Automatic Writing

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Automatic Writing

Post by ALIENDESENDANT » Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:00 pm

Does anyone khow how or why automatic writing happen?

I worte this a long time ago maybe some can interpet it?

Existance - Pondering on why and what - Time to study eacha and all cards and meanings. May be a set of karma cards to learn plus the runes.

Reality - Must learn how to operate or function in the world as everyone else know it. But to stay focused on the spiritual world. What or who will guide me into the vast and far away realms the ordinary creatures only dream about.

Visions - Practice and patience. Must learn how to write down all. The conditioning to learn this behavior and make an everyday thing.

People often to judge a book by it's cover, but hwen discovered that the very thing you've searched for was the book in the false looking cover. Learn to see things as they are, not as they are precieved to be, even through your own eyes.

I understand what it means, but why would I write this if I already know the lesson? And how do I allow myself to be in the state of mind that I was in at the time I wrote it?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:30 pm

Write each point down as a lesson for life.  Then examine it thoroughly.  We sometimes think we know the information, but good inspiration has a message for us every time we look at it.

Just a thought...our own inspirations are the most effective for our own needs, given through loving guides and contacts.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:15 pm

In India there are require three type clothes,for summer,Cold and for rain,three dresses must in a year,in England there are one is better,then who can save more money,England or India.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 21, 2007 3:24 pm

When we do certain activities (dusting, doing the dishes, etc.) we are in a rather wool gathering state of mind...non thinking or focusing, but just wandering.  That is the same state of mind that meditation occurs on.  In meditation many phenomena are witnessed.  

Automatic writing is no longer a trance state activity, but can and does occur when in this sort of non mindset.  Many people can be typing on the in answering a message such as this one...and then find themselves having gone several lines without conscious thought.  That, too, is automatic writing....practiced frequently by those that are meditators by design.

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It can happen to you!

Post by moonlight6stars » Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:44 am

I have had this happen with the typing and answering a question online and not even remember what I wrote 5 minutes after I was finished.. I have actually reread what I wrote and said to myself.. "Did I write that?"  It is really neat but usually what I wrote has a meaning to someone else and that means a great deal to me..

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Automatic Writing Experence

Post by PurpleRose53 » Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:54 pm

Hello Eeryone,
I would like to share an important experience ( to me ) I had with automatic writing some years back.
Every morning and every evening I would light 3 white candles and have in front of me a writing tablet and pencils. I would go into my meditation and with eyes closed, position the pencil above the tablet.
This one evening, my pencil took off by itself, with the words " Mommy did it, Mommy did it" numerous times on the paper. I asked the entity it's name, and it said " Michael Smith". I then told "Michael to keep writing, that I was there for him". He kept telling me that mommy did it, and he and his little brother were in "John DeLong lake" ( his baby talk) He said "Its a place where the lake is down a ramp, and big trees are around it". I then asked him " How they had gotten there, and he said his mommy is Susan Smith, and she put the car in the lake."
I then asked him to tell me how I can help him. He said there is nothing to be done for him and his little brother Matthew, but that his mommy will be found out later on in the day. This was on a Thursday.
I then told my daughter about the writing, and since the missing boy's' mommy was on the tv a lot, asked her to watch the news intently because according to little Michael she was going to be arrested.
I then went on to my Automotive Class at the local college.
Sure enough when I got back home, the news told that Susan Smith was arrested for drowning her little boys... at the lake... and her little boys were being taken from the icy waters. And sadly they were dead.
What I would like to find out, is if anyone else has had a similar experience with automatic writing, how were you able to get into a receptive state, and to please tell the message you received.
Thank You One and All for reading my post.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:21 am

WOW Purpleroses, that is an amazing and little disturbing session. I have to say that you handled it a lot better than I think that I would.... I have not tried automatic writing before... Though I am open to new experiences. I would like to know more too if anyone else wants to share.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:59 pm

Automatic writing was once considered a physical phenomena done through deep trance with the production of ectoplasm.  It has been found that a slightly altered state (alpha) close to conscious state can also produce the same results of automatic writing.

And like all things in life, it has evolved.  Some people sit down to their computers to post a message, as an example, and then find they have written a few lines without thinking and it is really relevent and effective to the discussion.

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Spiritalk has great insight into Automatic Writing.

Post by PurpleRose53 » Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:30 pm

Thank You for the wonderful insight into Automatic Writing SPIRITALK.
Have you had any experiences into this wonderful and mysterious world?
I can tell you that it doesn't happen overnight, and one has to be consistant with their rituals. i.e. : meditation at the same time, asking your Guides to help you, etc.
But, when one does get a message, and it turns out to be right, one is so very grateful to their Spirit Guides for listening to one's asking for help, and connecting to the other side.
It was a great experience for me.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 20, 2007 2:54 pm

In circles of development I have experienced it as an energy exercise from the group to manifest a small writing.  But, on the other hand, I have also sat down to my computer and my mind produces some writing before I am even conscious of the message I have before me.

Physical phenomena requires a chemist (in spirit) who takes all the energies present and manufactures the resultant phenomena (automatic writing, direct voice, materialization,) through the production of ectoplasm.  This chemist and the director of energies close to the earth plane than can manipulate earth plane energies are not very elevated.  

It is and has become more so, an exercise for the titillating of the un-evolved amongst us.  We learn so much more through enlightment from a higher source of information.

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RE: Spiritalk...Automatic writings

Post by PurpleRose53 » Sat Oct 27, 2007 4:19 pm

spiritalk wrote: Physical phenomena requires a chemist (in spirit) who takes all the energies present and manufactures the resultant phenomena (automatic writing, direct voice, materialization,) through the production of ectoplasm.  This chemist and the director of energies close to the earth plane than can manipulate earth plane energies are not very elevated.  

It is and has become more so, an exercise for the titillating of the un-evolved amongst us.  We learn so much more through enlightment from a higher source of information.

So, basically what yer saying is the "chemist" in my experience was a little spirit boy named Michael Smith. who gathered all the energies that he could find, created ectoplasm, messaged me, and along with the other evil culprit, "director of energies", whom I can only guess would be one of my Guides, manipulated earth plane energies close to the earth plane, for their own enjoyment, and to prove they aren't very elevated in the spirit world?
Not only that, but since I'm hanging around with such low - level spirits, AND doing automatic writings,
I must surely be one of those un-evolved parasites with absolutely no enlightenment from a higher source.
Does that about sum it up?
Your explanation of automatic writing is so good, and insightful, that I plan on printing it out, and sharing it with my fellow students  of Spiritual Mediumship and the Metaphysical Arts. And I can guarantee that our Spiritual Medium/Spiritual Advisor will want to discuss it for one whole class. I hope this pleases you. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:56 pm

Ronda: I don't believe that is what is said.  But interpretation is up to the individual.  What you do with the information is up to you - it came from sources that practiced physical phenomena in the past.

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Automatic Writting

Post by cdo » Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:17 am

I see automatic writting as one way for "others" to reach us on the conscious level . But the concern is what or who are the others . automatic writting was my initial entery into the world of psychic energy when i was much younger and did lead me toward other forms of communication so i see valuve in it . Just attune yourself first and perhaps visualize light or some form of spiritual protecion that is revelent to you before doing . I have wondered how much inspirational writting would in fact be considered automatic writting ?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:04 pm

Evolution of all things is possible and practical.  Automatic writing is done in so many different ways than the old into deep trance and production of ectoplasm.  The old has evolved.

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