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Post by Deborah » Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:20 pm

I always questioned when ppl would say im sending you energy and healings ..

Is one suppose to feel this energy?
If you feel it how does one know ..what does it feel like?

When one transfers energy to another do they feel something? can someone explain this to me ?

I had a strange happening ..and someone I knew said they felt me healing them ..i felt something but am not sure ...thought it was just a connection ..cant explain it right now ...

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Post by tomas » Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:20 pm

That's a pretty broad question, Deborah, and I can only answer from the view of a Reiki practioner, but I'll give it my best shot.

Sent energy isn't always 'felt' by the recipient, but oftentimes it is. Reiki can and is 'sent' over distance and time (I know, it's a whole different subject though LOL) and can be called when it's needed or when the recipient has the time to relax and receive when it's right for them. That energy is present in all of us, and all of our universe, and it's available to all. Most often it's called Universal Energy, and is used in Reiki and other energy healing systems. Generally, you need to study and be 'attuned' to a system to be able to effectivly send that energy, but energy certainly can be 'sent' by someone not attuned if the intent is strong enough. That energy wouldn't be Reiki but it certainly would be energy in some form.

As far as what it feels like, that can vary from person to person. I hear people say they feel nothing, to folks who feel tingly, some that are warm all over, to some that describe it as warm, sparkly and feels great all over. Your thought about a 'connection' isn't far from the mark either, there needs to be some sort of connection to transfer energy in any form, and it's not hard to do if the intent is there.

As a last thought here, I posted some links for Reiki info in the Reiki Forum under voltec2002's question about learning Reiki. You might like to check out the essay's found in the last link, they cover a lot of ground for folks who are new to the thought of energy work.



*edit to add* A month or so back, in the late evening, my Reiki fired up for no apparent reason. I noted the time and just let the energy flow to where someone obviously need that energy. The flow lasted for maybe 15 minutes very strongly then slowed to nothing. The next day I asked around my family to see if anyone had a problem around that time of night and no one did. A few days later, I was talking to a Reiki practioner, the lady who introduced me to Reiki and with whom I have a very close friendship. She'd had a rough week, and she told me about a serious problem that she'd had early one morning (she's 6 time zones away) and that someone had 'given/sent' energy to her in her time of need. By this point I had goosebumps on my arms the size of hen's eggs, so I asked her what time it was when she got that energy. I'm sure you can see where this is going. I told her where it came from and she apologized for having drawn it without asking, but hey, she's a good friend and she needed it, so no apology necessary. We have a very close friendship and I'm glad she could connect to me when she needed to. I will freely send energy to all those who are in need, just ask.

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what happen

Post by Deborah » Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:12 pm

I was talking to somoene on net ..i have talked to before ..was weird but felt as if i could touch this persons eyes and feel there lips ...i didnt not tell me of a hard time they were having that day with family ..............and i felt this instant warm summer sun kissing the skin feeling...skin tingling ...
this person then asked me why i was healing them ..that i have so much to learn before i try this ........I did not know or aware I was connected to them in this way ...

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Experiment for you to try..

Post by daynalee » Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:03 am

Hey Deborah...
This is a way to 'show' you an effect pretty quickly about the power of conscious applied energy. Go to the store, or a nursery and get two starter plants relatively the same size (not necessary, but easier). Go home and water them both. Give them both the same amount of sun and regular care. Keep them in different rooms. But choose one of them to spend a couple of minutes every day with. The plants are alive animate objects, just like us. They feel, they grow, they are born, and depending on the type of plant...they die. (perennials and annuals) While you are with the plant that you give time to, give it more than that...notice it's beauty. Focus on it. Sounds silly, but talk to it. Tell it how pretty it is and how happy you are that you are able to care for it. Tell it you will take great care of it and with your mind picture a beam of white brilliant beautiful light coming from the sun into the top of your head...your crown chakra. Let it beam strait down into your heart. Make a strong connection and feel this light...concentrate (with enough practice, it will become very easy, and less concentration to 'feel' it will be needed. Now send this light that you are connected to strait out of your heart to the plant that you are talking to. See it envelop the plant. Think loving thoughts about someone who you adore to strenghthen this feeling and light beam you are giving the plant.
Do this as frequently as possible...only to one of the plants and watch how fast and how much bigger and stronger it grows than the other plant that you only water...don't even talk to it. It will show growth at speeds more than twice the rate of the other plant.

