anacalypsis, The 17th century British orientalist and iconoclast, Godfrey Higgins, insisted that Christianity was already firmly in place in both the West and the East, many centuries before Jesus Christ was born. He said, The Crestians or Christians of the West probably descended directly from the Buddhists, rather than from the Brahmins. (Vol. 2, pp 438, 439.) [buddhism came from hindus as budhha was himself a hindu prince, use of OM and vedic mantra chanting is still done by buddhists, buddhism is a sort of yogic branch of vedic ] ... ishna.html

*****many documentaries made are also almost near finding the truth -

bbc - The Lost Gospels, presented by Anglican priest Pete Owen Jones, is a fascinating exploration into the huge number of ancient Christian texts that didn't make it into the New Testament. Shocking and challenging, these were works in that presented a Jesus who didn't die, who took revenge on his enemies and who kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth. This Jesus is unrecognisable from that found in the traditional books of the New Testament.

history - A documentary starring Robert Beckford, tries to discover the lives of the "hidden" members of the family of Jesus. The film shows how the early church tried to eliminate the accounts of Jesus brothers and sisters. The movie makes efforts to discover the real message of Jesus rather than the message about Jesus.

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Post by Evard » Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:08 am

OK . Evard .  The summary of Christianity as occuring before the time of monotheist doctrine to begin One God religion
shows a similarity as Krisna and Christ~a are the same likeness to begin a foregoing of the end of polytheist worship .,
and begin proper account to show the Catholic Bible is not nicely represented by the King James Testament of Christ~a
with regard , Christian ethic offers MonoTheism will be noted as One God and Indian lore of the Deific of Planets . . . . .
will be the older ways to say the 1,000 year Kingdom and Religion may in fact have the return of the Krishna figure . , .
though not as regard to the original thought of pantheon begetting family of Deities known to me as Henotheis Visita~en
ways the Deities are not super beings from the ethereal equivalent of a Super Planet of Greater Beings , though the new
OverSeer in religion of Christianity [and accepted Catholic] will be One God and each modern monotheism notes religion
as One God though the incarnation or likeness of the Deity of each of the mentioned Seven Heavens may be newer hint:
Monotheism did have older following which was debased as the debate of Families of Deities may not be accepted with @
Vatican : the sense of Modern Dioscenia : Krishna was said to be the son of Deit Following the rule of immaculate and on
Promise~n the Sense of Devout Ethic and Prophetic ., Calendar are noted as denying the actual term of 1 or 2 thousand:
years of the Nature at this time of Civilization and I may note the same will be considered at Kingdom .  When histories :
about the mythic of King David and King Arthur refer to a returning Once and Future King each 500 years .,. history since
the time of David as before Christ~a and mis quoted in the King James Western Christian Bible as before ascension . . . .
the first ascension will have been mis quoted as David becoming Nazareth Jesuit , and Gideon noting as growing his hair .
The Gideon's Testament tells a different story of David and Christ~a and the stories vary by book of religion and Bible ~n
the way we see PolyTheism as not accepted by Vatican and older Vatica as during the time of Indian Polytheistic worship .
The way Vatican begins debate about the return of Krishna will be to show dioscenia see a likeness to Christian prophetic ,
and as the Kings of history form a more modern opinion since time of David and Arthur [considering 824 A.D. isn't proper]
it is likeness to the following debate of the incarnation of Krisna returning to monotheistic beginning though with the debate
about ascension what would be the longevity of prophetic divinity so thereby what would be his incarnation and what would
be his 1000s year likeness as the divinity of rational thought to consider the Deities of Hinduism are not accepted with the :
Classical Age of Western Thought about Divinity and the Newer Places of Religion Considerate to Transition in Cultures aum
with the Ages of Man and Classical Religion as Making Transition to Newer Places of Dioscetic Promise with Accorded Savior
as the way we may consider the return of the prophetic figure not as copied though as returning to newer Religious Era with
the sense of divinity , Krishna would have received longevity and Christ~a would have been his following Divine Progenety .

