How to live "1000 years"

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:50 pm

Not so many years ago the average age of death for human beings was around 45.  Today it is around 80.  What is extending it?

IMO it is not just better medical attention.  It is learning to 'live' that is important.  Too often when we focus on death, that is what we manifest.  Worrying about our age and/or death will create the reality.  (Isn't this what we have been learning about empowerment issues and the natural laws (attraction being one of them))

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Post by TrayC » Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:01 am

I would have to ask you wether you meant 1000 yrs all at this vibrational level? In human form or spiritually?

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Why not?

Post by michaela » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:40 am

I think I know what you're on about, Richard. Given what we know, or what we think we know, it seems to make sense. Cells die but others are born to take their place. So, why do we grow old if we are continually being reborn from within?

Assuming it isn't hardwired into our DNA - or other factors determining our physical state - to grow old; for cells to die and be replaced by degraded cells, then theoretically it should be possible to live forever. Perhaps what's lacking is the necessary environment, nutrient or otherwise, for reborn cells to be born perfect. Whatever the case, if that's even close to what you're thinking, Richard, then I agree. It's a vexing question, why do our bodies degrade over time? Why can't we live for as long as we choose?

It's thought by some that diseases like cancer are brought on by negative or destructive patterns of thinking or feeling or the tendency to hold onto those patterns thereby disrupting the normal, constructive business of the body. It's also thought that positive thinking or cleaning out the dross of old and destructive thoughts and feelings can positively effect disease - reverse it, cure it. If ageing is, as generally believed, not a specific condition of it's own but rather accumulated destruction over time, and if we really do play an active role in the slowly degrading nature of our physical systems, then perhaps, were we to discover how, we could instead play a more deliberately constructive role.

In any case, but for the evidence of my eyes, I can't see any logical reason why our bodies are doomed to slowly age and die. If somebody finds a way around it, pass it on.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:00 pm

Our earliest pioneer and explorers died seeking the fountain of youth.  It is ever man's quest....youth!  As we think, so we are!

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Post by A.Occultus » Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:06 pm

To live 1000 years you have to find the Stone (Lapidem)...hehehe

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Post by MarcoAZS » Tue May 01, 2007 1:21 am

Nonono! no need on stones... to live 1000 years, you need to not eat chocolate or sugars, no good food, no pleasures in life, no alcohol, no smoke, no drugs, no love, no life... Again why do you wanna live all that WITHOUT all that? :)

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Post by spiritalk » Tue May 01, 2007 3:23 pm

It is, perhaps, in taking pleasure in all the things life offers...mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  The fact is that our own thinking limits our existence.  

As we are eternal beings, there really is no ceacation of life in some form or another.

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its possible!!

Post by johnnieo » Wed May 09, 2007 6:05 pm

Just find the elixir of live and the sorcerer´s stone... is that easy!!! :smt003

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Post by WanderingSoul » Wed May 09, 2007 10:18 pm

A person would quickly become bored with life hitting somewhere near the 100 mark.

Trust me, we were meant to die at the age of 100ish for a reason, there's only so much that you can do in life.

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Living 1000 years

Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri May 11, 2007 11:44 am

I had heard that Sanyasis in the Himalayas live around 400 to 500 years. They are able to do it because they are all Yogic Experts. Death of every person is written in their Fate. When Yamraj comes to take your Soul these Sanyasis have knowledge of their Death (They also know when and where a person will die just by knowing that person) i.e. when they shall Die. Yamraj comes only to take your Soul not your body which is useless after the soul is separated from the Body.

So when Sanyasis know their Death Time they go into Deep Meditation at that time and at this time their Soul is high up in the Skies (We call it "IN BRAHMAND"). So Yamraj cannot take away the Soul of that Sanyasi. Hence this way the Sanyasis are able to live long long life but they are all away from the pleasures and pain of this world. Their attachment is with God and with their disciples only.

I met one Saint who was then (about 12 years back) said to be 287 years old and in his 3rd Life. Such Saints do not take Birth (This is what I was told) . They are only placed at one particular place and after a period of time taken to another place when their work is over in that place. They are called the Assistants of God. Whether they do Punya or Paap they do not have to penance for whatever they do as it is at HIS Bidding. It is God or that Superior Power send such Saints to different parts of this world so that Good may prevail over evil. This Saint at 287 years of age had a body which was rock solid. His Chest, His Back, His Legs, Hands everything was solid like a rock. Once in 3/4 years he would attain his original Body for only 1 day and then he looked too old with long hairs, almost all the tooth missing, he would not be able to walk and so on and so forth. Once the Day was over He would again recover His rock like Body. It is said He had attained the Body of some person through His Yogic Strength.

Well that is the nearest to the 1,000 years you are discussing. Since this Saint was highly respected, reverred and loved by all HIS followers and I have met HIM personally as also my family members I can talk about HIM.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by Sorrow » Fri May 11, 2007 5:35 pm

The key to immortality is living a life worth remembering.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri May 11, 2007 5:51 pm

The spirit within is eternal...the body matter not.  The death of a body is merely the cessation of a vessel no longer useful for the occupation of the soul.  Even the spirit body will cease over time.  As life is progressive, living in a human body for a limited time shows the progression of the will outlive the material body.

