I know it a silly question

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Post by pranay » Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:32 am

Right on... this whole 13 thing is just a gimmick and an obsolete superstition... i dont think ive ever noticed it...

Neways, here is this silly joke about #13.

2 robbers who ahve just robbed a bank, are hiding in a bldg. The cops are breaking down the door.
One robber tells the other,"lets jump"
the othr robber replies,"but we are on the 13th floor"
1st one say,"this is no time 2b superstitious."

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Post by Gaeliccrossed1 » Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:48 pm

Here are some interesting facts bout the number 13:

There were 13 participants of the last supper/If you count Judas and Matthias,there were 13 apostles/according to the Torah there are 13 attributes of mercy/in Wicca 13 is considered the maximum size of a coven and there are 13 goals of a witch/13 is the hypothesis of the unknown, its the first number that we cannot compute using our ten fingers and two feet(not toes) feet./13 was associated with the Epiphany in Christianity ,Jesus  received the Magi on the thirteenth day of his life/It is also the number of full moons in a year./another interpretation is that women typically have 13 mestruations per year and there was fear toward women who "bled" during a full moon , they were considerd witches/The Persians also considered the number to be unlucky too.

However, there are many cultures and beliefs that consider it VERY lucky. I personally have never had any problems with the 13th of anything, and a bakers dozen is 13, and who can complain about that! One extra goodie to munch!

The 13th is only unlucky if you believe it to be so, and some people thrive off of other's superstitions.. You be the judge.

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Friday the 13th

Post by Barbi » Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:08 pm

It is a very special and lucky day for me, I was married on Friday the 13th so I look forward to it. I think that some look at the number 13 an unlucky number such as hotels not having a 13th floor. except one of the casinos in Vegas does have one.


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