Whats your Religion ?

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What is your religion?

Christianity ( which of them).
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Bahá'í Faith.
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Other ( tell us wish)
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Whats your Religion ?

Post by MaMilke » Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:11 pm

just think it would be interesting to know whats the people religion here, this is someway to know what people might like and dislike

admin such as the one that corrected the mistakes he found, feel free to do whatever you want, it only helps.
Last edited by MaMilke on Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by MaMilke » Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:13 pm

I belive in myself and someway in almost all religions, but for me they all doesnt feet completely and how about you ?

yeah rutobello you have a point, but putting this poll was not for people who decide it, its only about the religion the person most like or even think it like, I myself am more for new age without any religion, my mom is afiliated in new age "teosophic society" that they dont consider theirselves a religion but a way of think, only my dad is morelike for spirits but I myself have no religion.
Last edited by MaMilke on Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:12 pm

I think you will find that those who comes here have a wider view on Religon, and by that can't in a simple way be put into a box.
Even if my groundpilar is Christianity, I don't feel at home in any church, due to their behaviour ageinst womans and Gay.
We as belivers shall not be the one who shall judge, that is for God to do, but in the church you see it all the time.
I value the commandment, but I think you will find them all, in other religons too.
The Religion is developed by humans, controlled by humans and missused by humans.
I don't see any difference in the "God" we all pray to...only the name change.
From the little I know about other religons I put Buddhisme up as my favour...but I knew far to little to make any statement.

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:26 pm

MazsBR, I changed ur poll a bit & corrected a few spelling mistakes, Sorry if u didn't like me doing that.

I am a born Hindu. But persoanlly I don't like the concept of "RELIGIONS", they are usually a whole lot of bullshit. I beleive in God & even if u say there is One God or a many God's  or 330 Million Gods (as said in Hinduism), it doesn't matter. One, Two, Ten, Hundred, Thousand, Million, or Millions, I don't care, God is God. God is neither Male nor Female, God is neither Human or Animal, God is Everywhere, God is Inside me, Inside you, Inside Everyone.

All u have to do is call & pray to God, & God is there for u.

A good poll, atlast ppl can express their views/opinions on GOd & Religion, Thanx MazsBR.

(Pranay don't kill me, I had told u we would start a topic about God & Religion on the site one day, but never started it, maybe for this reason. Anyway there is a topic now & hope u discuss here)

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Post by Tish » Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:51 pm

Hi, guys.

My father was from a very Christian family and had a very "church-oriented" upbringing.  He even thought the cinema was the work of the devil!  In his late teens he became a lay preacher.  So when I was young I had to to go church every Sunday, and "Sunday School", but it didn't mean anything to me.  I tried opening myself to see if Jesus really was trying to reach me, and the truth is, he wasn't.  My Dad lost his faith when he read Darwin!

Personally I don't approve of organised religion because I think it creates a "separatist" view - "We're all right because we've got the truth, God loves us and we're saved, and the rest of you are 'sinners' who are going to Hell."  So there.  Plus the dogma prevents people from finding spiritual truth for themselves by telling them what to believe.

Don't let anyone else tell you what to believe - find the truth for yourself.  Share, discuss, but don't give control of your spiritual life away to anyone.  How else will we find out what really is, rather than what certain people would like us to believe?

Much of religion is about power and wealth to those who control it.  Little seems to be about truth.  If you really had the truth, you would be able to say to your followers, "By all means, question what we're telling you," because you would know that by questioning and testing, they would come back, having found that what you told them was true.  And there would be no need to massacre or otherwise try to silence those who question the dogma or who don't agree with it, would there?  And the history of religion, even religion today, shows how much they fear opposition.  Twenty million, I once read, have been killed by Christianity alone, just for not agreeing with them!

So no, I can't tell you what religion I follow, I don't follow any.  But I believe in the power of light (which is life/love/knowledge), higher beings, a Creator, the path of life/learning.  I believe we are led/guided for a purpose, whether or not we can understand what that purpose is.

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Post by MaMilke » Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:07 pm

Yeah you are right tish. But in someways jesus was a good person but in someways bad ( creating a religion make people separate theirselbes). But I do belive in saints and sometimes I pray to Saint Expedito before tests that I really need to get good grade , and it works. I should add new age as a religion but it wouldnt be right...

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Post by Light2000 » Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:54 pm

hard question for me. I don't know all the religions you posted, i know the names but not what they actualy belive.

