First wave Indigo's...

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First wave Indigo's...

Post by Aviendra » Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:18 am

Hi everybody...
                     By absolute chance, I visited this website a few days ago that is all about First Wave Indigo's...has anyone been? Now, I really don't know what to think about it because...well, I'm a very imaginative person and I can believe many things...but when I read this! I was shocked because pretty much states that aliens are amongst us and Indigo's are warriors (some from different galaxies) who are here to save the world!
It's all so romantic and its like I'm reading one of the fantasy novels I love so much and I really want to believe I crazy? So much of it rings true and I'm well aware that it's just the sort of thing that I used to believe as a child but of course, as I grew up and adulthood's just drummed into you that these things are pure nonense...
Help! Can anyone offer insight? Is that website just catering to my desire for a world beyond the drudgery of this one?
Am I allowed to post the site here?

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first wave Indigo's

Post by lem » Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:54 am

First Aviendra, It is only natural for all of us (occasionally) to want certain things to be reality. Its our way to escape the day to day stress that we incounter. Anyone can make a claim without proof. Its the unknown that intrigues us all.  Most of us want that perfect world. Its that child inside of every one of us that wants to believe that there is someone or something out there that will wisk us away to a better life. All of us have to believe in something, for some its God for others it could be anything from Aliens to spirits etc. Food for thought, If there were Aliens here to save the earth, then what are they waiting for??? Like I stated before, anyone can make a claim about something or someone with full knowledge that no one can prove it wrong. If you elect to buy into this theory God bless you, but don't let your fantasies control your life. Being a daydreamer for short spurts can be a good thing, like going to Disney World or watching a good movie, just don't make it a full time obsession that will eventually become a real problem in knowing where the line separates reality from fantasy. Good luck and never stop believing.

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Post by maplewoman » Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:33 am

I believe it, but I too am gullible. This theory has been around for years in different variations. All we do know is that we must be ready for when the time comes. Practice your abilities, whatever they are, keep healthy, choose love over fear and you will have a better chance of survival in the event of a war or any ET activities. Some ETs are good some are evil and want to do us harm, at the moment they are infiltrating the human race into the highest levels of government and when shit does hit the roof be prepared. You have been warned what can you do now to better prepare yourself for the future. What an amazing time to be alive, we will witness the whole world change before our eyes. Don't forget out of death and destruction comes life and creation. Things will get worse before they get better. And in the event of your death be at peace that this is the way it is ment to be, this is your karma. Try not to fear the future instead embrace the challenges and be proud of your efforts.

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I've seen those sites too.

Post by Pattyk10 » Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:45 am

its  strange some of the sites on the web

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Post by MarcoAZS » Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:46 am

Depend do you consider bush and many other money-power freaks as aliens?

If you do well than maybe you are right... But they aren`t just warriors that we use and than trash

they are the new generation and the secound generation will be the crystals.

Well but we have to notice that some people just like me should be an indigo but that actually

doesnt happen, so maybe some part of the old world have to stay alive hehehe

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:52 pm

Do labels really make a difference?  Sometimes they can be destructive in creating super human thinking in the mind, when the body and spirit can't manifest.  

Keep your balance.  Indigos (as a label) have been defined over many years of investigation.  They are human beings with some qualities that have been listed (and believe me when you live them, you know).  

Some say they are warriors (I don't like anything that smacks of conflicts) but they are really wayshowers to the masses who seek spirituality.  They are light on the way.

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Post by MarcoAZS » Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:07 pm

yeah spiritalk is right, you just know a indigo when you feel it, and sometimes you feel an impact very strongly and you can know he is an indigo, you feel that energy that the words aren't enable to explain....

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Post by suzisco » Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:42 pm

Your right labels are or can be pretty destructive.  They can lead you to a place that marks you as different.  humans on the whole are pack animals and can shun outsiders and make things difficult.

However being different has advantages too.  I like to be different, it means i meet and appreciate other people more.  To me thats very important.

