help on readings required......can u help

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help on readings required......can u help

Post by aditya » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:12 am

i am aditya from surat...india..... i am struggling in some aspects of mu life can u help me in this...
my details are.....
this is my details if u can please help me with this...........please reply me to


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Post by aditya » Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:22 pm

17 views so far but no reply yet.....

please give ur outputs as well about this horoscope.........


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Post by Raven » Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:31 pm

Witch Stone reading.

This first position represents the spiritual as well as the physical nature of the person seeking guidance. The stone drawn is Moon. Interpret this as order existing within chaos. There is a decision you need to make at this time, and the outcome will cause change, either gradual or dramatic, and affect all those around you. Will you create the chaos or be the order within? The choice is yours.

The second position represents the nature of the problem. It stands for the matter that the questioner is seeking guidance for. The stone drawn Rebirth. Your life is currently in balance, but far from free of conflicting forces. You’ve managed to achieve an uneasy stalemate with yourself, bit it won’t last for very long. Now is the time to make a choice.

The third position represents the obstacles that are preventing any further understanding. The stone drawn is the Sun. Now is the time to tap into your unused energy. There is something that you need to do, but you don’t believe that you are up to the task. You will do fine when the time comes, but first you will need to tap into the vast amounts of energy all around you in order to be ready. Now is a perfect time to cast spells for strength

The fourth position represents the source of the needed knowledge. It is the path to understanding and eventual enlightenment. It is not necessarily the easier path to follow. The stone drawn is the Widdershins. You have already started down an incorrect path, or you’ve already made a very bad decision. It’s not to late to avoid all o0f the consequences, but you can minimize the damage if you face up to your mistake and take action to correct it right now.

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