This is the same with the Kings since 35 years before Christ became the child of Nazareth {and Nazarene} .  The standard ^
religion keeps is 1,000 Earth years in good time of the proper accord to begin newer thoughts about HenoCrati and religion.s
supporting the role of the Divine Right of Kings . So to sublate your theory on Krishna .,. what is the proper time of 500 year
accorded Kingdom without the so called role of 832~834 A.D. and King Arthur , who is said to have arrived in maturity at the
12th year after the year 500 A.D. and what would be the same 12th Year to Western Calendar of David , Arthur , Everes and
yeah you guessed it . , . Evard of the same time and unrecorded as actual Empire~ial King during years of Henry the VIII th.

So is there a reason other thn the Vatican cover up of PolyTheism to not record the actual rites of religion and prophety with:
A Sense of Newer Accord to Not Bother The Return of the Incarnation of Krishna as Moving in Ways to the New Found Peace :
As Religion Protects the Prophetic and to be common and not bother the likes of those who would demonish Common Peace ,
we may be protected with Anew Free Trust as the greed of taken money and free trust are wonder to the problem with those
imposing as the likes of the Man before David .,. who was Adam and not his trembling imposters of indebted recalcitrance .,.

So your issue is with calendar and the return of prophetic and my issue is with the 500 year Calendar of King Empire~ial . , .

So Krishna became Christian and Shiva you said produced a linga in hyperbole as high as the sky .  Obelisk aside ., Shiva~n
The Destroyer of Illusion is more like a group of those dancing in S~Heaven as a triumph to explain energy of destroying the
powerful dance of trickery known to be with sword upon each of 6 arms and appearing in fire with radiation of discomfort . , .
more like a theatrical ballet of three men in shadow [though Deity] acting the dance of mirrors and mimicry with prop-swords
and Shiva Shiva~n Seava and Shivana are not the Deity{s} of Fearing Distraught though the Old Power of S~Heaven Aligned
and are certainly not the power of begetting Krishna as he may be Son of God in story though . . . Move On . HenoCrat Evard.     {it's my debate} :-D aum~^

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:25 pm

While the life and stories of each are similar, there are records on both.  And as always there are differences
to each to make the life lived valid in their own right.
God bless, J

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Post by Evard » Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:43 am

Spiritalk , though you are not among my favorite.s , I will allaud you for being tactful .

Incarnation as the debate of the progeny appearing as religion or Kingdom
makes the Vatican wonder if there will be time before when [Krisna~I*nity]
the role of Man and Godly wonders to begin a form~a lineage with the :-D
role of Christ~a as supporting the older lineage of the movement of :)
religion to show the likes of prophetenic <spelled> leader will be Anew
terms of the religion basis at Earth commend~ing the new lands or on
premise of the future without distraught , the spaces of what will be on
thought to begin the new era of Krishna~Inety proper accord to show
the ways of Lands wanting GeoDomain of Holy Leader will transition
to show it may the Law of Religion to move on to lands of new worth
to Godly Accord with Improving Modern~ite Religion.s and Kingdom .,.
While one speaks of debasing the law of modern ethic , I wonder . , . : &nbsp;will it be the rite of spiritual incarnation to begin progenety of the Faith en Man .

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Post by papagobolan » Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:14 am


if you really believe krishna is the real christ.. you better get on this "real truth" then.. don't just stop here. &nbsp;Get out there and start influencing people, because..

the "fake" christ Jesus is winning this battle against your "real" christ Krishna. &nbsp;He's got a lot of people on his side. &nbsp;

You're not serving the "real" christ Krishna very well by only posting that here on a hardly exposed mystic board..

You need to get out there are start telling people the truth, man!! &nbsp;


You know, you have much quicker access to the truth than all this bullshit research. &nbsp;It's called... yourself. &nbsp;Jesus made you with direct access to communicate with him and to know the truth,

Please stop lying to yourself and others.

Have a blessed day.. after you repent for denying Jesus Christ. &nbsp;

"Who is a liar but he who that denies Jesus is the messiah?" &nbsp; - The Bible
My profile is silly but my posts are sincere.

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Post by Evard » Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:00 am

I am not a pleading Christian .

Christian religious basis had some foregoers who were not kind about their Messianist
hidden evil of actual background thought to be considered as the evil neutrality noting
commendation of Messianist behavin~ and not regarding the role of what they wanted
in private as to the role of those "unbelievers" who would be trounced similar to Anew
Roman Witch Hunt . We at mystic board discuss pagan topics . , . you won't find many
Messianist believers . I don't find fallow in preaching about the word of salvance . :-D .

