Weather's getting weirder

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Post by pranay » Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:08 pm

Its not like we can go shopping to another planet. So we have to make economical use of what we have as pointed out by Betrayed.

But why cycle when you can go by car and increase pollution...? Why cycle and generate energy when you can get it by burning and exhuasting our fossil fuels. I read somewhere that the known sources of coal will last for another 30 to 40 years max. What are we gonna do after that...? exhume corpses and burn them...?

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get it together, humanity

Post by fireraven » Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:23 am

Hi all,

I have to say that I am a bit dismayed by the general mood of doom'n'gloom on this thread.

I would have thought that people involved in spirituality and mysticism would have it a little more together. I know things are bad, but I also think these attitudes don't serve anyone or anything.

Its nice to see a few people recognise that our glorious Mother Earth has the ability to take care of herself. A Navajo Grandmother once tolde me that it is just plain arrogance for people to think they can heal the Earth - we are just one of many organisms that live on her and depend onher; yes we have an effect, but all organisms have an effect.

Basically, it works like Chinese Medicine - if we are 'causing' the problem, then we need to fix it. And I feel our jobs as individuals (based upon this Grandmother's wisdom) is to heal ourselves and our realtionships with our families and friends and neighbours - there's no point in recycling and being a greenie if you can't even love yourself or your relations!!

Everything in this Universe is in a constant state of flux, change and transformation - the notion of trying to stop it or reverse it is the same kind of mentality that says, "bugger it, I can do what I like and not worry about the consequences". Climate change has been around forever - if anything, we are just accelerating this particular phase of it!

How about we start to approach the issue of the environment with some compassion and tolerance. And no, I am not condoning the actions of Oil Corporations and Mining conglomerates - but my ranting and raving and getting angry and despondent is not going to help, it just feeds that dark energy even further.

And I'm sorry, but I am personally sick of hearing people talk about going back to the Stone Ages - I'm sure most of us would not survive that kind of lifestyle, and it is just petty romantic notions about a way of life that NONE OF US have any real persception of what it was like.

personally, I like our modern life. I like the fact I have an internet to communicate with so many awesome people around the world. I like the fact that I have access to trains, buses, trams to move me around the city, or a car to drive me to visit friends a long way away from me, or planes, to allow me to visit other countries and experience other cultures. I like that we have transport systems that allows us to share food and other things with people in countries not as fortunate as me.

yes, the world is chaning - the wisdom comes in allowing this change, and working with it; adapting to it, if you will. Remember evolution? Its how all creatures learn to change and adapt to the environment.

We now have water restrictions here in Melbourne, and for the first time in ages, people are thinking about what they are using water for. People are starting to think and act differently.... slowly, but surely. This is awesome, its great! Is it gonna stop glacial melting? No, but at least people are starting to act/think/feel more like enlightened folk trying their best to walk as gently as they can on our sacred Mother.

So please, enough with the doom'n'gloom - start thinking/talking/acting a bit more positive and a bit more part of the human race - coz just like the boat analogy: we're all in this together! There is no "I" in "team"!!

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getting it right or getting it wrong

Post by xmasbb » Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:52 am

I look at this differently. I've seen so many changes between my parent's generation and my children's.  I am proud of our young people and the differences they have made. Yes, it seems that our world is in more turmoil than ever before but pressure makes diamonds both on a personal level and hopefully on a global one as well.  I've found that changes can't take place unless there are those that first believe they can. I personally have faith that our future generations will work together and find the solutions to our present problems.

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Post by fireraven » Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:50 am

Yep, thats what I'm talking about!

Adversity is what the Universe throws at us to see whether we've learned from all the spiritual teachings we've read/heard/etc...

Persistence, not resistance!

I have a lot of hope that my daughter and her descendants will do things a lot better than what we're doing - but we need to teach them that, not just sit around and grumble about how screwed up the world is!

I wonder how much fossil fuel was burned to generate electricity to run the computers to allow people to get on the internet and complain how much fossil fuel is being burned!!! LOL

Its all about how we walk the journey, not the destination....


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Post by Vishwas » Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:20 am

Well said fireraven.

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Post by reichild » Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:14 am

Climate change has been around forever - if anything, we are just accelerating this particular phase of it!
yes earth will be sucked into the sun eventually anyway so we might as well get it over with and pour poison all over her LOL...hang about we are going to die eventually too so we may as well drop a few atom bombs on each major city of the world and take ourselves out with her  :smt016 (yes i'm being sarcastic...very unike me).

