Some things that are disturbing me

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Post by Crow » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:40 pm

Severdsoul, I too have heard about the flu being tested. I will try later to find the link if you cannot.

Postalsuzie, not all were taught the propeganda alone.    I love history.  :smt002   Once my History teacher said that if we were not to learn history, we were doomed to repeat it.  Loved him bunches!!  I was talking about the other nations who are less fortunate.  Not saying all nations are in the poor house, I know that many countries are well off.  I am well aware that there is universal heathcare elsewhere. But I am not blind to the nations that cannot even get the medicine.  So in that part, I am thankful. It sucks egg, but I make it work.  I am not the best spokesperson for my nation, as I am an odd ball. lol :smt005

It is called Corprate American mentality that has helped get us here. We've known this for years. But since we are lower second class citizens we are not heard.  Now the other classes are complaining about it. Before it was just because we were dumb, uneducated, lazy people not even worthy to be here.

My dream was to go into Medicine.  Persue a degree in Psychology.  Instead I am here, bugging you all. hahaha.  (((HUGS))) No I am not going to leave this country.

I am well aware of the other nations views about my country.  Not all citizens are like that.  

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the united States PEOPLE are wonderful people.

Post by postalsusie » Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:23 pm

I just dont understand how they let things get so outta wack.

I appreciate your views and your being level headed*s*

Bush should have been railroaded OUT years ago. No one did anything. Now look what he has done.
That last election when people threw eggs at his car because people KNEW something was hinky, nothing was done.
And people were disenfranchised and fought for their justice and they were laughed at.... nothing was done.
I could go on and on.. * smh* sigh*

History huh ? Ok how about this.
Hitler  burned his government house to the ground and blamed it on Danish terrorists so that he could get permission to REVOKE all personal and private rights of the German people 'temporarily', ergo giving him free reign to arrest and silence anyone who spoke out against him.
The German people gave up their individual rights because they were AFRAID that terrorists might  do more harm to them and their country.
Now if you dont see a parallel between this and what happened in your country then you must be blind, ok ?

Have you seen the magazine cover printed years ago with Bush dressed as a NAZI? Do you guys down in the states actually hear and see stuff that the world is showing you?

Will the U.S. People do nothing AGAIN when their government goes against the United Nations ruling (done already)and proceeds to not only use our waterways without permission but also DRILL FOR OIL on our land and in our sovereign water passages that have been without dispute for a hundred years?

Will you~ do NOTHING to stop your government, again?
Will you go to war with Canada?

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:04 pm

Remember that we are not a political forum....we can agree and disagree with what our leaders do.....but maybe we shall respect those members who comes here, and not make to much fuzz about their way of government....because all who come here comes for other thing :)

I can agree that it is healthy to question any way of rule, and I do it a lot myself....but in other fora where such discussion is one of the main subject.

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Post by Crow » Tue Aug 26, 2008 9:45 pm

Can we talk about pie?

Postalsusie, I heard ya loud and clear. No offense taken.  But I did get off the subject AGAIN.  I do that with having an attention span of a nat you know.  I am really curious to know what others think of these fema things. Although I like the one pic of him done up like a monkey the best.  Opps there I go again.  It never ends.  But I really don't want this thread to go to bad thread jail.  I am sure there are some peeps who might have more research reguarding these fema things.  I am curious like a cat, and wish to know other peeps views.  Although it is funny, the taboos of society, we do not talk about politics and religion. Darn it, I have to stop now.  Nice to meet you.  You sound like lots of fun.   :smt003

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I didnt start this thread...

Post by postalsusie » Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:15 am

I enjoy spirited and educated conversation but obviously thats frowned upon...

gee.. isnt that ironic..(considering all the comments on this thread)

Fine. I won't post anymore.

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Post by Crow » Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:10 pm

Postalsusie, please post more. I like it.  Think it was the debate that was heating up and some comments that could offend personaly. But I do love good debates, and I didn't take offense.  I see it as your passion, and a passionate person is a lot of fun to me.  We come from all walks of life, it is always interesting to hear what other people feel.  In the process it opened up my eyes to Canada, since I thought all was fine there.   I didn't know about a pending war with your country.  They talked about drilling in Alaska, which is apart of the US, but nothing to say Canada was having their wishes violated.  I can see where you were upset with the US.  Many people will read that, and perhaps start looking into it. Not all was in vain. Thank you for sharing this with us.

As to the Fema Camps, I have been looking more into it. Like suggested to follow the money.  Well I have found some companies that won the bid to build some detention camps.  But I do not know their history.  I also have been looking into Rex 84.  Now I am seeing that they can declare a State of Emergency against Illegals. And these are the detention camps that they would be sent to be processed and sent back. It made sense.  I have read this being used in Australia. Anyone from AU that can confirm or denie?  Are they fema camps? How many are there that are being used to process illegals?   I am reading that there are more than just here in the US.  Now what is Fema got to have detention camps for?  I always thought it was a Government agency set up to help people in crisis.  Not detain them.  Question is, that we know there are many here, but all these camps...that hold so many...something just doesn't feel right with that.

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but Crow

Post by postalsusie » Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:09 pm

The request was made from the SITE ADMIN
Which means if we continue they will shut us down or ban us.

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Post by Crow » Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:30 pm

:smt003 ((HUGS))

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