Love or sex

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Pravin Kumar
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Love and Sex

Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri May 25, 2007 12:33 am

Dear Friends,

Very interesting discussions by all of you. Yesterday night I was thinking. Human life and even a married life can be compared to a river. Very turbulent in the beginning, and a little calm in the middle and when it approaches the Sea (the end of human life) it just calms down.

So is the case of married life too. In the end we just calm down and look to each other for comfort, support and well the sex part just goes out and love part increases without even so much as a Kiss or praise for your partner. It is just dependence on each other and knowing that you cannot be without your partner.

If someone feels turbulency even in old age then he is not old but still feeling young and vigorous and have natures of young.

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Post by rozrokz » Sat May 26, 2007 5:15 am

I find that man need to prove that they can attract women especially YOUNG women irregardless of their own apperance at whatever age. Like u say some man even old have the turbulence bit in them. The Peter Pan syndrome  :smt009 .

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Love and Sex

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat May 26, 2007 5:35 am

Dear Friend,

You must have read in the newspaper a woman of 20 or 25 marrying a gentleman of 50 or 60. Although rare but such incidents are reported and there is logical reason for that in Palmistry. Why do you think a woman of 20/25 marry a gentlman of 50 or 60?

I remember reading in the news papers long time back a gentleman over 90 having a wife over 60 and the wife delivered the baby at that age. And her statement was she couldn't trust her husband with on bed as even at that age he is so excited. This was in Australia.

You will read such news especially of celebrities. Our own Film Actress of yesteryear Saira Banu married Dilip Kumarji who is twice her age and the marriage is successful since more than 20 years. Whether it was the turbulence in the old man which attracted the women or not cannot be said but there has to be some real attraction between such couples and always in such indications it is the younger women who prefer the older men. Vice Versa is also possible and also reported.

Pravin Kumar

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Re: Love and Sex

Post by Flame haired one » Sat May 26, 2007 5:42 am

Pravin Kumar wrote:

Dear Friend,

You must have read in the newspaper a woman of 20 or 25 marrying a gentleman of 50 or 60. Although rare but such incidents are reported and there is logical reason for that in Palmistry. Why do you think a woman of 20/25 marry a gentlman of 50 or 60?

I remember reading in the news papers long time back a gentleman over 90 having a wife over 60 and the wife delivered the baby at that age. And her statement was she couldn't trust her husband with on bed as even at that age he is so excited. This was in Australia.

You will read such news especially of celebrities. Our own Film Actress of yesteryear Saira Banu married Dilip Kumarji who is twice her age and the marriage is successful since more than 20 years. Whether it was the turbulence in the old man which attracted the women or not cannot be said but there has to be some real attraction between such couples and always in such indications it is the younger women who prefer the older men. Vice Versa is also possible and also reported.

Pravin Kumar

OTOH, sometimes men are looking to 'feel' youthful and feel that by being with/marrying a younger woman that they are in fact viewed as virile as in 'their day'.  Or in those rare moments...true compatibility occurs.  Very few women/men reversal.  As love affairs possibly; but, as a general rule women do not keep a 20-30 year old man in her life at 55-65 years of age.  Men age differently then women.  (without the advent of surgery)  :smt003    Sometimes, the woman looks at financial security...

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Love and Sex

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat May 26, 2007 7:32 am

Dear Friend,

This topic is getting very interesting. Yes women of 50/55 marrying a boy of 20/25 is not reported uptil now. Boys are particular perhaps. They marry only women about 5 to 10 years elder as I have met some of them. The reason for boy or a woman marrying a person elder to her by 5 to 10 years or eve more is that such people look to Security, Maturity of the partner and also it has to be their nature. There is a certain indication in the palm which shows that this person would be happy only in the company of an elder partner.

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Post by dmagbal » Tue May 29, 2007 2:59 am

Ok, this is what i feel.
Love need not have sex involved.  Unfortunately, I would say Love can be lost for some reasons including sex too.
Strong love should have no boundaries or obstacles; weak love does.
Yes, there can be sex without love...pure lust.
But lust with love is great.  It is one thing that will make your bonding stronger.

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Love and Sex, My Answer!

