I need to vent and also some advice?

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I need to vent and also some advice?

Post by soccerchick15 » Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:10 pm

So, I'm a eightteen year old mom...I thought the father of my son would stick by my side but he didn't, and did me wrong. We broke up right before the baby was born and &nbsp;two weeks after that he already had another "girlfriend" and they were already "madly in love"? Anyways, about 2 days ago I saw a picture of my ex, his gf and my son. The caption said "First Family Picture <3". I was so mad I cried myself to sleep. Just this morning I saw another picture his girl posted and it was of my son and the father. It said "My two handsome men, wish I was with them right now." I'm so angry, I feel like she didn't go through the pain and labor of having MY son, therefor he is NOT one of her "men". I'm also mad because the father is just gonna bring different girls in and out of my sons life and my son is going to think that's normal and that's how it should be, when in fact, it's not. Should I say something to the father about this? Or should I just ignore the whole situation? It angers me that my ex can just bring any "joe blow" into his life. My son is going to end up hurt in the end because of my ex's selfish needs. I don't know what to do, please help.

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Post by Charlesman » Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:26 am

Ouch. :( That must really suck...

I don't really know what you can do, except communicate your feelings in the most constructive way possible (which is damn hard when the person you're communicating with is a betrayer.)

There's this model of dealing with conflicts that basically states that you must always use yourself as the starting point;

An example:

"You're screwing random girls two weeks after I give birth to your child and it pisses me off!"

"I feel terrible after giving birth to our child and seeing you play at being family with another woman two weeks after leaving me."

I'm sure you can tell which one of the above actually leads somewhere.

With that being said, don't worry about your son seeing his father with different women. It is actually a good thing for a son to see that. The more the better.

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Post by Laluna6 » Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:07 pm

Stay calm. The relationship with him and the new girl will probably not be long lived. You will have to endure the pain of it for now but you will probably see him in many fast moving relationships. You are lucky to be away from him. Right now, worry about you and your child. Do what you need to do to set yourself up and provide for your family. Stay strong & good luck to you.

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Been There

Post by Duchess1964 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:46 am

Keep yourself straight and clean. &nbsp;Keep you and your son happy, healthy and well cared for. &nbsp;In doing this, your son will see the difference for himself. &nbsp;Right now, he's a novelty to this sperm donor. &nbsp;The words FATHER, anyone can manage ... DADDY takes a special person. &nbsp;You are now free of this person enough to find a DADDY for your son. &nbsp;Good luck to you.

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:04 pm

Never get depressed friend. life is so beautiful.

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Post by Duchess1964 » Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:51 pm

First of all, a breakup is just that. &nbsp;He's free to date whomever he wishes. &nbsp;In your posting, you mention that he got with another girl. &nbsp;Is this the same girl in all the postings now? &nbsp;If so, you may just be looking at a stepmom to the son you BOTH had a hand in creating. &nbsp;The father is just as much a right to do things with his son as you do. It's not YOUR child only, it's also his child. &nbsp;If he chooses to bring another woman into his life, that woman will be a stepmom to the child. &nbsp;If you wish to communicate how you feel, do so in a pleasant fashion. &nbsp;What it sounds like now is that you are still carrying a torch for your son's father. &nbsp;Try to get over that.

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