Do you believe in Karma?

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Do you believe in Karma?

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Do you believe in Karma?

Post by swetha » Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:23 am

Do you believe in Karma?

Have you experienced it?

Please share...

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Post by Duchess1964 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:50 am


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Post by symulhaque » Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:45 pm

Yes I do believe.

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Post by swetha » Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:33 am

I came back to thinking about Karma again today.. How would you define it?

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Post by Rhysy34 » Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:04 pm

Yeah, even in light hearted instances. Once I was out with my friend, it was dark and absolutely freezing! He put his foot in a deep muddy puddle which I found hilarious haha.. later on I managed to find my own muddy puddle which swallowed half my leg :) Serves me right for laughing I suppose.

But on a more serious note, where I work there are a few very gossipy people who also try to smear other people and get them into trouble. It works out fine for them at the start, but they always come unstuck one way or another.

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Post by firefly43210 » Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:57 pm

karma  means whatever you do, not cause and effect of your doings . whatever you do , good , bad , to very simple exercise like breathing even  are called karma . and that affects your soul , rather than  some misgivings generated by fortune , pardon  .

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Was that the theory, or the practical reality of Karma?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:19 pm

Dearest Swetha, :smt049

Was that a belief in the theory of Karma, or in its practical reality?

I believe in the concept of Karma, but I also believe that it is often over simplified and abused by people who want to gain more control over other people's lives, in order to satisfy their own needs (ego, power, sex and money).

I totally agree with Karma being seen as a Universal balancing mechanism for that particular soul of effects with their corresponding causes, possibly across thousands of successive incarnations.

I do NOT believe in the idea of Karma being purely a system of rewards and punishments, and that we or our behaviour should be labelled as being necessarily "good" or bad", according to any individual's or institutions's highly subjective, rigid and fundamentalist standards.

I continually experience the effects of my causes either from this current lifetime or from any past lifetime, with every single heartbeat. :smt002

Thanking you for this opportunity to be able to freely express my own personal beliefs about Karma, when I am among friends and I therefore feel safe and supported in doing so.


EoT  :smt006  :smt006  :smt006

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 08, 2014 12:46 am

I believe very strongly that natural law governs all life.  Karma is another name for the law of cause and effect.  That which we produce as a cause, has a resultant effect.  We are doing it all the time.

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Post by firefly43210 » Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:27 pm

Dear folks ,
Sometimes many different meanings are associated with a single word . I think that is what happened here . Though karma in present days is associated with the meaning , that is stated by you , as the direct relation between cause and effect , it used to have a different meaning for us .
We saw karma as a factor which improved or affected the soul . While good karma improved the soul and did impart it with virtues , bad karma affected the soul adversely and imparted mean qualities .
Eg. if you show mercy to someone and make it a habit , you would grow kinder . And the virtue of kindness would be imparted to your soul . While a bad karma like , if you feel hatred for people and don't control this negative feeling , you will be hateful & that mean nature would be imparted to your soul making you hateful .
So , good karma would improve your soul , while bad karma you make you a bad person .
People & fate alike would treat you as the person you are and so , good karma would make you happy and contented , while bad karma would turn you into a inferior being who would know no happiness .
Now , because of this , a person with good karma will treat people good and fair and find the result of his karma and would be loved by everyone . And he would be a step ahead .And people with bad karma would not be loved by people and be a step behind in humanity .  :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 08, 2014 5:16 pm

Consider that karma is not related to many lives..... each and every act we play out has a karmic responsibility to our life.  It is a character builder to be lived in the life we enjoy.  There is no reason to wait for it to rebound in other or many lives.

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Post by mp5boy200 » Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:19 pm

karma's scary

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:16 pm

As you think, so you are and become.  Cause and effect is in everything in life and even death.

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Post by Ashley868 » Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:43 pm

Yes, and I do believe I am experiencing it right now. When I was a teen (between the ages of 11 to 17) I did terrible things. I don't even want to say what it was  that I did. Just bad stuff. Most of my 20s no matter what I have done, I've experienced a lot of failure. People use me, and bully me. My family uses me for my money. People constantly talk about how ugly I am. I've changed from the age of 17, and I've been trying to make up for what I did as a teen but I don't think it matters. I wish could go back to my 11 year old self and tell her not to pull that stuff. I feel intense guilt everyday of my life. Sometimes I tell myself I should sit back and let karma get me because I deserve every bad thing happening to me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:17 am

Hi Ashley,

Yours is more likely to be a persecution complex, rather than the effects of karma. IMHO

If you believe that you have experienced a lot of failure in your life, people have used and bullied you and your own family have used you for your money and that people constantly talk about you behind your back as being ugly because of karma, then no offence intended but you have a very distorted idea about what karma is really meant to be about.