I see myslef a lot at budhism but not all. And i don't know if i'm a religion person at all, i hate systems and structures. But soemtimes feels good to feel identify with a religion.

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Post by Tish » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:11 pm

Sorry, didn't mean to put down what you are doing.  I often quote the Bible myself.  Just because I don't accept the whole package doesn't mean there's nothing good in there anywhere.  One that springs to mind at the moment (though not because it has any relevance, I hasten to add) is: "Before you point out the mote in your neighbour's eye, first attend to the log in your own".  Though no doubt it's a misquote, and I'm ready to be corrected!

Perhaps, if you want everyone to be able to classify themselves as something on your list, you need a category such as "Consider myself to have a spiritual life, but don't belong to any organisation".  Bit long-winded, perhaps?

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Hey Tish-

Post by KitchenWitch » Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:08 am

The exact quote you're looking for is:

<blockquote>Mat 7:3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Mat 7:4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye?
Mat 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. </blockquote>

As for me, I consider myself a witch--a kitchen witch to be exact. &nbsp;(I know that's terribly shocking, especially considering my name on this forum.) &nbsp;I was raised in an incredibly conservative Christian/Mormon family, and am often suprised by how different my world-view has become since I gave up trying to fit God into their religious mold. &nbsp;God/dess was too big, too immanent, too mystical for me to worship as I had been taught. &nbsp;

This is not to say that I haven't any respect for Christianity; to the contrary, I have respect for any faith that can comfort and inspire those that believe in it. &nbsp;It's simply not the way that I connect with Deity.

Thanks for listening to me ramble. This would probably have been a lot clearer if I hadn't had people babbling in my ear while I was writing it, so I apologize if the ideas don't flow properly. &nbsp;


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:29 pm

Modern Spiritualism (religion, philosophy, science) is a way of life that follows 7 principles. &nbsp;It is not the same as Spiritism which is based on a particular text (Alan Kardec's Spirits Book). &nbsp;Modern Spiritualism has no book to follow, but accepts the truth it finds from many sources.

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Post by MaMilke » Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:02 pm

Wow KitchenWitch and some other people here in this site surprised me (not because of the name thing)
Because Its almost unseen to see a mormon choosing such different religion, we here in Brazil doesnt have mormons.
And spiritalk, as I myself been from the biggest spirits country wish is Brazil ( its where we find most spiritists but actually brazil is the biggest catholic country, so we only find protestants, catholics in big number and spiritists). I can say that they are not such like that, they already have books of people from other lifes that came to ask for a phsicial person to write, of course thats not like a bible but its still a book.

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Post by pranay » Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:15 pm

Vishwas wrote: I am a born Hindu. But persoanlly I don't like the concept of "RELIGIONS", they are usually a whole lot of bullshit. I beleive in God & even if u say there is One God or a many God's &nbsp;or 330 Million Gods (as said in Hinduism), it doesn't matter. One, Two, Ten, Hundred, Thousand, Million, or Millions, I don't care, God is God. God is neither Male nor Female, God is neither Human or Animal, God is Everywhere, God is Inside me, Inside you, Inside Everyone.
I have similiar views too. Some things about "God" are hard to believe... I am you can say a half-athiest if there is something like that.

Its ok Vishwas I had forgotten myself ;)

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:45 pm

There is a difference between a following, a movement, and a religion. &nbsp;There are certain legal recognitions to be considered and they must want to organize themselves into a formal group. &nbsp;New Age is Not a religion. &nbsp;As far as I know Theosophists have never truly organized.

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Post by Tish » Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:06 pm

Hi, everybody. &nbsp;Hi, KitchenWitch. &nbsp;What is a kitchen witch? &nbsp;Does that mean you practice alone and are not part of a coven?

MaszBR: I had read that about Brazil (it being practically the home of Spiritism), and the author said particularly that it might seem odd that the people seemed able to happily reconcile Catholicism with Spiritism (where maybe the rest of the world seemed to think you couldn't believe both). &nbsp;Perhaps it was "The Unknown Power", it was years ago that I read it.

What I've read about Wiccan beliefs often seems to coincide with what I believe, and I probably would agree with parts of other religions, but I don't feel any need to join one. &nbsp;Quite the opposite, I don't want to be part of any religious group. &nbsp;Perhaps the list just needs "None" (not belonging to any religion) - which is not the same as being atheist or agnostic.
Then I'll add myself on it, if you like.

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Post by Vishwas » Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:07 pm

Tish Added "None" for u.

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