What is it to be Alone.

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Post by peacetruthnlove » Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:06 pm

i'm glad that i could share my insight with othersand also that i could reflect on theirs, too.......and by the way, ptl is just fine, I'm kinda lazy myself! :smt002

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Post by Samson » Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:58 am

Vishwas and I must be the 2 loneliest people around, we both seem not to be able to get anywhere with our life's.

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Post by Vishwas » Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:11 am

Well that is why we are here right samson?? Trying to get on with life, trying to live a life instead of just existing. We are 2 very extremely lonely guys, but I wouldn't say the lonliest, because we honestly don't know what the others are going through.

But I love being here with all of the ppl, it is in some ways better than real life social scenarios.

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Post by pranay » Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:32 am

all this lonlieness reminds me of a song

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Post by Vishwas » Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:19 pm

& which is that song pranay??

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:30 pm

Vishwas: If no one else is making a difference in your life at this holiday season...then you go out and make a difference to someone else's life!  We can always choose to be different.  While it may not be a close and tried friendship, we can always be a temporary friend to someone else.  There are so many people lonley at this time...why not try to make their life just a little different for a little time?

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Post by Vishwas » Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:58 pm

Correct spiritalk, & thanx for telling it to me, I have already taken the first step to improve the life of three friends in this season, & want to improve it a lot. & reading u telling me the same point made me more at peace, happy & I got the confidence that I am about to do something worthwhile.

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Post by RssDragon » Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:29 am

When I got married there were 800 people in my wedding. The woman that was about to become my wife was late. My parents, friends and every body I knew were in the other side of the planet, and there I was... Happy for being about to merry to the woman of my dreams and at the same time sad for being so lonely. When she finally came... I held her hand like if it were the last thing I would do in my life. Well, I think that we all feel alone sometimes and occasionally we all are truly alone.

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Post by sorceress426 » Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:09 pm

This can get very heavy...
You can be with hundreds of people, yet be alone.  Are you alone as in no one else in the family or friends, or are you Lonely... Alone is a state of mind that can change with a conversation... Lonely is a state of heart that can change buy opening it...

Think about it... the choice & change are there for you to choose..

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Post by RssDragon » Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:33 pm

True words there. No argument on that. :) That make me see how fragile we all are and to become strong... it is just a matter of chose and a lot of courage. However, to open our heart feels like diving into a dark blue ocean with a lot of heavy block of stones helping us to go deep till the point where there is no turning back. :p

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Dearest Dragon...

Post by sorceress426 » Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:14 pm

Consider this, I was once a good swimmer and can nolonger swim.  But I love the ocean. I love getting my feet wet. And I don't fear drowning, or dieing.  But if I were to sink into that ocean & drown I could only hope that I do so with my eyes open, for in beauty is pain... the thorn of a rose & in pain beauty...The birth of a child as example.  I would choose new birth & new trials..and bleed on those stones, for time does heal all.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:41 pm

We come into this world naked and alone.  We go from this world naked and alone.  It is what we do in the between time that marks our heart.  Love like there is no tomorrow.  And dance like no one is watching.

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Post by Samson » Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:21 pm

There are some really good points to look at here, have to take note.

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Post by Channel-of-Truth » Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:50 pm

Hello, Samson.

To anyone at this time who is under that influence of loneliness, it is hoped that what I have to say regarding the matter will contribute to a deeper understanding and healing on your part (and the eventual minimization and eradication of its frequent occurrence in your life).      

First, I’d like to say that I think it is a natural thing for ANY PERSON to have the feeling of wanting to bond with another human being in some form or manner (whether in friendships, family, a mate, in celebration, in having fun, in sharing what touches their hearts, etc.).  I think that’s an inseparable part of being a human, considering the complexity and multi-dimensionally mental, physical, emotional and spiritual nature and needs of man.  Since this is a very complex subject and there is so much to say about it (and what gives rise to it), all cannot be answered in one reply.  So I’ll try to keep my words as economical as possible and will only write exactly what is necessary to aid in your process of being strengthened by the immense value you’ll find in yourself from the realization and application of that which will be given (which applies to all human beings, yet individual in application).    

