How easy do you find it to accept things?

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:04 am

ConfusedMind wrote:
And, there's no reason to think Indian people are not educated and economically free enough. they are. exceptions exist in every country. so does in India. and even India does not a less divorce ratio.
Yes there has been a great improvement in the education in India....which this from Wiki show;

India has made a huge progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately two thirds of the population.[2] India's improved education system is often cited as one of the main contributors to the economic rise of India.[3] Much of the progress in education has been credited to various private institutions.[4] The private education market in India is estimated to be worth $40 billion in 2008 and will increase to $68 billion by 2012.[4]  However, India continues to face stern challenges. Despite growing investment in education, 35% of its population is still illiterate; only 15% of Indian students reach high school, and just 7% graduate.[5]. As of 2008, India's post-secondary high schools offer only enough seats for 7% of India's college-age population, 25% of teaching positions nationwide are vacant, and 57% of college professors lack either a master's or PhD degree.[6] As of 2007[update], there are 1522 degree-granting engineering colleges in India with an annual student intake of 582,000,[7]  plus 1,244 polytechnics with an annual intake of 265,000. However, these institutions face shortage of faculty and concerns have been raised over the quality of education.[8]

So my statement is not an attack on your Country as such.....but more my view that if "woman" get education and economic "freedom" ,regardless of their husbands will, then also India will see an increase in divorces, if there is lack of mutual respect, and will to compromise.

I have never Divorced, that is not the same that none other over here has Divorced either.

again from net
Divorce Rate In India
Divorce rates in India are amongst the lowest in the world. 11 marriages out of 1,000 marriages (around 1 marriage out of 100 marriages) ends up to divorce in India. This figure was even low in 1990. In 1990, 7.40 marriages out of 1,000 marriages ended up in divorce in India.

The divorce rate in India is even quite lower in the villages in India and higher in urban parts of India. These days divorce rates in India’s urban sphere are shooting up.

(I open up the thought that we...or I...have seen this case in a broader view then you first thought..or meant for it to be... so I close my discussion)

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Post by ConfusedMind » Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:21 am

you make me laugh grandpa. i am pretty confused in figuring out what point you want to make. at a glance it seems that you mean that the higher the rate of divorces, the more educates the country is!!! RIDICULOUS i MUST say, preposterously ridiculous. I simply cannot understand how and when rate of divorces came to be a parameter to judge literacy or education level!!!

you are thinking from a broader point of view. i understood it. but, i take care that i do not miss the details of mundane lives of individuals and then justify it by the excuse of broader point of view.

what an irony!!! the thread was about acceptance. and this is an instance. weren't you talking about the ability to see opposite point of view. you are closing your discussion. how would you describe it? confinement? detachment?

i know i know. i would post another comment and you will block this entire thread of discussion. so, what point discussing?

see guys, here's a legendary instance of 'acceptance'.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:20 am

I am closing my discussion...because I don't discuss on "personal plan"

When you discuss then you only look at yourself....and make statements out from that....that is ok for me.....but then I must withdraw...let us take your response :
ConfusedMind wrote:you make me laugh grandpa. i am pretty confused in figuring out what point you want to make. at a glance it seems that you mean that the higher the rate of divorces, the more educates the country is!!! RIDICULOUS i MUST say, preposterously ridiculous. I simply cannot understand how and when rate of divorces came to be a parameter to judge literacy or education level!!! a way we can do that......if you don't have education or economic freedom then you are "hooked" by the one who feed you....since you don't have education you neither have any ideas what goes take your masters word for granted.

The more educated you are...the bigger is your view...the harder it will be for other to control don't accept thing because your "master" tell it is so....because you know different.

So this ridiculous statement of mine can you READ in the post "Divorce Rate in INDIA"

If you look then you will see that divorces increase in urbane areas where the education is higher, and the economic freedom (possible job) is greater ......but stay more still in villages.....can you please explain this for me?

As for me blocking any THREAD..WHERE HAVE I DONE THAT? ..if the THREAD don't contain illegal stuff or harassment I think I allow more then a fair share....and I never block a thread that goes against me...THAT IS NOT MY WAY OF DISCUSSING!