Karma is a universal system of balancing of a person's actions with their consequences (or causes with their effects, often including across several lifetimes. It is a system of education, and not of punishment or reward.

Frankly it is neither my business nor am I interested in learning what "bad" things you did when you were 17 or younger, but I can assure you that what is happening in your life now has very little if anything to do with those "bad" things.

If these are punishments for things which you are not proud of having done, then explain why similar things continue to happen to people who never did those "bad" things which you say you did ten or more years ago.

It has been shown many times that punishing someone is only likely to break their spirit, and make them like themselves even less than they did before. So they feel guilty for not feeling as though they are as good as everyone else is and understandably get angry as it all seems so unfair.  

Anger and needless guilt turned inwards upon oneself usually leads to depression and if not properly identified and treated over time a persecution complex is often the end result.

What I am suggesting here as I freely admit that I am not a qualified doctor or psychologist is that the only karma operating here has nothing to do with punishing you for doing anything which was "bad", but has plenty to do with helping you to learn that punishing yourself endlessly for what has passed into history is a complete waste of your valuable time and energies.

Even a serial murderer or a child rapist is given the opportunity to defend himself in a court of law for his heinous crimes. Are you saying that whatever you did when you were 17 was worse by a mile than the actions of the murderer or rapist, and therefore that you deserve even less right to defend yourself than they do, and do not deserve to be shown some human compassion as we all make mistakes?

Who or what gives you the authority to appoint yourself as your own judge, jury and executioner, rolled into one person? The lessons of your past are only useful if by learning them you will ultimately make you a better and happier and healthier person. Please explain to all of us how you continuing to punish yourself for past mistakes is going to make you a better, happier and healthier person in the future.

Your logical mind tells you that this is nonsense, but your emotional mind is not so sure about that. Without (but preferably with) professional help, as well as through the help and support of your friends on Mystic Board, you need to learn to go easier on yourself and recognise that mistakes are meant to show you how to ultimately become a better, happier and healthier person, and not to be constantly fearful of living and falsely imprisoned for a guilt which none of us or God or the Universe feel that you deserve.

Learn to value and respect yourself more (increased self love) for who you already are which is a good and decent person who is doing the best that she knows how to, mistakes included. Only increased self love can over time make you a better, happier and healthier person, when you decide to give yourself a fairer go than you are giving yourself now.


EoT  :smt049

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Post by Rook » Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:11 am

EoT is so right on this one.  If karma worked the way most people think it would then no ill would befall me, because I was fortunate in my youth to have a helpful disposition and being born in good circumstances.  My ability to fly under the radar got me through high school without too many scars.  I have been quite lucky.

But bad stuff seems to happen to me just like everyone else.  In fact my kind hearted disposition leaves me to be a frequent target for people who want stuff without having to give anything back.  Doesn't bother me as I give with no need for return.  I have learnt to ask for help though, which is important.  I think Mysticboard has played a big part in that.  Just recently I have been through some things I wouldn't wish on anyone.  But it's all part of the adventure of life.  When you focus on those things you don't notice the good things that are happening.  And as always when I am down, I know things will turn around (thanks to a little help from Spiritwhisperer), I can see how the wheel of fortune operates in my life.

In regards to other people - this is nothing to do with what I have done in the past, I just think selfishness is rampant in today's society.  A lot of people don't even realise they are selfish, I think a lot of it operates at an unconscious level.  And there are awesome people out there, just as there are some absolute... well, I won't say that word.  People like my next door neighbour.   :smt018   And he unfortunately has great luck!  Which is bad.  It is through the hard times that our characters and strengths are forged (provided we don't break).

Going back to the original question, in that regard I have been thinking about karma as it seems to be commonly considered by those around me (if you are nice to others you will get good things happen to you) and thinking, no, that's not true.  Actions have consequences.  But from the sounds of it this has been misconstrued just like Murphy's law.

Karmic consequences for past lives etc - that I have no idea about, so I neither believe nor disbelieve.  At least not until I am capable of understanding it.

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