To start of, and before discussing any subject, it’s a good idea to have very clear terms or definitions of what something is – so that anyone discussing the matter will be speaking from the same frame of reference, eliminate misunderstanding (or confusion) and gain a clearer understanding of the underlying cause(s) that lead to certain effects.  Peacetruthnlove said it best in making a distinction between being alone = independent, on one’s own; and feeling lonely = “[the feeling of] lacking the company of others”.  But to go a bit further, I would say that feely lonely (or loneliness) is the feeling that one’s level of mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical needs have not been adequately met, balanced or matched by another person – and the belief that any one, or all, of these particular aspects (which affect one’s level of happiness and fulfillment in feeding one’s mind, body, spirit and/or soul) cannot be met UNLESS bonded someway with another human being.  In some aspects, I believe this is true – but not in the sense that you may think.  

It might be likely that – as it was in my case – a person feeling lonely has an immense and complex set of thoughts, feelings, values, convictions, inspirations, ideals and sense of life (that one so wishes and desires to express and share with another or others) that either is 1. not being ideally expressed or shared or given out from that sacred self – or 2. has temporarily been subordinated to external or material concerns that seem to contribute doubt in believing that these outside circumstance are the key to meeting such needs.  But the truth is that an IDEAL (especially of a SPIRITUAL nature) can only be answered WITHIN YOUR INNER SELF (or spirit).    

In my personal experience, I’ve found out that this ANSWER comes about when you 1. insert yourself in something (or doing that) in which YOU see as worthwhile, 2. know it is of great value and benefit (not just to yourself but to any or all human beings), 3. possess the capability or ABILITY (and inspiration) to do it exceptionally well and 4. GIVE or SPREAD IT OUT (IN JOY) OUT TO HELP OTHERS.  Now, this does not mean mere servitude or using yourself as other people’s pawns.  Again, it must be that which answers within yourself, FIRST – as an ideal, personal philosophy or concept of life that (whether as a child or at some point in your life) you have visualized, would like to see yourself living, and would like to see the world being a reflection of (yet, not of your personality or something that would narrow the individual expression of others but that is UNIVERSAL in its aspect, but from which each person can express individually or apply individualistically).  What would it be?  What would be your expression of that ideal?  What would be your role in bringing it out – IN JOY and IN ABSOLUTE CONVICTION – meaning: something you will stand by, live by and die by – or: if given the opportunity, you will unhesitantly present before God?  

Take some time to think about this, because it is a personal thing for each person, not just you or me.  

Just realize that that spirit that answers within IS the God spirit, Christ-Consciousness (or whatever name you wish to call it), - and is letting you know what you should be doing and what will give you joy in doing so.  You’ll also notice that those things that caused you worry or concern or heartache, will all fall by the wayside and that everything you need can be brought out from within yourself – by attuning yourself to meet that everlasting spirit of the Creator in visualizing what your highest ideal, relationship to life and goodwill to your fellowman would be (no matter how far-reached it may seem) – and then sharing and GIVING and APPLYING that value out to the world by using what you have in hand in the present.  I sincerely believe that each person possesses an enormous amount of hidden treasures, but only that particular individual can find out what it is.  We all have many treasures within the temples of our bodies.  The key is to FIND and USE and GIVE out that GREATNESS that TO THE INDIVIDUAL POSSESSING SAME has the greatest meaning and gives the highest inspiration in his or her life.  

So much more can be said about this, but hopefully this is will be start for you and your OWN path toward an extraordinary life, doing extraordinary things.

Best wishes and good faith (and always hold on to your inner relationship to that ideal or spirit or Creator or God [as reflected in nature, musical tunes, colors, scents, etc.] before any and everything else),


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Post by Samson » Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:21 am

Thank You Shaun, for taking the time to write this and sharing it with us, and to me it made a whole lot of sense to see life that way.

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