anyone heard about 3 days of darkness?

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anyone heard about 3 days of darkness?

Post by Sandy » Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:33 am

Anyone heard about those 3 days of darkness???
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, Hilarion, bibles/gospels announced its imminence in our era...

Was wondering if anyone heard and is concerned....

I have to admit, Its gripping my mind: writings about the age of aquarius... the era to our illumination before...

If you got anything, come back to me, i'dd like to discuss this matter...

thanks to all

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Post by Samson » Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:59 pm

This is very interesting and you are right there is something coming, I do not have anymore information other than that.

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Post by Omjit_23 » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:04 am

I don't know anything about it . But that some bad thing will befall on this earth thats for sure.
And its purely due to the greed and lust for power and money of a certain section of people living in this earth and also because of inequality thats so prominent today.
Because enough is enough and the nature has its own way of taking revenge.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:20 pm

My Mom has described the 3 Days of Darkness as a terrible repercussion to be visited upon the Earth during its last days (apparently not that far off, although whether a day, a year or a century, who can tell?)  My understanding is that it is a punishment from God and the Earth will be dark for 3 days (duh!)  People are to stay indoors, looking up at the sky (which is supposed to peel away or something like that, I'm fuzzy on the details) will be really bad (again, forget the details), demons will come to the surface of the earth (I think), and, well, we are expected to stay indoors and pray for deliverance.  Well, that's what I've been told.

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Post by ALIENDESENDANT » Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:12 pm

I have had dreams about this. I'll have to find them and get back to you on it.

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Post by Nicole » Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:20 pm

Yes I know about this... It's going to happen~!!
I'm always concerned whats to come~!!

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Post by Raymond » Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:28 pm

I have studied the subject quite a bit and I disagree with most of the ideas put out by the  naysayers. They have been in the gloom and doom business much too long I think. Too many negative vibes.

Rather than expound my own ideas I would like to refer everyone to ... rkness.htm

It is all explained very well by F. Joseph Montagna. Try it. You'll like it!!

Everyone has been wondering what the Indigos and Chrystal children are all about, well now you know. Teachers!


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Post by Nicole » Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:41 pm

Raymond wrote:I have studied the subject quite a bit and I disagree with most of the ideas put out by the  naysayers. They have been in the gloom and doom business much too long I think. Too many negative vibes.

Rather than expound my own ideas I would like to refer everyone to ... rkness.htm

It is all explained very well by F. Joseph Montagna. Try it. You'll like it!!

Everyone has been wondering what the Indigos and Chrystal children are all about, well now you know. Teachers!

I could not believe what I was reading~!!
Thanks for posting this. I will keep this and print it out.. I see things happening already from what it said... We are getting earthquakes alot in Maine. alot of them... I keep telling my husband the earth is shifting he knows also... But we need to pay attention to the children.. My son was born 1993, I believe he's a healer and he's all light around him.. I'm his mother and I feel safer around him then I do anyone else... Does this make since~?

When I see darkness.. What I was really seeing was volcanoes coming from Washington state and all the black was going to fill the air even to Maine.. I just told this to my husband last year... I see a Sanami hit N.Y this year~!! So when I read the waters will swell up high.. I had chills again seeing what might happen....

I likes the part about floating in the air~!!
I do that in my dreams, I go FWD: to see what's to come...
But to be outside and just see a plant and eat it knowing it's I find this hole things neat~!!
worth it in the end....

Thanks for posting this "Raymond"
I would love to read more about it....

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Post by Kieoma » Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:14 pm

That is very interesting I have shared the link with my family friends to get there opinions.

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Post by Raymond » Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:47 pm

I am not one who would normally preach to others but the following info is also very enlightening, especially to those inclined to follow the teachings of the church. I found it while searching for my own answers.

The Building of Character was published in 1894 byThomas Y. Crowell
It has 23 chapters and 272 pages.

the entire book can be found here: ... ml#chap-20

but I found the following to be very interesting. I hope it will help dispel some of the bad Karma being prophesied by some.


