How to live "1000 years"

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Post by astrobhadauria » Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:28 pm

जब पूरे सौ साल जिन्दा रहने पर आदमी बेकार सा हो जाता है तो १००० साल जिन्दा रहने के बाद उस्की क्या हालत होगी इस्की कल्पना करना ही बेकार है.अगर आदमी को १००० साल जिन्दा रहना है तो उसको अपनो से बिल्कुल दूर रहना पदेगा,जिसके कारन वो अपने लोगो के बीच अन्जान बन कर ही रहे.इसके बाद जो भी १००० साल की जिन्दगी चाहता है वो हमेशा लोगो की भलाइ मै ही रहे तो बिल्कुल ठीक रहेगा.हमेसा घूमता रहे और कभी एक देश मै तो कभी दूसरे देश मै चला जावे,लोगो से मित्रता करने पर उस्को बहुत ही मजा आयेगा.हमने सुना है कि भारत मै ग्यान गन्ज नामक स्थान पर महातपा नाम के सन्न्यासी अभी भी है,उनकी उमर १५०० साल की है,वे रोज रात को १२ बजे गुफ़ा से बाहर निकलते है,उनके निकलते ही गुफ़ा के बाहर एकदम उजाला हो जाता है.वे केवल हवा खाने को बाहर निकलते है,उनके शिष्य श्री भरगुरामजी भी पूरे ४५० साल के है,अगर आपको उनके बारे मै अधिक जान्कारी चाहिये तो आप उनके आश्रम से पता कर सकते है,उनका पता है-ग्यान गन्ज आश्रम,मल्दहिया रोड वनारस,उत्तर प्रदेश भारत.
There are a person in the Gyanganj ashram,in the velly of Himalaya,name Shri Mahatapaajee living,his actual age is 1500 years,his shishya shree Bhrguramji's age is 450 years,If you want more information for him kindly contect to-Manager,Gyanganj Ashram,maldahiya Road,Vanaras,U.P. India.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:29 pm

I like is not the length so much as the breadth.  How much enjoyment and happiness is found in the years that we are given?  That is the measure of a soul...not the years.

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Post by ranter » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:45 pm

Blessings on you all.
You are all immortal anyway.  You are all if eternals.  I agree with your spirittalk,attitude is everything.  I thought I made that perfectly clear.
You speak of your friend who dropped in an aneurysm.  Aneurysms and how they kill people are explained in great detail by Dr. Joel Wallach in his "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"tape.   An aneurysm can only happen in a demineralized body.  That is why I suggested colloidal or ionic minerals.
Nothing comes completely out of nowhere including aneurysms.  It takes years of eating demineralized foods to create the conditions for an aneurysm. said to describe the man who dropped dead of an aneurysm as perfectly healthy it just to see that appearances don't necessarily described the states of a person's health.A perfectly healthy person couldn't possibly get an aneurysm.   He or she could get hit by a car though.   I think about higher lever we make those choices.

Pravin Kumar asks for the purpose of life.  Many people asked that question and I have seen some crazy answers.  The purpose of life is to live it.  The purpose of life isto live it to the full.  We did not come here for the purpose of learning.  Where we came from everything is already known so what is there to learn?
This idea of sin but still prevails is nauseating to me.   It's about judgment.  Who are we to judge?  Who has the right to judge?
He if you are describing God is the Eternal Light from which we come. We are Spark of that light.We are miniatures of that light.We are miniatures of the all-knowing.The all-knowing's purpose for us is not to learn but to experience life in all its variety.There is no place for judgment in that scenario and there is no judgment in that scenario.The judgment comes from religions. Religions come from the distortion of human thinking.Some Priests or Preacher, Mullah or Rabbis the audacity to stand in front of us and tell us they have a right to speak to God and our behalf.  They are the ones who create the judgments, the fear and the sin. There is no bliss where their distorted thinking comes from.there is no bliss where there is judgment.
I will not ask him anything because I will ask from inside because I am part of what he is.  I am one with the infinite and I accept no priests before me.  This idea of sin in judgment is a distortion.  This idea of carmic cleansing is a reality, but a distorted reality created by the distortions of human thinking created by priestly classes and casts.  The carmic imprints are created by that kind of thinking.We create our own reality and that is a distorted reality we have created.
I have been in that place too Pravin.  I didn't find any judges there and if I did I would have repudiated them.  Imagine spending eternity with beings who are so small minded that they live by judgment?imagine watching your every move lest some snidy judge would condemn you? There wouldn't be much creativity our spontaneity in such a place.  That to me would really be hell.
Eternal Bliss is the place where there is no judgment, it's a place of creative spontaneity.  That's the glory of God's creation.

Blessings without judgment.


Pravin Kumar
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How to live 1,000 years

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:15 pm

Dear Friend,

I have nowhere said that in that Blissful moment I thought of judgement or religion or for that matter anything? You only see blissful peace all round when you are totally left free of all thoughts and sometimes you are floating.