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Indigos and aliens

Post by kellymars28 » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:25 pm

I believe it's possible that aliens are infiltrating positioning themselves throughout the government,  gaining power and control. Their first objective is to eliminate our power by eradicting civil rights, overriding our votes, and manipulating us with fear tactics. So far, it has been working but there is a new surge of resistance to the Bush regime that promises to save us. That would be the Indigos energizing this movement to take back our power and preserve it through reinstatement of our civil rights and bringing an end to the death and destruction that has followed in the wake every step of the way of this filthy bunch of nazis (aliens?)who seized power in 2000 by coup d' etat and who have done nothing constructive since, but have instead done everything they possibly could do to destroy this country -- beginning with 9/11. Their mass murder of 3,000+ Americans was designed to open the way for them to wage war in the middle east, use terrorism as a way to terrorize us into willingly giving up all our rights out of fear, put us trillions in debt (china is buying our debt and could call it in at any moment and that would bring economic disaster to America) with no end in sight, installed a police state that is so far invisible to most people but when they declare martial law the visibility will manifest immediately which could only happen if it were already in place: and it is:police are shooting citizens down every day and getting away with it already. This could only happen --any of this -- because we are not paying attention. We are so easily snowed and so easily led, like the sheeple we have become. The ultimate objective is, of course, to kill off most of us and those left are to be slaves for the Bush types ( aliens) who think they are the elite and that they are superior and that exhibit no human emotion or anything that could be considered to be goodness, decency, or righteousness. They are unfeeling, unempathetic, inhuman, uncaring: they are heartless and soulless entities without conscience or morality or any human traits. If they win this battle against their taking over control and usurp our power we are doomed. Perhaps the Indigos are preparing for the big and deciding battle that's coming, waiting to strike at the right moment -- timing is everything -- or perhaps they are already fighting them in ways that we can't see or don't recognize yet. The best thing for us to do in the meantime is to become acutely aware of everything that is going on around us and especially in Washington and get other poeple to become aware as well. We can't help fight this battle if we are still wearing blinders and living in denial. There is power in numbers and  we are all going to have to fight at some point if we are to prevail.  What I see is pure evil at the helm of government in America for going on seven years now. Alien or not, it is evil aiming to destroy us all save a few to serve as slaves catering to their whims with no lives of our own -- but as their chattel. These evil beings worshipping at the altar of insatiable greed and power lust are the enemy, they are the terrorists; their name is death. Since they stole power there have been hundreds of thousands of deaths of mostly Iraqi civilians, the murdered Americans, American soldiers, and Iraqi soldiers. How many more would be alive today if not for these criminal treasonous creatures in the White House?

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Post by angel2007 » Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:50 am

That is a fantastic post kellymars28,

If only everyone in the world especially in the U.S. got to read this. It would really open their eyes,

and make a difference.

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Post by kellymars28 » Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:08 pm

It's hard to understand how it can be that everyone doesn't see what's going on right out in the open; and that which is going on in secret that leaves such blatant clues a five year old could figure it out. Like 9/11, for example: never in U.S. history has there been any airplane crash that wasn't investigated and analyzed meticulously, sifted through painstakingly, with every piece of evidence thoroughly gone over in great detail. Not 9/11 -- and why wasn't it investigated at all? Because those in the executive branch of our government has blocked any and every attempt each time anyone tried to start an  investigation. Immediately after 9/11 evidence was removed from the site on orders from Bush and Cheney. Statements made by first responders and survivors testifying they heard blasts going off in the basement levels of both the towers were reported and immediately eliminated from future reports and ignored by the obviously muzzled media. The fact that Bush's brother was head of security over the twin towers has remained virtually unknown. Bush was told the country was "under attack" and went on reading and talking about a goat with grade schoolers in Florida for a half hour and then made a statement that he had watched the plane fly into the first tower on television when it hadn't been shown on television yet by any network. The military guarding the airspace around NYC was told to "stand down" earlier that morning by Bush -- why? Rumsfeld and other members of the executive branch who always took commercial flights stopped flying commercial months before 9/11 and when asked why their reply was that the CIA or FBI had told them it wasn't safe to fly on commerical airlines. If you've ever seen a building brought down by explosives falling into its own footprint then you know that the twin towers were brought down into their own footprints, too; and common sense makes you wonder how the third building that wasn't hit at all by any plane or anything also fell into its own footprint. When scientific knowledge tells us that the fire at the top of the other two buildings hit by planes could not have brought those towers down, expecially not with such speed, we have to reach the only logical conclusion that anyone could reach: those buildings had been wired with explosives and brought down and the terrorists with box knives was a story concocted for Bush's and Cheney's own ulterior motives: the terrorist story enabled them to attack Iraq even though Iraq had nothing to do with the villain in their story, bin Ladin, nor did Saddam Hussein have any connection to al quada, and Hussein certainly had no WMDs as the U.N. inspectors were already discovering. Where there's this much smoke there has to be not just a fire but a raging inferno underneath it. There are more facets to this enormous lie sold to Americans but these highlights, on the tip of this ugly iceberg, are enough to convince anyone with a functional thought process that there must be a real investigation and that those who were responsible for the mass murder of 3,000+ Americans must be held accountable.