20 Page 5
For the Days of Darkness

That is what our Lord means for us when he says, “Ye are the light of the world.” We are lighted at the flame of his life. Then as he was in the world so are we in the world. Our lives shine too. In our little measure we become Christs to others. We, in turn, are comforters of the sorrow of the sorrowing, inspirers of hope in the despairing, and of strength in the weak. There is no other secret in the art of comfort. There is no use in your saying over verses of Scripture to those who are in darkness of trouble, if that is all you do. You must have light in yourself. The sorrowing must hear the heart-beat in your words. The life of Christ must flow through your lips and shine in your face. Walk in the light until you became a child of light, and then you can go out to shine for Christ in the world.

If we are children of light, no darkness can overwhelm us. Night does not quench the lights that shine in our streets and in our homes; they appear only the brighter as the darkness deepens. So, if we are children of light, the darkness of sorrow falling about us will not overwhelm us. It will not be dark in our soul, however deep the gloom outside. In the time of the three days’ darkness in Egypt, God’s people had light in their houses. Thus it is in the Christian home in the time of sorest and most sudden sorrow. This is the secret of comfort. Be filled with Christ. Open your heart to his love, to his Spirit, to his peace, to his joy, to his life. Abide in Christ until Christ abides in you, until you are filled with all the fullness of God. Then you need not fear any sorrow, for the comfort is in yourself. No darkness can make it dark in your soul, because the light of Christ shines there.

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Post by ALIENDESENDANT » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:06 pm

Thank you for the link. I can see my visions clearer and with better understanding.

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3 Days of darkness.

Post by ranter » Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:58 pm

Woe to the false prophets. In 1957 as a child I was unfortunate enough to read a newspaper report predicting 3 days of darkness from Good Friday to Easter Sunday 1960. I lived in terror of this for three years afraid to mention it to anybody.
I knew my parents had read it but it didnt seem to bother them.
Easter 1960 approached with growing terror in my young heart and when it arrived nothing happened.
Some time later I was in school and my teacher sent me out of the classroom with a message for another teacher in another class. There were no mobile phones in those days.
On my journey I looked up at the sky and half of the sun was missing. I froze in terror. My 3 days of darkness were arriving. I will never forget that moment. I forgot about my mission and fled back to the safety of my class room in terror.
When my teacher finally made sense of my terrified babbling he said "Oh my goodness, I forgot we have something very special in store for you all today."
He proceeded to punch pin holes in a lot of pieces of cardboard and invited us all out to look at the sun through the pinholes as he gave us all a wonderful lesson on Solar Eclipses.
After that I lost my fear of 3 days of darkness.
From time to time the prediction was presented again with new dates. I never gave it any more credence and it never came true.
Its a great way to frighten the innocent, the gullible and the true believers.
I have never fancied myself as a prophet but I will make this prediction with absolute certainty of its fulfillment. My prediction is "There will be no 3 days of darkness in this or any future time except in the dark hearts of those who wish to frighten people". Heed them not for they speak with false hearts and forked tongues.
The god of punishment is a son of a bitch conjured up by the judgemental fear mongers.
Oh I know there are plenty of examples of this hateful mass murdering god in the Bible. He makes Hitler and Stalin look like benign Nursery School Teachers. He doesent like the behaivour of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah so instead of teaching them new ways as a loving god would, he Nukes them. Would you trust him not to lose his head at any time in a fit of self rightuous rage and nuke Heven itself. He is the most abusive son of a bitch in all of history. Sorry I take that back. I ment no insult to any bitches.
He has also got a major self image problem. He say "I am the lord thy god. Thou shall not have strange gods before me for I am a jealous god." That doesnt sound like a very secure god or indeed even a sane god. There are two many more abominations perpetrated against humanity by this so called god to mention. But dont worry fearful people and prophets of doom, nothing will happen because this false god has lost his power and his hold over most sections of humanity. Some Hell Fire Preachers still push his line just before they ask you to loosen your pockets and your purse strings to fill their coffers since you cant take it with you. It seems they can as they demand your money with such veracity and naked greed.
Its all a nasty little game. The GOD of love doesnt need any preachers, priests, mullahs or rabbis to stand between you and HIM/HER. HE/SHE speaks from the eternal spark from within your heart.
Beware of false prophecies and those masquarading as emissaries and representitives of god. Create your own direct relationship with GOD.

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Post by Ivanchenko » Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:12 pm

no i've never heard of that. :/

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