Beginning my journey

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Beginning my journey

Post by investigator1 » Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:28 am

For the past few years I have been on a spiritual journey. I have read the bible several times, Zacheria Sitchins Earth Chronicles (sp?), several other materials, I watch anything that may contain an answer for me and have found this wonderful board.
My question is this.....where do I go from here?
What I am looking for is input....anything that will help me attain a higher level of understanding our universe, our lives...everything. I want to reach my "higher self" (not even sure what this entails).

I know I am not being specific enough....but there in lies the problem. I don't want to choose just one thing...I want it all!

Any honest input will be greatly appriciated.

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Post by MarcoAZS » Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:02 am

It really depends on your point of view.
but from my way I would say we would have past lifes and no, why?
cause if you look in the end of all your lifes, it was just one project, but if you look from the beggining there
are alot of lifes on the road!
And I would say that it is a time where you will be on the emotional plane recording of your life and maybe
if you go to a higher knowledge you would be able to talk with people on earth and help them...
I guess it helps, if you can give an idea of what you are looking for than I would be able to seed it and let it
crop, but without such needed idea, there is no idea and than there is no tree. what would you say if you decide
a lots of very specific topics and than weekly you post one of them so we can discuss it on the board?
I myself find it excellent

Lights and Open Mind!

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Re: Beginning my journey

Post by EarlofLeicester » Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:11 pm

investigator1 wrote:For the past few years I have been on a spiritual journey. I have read the bible several times, Zacheria Sitchins Earth Chronicles (sp?), several other materials, I watch anything that may contain an answer for me and have found this wonderful board.
My question is this.....where do I go from here?
What I am looking for is input....anything that will help me attain a higher level of understanding our universe, our lives...everything. I want to reach my "higher self" (not even sure what this entails).

I know I am not being specific enough....but there in lies the problem. I don't want to choose just one thing...I want it all!

Any honest input will be greatly appriciated.
That's am ambitious plan, and while I am not an expert on this, it seems to me that you should find one facet of your spirituality and run with it (so to speak).  There is so much to know and learn, for people like me, it can be overwhelming. I'm not counseling anyone to ignore their other interests, rather to find one that calls the most to act as a bridge between where we are and where we want to be.

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Beginning the Journey

Post by targetjer » Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:34 pm

Welcome Earl to the Wonderful World of the Awakening Ones.  I would almost wager to bet that you feel like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.I know that you feel the shifts that are taking place on an almost scheduled basis.  Time has sped up so fast that they have had to start Daylight Savings Time earlier to accomodate this shift.  You are in the spot you were meant to be in.  You are here.  

There is still much work for you to do before the big shift happens.  One thing that needs to be done is that you get so happy about the changes in your life that you anxiously  talk to others about it.  By doing this, even though you feel unprepared, you are helping others awaken to the good things that are taking place.     You also need to be doing as much reading or searching as you can fit into your day.  I love this site because it is so diversified and so many people who have good sound thoughts and ideas here.  I have gotten a few good understandings in the short time I have been here.  But don't stop here.  A friend showed me how if you go into G----- ( didn't want to give the search engine if it isn't allowed)and get into the videos you can also learn some things you want to know about just by typing in the word or words of the topic you are interested in.  It is a non ending source of information.

Then so you don't feel all by yourself continue looking for like minded folks like yourself.  You need to be around them as much as is possible.  The internet is so great because we can get to know people all over the world.

Anyway I am out here.  I try to post often.  There is an email in my profile if you want to talk more.

Have a great day!!!!

Love and joy forever,


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Post by investigator1 » Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:37 pm

I am assuming that your post, targetjer, wasx for me insstead of earl since I am the one posing the question..but I could be wrong.

Let me start with does one get "in touch" with their higher self, spirit guide, whatever we choose to call it (or are they different)? I have tried meditating and find I am not centered enough or have not a quiet enough place to obtain any noticable results.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:54 pm

The realization that it is not a spiritual journey might be a start.  Psychic development and spirituality are not intertwined...they are 2 distinct and appropriate (for life) journies.  Enhancing your spirituality is about seeking all manner of spiritual lessons (in religion, in a covenant with God, etc.) in whatever works for you.

Opening the Psychic is opening to the sensitivities we all have within our makeup.  You begin by taking charge.  As you do this you open all your 5 senses and add Intuition and I know (this comes from the neither sees nor just knows) to another level of your being (the psychic).  This can happen in the dream state or you can take charge in the conscious state by meditation exercises for this purpose.

As you take this to another level, you attune with spirit guides that aid and abet this journey of life you are pursuing.  (This is where spirituality plays a large role...guides draw to us on the law of attraction...if it is a spiritual exercise, they draw from that level of spirit realms).  At this point you design your mediumship to the attunement of your guides and decide how you will be using these energies.

