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Post by Samson » Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:56 pm

Now, now children, no fighting please.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:34 pm

Marco:  I would add...opinions are based upon experience and our perceptions from those experiences.  When yours have developed over time, you may find them changing.  Do not soldify any belief and the open mind will find wondrous journies.

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Post by jallious » Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:47 pm

It isn't Marco's belief that gets to me, it's that he doesn't take in anyone else's belief and say that's alreight, it's his or you're "f-word +ed". That, and the way he boasts about it. I'm not trying to say anyone's belief is wrong at all.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:23 pm


But have in mind that many of us don't have English as native language.

This will many times make it hard to say what we want to say.

It will also make it easy to misunderstanding each other, thats why it's important not to use "bad language"  because it can be comprehend in another way then the writer intended.

This goes for us all....not only you or Marco :)

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Post by jallious » Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:29 pm

Hey, I got someone to say 'ok' finally. there's a plus. Now if I can only get people to say ok, and not have 'but' after it.

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Post by MarcoAZS » Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:24 pm

Yes yes yes... I use hard words, but if you see most of the people on this forum actually do it, and im talking of moderators and normal posters too, and im sorry if it sound bad to you jallious, I just like to joke sometimes with the truth, and thats why I add the big words " IN MY POINT OF VIEW", of course when I right "thats science" well than im talking of something that we aren't actually able to think we can disagree without an excellent point of view. And im sorry if it sounded way bad for you jallious but it was exactly like I said, go back and read it, in a different way but in someway with same meaning I said, "when our brain disagree we get angry, we go to a place in our brain even more inconscious of our actions and we act just like you did, the word for that is rude. When I hit your nervs, well than im actually trying to break a narrow minded inside you, and than you get angry, autobraindefense, again, thats science. Oh kid! Dont worry! Everyone knows here that my thoughts aren't that easy vase to be broken as you think, thats why I've been banned 3 times, ask Samson, Ruthobello, Vishwas, and many others if when I actually am responding from a bad answer (sometimes is a problem of languages, languages the curse of the world) from someone, if I actually dont just get the arrow in the right point, and destroy the person by the most sensitive of him, and today I know that I like most of the old forum members other ones here, even the ones that doesnt like me alot, even you are included.
Samson dont worry, if that extrem indigo start attacking me having fun with that, well than live him, I will not answer, only if its an useful thing, constructive criticise, and been an indigo is not bad at all jallious, just dont think that this is an excuse :) !
And plz Jallious I would like a statement of you just about the things I said, I wanna know why I can be wrong, plz put it, maybe you would give me some good thoughts to restart thinking about how can I create a better point of view (not kidding, everything is useful if it is criticism for construction not destruction, I will tell you if you are using it the right way dont worry!)
Spiritalk, dont worry, I myself belive in everything, ion all relligions, in my point of view, religion was created for union, so than I would have to belive in everything to be religion or at least to belive in nothing, and I love new things, I just travelled to salvador and I got myself in the Umbanda/Candomble religions and got alot of fun there knowing their thoughts, I myself bought a statue of goddess Yamsã wish I found very pretty, and actually if you belived in reincarnation, but im not quite sure about it, I would tell you that in this life, I know exactly how I looked, act, suffered, and lived in my other lifes, my brain just recall all of it, so I have a little of experience wish some people find it very useful (not everyone, only the ones with open mind), and I will be in your land (Canada) in february 2! (Winnipeg), Would you give me an idea of travelling in your land? I love travelling
Anyway, I should state here that when I say F word + ed is cause I dont know any other word in english to mean that, I belive that I donno even in portuguese, (ince I've been raised learning 3 very different languages wish are portuguese, english and spanish).
And who said jallious that I dont accept the other belifs? I do accept it, but putted in a good way, if you read all my post (the one you just read the first words and created a rude answer without actuallly taking notice of all the post) you would have noticed that I do accept your belif, since we are all one, and we are god, but I think your brain just didnt have time to finish reading, you just desperatly needed an answer to defend your thoughts in your narrow mind.
I think you should take life less serious Jallious, I've taked it really serious and I suffered alot, and alot of the oldest forum readers know that I've been suffering alot, and its quite not healthy, and plz stop acting rude with people just cause you dont agree with them, ok ? :)
I would suggest you to post a sorry for most of the people you answered baddly, but you just dont need to it if you dont want.
If I was rude of any kind to you, well here from me, from my soul, and my counscious thoughts, I ask for forgivennes, and I am sorry, but plz dont take it on that way, and open your mind.... Maybe you should try to ask to some master you know, to open your mind, or maybe ask for a reiki healing of such type, it would do good not only for you but it would feel good for everyone to do it.

Bless and light!

