Weather's getting weirder

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Weather's getting weirder

Post by Betrayed » Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:42 pm

I don't really need to say much... Everywhere in the world, there's some sort of weather error, even in my own country. It has been happening ever since that tsunami exactly two years ago, but recently these strange events are rapidly happening everywhere, even the animals are acting weird.

It is too much. I am trying to stay calm, but deep down I feel something has gone terribly wrong and we all need to do something to turn the world back to normal. Are the strange conditions the side effects of technology, pollution? Are we being punished by God for something?

For these two years, I only felt these two reasons: Global Warming, and God being angry.

I feel that greed has made the world this way. The way we work, the way we alter nature to get what we want. Radiation, Breeding, Science... that sort of stuff. We are all trying to be god, thinking we are changing the world for the better, but what is happening now?

This sounds crazy, but somehow I feel we humans have to lead the primitive life once more... Now or later... Afterall, what we really do need is just food, shelter, clothes, and some stones... The last thing I want is nature showing us it's boss in the worst way it could...

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:13 pm

You are into something very important there Betrayed.

But it seems that the "man in the street" is the one who need to voice his opinion, the force of capitalism has way to great influence over our leaders.

I am not crying for a new political system....but for people who dare to stay against greed and short terms solutions.

In the end we all have to pay....and I am sure those who have the biggest wallet pay least.

It might not be so bad for my generation....but I think if we as species shall have any hope to administer earth, then we have to start to show it more respect.

Our "native" people knew that they had to live in harmony with the nature. They killed in order to eat....nothing more....they knew they had to give back to earth in order for new grow.

The modern human, kills for fun...kills for luxury ...destroy the rain forest that gives life to our air.....destroy farmer land because it is more simple to build there and so on, and we call it progress.

As human i am sad to see it.....I know we have to pay....I have only lived for 63 years...but in my time the "downfall" or "progress"has been great....and 63 years are no time seen in the aspect of "worlds age"...

So again...if we shall have changes...then it has to come from us ordinary people...I don't trust that our leaders have the nerve!
Last edited by Rhutobello on Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Samson » Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:14 pm

So right you are.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:24 pm

Mankind's ability to administer the world is abhorrent.  I'm not going to predict future events but suffice it to say with pollution, greed, and aggression, it can't be a pretty picture.

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Post by pranay » Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:01 pm

the root of the cause is us. We have none to blame but ourselves.
Still, we do not learn.

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:31 pm is us...who do it..because we don't do anything about it...or axcept what is done.....and it us who must pay for it.

But the major fault is our lands leaders, those who we trusted to lead the way...those who have the means to figure out what there politic would lead too...those who think their owns party means more then the welfare of their land or the global development.

But again we are guilty....guilty for not give our vote...guilty for not given our voice when seen injustice ...guilty for not demanding a new course.

But be you sure....when it comes to who shall pay...then the bibles words  "The last shall be the first" will blossom, it's the poor who have to pay at most because they haven't the means to avoid the damage.

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Post by reichild » Wed Dec 27, 2006 2:55 pm

I'm sure some of you may have seen on the news that NZ has had huge icebergs arriving from the Anarctic people have been paying alot of money to go up in helicopters and view this "marvel" (freaks)

but just the other day i read on internet news that NZ scientist warns NZ that a massive piece of ice the size of France, could break off without warning causing a dramatic rise in sea levels,  A New Zealand-led ice drilling team has recovered three million years of climate history from samples which gives clues as to what may happen in the future.

Initial analysis of sea-floor cores near Scott Base suggest the Ross Ice Shelf had collapsed in the past and had probably done so suddenly.
the sediment record was important because it provided crucial evidence about how the Ross Ice Shelf would react to climate change, with potential to dramatically increase sea levels.

"If the past is any indication of the future, then the ice shelf will collapse," he said.

"If the ice shelf goes, then what about the West Antarctic Ice Sheet? What we've learnt from the Antarctic Peninsula is when once buttressing ice sheets go, the glaciers feeding them move faster and that's the thing that isn't so cheery." Antarctica stores 90 per cent of the world's water, with the West Antarctic Ice Sheet holding an estimated 30 million cubic kilometres.

In January, British Antarctic Survey researchers predicted that its collapse would make sea levels rise by at least 5m, with other estimates predicting a rise of up to 17m.

Dr Naish, a sedimentologist with the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, said one day the drilling team retrieved a core of 83m, far greater than expected, which contained climate records spanning about 500,000 years.
You go from full glacial conditions to open ocean conditions very abruptly. It doesn't surprise us that much that the transition was dramatic."

Scarey stuff alright especialy when my kids say to me "mum what will we do?  hope you have a plan" yeah right ???

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:36 pm

Many years ago I heard an astrologer predict that the design of land and water would redesign itself.  The west coast of N. America would go into the water and islands would rise from the water.  Down through the Mississippi valley area the waters would rise to reclaim the land. It all sounded very harsh and the killing of people so evident.

During this year, an island disappeared off the west coast of Canada.  It sunk into the water.  It was uninhabited and there was no loss of life.  But what about the New Orleans disaster?  What about that Tsunami?  

Our weather patterns are changing so drastically and we seem to be helpless in its wake.  A thought occurs...that which men fight over (land, property, etc.) is being taken away by natural disaster?  Is there a point here?