I'm sorry if i offend you fireraven...but i don't think anyone (here) is trying to heal the earth so much as wanting to be able to change the negative habits of mankind (that make our environment poisonous to our health) in order that earth may become a healthier environment. Earth is our home, our children live here...would you allow people to pour poison into your childs drinking water or use your back yard as a toxic waste dump? I'm afraid those big corporations will not bat an eyelid to compassion and tollerance they only seem to care for $$$ and your right getting angry is not the answer either (IMO) but in order to make positive changes there must first be a team plan, which requires thought  :smt115 , discussion  :smt014  and collective effort  :smt052 .

I don't want to go back to the stone age either (thats ludicrous) but like Betrayed said there are alternatives (such as we use here...windpower generates all electricity here in NZ...why not around the world???)

Ill tell you what i'm sick of: people thinking that just because we have "spiritualist/Mystic" beliefs we are not allowed to have human thoughts or emotions.Well i may be spiritualist/Mystic" but i am also a realist (not a fairy  :smt051 ) and i do believe that nothing was ever achieved (by humans) without getting of our big fat lazy boy chairs and raising a finger

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Post by reichild » Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:32 am

I look at this differently. I've seen so many changes between my parent's generation and my children's.  I am proud of our young people and the differences they have made. Yes, it seems that our world is in more turmoil than ever before but pressure makes diamonds both on a personal level and hopefully on a global one as well.  I've found that changes can't take place unless there are those that first believe they can. I personally have faith that our future generations will work together and find the solutions to our present problems.
I agree xmasbb...but surely we shouldn't only leave it up to our future generations to find the solutions???

Its all about how we walk the journey, not the destination....
Not a truer word spoken. I have heard people say they have channeled alien sources which say we (humans) will not be allowed to destroy the earth, but as you say it is all about the journey and i want to be able to say i helped look after our home (earth) and never intentionaly vandalised her during my stay.  :)

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Post by Betrayed » Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:34 pm

I know it's alright to be positive and I know I'd rather live the life I'm living right now.

But there are people out there who are scared they might lose it. People who live in places you don't.

For instance, I live on a country small enough to be considered an island, I'll panic if I hear that tsunamis are suddenly happening and taking lifes in places you can't even see the sea.

When the rain doesn't stop for days, I'll worry if we'll have a flood and if icebergs are melting, if I have to move and leave some of my belongings behind because i cannot afford time or money to take them. The temperature's never lower than 10degrees... so the next Ice Age?... The weather getting all weird everywhere?... You interpret.

Well, fear is the source of aggressive behavior... That's what I think, that's why animals attack when they are cornered. But we are much more intelligent beings so I would say the gloominess comes when our posessions are cornered, our home, our scenery, our favourite books etc...

Technology is definitely improving, and people are getting smarter. But if adaptation means we have to turn ourselves into robots or replace some of our organs... I'd rather live stoneage...

....Well unless they find out a way to do that without cutting up bodies... :)

Everyone feels differently from where we are brought up from. There are gloomy people who are Planeteer-wannabes... And gloomy anti-gloomy people because of gloomy planeteer-wannabes.

What I feel is that we definitely need some sort of "worry-factor"... It's called concern. Though we would usually call this unneccesary nagging. Well, if I am afraid my house would catch fire anytime, I would try to make sure it doesn't right?

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Post by BLACKCAT » Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:56 pm

this is the first time i have read this thread. i only read the first page of posts and then skimmed the rest.
this is a very negative thread (my opinion of course) all this talk of greed and how bad human kind is. WOW!
that God is angry at us. nobody know what the future will bring for sure. life is what you make it, we many have sealed our destiny or maybe we haven't. there is good and bad in the world, we can make the difference. one person might be able to turn it all around. how? this thread started with a fear of something bad happening. (i'm not saying anything about the author, that's not what my post is about) and then it continued into a talk on how bad it all is, and getting worse. we can keep feeding it and be convinced where all doomed anyway, or we can look at it like
whatever you think is going on can be redirected into the light. a smile to everyone that reads this. (i just smiled at you all)  :) now you can smile back and pass it on to another. there are very bad things in this world and there are very good things. why must we think that the negatives out way the positives. have you ever heard the saying you can do whatever you believe? if you believe you are doomed then i'm afraid you probably are. but if you believe that there is a solution to all of the problems that the world is facing then there probably is. why not focus all this energy and talk into a more positive direction. i know sitting around talking about how bad it is going to get, is not doing anything to stop it from getting that way.
i'm sorry this is the first time i read this thread. but come on you guys, be happy, lets say (tho i don't think it's true) that we are all doomed and the end is near. why spend the rest of your time in fear of what's to come. spend your time loving and laughing and enjoying what you have. the choice is yours.  :)

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~*~Kitty Cat~*~

Post by Nicole » Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:49 pm

Hay Kitty Cat~!! Hi all.  :smt006

I'm allllllllllllllll "Energy" I'm gearing up.. Healing, getting stronger..
I feel good~!! Happy camper here~!!
13 day's now no cig...LOL

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; :smt003 &nbsp;<=== Smiling~!!