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Post by jallious » Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:36 pm

As I stated in another topic, I'm not trying to discharge anyone's beliefs, just as you claim not to be. The way I talk makes it seem like I'm being rude, and to most, it has the same effect. I speak open mindedly, with strong opinions, and defensivly. None of these points are supposed to sound bad. Marco, saying someone is narrow-minded is an awful thing, but I know you don't mean it that way, it's just the best way to describe it. What I needed to apoligise for, I have done, exept to start, for which any apology won't be sufficient.
Didn't you just come fram a vacation in Canada?

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Post by MarcoAZS » Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:04 am

No, I camed from a vacation here in Brazil in the State of Bahia in Salvador, wish a beach city that has a lot of culture and pretty churches with tones of gold inside.

I will be going to Canada for study, in february 1,

Best of Luck

Marco AZS

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Post by June » Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:20 am

Hi Jallios,

We haven't met yet since I am new here.
About God. Now, I believe there is a god, but I don't believe in or belong to any religious group. I don't believe god, makes us do anything. I don't believe in hell, unless it is here on Earth.  I do believe however, that each and everyone of us, is responsible for our own lives and god gives free will to do what ever we do. Of course if we decide to live a life of negativity, we must suffer the consequences, and No, the devil didn't make anyone do anything, that is our own choice.  Enough of the soap box. I just thought that i would share my views.


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Post by jallious » Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:53 am

That's what this topic is here for. Thanks for your input.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:15 pm

Marco: You picked a real cold city...Winnipeg...in winter.  That is always a challenge.  Temperatures will be well below freezing.  Major cities (although I have not used it in Winnipeg) have some form of public transit to get around.  A lot of people drive and I was hosted when I visited Winnipeg.  I was a visiting minister/medium at the local Spiritualism church.  Enjoy your stay!

As to past lives and memory: Suppose you have spirit guidance and they impress you with so many things to aid your life  Why not be close enough to impress their lives as well?  Perhaps as an example of what to (or not) in your life?  Just another explanation that has some interest.

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Post by MarcoAZS » Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:10 am

Yeah spiritalk, I just got here friday 2tth february and in sunday it was the coldest day in 68 years here, good that I didnt left home anyways! But than I had some brazilian friends and one korean and we went to party out, and as barely did vishwas knew, my english that he says is terrible, was consider pleaseful and excellent, some people even thought I was canadian, well a someway tanned canadian hehehehe. And as barely did I knew, canadian teenagers arent that friendships, they are actually rude, and I got a little lost and completely frozen but it is ok. Hi to all sorry for the latinnes of speaking, see you guys around
bless all

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Post by william_1990 » Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:09 am

I believe that believers oin God do give too much of their free-will to him (if you want to put it like that). A fly is annoying the hell outta you, you squat it, right? BUT - (i may be wrong here, as I have no religious preference), but would a christian squat the damn thing? after all, it's one of *gods* creatures, why would you? this is taking a life after all, no matter how insignificant. I am sorry if I offended anyone by this post, but I strongly think religion, no matter which one, is over-rated.

I just believe in the following statement, and always have; Live life to the full, and make your own decisions. IF heaven and what not COULD be proven true, this would change my opinion, as it wouold anyone in reason. BUT, still, I don't think everyone would give up a lie in on Sunday to go to church, nor not to squat that damn fly. People would still lead their lives the way THEY want to, not how someone else wants too. I believe all this heaven, god and devil and hell stuff is just a very big mind game. Think about it ...

Add one mroe 'o' to God = Good | take the 'D' away from devil = evil.

I think way back when there were no police, this was a mind game to stop crime.

Again, I apologize if this post offended anyone.

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Re: 'God'

Post by ||*Henry*|| » Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:17 am

jallious wrote:I have to state my opinion. Believers in God...you are willingly giving your souls, and devoting your life unto a single being, who wants only to love you, and take your freedom, leaving you without a will of your own, telling your what to think, how to think it, and what's right or wrong, without you knowing WHY! the most important thing about life is having free will, is it not? I shall never give my will to any being, for it is my own, and not to be taken.
by giving your will to god, you are freeing yourself because god is the goodness and purity that exists inside you and me

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:02 pm

Marcos, please don't judge us all by the few.  Perhaps you just got a bad bunch?  LOL

Jallious:  God is not a single person, place, thing.  God is spirit.  Spirit flows through all...even you and I.  That is what makes us a family of humanity.

God as a spirit allows that we live our lives and accept this spirit or reject it, according to our own understanding and learning capacity.  When we are capable of good, we do good.  When we are not, we do not.  But in both instances, there is natural law of cause and effect.  Why?  Because God governs through the hand of consequence and personal responsibility.

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