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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:01 pm

I shall not discuss the belief of reincarnation and our learning for eternity, I will just put in my opinion why I don't believe it.

I shall just ask some question.

Let us not start with the first man...but let us start in The Golden Age which started around 1700 BC

Let us say we today is in year 2000....that's gives totally 3700 year.

Let us put up a average living age of 50....then this will say 74 generations.

let us say we don't live in each generation just in 10% of them...that gives 7,4 times.

I agree that we don't learn that much in 50 years.....but since we shall learn in each life then we have the totally of 370 years to be more enlighten.

Can anyone point out a human being that show some of this knowledge?

Or is it to understand that when we reach the knowledge then we are taken away? if so why?

I agree that we live again and again, but that is true our genes.

The knowledge has to be learned from the bottom each time, but our development as society bring us forward (in a sense) and this is what make us "greater" then our animals friends.

This you could watch when we discovered the last of the native tribes.
They was many century behind us in development and the modern human being destroy them in the name of progress.

They have lived as long as us....if their soul was the one who should learn....why had they not shown our progress?....So the progress stay in the society so also the downfall.

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Post by jallious » Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:09 pm

The mind of spirit and body do not share enlightenment. Don't ask me why. Maybe it's so not one of us can think we know everything, so we lose the motivation to learn what else we need.

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Post by Vishwas » Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:37 pm

Rutho, how come u forgot the civilsations as old as upto 20,000+ years?? what about animals, fish & birds?? what about plants?? what about aliens (souls from other planets)?? what about all these?? Your calculation is a bit flawed there, becuase u forgot the entire possibilites & just counted from 3,700 years ago.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:59 pm

yes...I did that in will.

I would not go to far back, but if reincarnation and learning is true, then it must start with the first life, and then the simple sum had been so much greater. It will not count towards the belief of reincarnation and learning.

The way I believe it, or can understand it....our development  is then printed in our genes and each contributer gives the "couples" print.
This has scientific proof and are used to find persons, since each person has a unique code.
With this belief I can believe in a reincarnation in a future offspring because my building material stay in the genes given to my own offspring.

The "reincarnation in order to learn more" has I much more hard time to understand, since we all comes "dumb" into the word and do all the same mistakes again and again, even if parents try to tell not to, so I can't see any real proof of it :)

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:28 pm

J: In my understanding there is a spirit mind and a material mind in the living experience.  This allows that ALL our experiences, in the body, mind, or spirit are recorded for their lessons.

They come together as total mind when the spirit leaves the body to continue its journey into eternity (the afterlife).

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Post by jallious » Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:48 pm

Yes Spiritalk, that's the best way to put it.

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Post by Vishwas » Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:04 pm

Rutho, there are something which we have from when we were born, sometimes we know what is right & what is wrong, sometimes there is something which we like or dislike even before we have tried it.

I for one beleive that whatever we learn in our lives (incarnations), our soul remembers it, (both the subconsicous & the superconsicous), & we will know it when the time is right.

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Post by Sandy » Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:45 pm

Hey there,

I believe that GOD as we know isn't an interventionist god because his teachings are about our faith . Lots of people have different beliefs and not everyone is able to do it on their own so they turn to religion and that feeling of belonging to a certain group makes them feel stronger something they couldn't achieve maybe on their own. (religion, secte whatever we call them).
We are confronted with adversity because we are strong enought to go throught them. A lesson has to be learned one way or the other for us to moove on with our lives.
I have a little faith story: This mountain climber wanted fame at any price so he decides to climb this hudge mountain alone without anyones help to get all the glory for himself. He started to climb and climb, then the night fall. He couldn't stop to where he was at because he didn't bring all the right equipement, he decided to go on. Almost at the top what had to happen, happened and he started to fell into the night. His life memories passed in front of his eyes until he stopped thinking his stomach was cut open but no it was his rope retaining him. He couldn't see a thing it was pitch black!!He says: HELP ME GOD.Then a deep voice was heard and said: YOU REALLY THINK I CAN HELP YOU? The mountain climber said yes you can save me. So GOD said: CUT YOUR ROPE! The man hesitated and died that night. The next day, the rescuers found the man freezed up, holding tightly his rope at 2 meters from the ground... Would you have cut your rope?? I like those stories, they make you think in a certain way... Hope you had fun reading it.
But like I said, GOD as we know him is NOT an interventionist GOD and yes people get blinded by false allegations and need that in their lives. Not everyone is strong and have their own sens of believing in them selve...
You seem to strongly believe in who you are and what you can do for your life. Think of it you are lucky to have that strenght. You only take what you need out of things. Thats why we are all different and have different abilities.
Take care and go fowarth, warrior of truth...


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Post by Calamity » Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:24 am

I hope i dont offend? Im not use to talking about personal belief, due to the fact that the forum i go on locks up any topics relating to it.


