Whats your earliest memory of life?

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I remember

Post by mar2387 » Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:31 am

I reember when  I was about 3 My dad and I went to my cousins swimmg pool and I was sitting at the edg of the pool   play beach ball and I do not knnow  what but I fall in My dad had reach in and get me.

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Post by ragun » Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:35 am

I can remember up till I am 1 1/2 then can't remember anything before that.

First real memories include, banging pots and pans on the floor in the kitchen with my mom. Walking up stairs, getting bathed, playing in the sun outside, and lots and lots of randomness.

What in my astro chart could account for having the memory of an elephant?

Moon in Gemini/Cancer? Venus in Scorpio?
Any ideas here? Isn't water signs supposed to be linked more to this sort of thing? Mars in Capricorn. Any body?

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Post by MissEm » Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:11 am

My earliest memory is when I was 6 an standing near my mum in our lounge room as she was sitting on the lounge (an old green thing with wodden armrests) crying.  I remember 2 or 3 of my other sisters were there but I didn't understand why they were crying.  Dad was away so I know they were waiting for him to come home in a couple of days only.  

No one said much or told me anything but I kinda worked out for myself through overheard conversations that my eldest sister was in hospital and not expected to live.  She didn't. :smt009

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child hood memories

Post by silverphoenixwillow » Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:53 pm

my earliest was sitting in my highchair,,,,,,,, not sure how old,,,but couldn't of been very old maybe 1 ,, 1- 1/2..
and i can remember parts of being 2,,,,,,   dad throwing me in pool,,,,,,, and 3,,,,,,,falling out of car......lol......and getting  tip of toe cut off,,,,,from a bicycle chain,,,,

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:15 pm

Sorry flight...missed your question....The fire started because my father, a smoker, had matches everywhere in the house (he was later told that none could be on the second floor sleeping areas) and a cat got hold of them and lit them up.  My memory is a circle of fire all around me.  

Yes, I have a real aversion for fire now.  When serving churches I ask them not to light them...I tend to get real stuffed up in the nose from the fire of the candles (allergies have been identified as our fears!)

God bless, J

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Post by carolynjw » Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:14 pm

I was around 4 years old and remember my Grandmother knocking on all the windows of the house trying to get someone to let her in.

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Post by BLACKCAT » Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:27 am

i have very, very few memories from being little. i was in a plane crash when i was two, and i feel off a boat when i was two. i remember them both, but thats about it until i was five or six. and then there still not very many.

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flight _of_angelwings
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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:33 am

Wow a plane crash.  I'm wondering if like spiritalk you now have an instinctive fear of flying as she does with fire due to her bed catching alight.

They say so many of our earlier scares we find hard to shake from adult hood and we just keep that exact fear unless we find a productive way to deal with it.  I'm still terrified of dark muddy water, if I cant see the bottom of the water I panic....I find it hard to be on water in a boat I love it but if I fell over board I'm sure I would pass out....very sure I would

Was it a large aircraft?

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Post by Vishwas » Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:07 am

After a lot of remembering, this is what I am able to recall.

"Making my sister sit in a TV Trolley & pushed it around the house, it had a big 21” TV on the top but I didn’t think about it, I was pushing her around in it, & we had crossed almost half the room length when the TV fell down & broke into many pieces, (I don’t remember the TV falling down, just pushing my sis in the trolley & later feeling bad)." This was I think in 1986 or 1987.

A lot of times I have seen the scene (pushing the trolley around the room) repeat in my mind many times or maybe it was a dream or nightmare. I always trying to stop myself but I can’t & just before the TV falls I lose the scene & can’t seem to remember what happened next.

But my parents are never going to let me forget that I wasted so much of their money in so many different ways.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:52 am

Its a shame but what we do as a child shouldnt be hung over our heads into adult hood.  I also did some things my parents would have rather I didnt and still now i think I have more gulit and think of it more than they do.  We are at times much to hard on ourselves!

It is just a tv you and your sister are both lucky you were not injured.  There was a young girl here two years ago who died when her families 68cmm tv screen fell on her........

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Post by TrayC » Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:20 am

I think my earliest memory is of being at my Baba and Dyeda's house and my Baba stirring my ice cream until it was soft.
I would have to have been about 3 yrs old as she passed away when I was 4.

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Post by jencow » Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:27 am

My earliest memory is from when i was about 18 months there is many things i remember such as my dad coming in from work and bursting my balloons with his work boots on i was devastated lol, i remember how i used to sit out on the window ledge in my bedroom upstair but my best one would have to be when i was about 3 i used to jump but i wouldnt come straight back down it was though i was floating and that i could control my movements while i was off the ground i used to think about this a lot as just dreams but now im sure that it was real has anyone ever experienced this

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Post by BLACKCAT » Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:05 am

flight _of_angelwings wrote:Wow a plane crash.  I'm wondering if like spiritalk you now have an instinctive fear of flying as she does with fire due to her bed catching alight.

They say so many of our earlier scares we find hard to shake from adult hood and we just keep that exact fear unless we find a productive way to deal with it.  I'm still terrified of dark muddy water, if I cant see the bottom of the water I panic....I find it hard to be on water in a boat I love it but if I fell over board I'm sure I would pass out....very sure I would

Was it a large aircraft?
well, it was a large aircraft. but i don't have a fear of flying. i do how ever have a fear of the water. i almost drowned when i feel off a boat. and i had a another incident with the water, where i did drowned. i don't really talk about that one. my sign is cancer so when reading up on them it always says "you love the water" not this cat. i hate it, and you will never catch me on  a boat.
in thinking about this thread it seems the few memories i do have are tragic really. i had spinal meningitis as a toddler, i don't remember much. but i do remember them strapping my arms down so i wouldn't pull out the iv.
my mom couldn't stay at the hospital with me because of my bother. so i kinda remember being strapped down, alone and being in the dark. i haven't thought about that in so long.


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Post by spiritalk » Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:54 pm

It does seem to take it being a traumatic experience for the memory to exist.  And isn't that when we know we have learned the most?

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Post by weeangel » Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:58 pm

i guess i would have been 2 my great grandad bought me a little plstic golf set and i was over the moon i remember he wore a cap.
its not much of a memory but my memory after that is of him being in hosp then everyone being sad and him not being around anymore, so im glad i got a memory of happy times to cherish him byxxxx

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