Don't know what to believe

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Don't know what to believe

Post by Angeleyes90 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:40 am

I had two readings from someone by email and last Friday I asked will I do well in my interview their reply was: The cards show previously there has been some discontentment and unhappiness and you may feel that there is an unmovabel obstacle that cannot be overcome but you can work round this.  There is an ease of communication around the interview and it will go successfully showing the end of one cycle and the beginning of a newone.  With triumph being yours and battles being over. Then I thought I done well in my interview yes I had a slight hiccup that I tried saying a word and skipped it because I couldn't say it so in the email yesterday she put: The cards show with regard to your interview:  There is a feeling of emotional hurt and the feeling that things are grim, however the cards urge you to look in a new direction.  A successful conclusion, the power of imagination being that wishes can be fulfilled.   An exciting challenge whihc raises the adrenaline, a need to prove oneself.  This is a good time to hold negotiations concerning business.
From that I don't think you will get this job, but the cards are showing that although you may feel a little discontent at the moment, the right thing is out there for you and there will be a successful conclusion. I really wanted this job and it's upset me alot should I get a second opinion?

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Post by peredhil31 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:45 pm

Any divination technique will only show tendencies, not absolutes.  As the saying goes, "the stars influence, they don't compel".  That will be true of any source.  The cynical say it is so the soothsayer has a way out if it doesn't turn out as they said, the believers say that it is because you have free will, always a choice, no matter how powerless in life you may feel.

So my advice is to pretend confidence if you don't have it.  Anyone not in your head won't be able to tell the difference, and as you begin to believe that in yourself, you'll find you're not pretending.  Pretend confidence - not ability or knowledge.  Confidence says, "I'm not familiar with that, but I will be if you teach me".  It is the insecure who feel a need to lie.
Always try.  Find the real boundaries.  Fear sets boundaries for your life in your mind, and paralyzes you.  Try, and make life say "no" to everything.  When you've grown and learned a little, come back and try it again.  It may have become a "yes".

Hope this helps.

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Post by dessa » Tue May 29, 2012 5:49 pm

When doing a reading one of the most important things that should be shared from the start is that there are no absolutes.

Example, you know where your grocery store is at home, you know where your home is, and likely most people take the same route every day.  So it can be a fair assessment to say that you will take that route again. This doesn't mean you will. If you then got some information a guided message saying to you that due to road construction one of the blocks on you trip home is going to be blocked off.  Would you still purposely take the same way home knowing it may mean an inconvient detour or would you take the information as a guide to telling you that you can if you wish CHANGE the outcome.

You don't not have to be stopped or even slowed down by this "new" influence.

Readings are kind of like traffic reports, when you find out that there is going to be a snag you can still get to your planned destination you just need to figure out a new route.

If you have had a positive feeling from the interview, hold onto that. It is very likely your positive feelings or intuition will guide you to where you need to be.  

If this is the job you really want, you can put effort and energy into knowing that you will be in the place that is best for you. Over all it showed that positive things in the reading, unless I misread it, I saw the words successful conclusion. I do not know what this refers to because I didn't do the reading, so I do not know could not know what this person is basing their doubts on,

Sometimes if there is the feeling of not getting the exact, but also indicates success in some ways it could be that things may not develop exactly as you want or imagine but will still end up being best for you.

So at this point I would recommend that you look to yourself, what does your instincts tell you, do they say listen to the person who did the reading? Are they saying to listen to yourself and follow your instincts? Is there more to it or not.

That you have questions is good thing, I have done readings for years, and for those I refuse to do readings for it is because they stop putting faith in themselves and rely to much on the turn of a card, use it as a guide, and yes sometimes readings are vague or not very clear.  So are you looking for clarification when wondering about anothr reading or are you hoping for a different outcome?  How you answer that is also a good answer to whethr or not you might consider another reading.

Good luck with the job I wish for you to have the most positive results.


Whenever someone does a reading it is based on what the energy they pick up at that moment. The best reading is one that will tell you what the cards or guided message was, and offer to give you what their feelings may be but be very clear that these are interpretations based on what works for their lives.

I know of someone who had what seemed like to most a very violent dream, and perhaps based only on the most surface information or the interpretation in general terms it was in fact not a positive one. Yet when I asked her details, and her own feelings during what was going on in the dream while it was happening.  I suggested that she base her interpretation of the dream on her own personal views.

So instead of being what might seem a violent dream a knife and cutting was involved, it actually showed that her life was improving, and that which was a hassle and unpleasant at her work place was ending or "being cut away"

For some who might follow omens many cultures would view image, dream etc of a snake as evil, yet some cultures do not see it as being negative but rather positive, such as the shedding of skin, letting go of old to make way for new.

So read the meanings of the cards but put your own feelings and instincts togethr with the descriptions and see what you find.

Even those that sound less than positive can be helpful. Whether you use cards, omens, astrology, remember it is just a traffic report, if you know what the energy of the situation is, use that energy don't fight it, but use it and your knowledge to work for you.

If I predicted that someone would be stuck in traffic due to road closed, they have the choice to make that prediction come true by taking their normal drive, or they can prevent the prediction from happening by simply taking the knowlege and using it to change the outcome.

Example you asked if the interview would go well, the reading said it would.

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Post by symulhaque » Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:34 pm

Thank you. The post can be informative for all of us.

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Post by Duchess1964 » Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:51 am

Okay ... the cards are simply a guide and will ONLY tell you the possible paths and a bit of advice for direction.  They are NEVER absolute.  However, you've already gotten two different opinions.  Each one was different.  Very actually.  I would suggest being more careful in choosing a person to do the reading. They may tell you what you want to hear regardless of what they should be telling you.  The cards can ONLY EVER give paths ... ever.  Your choice to which you will follow based on what each path says of you and to you.

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