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:15 pm

BLACKCAT wrote: i'm sorry this is the first time i read this thread. but come on you guys, be happy, lets say (tho i don't think it's true) that we are all doomed and the end is near. why spend the rest of your time in fear of what's to come. spend your time loving and laughing and enjoying what you have. the choice is yours. &nbsp;:)
I am sorry if you believe that the thread are about our doom :)

In fact it is about the try to see what we are doing and hopefully change some of it.

It can't be a human right that every family shall have 4 cars.
That if you have a bit of gold, you can buy a plain and surf from USA to France in order to give your friends a famous meal.

It can't be a human right that we shall fly half the world in order to have a week holiday.

We must start to look what we are doing. We must start to talk about it.
The worst thing we do is to say that Nature will fix it for us...or that it will not have any impact on us.

Those who believe that can only use the word pollution in Google search engine and get enough reading stuff for a decade.
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Post by maplewoman » Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:26 am

You are right it is about becoming united in how we feel about ourselves and our environment. We are all worth preserving! It will be up to individuals to change their ways of thinking and acting and up to the communities to support positive changes and teach eachother how to show respect, compassion and kindness. These personal attributes have been dismissed into words by many but it is time to make them real again. Appreciation for all living things is a great place to start. This needs to be taught in schools around the world, not just math and Language. There are ways of creating self sufficient communities which still have all the mod cons and by incorporating acceptance and peace they will thrive with positive energy which will become exponential. Those of us who live in ignorant worlds must learn to set positive examples for others thru right action, right speech and right thoughts. There are guidelines in the buddist teachings which are exactly what we need to know to live in harmony. I suggest we all take a page out of the Buddhas book. No I am not preaching religon here because true buddism is not a religon and is very similar to the natural laws, just more comprehensive. This is the stuff we need to see on television read in books live in life. I know it is the way and we must create it so others will want to live like this too. We must write songs and produce movies all showing this realistic, positive way of the future. We must plant the seeds even if we will not be the ones to reap them. May our Mother Earth be free from our poisons and may our governments grow consciences. But most importantly may we all find a community which supports our need for acceptance, sustainence and learning so we can grow to be the best people we can be for our children our environments and our Mother earth.

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Re: Weather's getting weirder

Post by Saia » Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:43 am

Betrayed wrote:I don't really need to say much... Everywhere in the world, there's some sort of weather error, even in my own country. It has been happening ever since that tsunami exactly two years ago, but recently these strange events are rapidly happening everywhere, even the animals are acting weird.

It is too much. I am trying to stay calm, but deep down I feel something has gone terribly wrong and we all need to do something to turn the world back to normal. Are the strange conditions the side effects of technology, pollution? Are we being punished by God for something?

For these two years, I only felt these two reasons: Global Warming, and God being angry.

I feel that greed has made the world this way. The way we work, the way we alter nature to get what we want. Radiation, Breeding, Science... that sort of stuff. We are all trying to be god, thinking we are changing the world for the better, but what is happening now?

This sounds crazy, but somehow I feel we humans have to lead the primitive life once more... Now or later... Afterall, what we really do need is just food, shelter, clothes, and some stones... The last thing I want is nature showing us it's boss in the worst way it could...
:smt017 Well, I live in  Phoenix Az, and we have had a few incidents of snow in the city recently... while not completely uncommon, definatley RARE. I am also some one who believes that changes in weather signify other changes and, I am curous, albiet I wouldnt say there is cause for alarm just yet... Gordon Micheal Scallion is a sensitive soul who has put togetther representations of our world after some MAJOR changes take place. Check him out and see what he has to say ... Events like this seem to happen every so often and we are over due... Here' another &nbsp;page too..
Last edited by Saia on Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by jallious » Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:11 am

500 year period of strange weather....that's all it is.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:20 pm

I live in Canada and our winter storms can begin as early as December in my part of the country. &nbsp;There is usually a small smattering of snow prior to Christmas to make it a white Christmas and then in Jan. the whole area is covered in snow. &nbsp;By Feb. it is considered the month for skiers. &nbsp;

This year we did not get our first storm til just this past week and boy has it continued to make up for lost time. &nbsp;It is a small smattering all right, but just about every day of the week!

At the same time, I have heard there is snow in Los Angeles, Calf. US and Las Vegas, Nev. US. places that don't ever experience it. &nbsp;

Such changes in weather!

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