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Post by swetha » Sat Dec 11, 2010 8:05 am

confusedmind: detachment is not the solution... from how many things will we detach ourselves??? or are we looking for upliftment from the current reality?

gvt: I agree to a certain extent with u.... like I say dont expect anything, the moment you start expecting and you dont get it, you start getting hurt :) but how does one aspire for nothing?? isn't man forever working towards something or the other in life?

Rhuto:  coolll :)) hugggg yes, we have different ways of thinking. but both you and confused mind are not wrong in your own ways :) "compromise" is a very vague term and can be defined by different people in different ways. forget the eastern or western ways of thinking, ultimately it comes down to "are you ready to accept and move on or not? and is it worth it or not and such similar issues" ... isn't it?

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:11 am

[quote="swetha""are you ready to accept and move on or not? and is it worth it or not and such similar issues" ... isn't it?[/quote]

Yes quiet right.....and I opened up for that with my statement;


(I open up the thought that we...or I...have seen this case in a broader view then you first thought..or meant for it to be... so I close my discussion)[/quote]

Since I saw my dear opponent was discussing out from personal knowledge, and not so much out from Real Knowledge, even if it was displayed in the same post she was attacking.

Of course aren't Knowledge and economic freedom the only factor in Divorces....on the opposite hand we have Tradition....Belief..."Love or Commitment" that makes us endure relationship other would have not. (We are not discussing happy marriages)

But Knowledge and economic freedom open up for choices, and that is one of the reason urban areas see more Divorces contra villages,

(Why do you think some Male dominant Belief system (Taliban among other) don't want woman to be is for easier control the other part...and by that control the offspring belief is the same as theirs......control through selected of the big drawback with Strong Belief systems) )

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Post by govardhanvt » Sat Dec 11, 2010 9:56 am

ConfusedMind wrote:you make me laugh grandpa. i am pretty confused in figuring out what point you want to make. at a glance it seems that you mean that the higher the rate of divorces, the more educates the country is!!! RIDICULOUS i MUST say, preposterously ridiculous. I simply cannot understand how and when rate of divorces came to be a parameter to judge literacy or education level!!!

you are thinking from a broader point of view. i understood it. but, i take care that i do not miss the details of mundane lives of individuals and then justify it by the excuse of broader point of view.

what an irony!!! the thread was about acceptance. and this is an instance. weren't you talking about the ability to see opposite point of view. you are closing your discussion. how would you describe it? confinement? detachment?

i know i know. i would post another comment and you will block this entire thread of discussion. so, what point discussing?

see guys, here's a legendary instance of 'acceptance'.

Hinduism has taught an individual to be patient and work with preseverence and not to presume or assume things.

Your point of view of closing the thread is just your own presumption and it appears to me that you want to invite grandpa for an argument. You should understand the inner meaning of what Grandpa is trying to say. You should try to understand the intrinsic meaning of what he is trying to convery and not to read it on the face value.

Donot jump and ask me to spell out what intrinsic meaning in it and ask me to clarify, as  I feel I may  not be able to put it across to you in a right presepctive or in manner you could understand. It is for you to read and judge yourself what grandpa is trying to convey. Please do keep reading the message of grandpa if not once, but twice or thrice, when you will find something nice he has said

I am sure  and confident ,you will come out with good points in his messages which needs to be appreciated

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:50 pm

How easy do you find it is to accept things?  leads me to question your ability to flow with life's challenges.  

Flow spirit flow, and all my fears release
I am a channel for they love and peace.

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Post by govardhanvt » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:41 am

Looking at the otherway

To accept a thing , it requires magnetism and attractive power.
If the thing is replusive , no matter what soever efforts be taken it cannot be accepted. In such a situation to bind the thing one need a glue or any other binding materilal.

What is accepted with replusion will  fall any time if the binding material is weak

What is naturally accepted will always last long

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Post by swetha » Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:35 am

I like what you say spiritalk :)

In college,  used to hate certain subjects to the point of loathing. But had no choice of leaving them. I realized, if I study them without liking them, I ended up being unsatisfied with the result and it was forced. the results too reflected my loathing. but when I told myself, let's like it and finish it off.. I actually started thinking its "not that bad" after all :) Maybe I didn't fare well, but atleast I felt good about it :) Some things in life you need to accept you like it or not, so why not take it as another lesson and move on :)

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