As for priests and mullahs you may not believe and there are so many who have duped millions of people but there are people in this world who can guide you to the right destination, right direction. You do not some address and you ask someone and you are guided. What do you call that? Well that is what I call a Guru who takes you in that direction. How to be sure you are not Duped? Well my Sadguru said only one thing: Do not follow those who ask from you anything in terms of money, property etc. etc. We only require your happiness and see that you reach the ultimate goal.

I do not challenge your way of thinking but there are so many other methods. Just draw a circle and see yourself at any point on the circle. You have to reach the centre of that Circle whichever path you take. The Centre is the ultimate destination for all human beings.

You may not believe in Sin but what do you call if some person harms the interest of another person by deceitful method. Living life to enjoy it is O.K. but it should be positively and I believe you mean that. However there are other ways to enjoy life which only disturbs the mind and leads us astray. As long as the mind remains peaceful with whatever you do, you are doing right or you are enjoying life in the right way.

The difference is that everyone sees life and goes through it and we should try to reach the centre of that circle howsoever we may do it.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:55 pm

Ranter:  Just a thought....there would be no contemporaries left and you would have the life experiences so totally misunderstood by those in your life.  Aging is a process the body goes through to get us ready for death.  

As we are immortal beings in spirit...time to leave the earth plane is determined by our lives here in all aspects.

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Post by ranter » Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:23 am

There are new and amazing people being born every day. The best people have not
been born yet. Who needs contemporaries?
Some of the most amazing people who have ever lived and who arent around our 3D world any more have left us amazing legacies. For that I thank them.
There are supposed to be two inevitables, death and taxes.
Well most of the very rich use tax havens and tax shelters so effectively that they pay no taxes. Only "CONSUMERS" pay taxes. "CONSUMERS" are suckers that dont know they are slaves, but that is another story.
So if taxes arent so completely inevitable after all, who is to say death is either. Maybe the slogan should be "Pay Taxes And Die". Just a thought.

There is an interesting passage in "The Emerald Tablets" which says;

                  "Know ye that body when in perfect balance
                   may never be touched by the finger of death.
                   Aye, even by accident may only approach
                   when balance is gone.
                   When ye are in balanced equilibrium
                   Ye shall live on in time and not taste death.
                   Know that thou are the balance completion
                   existing because of the balance of poles.

                   See ye that not, in Earths heart is the balance
                   that shall thou draw on the balance of Earth.
                   Exist then, shall thou, while Earth is existing
                   changing form, only when Earth, too, shall change
                   Tasting not of death, but one with this planet
                   Holding thy form till ALL pass away."

So what does all this mean? Simple really. The human body is a living thinking Holographic Projection of thought. Consciousness through the activity of thought is stimulated to create the neurological and physical keys called DNA which project the full physical manifestation or structure of the living body. In simple terms Thought creates and projects through the DNA to create the living physical body.
The physical body serves as a biochemical lens through which portions of the Dimensional Unified Field are perceived by the embodied consciousness as a 3 dimensional hologram, as the Primal Life Force currents continually carry pulses of the individuated consciousness through the Transduction Sequences through the DNA, to the manifest Chemical Lens of the physical body structure and Holographic "external reality" field projection.
While we hold the integrity of the source consciousness of thought intact and in its fullness, we will mantain perfect health in an eternal or immortal body. The mass hypnosis or should I say hysteria of mortality known as the Matrix causes fear and doubt which disentegrates the integrity of the thought which causes ageing, illness disentigration and death. Of course since it is only a holographic projection, death is just an illusion.
Indeed our whole -- so called reality -- is just a mass thought construct, a holographic projection of source consciousness distorted by all of our individuated consciousness. It certainly causes diversity which is positive ,but it also causes divisiveness which is not so good.Consciousness projects its awareness into what we call reality. The core substance of the cosmos, indeed the Multiverse is consciousness. Thought is the activity of consciousness. Thought tends to forget its connection to the Divine Universal Consciousness. Thats the beginning of fragmentation and mortality and all the misery that goes with it.
The concept of duality, judgment and sin starts when thought forgets its divine origins. Thats when ego and fear takes over to start the disentigration process.
When we connect with the spiritual Universal Divinity inside then we become one with it and then we recognise and become our Eternal Selves.
While the criminals who rule the pharmasutical industry keep feeding the whores in the white coats who dare to masquerade as scientists control the training of the "health Professionals this will remain the science of the furure for another 500 years. There are virtually no scientists alive on the planet today...We have just a bunch of bought and paid for whore. I guess thats what the current mass projection is.
Hang around for another 500 years and you will see some interesting changes.
Keep the hologram intact,

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:28 pm

And how much of the writings are referring to the immortal spirit rather than the physical/material body?  It seems to me, that all the ancient writings have something in common - we are immortal beings.  

But that has been mis-translated over the years to assume the capability of the material vibration - which is gross in nature and limited in scope.  The spirit is the eternal.