When you give this energy to a person.......need I say more? This is great when you pray for yourself, your enemies and those you love. Here is another experiment that I have seen work more than once. It's the enemy thing....this girl who my ex wanted so bad for so long, would have nothing to do with him until he had a gf...ME. Of course she got him behind my back and was screwing around with him as much as possible. Eventually the hiding from me wasn't good enough for her, she needed to call me after recording him on the phone admitting everything and why he lies to me and not her. She played this tape for me one night at work. I needed to hear certain truths from him, not just I am sorry. I had asked about this for 5 months and been totally lied to. I wanted him to express to her what he REALLY WANTED, and to tell her that her game was over, she had been seen for what she is, and that it's me who really had him...she was just a stupid tramp. He never would say these things...didn't find it necessary. Well, one day I felt sorry for her. I realized the only way she could feel good about herself was to 'steal' someone else from another pretty girl and totally compete. She had such low self esteem that this was how she built her confidence unconsciously. So believe it or not...and this is way before I became a minister. 11 years before...I was actually tending bar and this was the place where all this 'stealing' was happening. One day, I prayed for her...sent her the same light I am telling you to send the plant. In less than 5 minutes the phone rang....now the universe is a very magical mystical place, we just usually dont slow down enough to LET IT BE. It was my bf, who was indeed coming over to make that call. Whoa....ummm. WOW...OK. What a trip, I thought. I prayed for an enemy, sent her healing light, and my needs were met ALMOST INSTANTLY. And trust me, we had gone rounds about this 'call' in the past, before and after they were 'caught', and it just wasn't happening. What moved him to see my needs? I don't know...but I do not believe in coincidence. I call mystical occurances synchronicity.

Of course I have used this technique consciously for other times and needs in my life, but this story is the most profound for my own mental and emotional healing.

Great book that I want to recommend you read or listen to the audio book. It came out in 1994 and was on the top ten list for over a year. It has sequential books because the world read this book and wanted to study it, work it and live it. It is by James Redfield...THE CELESTINE PROPHESY. It enlightens you to these mystical occurances and the control dramas that human beings are playing unconsciously while they 'compete' for energy. :smt014 It is written as a novel and is a fantasic story about 9 insights that humans will realize during their evolution. As they do, each insight leads to the next and 'awakens' them to what really is going on here, why we are here and why we do the things we do. If you read it, you will trip out and want to read the following books, I GUARANTEE. They are all on audio though, and this week...9 years after I read the book, I decided to listen to the series. Good idea for me...at this time in my life, I needed to relearn these things and it has made me wake up all over again, it seems. Good luck dear....hope any of this helps. :smt002

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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:41 am

hello daynalee,
have been a feeling a bit down today. but ur post made me feel better. i dont know y...but i felt much better or at peace after reading it.

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Post by Abhishek » Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:45 am


Very good post. makes a lot of sense. i had years before given the book you mentioned THE CELESTINE PROPHESY... a try. i was young then... maybe in my early 20s. i cant recall much of it now. but i remember about the 9 insights. i'll read it once again sometime very soon as i still have it around.


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The 9 Insights

Post by daynalee » Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:17 am

:smt006 Hello...it's me again!
Glad I could help swetha! And about reading the book again, I found trying the audio book, since I am rather busy...and so tired by the time I lay down to rest, one page would be all I could probably get through before passing out...that the experience of 'hearing' the story is way powerful! Just a quick FYI for those who haven't read the book...people were so inspired, moved and elevated from Mr. Redfields book that he followed with a book called the Experiential Guide, a workbook for people to consciously form groups and work on the insights together. I never was able to do that then and was wondering if a place like this would be one where we could do that? I did however read his next book, The Tenth Insight...most wonderful I thought. And one more that I am aware of came out called The Celestine Vision. Did anyone read that? Or work the insights through the Experiencial Guide?

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Post by aelis2004 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:11 pm

This what actually happened to me while sending reiki during a distance healing - I quote the reaction email I wrote at the time (it was about a month ago)
O WOW, this is totally amazing! I wouldn't be awake typing at my pc at 4am, otherwise.... OK let's start first: I went to bed at about 1am, I lit some incense and sat down to do some Reiki immunics. I went to bed doing it. I woke up at 3:30 with the most incredible experience. I realized that I had been EMITTING energy for about two and a half hours uninterruptedly! I did different "sets" of energy send-offs and at the beginning of every new set a different part of my body would warm up intensely and transmit energy: my feet and ankles, an horizontal strip spanning over my back, shoulders and arms, then my head.... starting a new "set" the previous part would switch off and cool down and another part would switch on. Now, I've often had energy surges, but nothing ever came even closely to this!
And I assure you, I just don't usually wake up and feel impelled to open my home office, boot up my computer and write about it! This is really amazing! Well, goodnight, I am back to bed, now.... :-)
and yes, goodnight to you too... this is all for today! :smt002 :smt006

P.S. I have sent reiki to several people all over the world and all have felt it somehow as warmth or heat - on their neck, in the arms and hands or the part that needed healing. I have a Buddhist friend that even asked me what I was doing that she felt it so strongly on her back that needed healing so badly....

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Post by velvet » Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:00 pm

another experiment...tell a friend you are going to send them Reiki "this week" and see if they can write down anytimes they feel you sending it to them. I did this with a friend and sent it twice (didn't tell her how many times - just that I would send her Reiki) and she got both days and times correctly - and even knew which time was a long session and which was short.

By 'feeling' can be anything from a thought of the person to a warm feeling, tinglies, etc. I've had more 'feelings' giving Reiki than actually receiving it, but certainly 'know' and 'feel' receiving it. I get a real rush from giving Reiki - I love that feeling.

I also want to say that the better 'connection' you have with a person - relationship wise - increases the 'feelings' with me, I've noticed. Just a thought!

Later - Velvet

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