Post by MissiMisMisPriss » Wed May 30, 2007 12:22 pm

You can have sex without love, or you can have love and "make love", or give - it - to - me good and hard -down and dirty sex...
Sex and love is different between the males and females, when asking that question..  Men think of it differently than women....  
So, to wanna know about the differnce between the two, you would have to ask men and women and you will get a totally different answer...

As for me being a woman, I would choose love over sex, because sex can be found with anyone, anywhere in time..  But "Love"?  Well, that is a preicious thing that is worked at to achieve and get...

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What is love

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed May 30, 2007 1:03 pm

People on Earth do not understand the meaning of True Love. When I wrote about this in Book 1, many people misunderstood and thought that LUST is the same thing. NO, YOU AR WRONG. TRUE LOVE  has no physical aspect; it means sacrifices and never every being selfish; and it does not mean you can have physical affairs.

In your world nowadays, when evil is more common, I find so many stupid people having affairs and hurting their spouse and ruining their family life. Children suffer the most in these cases; so, if you have any feelings for your children, you will never ever behave stupidly. Again, I repeat, TRUE LOVE, is full of sacrifices and will never ever hurt anyone.

There ar many women - married and unmarried - who try and break someone else's marriage. If she really and truly loved the man,  she would sacrifice her love and  never hurt his wife and children, or allow him to fall lower spiritually.

God forbid if you call it true love; if you allow your supposed-to-be true love  go down the drain and spiritually lower?

The stupid men do not understand that what they are doing is absolutely wrong, allowing these women into fooling them and making them go to hell for the sake of their ego. These men and women are actually willingly going to hell.

You must not DIVORCE  for petty reasons or a small quarrel. Whether you have children or not, you have made a commitment to each other and you cannot dissolve a commitment so easily: and if you have children - think of them first, before you think of your own convenience. You must learn tolerance and patience and there must be give and take between married couples. But, if it is impossible to stay with your spouse, then yes, you should definitely divorce, especially if your partner is not a good person. Do not let your children suffer, though on the other hand, for their sake's try and compromise.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed May 30, 2007 11:14 pm

Love is the binding force in human existence.  It never dies.  Love is exchanged and never diminishes.  Love is given to all human is not about gender and other issues.  Love is the deepest and most abiding of conditions of the human consciousness.

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Post by MissEm » Thu May 31, 2007 2:57 am

Love for the moment....
Love for the ever after....
Love knows no bounds....
Love can be fleeting but where one love ends, another begins

Why do we like to differentiate between love and true love?  Why not take it for what it is for however long it is.

Love is and can be so many things to many people.

A firend of mine from my parish is a young woman of mid-30's who is married to a man of 60.  They have one child and another on the way.  You can plainly see by the look on her face and the way she speaks of him that they are in love.  He recently went over to Hong Kong for business and sent her some flowers cos he missed her and sent his young daughter a teddy.  How sweet is that!

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Post by urbanquesturge » Sat Jul 07, 2007 5:13 pm

love to me is what you share with the other person, sex is how you express it to the other much either of those means depends on the individual

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:55 pm

One without the other is also possible.

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Post by Azhar » Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:21 am

I remember during my college daya, a friend of mine who was studying in a different college told me an interesting story about an incident happened in his college. A post graduate girl student and her class fellow, a boy was caught by the college librarian in an intimate condition in the library. Both were presented to the colleges principal for action against them.The principal asked them to explain their position."The girl replied ,Sir sometimes heart rules the mind." After listening to it the Principal pardoned them.
Since Love is a very pious relatinship while sex is only the lust. When the element of lust comes in then love does not remains, love and materalistic desires can be put in, as in case of human body the outer self of a person or body is material and its soul is love. When the physical desire is over, what we call is satisfied the attraction is over while love is eternal ,when there is no material thoughts pious thoughts come in. the soul is love  and love is God and this is the link for eternal love and peace.

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love or sex

Post by girlygirl » Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:45 am

sex is way better when you at least have a little bit of feelings for the other person

  love is the best by far

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Post by pkj » Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:06 pm

Is love due to sex or sex due to love?

love is a permanent phase which shows you care someone while sex is a temporary phase in which love, care and share is not involved.

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