My daughter needs help with her assigment

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Post by LibB » Tue May 22, 2007 12:58 pm

Deborah wrote:banshee. --- this one actually gave her the creeps - wow never thought I would see that!!

She has this week left of school .............. then she will have all this lovely art work to find a place for in my home! ugh!
Please remind your daughter that bringing dark energy into a picture can bring them a haven to live in. Looking into dark entities can bring no end of problems. this whole thread has given me the same feelings that the banshees has given her. Don't mess with the dark energies they mean trouble. It feels like some negative entity is looking to recreate themselves through your daughter. it may sound like fun but the repercussions can be alot more serious and dangerous. as a Lightworker your daughter should be looking for something Heavenly to bring to Earth to remind others and herself how Heaven works on the Earth Plain. This is why My earlier post suggested Joseph. He is proof that you do not have to be religious to know Heaven or to complete your mission on Earth and graduate to a Heavenly position. Please tell your daughter to think about what I have said seriously as she is a lightworker and having something Heavenly is definitly a blessing. Having fun with dark energy you will find will not be fun in the future. Hers or anyone around her. They like to let people think it's a fun game, only for them is it fun for all others it is soul destroying. I would never want your daughter to have this kind of energy in her life. We need her to be true to herself and bring Heavens love to Earth.
Love and light to you both.

Ps No offense but if she is drawing pictures of Dark energies, I for one don't want to be proud to look. I've been there in real life and am not going there again.
For me as a friend I am proud of your daughter and her efforts but I am not proud of what the dark energies hold Death and destruction. Please take caution. The message she was given to herself when Banshees was said is what they all represent and I know your daughter has alot more to offer than this. Ask her to instinctively draw and see what she comes up with. Joseph is still available and a willing participant.

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Post by Deborah » Tue May 22, 2007 3:41 pm

Today she is doing a project based on Holding stars in the pocket ..full of love!

I hope that is a inspiring piece for her !!

She is down because they have cancelled her art program ............... the school she wants into you have to have 4 years of art ........ at this rate she wont get into it ..... :(

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Post by Kalopsychos » Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:33 am

The Ferryman. Google Greek Myths Styx Charon Hades.
He was not the Grim Reaper, only a guide to the next life.

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