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Post by investigator1 » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:49 pm

spiritalk- Thank you for your answer. It does help to point me in a direction. I have read many of your posts on the forum and you seem knowledgeable and forthright. I appriciate that.

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Post by Raymond » Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:46 pm

It is interesting to see so many like myself. I too am on a Spiritual journey but I have had lots of sign posts and help along the way. Sometimes it is really frustrating and then suddenly a little breakthrough happens and I begin again

I have seen so many mysterious things along the way that the trip is truly worth it. A few years ago at the beginning of my journey I had a psychic tell me I would be taking notes on my journey, I would be teaching others what I learned and ultimately I will write a book. Well, I have kept a journal for four years now and I am helping others on several different forums as well as in person and I intend to write a book about all this one day. I am still learning myself and, most assuredly, I will always be learning!

My advice to you is to purchase a very good book by Jane Doherty entitled "Awakening the Mystic Gift." It will answer many of your questions.

Good luck on your journey!


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So Sorry, Investigator!

Post by targetjer » Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:09 pm

When I made the post, I immediately realized I had the wrong salutation on it.  My humble apologies!!  However, I do feel that the message sent, although I write with the person in mind, was one inspired by the Spirit guides.  They most always talk to the masses when going through someone other than yourself.

That being said, your question was how do you get in touch with Spirit guides, Higher Self, (or possibily even the Masters).  It is truly not as hard as we tend to make it.  In fact, the harder we try to get in touch, the longer it takes.  A good portion of your 'in touchness' depends on the openness of freedom from YOUR Spirit.  

I am sure that you have read about how the conditions should be (ie. a quiet place, candles burning, meditations, etc) but sometimes a Spirit decides to interact while you are walking in your favorite spot with most of your defensive guards down.  Different people communicate in different ways, just as in regular life.  But there is no set rule.  When it happens it is a wonderful experience that you just  put down and walk away from.  Your special Spirit will agree with you when the right moment is.

What happens?  That is individual for you also.  Alot of us think it is like that wee small voice we have heard all our life but somehow it comes out booming maybe with flashing pictures and maybe not.  Others when they call on their Spirit Guide  then then receive a series of feelings, maybe some pictures.  But the big answer to your question is  I can't tell you what it will be like or how you should prepare.  Getting in touch with your Higher Power is truly a very personal  passage of life.

We all can tell you of our own personal experiences but even then your experience will be unique to you.  I hope this has helped in some way.  There are so many different directions one might go in but if there is one thing I believe in is that any truly Spiritual thing comes from above with all its love and will not be any part of a lie.  It is good---in fact so good---that some folks would rather see and not share.  It is a gift to give what you receive.

In that beautiful Light


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:19 pm

Yes our guides are with us always.  But if we are in the middle of a board meeting, it might be more efficient to ask spirit to back off while we get our material work done.  Just a thought....

The understanding and development of mediumship including the connection and attunement with spirit guides is a very interesting and varied subject.  We all approach it with different aspects.  Respect for the understanding of all is important, as it is such a personal journey with spirit.

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Post by hippieluv2001 » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:04 am

Become a sponge and absorb EVERYTHING! From the trees to the wind to your neighbor to a stranger.....just absorb it. Be what makes you you and you will achieve bliss. Life is a journey of experiences, so make the most of it!

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Post by investigator1 » Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:54 am

I am overwhelmed (and over joyed) by the response to my questions. I appriciate all that helped me on in my lifes journey. You are all so wonderful here. I have not read one post on this forum that belittles, insults, or that may be misconstrued as anything but helpful and supportive.
I think you people may have a problem getting rid of me.

My thanks to all!

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:19 pm

Meditation is a wonderful tool to attunement with spirit.  Doing it consistently and the same exercise for the same purpose, will aid the process.  It is really a unique and individual experience.

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Post by targetjer » Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:29 pm

Investigator       Where did you get the idea that we wanted to get rid of you?  As for me, I honor your spirit and look forward to chatting some more with you.  I wouldn't get rid of my baby brother and he is 55    so I have no intension of getting rid of any of my new family here.

Seek joy and peace always!


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Post by investigator1 » Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:08 pm

targetjer wrote:Investigator       Where did you get the idea that we wanted to get rid of you?  As for me, I honor your spirit and look forward to chatting some more with you.  I wouldn't get rid of my baby brother and he is 55    so I have no intension of getting rid of any of my new family here.

Seek joy and peace always!

Just another example of how great you folks are. I believe in synchronicity and know that finding this boardis a big step in my journey.

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