First wave Indigo's...

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first wave Indigo's

Post by mcclenning1 » Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:51 am

First Kellymars28, your post was quite inspirational I'm sure,  to all, or most Democrats through out our great country. Although, your comments, or as I will respectfully call them, your opinions about our political system and those who currently control that system are statements that are made with absolutely no verifiable proof other then your paranoid belief that little green men are here to protect us from these great evil doers. You obviously don't believe in the bible, because if you did you would know what is to come, and that we have absolutely no control over the outcome. To call most of us " sheeple's "cute, is due to your ignorance in understanding that most of us ARE aware of what is going on in the world today, and that we are doing everything that we can possibly do to correct the problem. You can't go through life thinking that everything is a conspiracy against your way of thinking. Lets contradict your statements 1.) All of our Presidents have initiated conflicts somewhere in our world in the name of democratic preservation not just this President. 2.) It has always been the governments philosophy to instill a certain level of fear into the people so that they can maintain some type of control, from the IRS and up, not just this administration. (it works doesn't it?). 3.) 9/11 conspiracy that killed 3000+ Americans??? two thirds of the people killed in the 9/11 attack were foreigners not American citizens. This does not mean that their lives were less important, all life is sacred. And what about Pearl Harbor? 4.) The current administration has done no good for this country? spoken like a true Democrat. how perposterous. Check your facts. 5.) Police killed more innocent people in the streets during the 20s and 30s then now. And they got away with it then also. I watch the news all the time and would like to know where you got these stats about the multitudes being killed by police and getting away with it. I could keep going but whats the sense. Freedom is not FREE. In a world of uncertainty we (unlike the rest of the world) MUST learn to give up certain rights to maintain this freedom. I have been around the world and have served two tours of duty in combat and I will tell you this very clearly, we, in America, still have more freedom then anywhere in the world. And if you don't believe me then try to write your beliefs in most countries. You will either be put in prison or executed. Only in America can we express ourselves in this manner without fear of reprisal. I am not trying to offend anyone, and if I did, I apologize. I am just stating the verifiable facts.

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What we believe

Post by Sandy » Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:50 pm

There is always someone to believe someone else if not ''RAEL'' wouldn't exist (sorry for those who believe in this man ) Personnaly I DON'T. That man is a ''secte'' leader in wich my cousin was caught in. Anyways, About the aliens, I keep reading about the 2012 and the crop circles that are suppose to be gods blueprints. Kind of because they are ''perfect geometry'' Aquarius era... For BUSH to be an alien, I cannot believe that... He is a man with his father unfinished war buisness!
And they say that yes we are suppose to fight the aliens cause even if they seem to be further advanced, we are stronger because we have this ability of feeling and able to love. Love is the strongest power! Anyways, I personnaly am not inclined in the alien belief but I still read on the subject and what the writers have to say about it isn't very nice.
We are suppose to push them away because they are evil. Such as BUSH or SADAM are not the antichrist: the anti christ will be someone in who the population will have a deep confidence in. He will show himself and have many followers because he will seem legitimate and his cause will be attractive... Thats all about the ''EVIL'' that is on this earth... Some of us will be fooled!!! Some of us allready are.
Indigos are children of light and our mission (since we have special gifts or ability and we are quite sensitive) is to show the light to others that live in the shadow. We are suppose to re enssure those in the dark. Our mission is very simple. we are all light workers and we have to bring it in all hearts even the darkest ones. The time will come so we feel it... Love is the key... People need to understand the real importance of life and feeling. Life without love is nothing. Our superciality problems are nothing!
I could go on and on because I believe something is comming and we need to open up and I don't believe the aliens will have anything to do with it.

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Post by pageofcups » Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:44 pm

spiritalk wrote:Do labels really make a difference?  Sometimes they can be destructive in creating super human thinking in the mind, when the body and spirit can't manifest.  

Keep your balance.  Indigos (as a label) have been defined over many years of investigation.  They are human beings with some qualities that have been listed (and believe me when you live them, you know).  

Some say they are warriors (I don't like anything that smacks of conflicts) but they are really wayshowers to the masses who seek spirituality.  They are light on the way.
see that's the thing about indigo people: i've just had my aura photo taken, discovered i'm an indigo adult... and i don't really feel any different from anyone else!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:33 am

Hi Page,

Labels can either be used positively to help us better understand who we really are, including at the soul level, or they can be used negatively either by us or someone else as a barrier or restriction on who we could potentially become if we had not been given that label by someone (or if we had not given it to ourself).

Why did you expect to feel any different, immediately after having the aura photograph taken?
i've just had my aura photo taken, discovered i'm an indigo adult... and i don't really feel any different from anyone else!
I have already explained why you may not feel any different in response to your posting in the psychic forum. ... 080#333080

Having your aura photo taken and being told that you are an Indigo adult does not necessarily make you an Indigo or make you feel any different when compared to who you were or how you felt before that aura photo was taken.

The aura photo is just one of several ways which could suggest that your chances of being an Indigo are probably higher than that of the average person.

If you were not an Indigo before the test, after the photo and being told that you have an aura that could indicate you are one you will still not be an Indigo or feel any different, other than perhaps you might feel pleased if you wanted the result of the aura analysis to be YES YOU ARE AN INDIGO PERSON.

Once born an Indigo, you will continue to be one all of your life, but it is usually entirely up to you to decide what if anything you wish to do about it or with it with the intention and purpose to help and heal others. Any test cannot take this away from you.



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