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Post by ranter » Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:42 am

The physical is an expression of the Divine Consciousness expressed through individuated thought.
Thought distorts,--thinking it is the source of consciousness-- and through this distortion of thought, which erroniously believes itself to be consciousness, we get the mortality of physicality. These same ancient writings speak of lifetimes lasting into the thousands of years. These ancient writings spoke from within their own limitations of distorted thought forms. However they did report what they saw and experienced to the best of their ability.
You describe the material as "vibration" quiete correctly. Vibration is an expression of frequency which is an expression of consciousness which is expressed through thought to manifest the physical. Physicality is merely a low frequency vibration or a hologram. As you say "It is gross in nature and limited in scope." That is because of the distortion of consciousness by thought. It is like --for example-- the hologram being projected through unclear glass.
If we can clear the glass or purify the thought we can purify the physicality. If we can raise the frequency in this way, then the physical becomes more etheric and will probably shift into the fourth or fifth or even a higher dimension.
This is beginning to happen. Dr Carl Simonton worked on the attitudes or thought patterns of cancer patients. His first patient was a 61 yr old man with far advanced throat cancer whos weight was down to 95 pounds who could not eat or swallow, who had great difficulty breathing and was extremely weak. This man was requested to visualize 3 times a day, how the cancer cells would die and how the normal cells would repair themselves. The man who had only a 5 to 10% of living recovered completely was released from hospital having recovered completely with no side effects. Dr Simonton is now famous for his remarkeable success with cancer patients. He changes their thoughts to change their physical condition. Its all frequency wheather it is physical or otherwise. Change the thoughts and you change everything. Distorted, limited and negative thinking or thought forms are all that stand between us and physical immortality.
Every change in the physical state is brought about by an appropriate change in the mental/emotional or thought state, consciously or unconsciously. Its all a matter of perception which is individuated thought. We can choose how and what we think, therefore we have the free will to change our reality.
That is what those who speak of Ascension seem to be talking about although they dont generally know what they are talking about.
They expect help from Ascended Masters and Angels. Most of those Beings are only one dimension up from us which hardly qualifies them as being Ascended. However they like to lord over us and make us promises they have no possibility of fulfilling. They are primarily energy vampires. They have no real power in relation to us.
Read for example some of the drivel they "Channel" through those who are duped into thinking they are previlaged to be channels. There is still the same distortion going on at their level. To say the least it is nieve to give them any credibility.
The ancient writings are good at giving us "shoulds" but useless at giving us "hows." Because of that I dont give them much credence. This and future generations will have to figure out the methodologies for ourselves with little or no reference to to the ancient writings which are now severely distorted. An example of limited thinking driven mad by ego and accepted as dogma is the mind states achievable by Zen Buddhist monks who tell us that it takes 25 years of training to achieve their mind states. Elmer Green working at the Menninger institute working with students using simple hand held biofeedback machines was able to bring college students to the same level in a couple of days. If somebody tells you something is impossible--especially if they have a PHD, loads of research and a University behind them--they are merely expressing eminent ignorance and may be secret members of the Flat Earth Society. They are the High Priests of the status quo.
Nothing is impossible. The only inevitability is change. Change your thoughts. Change your reality and change the world and enjoy the experience.
Give your thoughts the clarity to enable you to enjoy life.

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Post by cchibu » Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:51 am

I do not think it is possible

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Post by cchibu » Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:52 am

Give any example of it

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Post by cchibu » Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:55 am

How you come to this?

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Attain Physical Immortality

Post by ranter » Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:16 pm

What you dont think is possible for you then is not possible. you have made it so with your thoughts. That is what you are projecting through your hologram of reality.
You can open your mind to the possibilities. If you only look with keen eyes around India you will see that there are currently a few people who are hundreds of years old. They are achieving that through the clarity of their thought projected holograms.
Once you dispose of the idea that the physical is merely physical and that it is a holographic thought projection then you will be open to all possibilities. You will come to realize that nothing is impossible. That is a most liberating thought. Enjoy the liberating experience of releasing yourself from your present thought forms, thinking patterns and beliefs.Remember that all of your beliefs were imposed on you from the outside when you were young and your mind was mallable. The imposition of beliefs is designed to keep you in line lest you rock the boat and let in the light.
You request examples. Well read my last writing and you will see that I have already given you 2 examples from the work of Dr Carl Simonton and Elmer Green.
Read that again but this time listen with your heart and not with your intellect.
Your intellect is governed by your beliefs and fear. Listen from your heart which is connected to universal consciousness and you will not only understand it but will know it as it is already part of your truth at that level.
Nothing is impossible unless you make it so.
We are all part of something far greater than our limited thinking allows us to comprehend. We are limitless infinite beings with unlimited potential.
Realize and accept that from your heart and then you will achieve great things. Just flower into the realization of the God seed within and discover the true joy of who you really are.
Think with your heart.

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