I do believe there could be a higher power, not as a/the God inperticular. There are so many religions, there could be a chance that all of them some how come to the conclusion all link up to the same thing, but me personally i dont think so, lol.
I believe there are guildlines for us to use in the universe and that possible we are all born with a pshyic subconsious (I apoligise for my terrible spelling)

No one is for sure in whats real or whats not, could our imaginations making us think of such possibilites. If we all knew then we wouldn't today still be discussing about the supernatural/beliefs

That my opinon anyway :)

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Post by steffanut » Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:13 am

Wow, like a Matrix type thing? That kinda blows.  It is, what it is, I suppose. I myself think that it is all connected. There is one main idea, God,  I guess is my word. We all need to find our own faith, our own way.  Sandy, that was a great story.

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Post by Sandy » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:30 am

jallious wrote::( Why does it have to be a higher power that makes out decisions and not yourself?
Hey jallious, you make your decisions it's the adversity that is incomming in your life that forces you to make different decisions... Without adversity, would you really be the person you are today?

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Re: 'God'

Post by Kelcie » Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:36 am

jallious wrote:I have to state my opinion. Believers in God...you are willingly giving your souls, and devoting your life unto a single being, who wants only to love you, and take your freedom, leaving you without a will of your own, telling your what to think, how to think it, and what's right or wrong, without you knowing WHY! the most important thing about life is having free will, is it not? I shall never give my will to any being, for it is my own, and not to be taken.
Hi Jallious,

It seems you are not consciously aware of what God is. It is not a whom or a single being.  It is no one individual it is every individual.  It does not take your freedom or leave you without will.  It is everything and nothing. It does not tell you how to think. It does not make things right or wrong. Right and wrong, good and evil are perceptions we ourselves have created.  Beyond the realms of cause and effect where duality is seeded these things do not exist except in the denser realms of existence where we reside consciously for the moment.  When you find God, not the one you describe you might be surprised at what it is and what it is not.

Thank you for your opinion

Kelcie  :smt003

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Post by MarcoAZS » Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:30 pm

Ruthobello, there are alot of points wish you've been missing, let me put them here:
1- 3 persons can have the same soul (yes it is possible [at least in my point of view yes] to have 5 bodys and one soul)
2- Its part of or Dharma to not remember the things we did... You wanna know why right? Cause if we have to reincarnate well than we have kharma, and the only acceptable way for most of the souls is to not know what is him up to, he would "run" from the kharma police, why would he want to pay for something of other life? I would run too! And thats why Vishwas, that I normally dont say the things people did in other lifes, its not actually the best thing to be done, and sometimes most of them dont belive it, their soul are completely scared of accepting it, so inconsciously they start not accepting, that works for reincarnation too! Cause people dont accept it, cause their soul is saying, I DIDNT DONE SO MUCH BAD THINGS, and they get desperate, so I usually tell them YES YOU DID! :)
3-If you dont belive in reincarnation maybe is cause you are scared of accepting the truth, maybe your feels like a monster, and your EGO doesn't accept it (science: when we hear something that doesn't sound well, our brain autocreate an answer for defense, cause we doesn't accept the truth, thats not a bullshit, thats science)
4- In someways reincarnation doesnt actually exist, get someone enlighted, and you will resumeé what he did in this lifes, like if it was just one, so actually you have to belive in both reincarnation and non reincarnation.
5- Reincarnate is a process of evolution, if you dont want to upgrade your soul, well than just dont come back, and plz dont have kids, they doesnt desearve to be borned with a non evolution dad.
6- If you dont belive in reincarnation than you are scared of dieng, cause our soul is autoscared of been judged, and when you go see god, well he will actually judge you
7- Well let me put it in a good way:
If non reincarnation is true, well than when I die, (and will have to go hell) the only thing I will need to do, is ask god for forgiveness, and than I will go to heaven (after sonme 100 years in hell of course)
But if reincarnation is true, well than your are f word + ed, cause you will have a lot of lifes thinking that life finishes, and you will take the long road to mind brightness, but well, we belivers of reincarnation, will get the short road.
And saying that reincarnation might not exist, well than you have to remember, when you decide a door, alot of other doors close.....
Now for the others, god is nothing but conexion, we are all god, we are all one, so it is actually right to say that I am god, we are god, everything is god, so in other words, if god creates destiny than is up to him to change, cough cough, to you to change :) , god is nothing bigger than us, he is actually us...

thats my point of view anyway :)

Bless to all, Im back from the trip, really tanned! :)

Marco AZS

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Post by jallious » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:18 pm

Wow, marco, your posts continually suprize, and surpass my expectations of the nonesense you continually spit out onto your keyboard. I was going to copy paste a few of your most potent points that hit nervs, but then I would just be repeating everything you said. lol, all I can really say is that you are an incredible person, unique in many ways. I'm going to have a lot of fun stripping down your thoughts from this website and analizing you for my classes. -evil laugh-

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:58 pm

So..so...don't use to strong words.
Marco tells what he believe.....and for him that is not nonsense.....and he is allowed to have his opinion.

You have some strange opinion yourself jallious....but up to now...none have called it nonsense even if we don't agree with you.

You shall threat others belief with respect, you might disagree, but then you might tell why and give your statement...but not in such easy way as this.

Let us say I was very near to delete your post.

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