can u be born with an evil soul?

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:38 pm

Well that machine has to has to been invented by some really nasty people.....with only one purpose....collect money from "simple minded people"....maybe they even was involved in the cure for gay people too!

Beating have never solved anything....and will never do...of course people who brake the law shall be punish....but in a way the society feel is proper for the deed done, but it have to be the society that makes the rules and do the punish.
Last edited by Rhutobello on Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by suzisco » Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:42 pm

Oh dear a machine that punishes people for being mentally unwell.  If cruelty and capital punishment worked we would still have birching and the death penalty.  Punishing people with pain and no rehabilitation doesn't work.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:34 pm

The soul knows!  The more spirituality we examine and become aware of...the more the morals and ethics take a role.  To be in this life there is a law of polarity...for the good there is the opposite of the bad.  Balance is the key.

Concepts of spirituality are found in all religions as well is without religion.  Spirituality is wrapped up in our behaviour to become aware of its existence within ourselves.

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Post by silverphoenixwillow » Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:45 pm

mmmmm. lets see........personaly speaking............i will tell my story and let you figure it out.......
i had a brother  that ,,, pretty much did whatever he wanted to do,,, most of the time it consisted of doing wrong..
we had to lock up everything of value,,,,,,,,,and when something to come up missing .. he usually was the one behind it,,,,
i was raped by him as a child,,,,,,, and he never once,,,, said he was sorry or  spoke of no remorse.......
all of the family,, did not trust him,,,,, and his only way in life was to con anybody or everybody out of whatever he wanted..
to tell the truth was not in his vocabulary,, and he would look into your eyes,, and tell you,,,,, his truth, as he seen it,,
and thats what he believed,,,,,,,, i believe that this is truly a mental illness,,,, that somewhere in the dna that its a little twisted and that these types of people really can not fathom that are doing wrong,,,, because to them they do not see it as wrong..
so  no i do not believe that people are born evil,,,,, i think its a chemical imbalance,,,,,messed up DNA,,,, ect.......
my brother was diaganosed with ALS....LOU GERIEGS DESEASE IN 2000 AT     OStara-------EASTER.......
he died last year march 22-2006,,,,
he suffered a great deal in this period,, and i truly believe that this desease  showed him a spiritual path..........
i do forgive him,,,,as does the family for his behavior.......
but i believe that it is a birth defect in a manner of speaking,,, that  some people just can not really register good from bad.
does this make them evil ??????? no......they just need,,,,,, something in thier body fixed,,,,, that is out of tune

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:11 pm

In discussing with a friend those who lean towards crime and abuse of people in society we came to the conclusion there seems to be a gene missing.  Is there a spiritual gene?  One that allows us to know for ourselves and others what is right and wrong?  We all know people in varying degrees who ignore some of the niceties of life in favour of their own comforts.

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Post by Tukaram » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:59 am

I don't think you are really born one way or the other.  Your life is full of choices.  You live with the choices you make.  

I believe in karma and reincarnation though, so you may not be born 'evil' per se but you do bring a lot of baggage with you.

But no matter what your situation or history I think you can still make progress in this life IF that is what you really want and choose to do.

Was Hitler born that way?  He made some pretty odd choices and turned out a bit different. (That's an understatement!)   His next life (or many lives) will have some karma to work out but his choices in later lives can affect how long it goes on.

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Post by LibB » Mon Apr 02, 2007 5:59 am

Unfortunately this issue does exist. I've seen it personally. Unfortunately.

There are only a few of them. but if they produce offspring then there can be more.
I know for a fact that I'm a heavenly spirit in human form, so I know I'm not evil. However due to some other people I had my doubts about where I would end up.Heaven holds on to me with love and light.

Your dilemma sounds like a past life issue. If you believe in goodness and are trying to be happy then you have a heavenly soul. Find ways to protect yourself from negative energy. Maybe see someone for past life recall and ask your spirit guides to protect you.
Spiritual cleansing is also needed.