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How to live a 1000 years

Post by ranter » Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:21 am

Hi Richard,
hi Richard and greetings from Monkstown. The reason you're getting such an amazingly funny reaction for wanting to live a thousand years is that so many people I live in the matrix.  When I say the matrix and talking about limited thinking.  I've been looking at the same subject for some time.  And I don't see any reason in the world why human being can't live indefinitely.  If you cut your finger you heal.  If he gets a more severe wound it would take more time and more care but it will still heal.
If there's a healing process within us and if we're as sophisticated as we think we are in is there any reason in the world why we shouldn't be able to stimulate that so-called sophisticated knowledge into healing of the aging process.
After all the aging process is a process of becoming more and more damaged until we can't sustain life in the more.That's the process of degeneration. They say that eventually with stem cell technology we should be able to regenerate new definition the new limit is younger than the rest of us.  By definition if we replaced one limb at the time we could  regenerate all of our limbs.  Then we could start on on our organs. The sky is the limit.

I'm now in my late 50s and from my 20s I was careful about what I ate. I took regular vitamins and minerals.  While I worked hard I generally took care of myself.  I didn't open deluge in alcohol.  I never took drugs.  I did however smoke.
In my 20s and 30s my friends regularly laughed at me for taking the vitamins and minerals.  I don't laugh at them now.  I kind of pity them.   Some of them is even passed on from degenerative diseases.  Yet I haven't gone gray yet.  Most of those so-called friends of mine look old and obese and degenerate.

A lot of people don't like this.  I get a lot of snide remarks. I put it down to jealousy and envy.  It's kind of weird.  However I'm proud of my state of mind and body.

My advice is simple.  Eat organic food. Detox the body regularly. Take at least a gram of vitamin C every day. Take 100 mg of B complex everyday. Take 400 IUs of vitamin E.It's a good idea to take a regular multivitamin as well. Everybody needs minerals and the food we eat is pretty depleted of them.  So it's a good idea to take collidal ionic  on top.This may sound expensive than a little over the top but I was at a pharmacy today and just happened to see all the drugs ( all with side effects) that somebody might age was getting for his blood pressure and he's arthritis and God knows what.  I was horrified.  My vitamin and mineral intake was put into perspective.  Compare him and compare me you will see who is winning. It's all about balance.I have always anticipated and living to be about 200.  I never thought of a thousand but why not.

If you wanted to live to be a thousand stop doing what everybody else is doing.  Stop thinking like everybody else is thinking.  Check out the places of the world where people living to be very old.   Don't drink tap water.  Don't use fluoride toothpaste.  Don't use chemicals.  Used what is clean and natural.Remember that with all our so-called sophistication we have never succeeded on improving on nature.  It seems nature has won upon us.  Start working with it and it will work with you. Start living joyfully naturally and happily. Get plenty of high-quality erotic sex. Get excited about life and make it worth living. create the conditions that enable you to experience love, and lots of it.  Make life so exciting.  When you do so to keep you young.  Life would be so worth living. Life will be so exciting.

Start thinking outside the box.  If you want to live a very long life you must work for yourself.  You can never do it by working for others.forget about security.  Think about adventure.  Make your life and adventure.  Be the adventure.  The live the adventure.  The live the adventure eternally and enjoy every moment of it.  Then you can live to be a thousand or 10,000.  The secret is to live it cleanly and to enjoy every moment of it.

Nice to see somebody is thinking outside the matrix.  Nice to see that somebody is thinking beyond limitations.  I think most people have a death wish.  They seem to want to die young.  Maybe that's because their life is so damn boring.

Enjoy every magical moment of your life.

Best wishes for ever.


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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:48 pm

Ranter:  While all this care and nurturing is wonderful!  And I wish you a long and happy life!  There are so many things not mentioned.  Your attitude for one....if you are positive or negative it affects the whole.  

Another could be the matter how well we take care of it, the body has a limited capacity.  There are deceases that occur.  

Recently a friend mentioned that a man in perfectly good health, dropped death of an aneurysm.  This is a burst in the blood vessel system.  This came totally out of no where to someone who believed he, too, would live longer.

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How to live 1000 years

Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:27 pm

Dear Friends,

This is a little away from the topic but I am inspired to write it. What is the purpose of this life? To live 1,000 years or to live happily for that many years. The purpose is only one according to what I have read and learnt and try to follow. To wash away all your sins of this and previous lives and gain a permanent seat in HIS presence where life is endless and guaranteed without any disease. It will be all Bliss and no Pain.

Those who have felt this Bliss will vouch for it and those who have not will never believe unless they feel it. Just meet a person who has almost died and then come back through some Miracle healing or HIS Blessings. Ask him about this bliss and he may not be able to describe it but just by thinking about that moment his face will show it i.e the experience felt in those last moment. I have been there 4 times and hence I know what I saw.

Pravin Kumar

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