Men in Politics commenting on women!

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Jayashree Ravi
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Men in Politics commenting on women!

Post by Jayashree Ravi » Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:32 pm

Recently, a Congressman in India commented on an actress-turned-Politician woman candidate, also belonging to the Congress Party, as "someone who looked beautiful straight ahead rather than in pictures" and that he was complementing her "truly". Sometime back another Congressman, belonging to North India, had stated something about womens' complexion and color of those belonging to a particular region, on official meeting! It seems men across the globe aren't impervious to such personal commenting, even Donald Trump called the Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina "Ugly" and asked "whether this is the face America should elect for President" (or something like that).

What's truly wrong with men in Politics?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:05 pm

What's truly wrong with men in general? :smt017  

Strike your opponent where she feels the most vulnerable. While a woman can defend her political beliefs, how can she possibly defend being a woman?

And why should she have to? How often does a man have to defend being male?

There is a huge difference between a man giving a woman a sincere and genuine compliment, and patronizing and belittling her.

Although because women have often been soft targets in the past for being willing to put up with men discriminating against them purely on the basis of their gender (often to keep her job or her marriage), some women now automatically view every well intended and genuine compliment from men as a put down.

What a person's appearance has got to do with their suitability as an effective politician, is anybody's guess. I have known many excellent male political leaders who had a face only a mother could love, yet it did not stop them excelling in their public service.

Sexual discrimination and double standards are clearly independent of a man's specific political leaning, religion or the colour of his skin.

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Re: Men in Politics commenting on women!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:54 am

Jayashree Ravi wrote:Recently, a Congressman in India commented on an actress-turned-Politician woman candidate, also belonging to the Congress Party, as "someone who looked beautiful straight ahead rather than in pictures" and that he was complementing her "truly". Sometime back another Congressman, belonging to North India, had stated something about womens' complexion and color of those belonging to a particular region, on official meeting! It seems men across the globe aren't impervious to such personal commenting, even Donald Trump called the Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina "Ugly" and asked "whether this is the face America should elect for President" (or something like that).

What's truly wrong with men in Politics?

Not just in politics! ;-)

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Post by Charlesman » Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:23 am

It's not about men, it's about politics!

1.000 years ago, you'd have a battlefiend with dead bodies and blood everywhere, with a few survivors claiming the possessions of the fallen.

Today you have congress. Armors have been traded for political parties, shields have been replaced by trade agreements and instead of swords we now have rhetoric.

But it is still the exact same thing: a competition to acquire power for oneself at the expense of everyone and everything else.

You use whatever weapon is the most effective against your target: pikes are for taking out cavalry, hollow point bullets are for unarmored civilians and rhetoric is for political opponents.

Politics are pure evil - those that engage in it at best know the risk they take and at worst deserve everything they get.

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Post by Talia » Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:08 am

What a person's appearance has got to do with their suitability as an effective politician, is anybody's guess. I have known many excellent male political leaders who had a face only a mother could love, yet it did not stop them excelling in their public service.
But a pleasant easy to look at face that garners respect does make a difference.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:10 pm

But a pleasant easy to look at face that garners respect does make a difference.
That very much depends upon where you rate the politician's facial appearance and expression, as a reliable measure of their suitability for the job.

I would always rate my respect for the person them self and for them sticking to their moral principles in the face of opposition, more highly in comparison to what a pleasant easy face they have in my personally biased opinion.

But a pleasant easy face would I agree help, although increasingly I wonder whether it may only be a mask which is intended to hide what the person is really like deeper inside.

You may or may not be familiar with the term "smiling assassin"
A person who will hug you with one hand, and stab you in the back with the other.
But maybe I am just getting too cynical in my old age about the true motivation behind many of our prospective politicians wanting to assume public office.

I am sure that many of them enter politics with the best of intentions to make the world a better place and to help as many people as they can, but the party system often gets in the way of them faithfully living up to and applying their principles. There are no true independents.
Politics are pure evil
The seeds of pure evil exists within every human being. Just as pure good does. Each of us is a complex, constantly changing balance of and compromise between these two extremes. The potential to do great good and great evil exists in all of us. It is therefore not in my opinion something special or unique to either politicians, or to their job/calling.

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Post by Talia » Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:08 am

But that smiling face may mean that some people fall for it and believe in the politician more easily. I find it very hard to trust people that I don't like the look of, but I also find it hard now to distinguish my psychic intuition from physical looks, do I not like them because I know something inside or because they look untrustworthy, or do all untrustworthy people look untrustworthy.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:16 pm

But that smiling face may mean that some people fall for it and believe in the politician more easily
Absolutely! I could not agree more with this. The smiling assassin.
I find it very hard to trust people that I don't like the look of, but I also find it hard now to distinguish my psychic intuition from physical looks
So do most people. I believe that a person's physical looks and our intuitive impressions about them tend to interact with one another, so that it is almost impossible to say where one ends and the other begins.

This is why I prefer to read the person over the internet instead of in the same room, as their physical looks can serve as a distraction, and if their appearance is attractive to me it could potentially make me doubt my negative psychic impressions about them which were right all along.
do I not like them because I know something inside or because they look untrustworthy, or do all untrustworthy people look untrustworthy.
This decision will always remain a significant challenge to practising psychics. Particularly those psychics who depend mainly upon visual impressions (clairvoyance), in order to gather psychic information about their client. Some completely untrustworthy people can on the surface look as though they can be trusted, while some nervous trustworthy people which can look decidedly

Someone who will not look directly into your eyes but looks somewhere else whenever you are talking to them, is immediately judged as being suspicious. They might be quite OK. A psychic needs to look beyond surface appearances, in addition to forming personal opinions concerning their trustworthiness, based almost exclusively upon their physical appearance and attractiveness.

All of this of course is easier said than done.  :smt102

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Post by Astrosameer » Thu May 26, 2016 5:30 am

It is all about thinking of men. But i don't know what is happening in world. Why people comment like this ?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu May 26, 2016 2:24 pm

Limitations are like a ladder which improves our vantage.

As long as the ladder is on a stable platform...?

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