If you don't like the topic as provided I for one don't mind if you say your prayers and
consider the role of modern transition of thought and Time Eternal as our sense to be:
Free Will providing the ways to begin the sense of Modern Pagan Thought as topic~s .

Jesuit also taught to regard others as deserving the faith of Godly free will and faith ., &nbsp; &nbsp; Messianism isn't board topic . &nbsp;:-D OWell .

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Post by unknown11 » Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:58 pm

papagobolan wrote:sigh..

if you really believe krishna is the real christ.. you better get on this "real truth" then.. don't just stop here.  Get out there and start influencing people, because..

the "fake" christ Jesus is winning this battle against your "real" christ Krishna.  He's got a lot of people on his side.  

You're not serving the "real" christ Krishna very well by only posting that here on a hardly exposed mystic board..

You need to get out there are start telling people the truth, man!!  


You know, you have much quicker access to the truth than all this bullshit research.  It's called... yourself.  Jesus made you with direct access to communicate with him and to know the truth,

Please stop lying to yourself and others.

Have a blessed day.. after you repent for denying Jesus Christ.  

"Who is a liar but he who that denies Jesus is the messiah?"   - The Bible

first thing i ain't hindu nor i am follower of krishna or whatever.. nor i care about religious much,  i saw this post on other forums and copied it here because i found it very interesting and it has some solid evidences and yeh don't forget the research done by so many scholars, of which there are links in the post

and for your serving krishna thing .. i don't serve krishna or christ thats your job so don't give me that bullshit.. why would i wanna serve some other human anyway and don't worry about the exposure people have already posted this in so many places

and i don't care how many people are in which religion and for that i would only say one thing "dumb people are in masses - large quantities!" during crusades and Inquisitions then also they had people in large quantities on their side and yeh they slaughtered a lot of innocent people and burned !  so don't give me all that crap

pope 's hat and shape of vatican makes it clear and its rather obvious ! they are nothing but pretenders
above all you are a christian and i can bet on it that you wouldn't have any clue why jesus is written in a fish symbol.. stupid excuses are given by ignorant people that jesus fed people fish or stuff like that all fake ignorant replies

and yeh curse ask for BBC, NAT GEO, HISTORY to repent  for doing documentaries on jesus christ and telling the world that there are so many gospels according to which jesus christ had  a wife, he had brothers and sisters and yeh he fought with his enemies but those were never included in the bible..
and yeh don't forget to curse australian govt for removing BC AD from educational system and yeh ask all of them to repent..

actually i don't care if your christ and krishna were different guys, maybe they were different people still christ preached the same religion all that trinity and stuff even an idiot can spot the similarities ! all your religions have the same roots and everyone knows from where the trinity , fish concept came and noone can deny that
vatican is of shiv linga shaped and pope is a wannabe messenger of vishnu and that is so clear from his hat!  

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Post by Evard » Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:04 pm

I wonder if you've copied this before and are gloating as a copier of religion .

You seem egoist and I wonder if you mean to help others or show your self-[involved~impos]
worth with ego of facsimile to religion as your debate for personal worth or monied imposing .

Is your word of YahWeh the word b*lls*it . &nbsp;Is it a big money maker .|. &nbsp;Are you inury provider .|.

Can I get a grant to show the arc hat is also modern symbol of King with <plus-bar> not {Pius-phe}

Go put on a funny hat and try to tell us you are Adam the first man of The Infinite Sun . , . wait up .:.
you are the unknown imposing Samuel rank of ego and impos of The First Man , Adam . , . so , who's
next . . . his indebted master of greasy boweling .|. So who owns him . . . , . . . Krishna .|. I wonder .

Don't be a copy cat . &nbsp;Happy and somewhat pained Black Friday . May Sheaveun bless you with X Mas . a gift . &nbsp;Evard

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Post by unknown11 » Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:13 am

I wonder if you've copied this before and are gloating as a copier of religion .

You seem egoist and I wonder if you mean to help others or show your self-[involved~impos]
worth with ego of facsimile to religion as your debate for personal worth or monied imposing .

