can u be born with an evil soul?

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can u be born with an evil soul?

Post by BLACKCAT » Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:19 pm

can someone be born with a soul that is already
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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:12 am

I will try to give you my thought about it.

We are all born with good and bad in us.

True life we will always struggle to keep balance between good and evil....seen from the society we live in.....( it might be different from society to society)

Let us take your question about one who are born with an evil soul. (there are none...but might develop)

He/she will never ask if he/she is evil, because it will be normal for this person to be "evil" and he/she will think of himself as strong and good people as weak.
(not all strong people are evil and v.v)

A good person on the other hand will often ask himself the question about being evil.
This because they don't like to hurt other, they like to be fair....they are good, and the more good they are....the more border against evil they put up.

Since we all, most of the time evaluate our behaviour ourself, we will feel that we have broken those borders and have been cruel to someone or made something wrong.
One who have got the thought that he/she is evil will spot such event quiet easy and the mind gives this as an confirmation to the thought.

As I said "an evil person" don't have such thoughts, so this will be a good person who suffer from his/her own ideas and she need help to get back on track.
Because such ideas might destroy ones life. The person need a "second opinion"
If good friends are present, talk to them...if one have a belief... talk to the priest.....or if no such option are present... see a "shrink".

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Post by Vishwas » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:32 pm

BC, remember the time that I was saying everywhere that I am a bad guy, an evil guy, etc, etc, what did u tell me??

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Post by citiboi_219 » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:34 pm

Who knows, maybe each soul gets wiped clean when reborn, and our environment influences it to the point that we remember these past evils.
So we act them out. You never know with the world these days...

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Post by Gem » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:57 pm

I think it all depends on your beliefs really? I mean some people seem like the devil incarnate? Others seem to learn evil? Some think that we choose the path we lead in this life, that it is all mapped out to move us on spiritually so that we experience good and bad, evil and love?   I have come across 2 people that were what I would call evil, sadly they both turned out to die early from brain tumours. So perhaps that was an excuse?

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:37 pm

Rhuto was pretty much on he money here, I think.  I like the insight that he said that the bad person does not question good or evil.  A person that makes mistakes is not evil,  they are just flawed (we all are to some degree). I have screwed up, made mistakes, wasted time, walked away from family members for years.  Does that make me evil?  I don't think so.  A person with problems to fix, sure. You (and everyone on this site) is human BlackCat.  Some may be further along in their journey to fix these things, but I don't see you as evil.  No way.


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Post by Nicole » Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:30 pm

Gem wrote:I think it all depends on your beliefs really? I mean some people seem like the devil incarnate? Others seem to learn evil? Some think that we choose the path we lead in this life, that it is all mapped out to move us on spiritually so that we experience good and bad, evil and love?   I have come across 2 people that were what I would call evil, sadly they both turned out to die early from brain tumours. So perhaps that was an excuse?
Did you know when ppl are born with Tumors or ( AVM ) same thing.. There moods are so bad.. The we think that about them.. My mother had one and was born with it.. Her head hurt even as a young child.. No one did a head scan until it was the size of a lemon~!! and 2 aneurisms that   was so thin and you could see the blood in them.. If she cough or laughed just right. Gone~!! I asked the }Noroligist wich means Brain spesialist{ if that would make her moods swing from mean to sweet... He told me yes.. He was one of the best Noroligist in New England state... She changed after his team re moved it.. she lived 14 more years after that bad, bad time....
Just my thoughts about evil/and ppl with tumors.. Cause I know for a fact she's not with bad ppl~!!

Nice to see you again Gem.  :smt006

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Post by Omjit_23 » Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:49 am

Black Cat we are all born with two is good the other one is evil.
Even saints cannot claim that they are free from evil.
Clasic examples can be had from Mahabharata.
Every person is good and bad.............or may be none.
It all depends on the perception.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:57 pm

All souls are similar to seeds planted.  They are potent with possibilities.  The way they are nurtured and watered sure makes for the growth.  And the fertilization (sh.... in another form) of our experiences colours all things within and without.

We all have the potential to follow the good or the bad or the ugly in all circumstances...this is free will choice.  So the soul learns from those experiences.  No one is born bad...they work at it.

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Post by *Star* » Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:39 pm

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Post by Gem » Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:02 pm

Cause I know for a fact she's not with bad ppl~!!
 Oh {{{Nicole}}}I think I should give up writing,  :( Of course shes not, I didn't mean they were evil I was trying to say that they weren't reacting normally or as would be expected, their brains illness was most plausibly the cause?  Its the same with animals. One horse I was working with as a last resort before being put to sleep, was wild and called evil and nearly ended up killing a few of his previous owners, put one in hospital with a broken neck :(
I worked with him and soon felt that he was tormented with terrible headaches and that he just lashed out at everything near him, I could quiet him sometimes and his sadness was soo deep he felt terrible remorse for these unexplained rage attacks but couldnt stop and didn't know what was happening, on one of my days off, the vet was called and he was shot, because he attacked another lady trying to feed him and had pinned her in his stable.  He was found to have a brain tumour too.  His behaviour was seen to be evil and he was called so many bad things, but I knew different, he is at peace now thankfully away from harm and unkindwords.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:55 pm

spiritalk wrote:We all have the potential to follow the good or the bad or the ugly in all circumstances...this is free will choice.
Well said, spiritalk.  Hopefully we will choose to do good.

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Post by Aviendra » Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:55 pm

That's a tough one. I like to believe that everyone has a everything that they do. Why do some kids grow up to be evil humans when others don't? Environmental? Genetic? Mentally ill? How do you explain seriel killers and rapists?

I'd like to give my own life as an all rights, I should be an "evil" person. I was abused in everyway from the age of 6 to 18. I was continously betrayed my family and friends growing up. I lost both parents at a young age and sent into "the big, bad world" alone. I took drugs and got into the wrong crowds...

Yet, I found that through all these things...I always had to make a decision on where and what I wanted to do. I had every reason and some people would argue that I would justified in doing the bad things should I chosen to. The fact remains, I chose not to act on my sometimes very "evil" and dark impulses. I believe there are weak-minded and strong-minded people. It's so much easier to give-in to the voice in your head saying that you're a victim and the world hates you so you have every right to hate it back. This is where I think evil comes into it.

I also can't help but think that those who do stray off the right path are somehow "meant" to and that their life of darkness is a soul lesson for them to learn. Just another step for the soul to move onwards in becoming enlightened because how can you truly be appreciative of all that's good when you have never experienced first hand, what its like to be bad...

Well, that's my take on it anyways....

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:20 pm

We do not have to experience all things in life to know what is good and what is bad.  All our personal experiences certainly colour who and what we are and become.

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Post by sorceress426 » Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:19 pm

That's a seriously rough thought.  I believe we have a choice between good and evil and that in the balance of all things one is not without the other.

But I personally believe that one can be born soulless. That is my opinion, so don't attack it.
I've actually had discussions about this with members of the clergy.
It comes down to what you feel inside, when you're with them.

just for thought, you might want to check into psychic vampires, you might find some answers there.

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