Did something happen to you as a child?
Have you been around people like this?
What has happened to you in this lifetime to give you these impressions?
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Post by BLACKCAT » Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:03 am

omg! lots of stuff has happened to me as a child. i won't tell you all of them, here's a few. when i was two i had spinal meningitis
very Lucky i lived or wasn't paralyzed. also when i was two i fell off a boat and drowned. i remember breathing in water.......and that's about it, until i was resuscitated. two was a bad year for me. when i was three i was on a plane that had ice on the wings and skidded off the O'Hare runway and into the water, my aunt died, i don't remember much of it thou. i also have juvenile diabetes.  i could go on, but i don't think any of these things determines how your soul is. good or bad? i think that people are born with something. have you ever done something that wasn't taught? like i remember being very little, and i was asked if i did something bad, that i had done. i lied and said i didn't do it.
nobody taught me how to lie, shit, i didn't even know what lying was, i was way to little to understand a concept of a lie verses the truth. so where did this lie come from? why was this my first instinct to lie , instead of the truth? of course at the time i didn't have a clue what i was doing was bad, good or indifferent. i think i was two or three. so now looking back at the few memories i have from being a kid, i was always up too something and i was always in trouble. yes , environment plays a part. but when you have never been around someone who lies, and can't understand the concept yet, how do u know that telling a lie, might give you a little self-preservation. you don't. it's just something inside of you, or maybe just something you were born with. just some food for thought.


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Post by Vishwas » Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:07 pm

Maybe just something ur soul remembers from ur past lives. The Karma & the lessons learnt from past lives.

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Post by michaela » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:54 am

I think you're looking a little too deep, Blackcat. Why implicate the soul when the more likely culprit is the ego?

Then again I am at a disadvantage. I've never met a person who seemed to be innately evil, or innately good for that matter.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:03 pm

There is a seed planted within each of us (soul) and it has the potential for nourishment in good or evil.  Even Hitler required the agreement of a lot of other evil minds to accomplish such devastation.  

We have only NOW to be and grow.

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Post by victor_louis » Tue May 08, 2007 11:16 am

I beleive that you can not be born with an evil soul.  All babies have so much love in them.  And they will die without love and without human touch.

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Post by epsilonsmirror » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:41 am

evil in my oppinion is conscious.
It is an intentional and directed way of being.
it is the direct choice of selfishness and self propagation that are evils earmarks.
Like good is the direct choice of altruism and self sacrifice.
I dont believe that anyone is born evil or good.
The soul and spirit are being in its truest sense.(above the factions of those polarities)
However if the persons soul and spirit decided they wanted to understand the way of evil, the body& mind will tend in that direction whether they like it or not because of the higher will wanting that type of experience.
what is needed then is to meditate and soul search to find out if this is the case.
If it is head that way with that intention if you get enough information to satisfy the higher world then you will be released from that task and can move on to something else.(your actions will have better results when the intention is good.)(paralysis of the wise means you are conscious of what is going on and cannot act because the right thing to do will cause greater harm than doing the opposite this is called standing still.or holding your breath as it were when a soul and or spirit are this advanced they accomplish more this way rather than taking action or purposeful intention.they become still and quiet and observe only.
the higher will be done, it is a choice sometimes made to keep abreast of the evolution of the manifestions.watchers,recorders,guides and teachers go through these types of initiations and lifetimes to better aquaint themselves with all the aspects of existence.
you cant help someone if you dont understand the way of being.
like a path without markers is a path never travelled consciously, it must be travelled by someone so that someone can guide others through often dangerous and tragic territory in both the physical and spiritual planes.
the universe is often in drastic shortages of strong mature spirits and souls that know thier way around these sorts of things.
and a strong one that expresses a knack or ability the universe will make great allowances of karma and such to have such teachers in these ways availible.
well think about this and talk to me if you feel so inclined.

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Post by BLACKCAT » Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:24 am

I know everyone kinda assumed i was talking about me, it's funny i guess.
maybe i was. but i was more or less just asking the question. i know i have done many evil deeds in my life. i have many regrets, but i can't say that i am ashamed. I'm not. yes, many bad choices i have made. but ultimitly, i am the person i am because of all i have said, and done here on this earth.
and for the most part these days i try and walk forward and see the good things in life. many that know me, know that this has not always been the case. in fact it wasn't all that long ago to do this was very challenging. i like to let people think I'm unemotional and not caring, i don't know why, maybe it's just easier. but i know I'm not Satan :smt096 or anything. so thanks for all the feed back.

always fight the good fight, not the easy one.

love and all that crap, :smt003

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Can u be born with an evil soul?

Post by LCD » Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:36 am

Yes, I think so.  My partner, outward and for others to see, is good and great but, he is evil inside. And whats more, people that does'nt know him well, can't and won't see it. The outer "face" he has just is so angelic that even I find it hard to believe that he has no feeling or regard for anything or anybody but himself. And all this happens under the cover of "I love and care so much and look after my family so well. Look at how hard I work to provide" etc etc etc

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