How Does Music Affect You?

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Post by mystic67 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:59 pm

I listen to music that goes with my mood and emotional state at any given time. Music is a wonderful way to raise your
vibration, soothe your nerves, get out some angst, or get in a party mood!
Music is one of Gods gifts.

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Post by stormbay » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:22 pm

Music is the language of the soul, it's the sound of the universe and the vibrations which keep our bodies and 3 dimensional universe together. Music is used for every aspect of life. It's used to control people, inspire then to war for their ideology, calm people down and instil many different emotions and feelings as it lift us up or puts us down.

Science is constantly discovering the music emanating from black holes, super novas, common star systems and just about everything in the universe, except voids. Like our human music, they all have their individual sounds, music is life. Yet so many of us only investigate it through others when if we really investigated it, we may find another world of exciting creation and togetherness. To me playing with others and being taken away by the music as it creates itself from our combined energies is almost the ultimate of feelings of togetherness.

My personal preference for listening, is contemporary Jazz and rocking blues preferably new. But for playing, anything people like, with one or two exceptions. How many people are aware if they have music in their dreams and if so can you remember or decipher it. How many mediums or clairvoyants hear intermittent or constant music when they are reading for people and do they know what it means and where it is coming from.

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Post by ravenuriel » Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:12 pm

I wanted to ask if you , when listening to music  can you hear in the singers voice if the song is sincere and heartfelt or can you tell that they are just singing it to get it over with.

I like music that is sung with heart and feeling.

now to the topic.. lol. we react to vibrations being energy beings its only natural so yes music affects us all. How it affects us is determined by our own personal vibration,
similar vibrational tones harmonize with us and are felt soothing and those that do not harmonize with our vibration tend to irritate us its only natural. We on the other hand
can use music to raise our vibration when need be and this too can cause an irritating sensation but with time that will pass and then we and the tones begin to harmonize.
one could look at vibrational medicine for more on the topic. its a really good read.

Raven Uriel~

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