Is your word of YahWeh the word b*lls*it . &nbsp;Is it a big money maker .|. &nbsp;Are you inury provider .|.

Can I get a grant to show the arc hat is also modern symbol of King with <plus-bar> not {Pius-phe}

Go put on a funny hat and try to tell us you are Adam the first man of The Infinite Sun . , . wait up .:.
you are the unknown imposing Samuel rank of ego and impos of The First Man , Adam . , . so , who's
next . . . his indebted master of greasy boweling .|. So who owns him . . . , . . . Krishna .|. I wonder .

Don't be a copy cat . &nbsp;Happy and somewhat pained Black Friday . May Sheaveun bless you with X Mas . a gift . &nbsp;Evard

hey you retarded adult let me tell you something i don't care if you like my post or not ! vatican is a fake bullshit propaganda and thats the truth, just some copycated shit ok.. and for your christ and krishna maybe they were different persons but still there is evidences, so derive your own conclusions !

and don't start with me helping others and all that b*lls*it .. i ain't a helpful kinda person anyway .. i found a interesting post and i posted it here but no you gonna compare that also with copying an entire religion and manipulating faith of masses ..

and wtf imposing? do i have gun pointed at your head? or a sword like what they did during the rise of christianity by Inquisition? don't be a cry baby truth is truth and like i said christ / krishna maybe different persons but the rituals and many things are same!
everytime someone brings the truth out christians have a lot of pain in the a*s and they start making personal attacks lol

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Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:36 am

Post by Evard » Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:24 am

I am not the egoist in this egoisme conversation .

once again your reason of self worth seems to be b*lls*it .

A flaming activist was more during the witch hunt . . . . . ,

Referring your fame of artisme as "pointing a gun at someone"
might be a worth{while}less monied granted , though it's not a
topic here .,. so , even though some people give me the sense
of replying to ignorance .,. I will respect your copy-paste and ,
I will say I've seen it before .,. as churtling and bleating as on:
premise each time it's actual topic of the big linga to the sky ,.
it becomes good debate until egoLah referring to inane .,. and:
then it becomes a tirade of pseudo-maturity. Y~ Englsh Knigits . &nbsp; &nbsp; Feel free to rant until topic stops . &nbsp;OK yer b*lls*it . :-D

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Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:13 am

Post by Cyrenius » Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:19 am

Yes, there are resemblances
No, they are not the same.

They are bouth avatars but diferent beings.

Jesus is associated with the fish because his birth was in the begining of the Era of the Pisces(fish) as we now enter the Era of the Aquarius. This Eras last 2000 years and represent, astronomically speaking, the journey of our solar sistem in reference with the constelations of the zodiac.

But is interesting the the resemblence betwen the St. Peter Square and the Shiva Lingam

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Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:36 am

Post by Evard » Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:43 am

I , Evard , don't have comment about info. referring to Shiva Linga
as the representation on the Deity Shiva or Sheaven as the story
master~y of the thoughts as Krisna is said to be the representation
Krishna the following of the religion and very Godly time of forecast
religion calendar . The thought on book of Upanishen as the less of
Upanishad known as sen siava kalim u lyri sen ma shanti . History :)
tends to repeat itself though may not repeat in bad nature the ways
improper technology and the reduction of time instead of renewal of
the natural values known to be the way of Peace instead of the @!!*
destruction as the time of more thn 5 and 2 the calendar of Vatican*
so with the end of the Mayan calendar this year also said to be the
portend~ing of distraught . . it may be Modern Nature instead of the
destruction of Bowing the Earth in Master Temptation . . , . . though
the Vatican would agree with portend of good and not destroying.,
Earth and Peace and Nature and Modern . My opinion . Earth Peace.

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Location: walajapet

Post by srivijai » Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:52 pm

thanks to everybody for discussing so many things and giving the evidence what u know individually &nbsp;we do not know what is happened &nbsp;only from our forefathers we came to know so many things Time will come and we will come to know what is exactly what
Astrology is a miracle Try to find out the destination Let us all make use of it and get benefited

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Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:41 pm

Post by symulhaque » Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:57 pm

Thank you for the broad information and the websites..

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