The world is redesigning.  We played a part in it by our lack of attention to the ecology of our earth plane.  Can we reverse the effects of our thinking?  Yes, I believe we can.  But it will take a major shift in attention to its importance.

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Post by Betrayed » Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:17 pm

I live on an island, with no mountain and it rains everyday. The government doesn't seem to be concerned. Most probably we'll hear something like "it's just the rainy season, there's nothing to worry about."

I don't like all these "encouragement" to just sit back and let the professionals(scientists...) do the job. We ALL have to do something, something OTHER than building another stupid machine to clean the air of CO2.

Sadly, most usually wait for the government to tell them what to do. And even after they've been told, most can't be bothered: "Relax, let other people do it!" People just don't listen... and take things too lightly... Or they are just waiting for the worst.

Why wait for the worst if every single person's action is a big difference into changing the world? Scientist's alone aren't going to do much. Save electricity, stop burning things, recycle!

Why not we start we with banning cocacola since people are so concerned that the polar bears are getting endangered.
That's another thing that is bothering me. The news are not alarming enough, people need to be alert enough for a possitive reaction to take place. We need to fully understand what's causing it, and how it could get worst. Infomation of weird weather alone isn't going to make people understand much. Again..some don't care.

Ok... so... I know this sounds silly... but would you rather face unemployment, lower class living, than face another round of Noah's Ark II??? The weather is effecting us with a BIG sudden change... It seems we have to do about the same*... Big changes... (*this excludes building anything that endangers nature) I don't even mind if the movie I want to watch in 2008 stops production as long as I can breathe cleaner air, and walk on land.

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Weather Change

Post by misty-midnightrain » Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:40 pm

I agree with the weather changes, I live in Illinois and for the last couple of years here the winters are so mild that it does not seem right. Christmas NO SNOW  and it is actually pretty warm out side today. It is pretty scary to think that the whole world has gone into a major change in weather conditions.  I really think that we are going to see some dramactic weather changes even more severe than now by 2008. Rain will be so abundant soon that we will all half to start swimming!!!!!

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Post by MarcoAZS » Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:40 pm

The only thing im saying its the only thing you will need, "the door to atlantis and lemuria, are closer than we think" "Will antartica dissapear, will another good land appear, will atlantis remain appear, so will lemuria... and... so its population, the new book already appeared (indigo's), they will make what the old books destroyed (us old souls), and finaly a new civilization will appear", now my dad's one wish I don't trust very much: "The world is separating itself in the blue and the brown, will the brown people (evil people, materialistic) stay, and will the blue (spirituals and indigos maybe) leave, 2 diferent worlds will rise from the same soil" or the other one he and some freaks normally tell "the world is going to end" and my answer for that "every end, is a new beggining".

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don't use fireworks to celebrate new year

Post by Betrayed » Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:43 am

Ok... People, it's New Year Eve... and a simple question from my mother made me realise something:

There's going to be fireworks. All around the world, fireworks.

I'm not against celebrating the new year, but with the OBVIOUS signs, no one should celebrate with a bang. And to think that in 24 hours, tons of pollutants will be released into the air. The ones insisting on fireworks must be blind not to notice how the world is changing, "everyone wants to celebrate!". Aww c'mon there can be other ways to celebrate the new year without those things!

And why the hell would you want to celebrate with fireworks if it's going to make life a lil bit more scarier? Dumb, people are. It doesn;t matter whether you miss fireworks, want to see them badly and stuff. It's doing the world a bad thing. You want bad things to happen to the world?

"Oh, don't worry, it's just a night of celebration, it won't hurt"
Yeah I just hope that some iceberg the size of france wouldn't start melting at an extremely rapid rate after a global output of fireworks, and a permenant flood will be around when I wake up a day later.....

I hope it gets banned, all those fireworks... Not very likely...


if you don't know how it's like to experience fireworks in real life, basically lots of pretty lights show up in the air, and after 15minutes or so, the air around that area for kilometers will be extremely smokey, and that's what I can tell from the ground only...

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Post by reichild » Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:55 am

in New Zealand fireworks has been banned (last guy fawks was the last) and i think thats pretty cool coz i never liked them (even when i was a kid) it worried my dog and cat extremely and i am an animal lover. maybe you could petition (Betrayed) in your area?

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Post by reichild » Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:07 am

I saw a documentry where scientists were saying that ozone is a gas which needs continuous renewal and that algie is the biggest source of ozone renewal on the planet...well algie is considered to be a noxious water weed and is constantly being stripped from our waterway's because of that. these scientists believe that the stripping of algie is to blame for the hole in the ozone so they were discussing way's to grow algie plantations in the desert outbacks of Austraia to renew the soure of ozone gasses.

I kind of believe that the planet will find it's own balance as it has hundreds (if not millions) of times before even if that does mean humans will have to start again too. The ones that have got it right will move on (perhaps as guardian spirits of the new earth) and the ones that haven't will have to begin the evolutional process all over along with the earth.

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Post by maplewoman » Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:48 am

Only when the last tree is gone and the last waters poisoned will we realise that we can't eat money. I pray the native Americans were wrong with their prediction.
What we fail to realise is it is all about what we can give not what we can take that makes us truely happy. A smile is priceless!

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