This makes clear that the only terrorists we need worry about in America are Bush and Cheney and their minions. What isn't clear is how over half of all American voters were unable--or unwilling -- to see the truth about 9/11, giving their allegiance to the perpetrators of 9/11 for years. There is one highly populous group of Americans in this category that have been brainwashed by church leaders who were told to vote for Bush/Cheney in a deal with the devil based upon the big fat lie that he was going to overturn Roe v Wade in return for their votes. The Bible which these people are supposedly following straight up says that there will be evil people who infiltrate churches  referred to as wolves in sheep's clothing which Christians are to be vigiliant in recognizing and not following. I guess they were absent from church that day and have a valid reason for not reading the Bible on their own instead of taking the head wolves word on things because otherwise they aren't Christians at all but sheep following the head of the devil's army straight toward the gates of hell.

That accounts for some of the stupidity we've seen in the loyalty to Bush/Cheney -- but what about the rest of his supporters? What's their excuse? Obviously they are all too lazy to do their own thinking and just follow the crowd they've chosen to be members of; and we can see how easy it is for them to be used because of it. Or maybe it could be the result of some DOD experiment in mass mind control. There have been experiments conducted using high pitched frequencies to control group thinking. It's possible that they achieve the level of control they need just through control of the media. TV is piped into most homes 24/7 and five minutes of Fox's "fair and balanced--YOU decide" propaganda clearly proves the power of the media over the non-thinking crowd. That any thinking individual could actually swallow that absurd nonsense is impossible; how anyone issued a functional brain can let their brain atrophy to such an extent as to swallow that hogwash is beyond comprehension.

I used to wonder how Hitler could have accomplished the level of evil he did in Germany; how could all those people have simply allowed that monster to take over their government, steal their freedom, and control them to the extent that they accepted the torture and murders of hundreds of thousands of human beings? Now I know. It's been happening in America for six years. Blind stupidity and obsession with one nonissue to the exclusion of one's own life, freedom, and even the lives and freedom of their children combined with their slavery to fear of a bogeyman manufactured by THE only  bogeyman there is in the whole scenario. A bogeyman that we have power to disable if only we would all stand together against his evil; instead we have accepted the torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of human beings. We accepted his signing statements stating that he is ignoring hundreds of laws of this country, we've accepted being surveilled, we've agreed to loss of all civil rights in exchange for the fleeting temoral illusion of "safety" that has already evaporated, leaving us with the reality that we've been duped yet the duped STILL don't see it.

A person of character and honor would never have stolen the election from the winner. We accepted that and as a result look what's happened to us, to America, to Iraq. Now Iran is in the sights of his gun. He doesn't care what we want or think. We can only rid ourselves of this monster by force. We who do think and see what's going on have elected a new Congress ridding our government of the repugnants who rubberstamped every atrocity Bush desired for six years to get rid of him. Their concern lies with their reelection on down the road. We must force them to force Bush and Cheney out before they involve us in another field of death and destruction in the middle east. It's the only thing that will save us from total annihilation or total slavery. Neither is acceptable or desirable. I want freedom and life. Bush and Cheney represent nothing but death and slavery. We are at war, all right, but it's us against them -- Bush and Cheney -- not the people of Iraq or Iran or terrorists or al quada or bin Ladin. The enemy lies within, the terrorism is an inside job, and the terrorist lives in the White House illegally, unethically, and undeservedly.

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Post by Raymond » Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:58 pm

Well, if you believe in re-incarnation and also that there are other worlds besides dear old earth then isn't it highly possible that we have all been aliens at some time or another? Who knows where you may have lived in another incarnation?

Actually, judging from some of the responses I see on the forums now and then, there are definitely aliens on this planet. They sure aren't from the earth I know! Very strange indeed.


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aliens and indigos

Post by kellymars28 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:23 pm

Well, indeed we may have all been aliens in another incarnation or we may well be aliens in this incarnation, but all we hold dear on this dear old earth is being threatened by those in political power in this and other countries. As they work their black magic to destroy everything good in this world we who refuse to see what they are doing and who sit back & accept it doing nothing to stop them do nothing but enable them, while we who see what's going on trying our best to prevent the disaster they bring are doing whatever we can to get those who don't see it to open their eyes and figure it out. It's a pity that we quibble over semantics -- who's an alien now, who's been an alien before, etc. -- when the issue is not who was or is an alien but what is going on around us right now and how can we stop it.      

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Post by Aviendra » Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:30 pm

What I find even more how the rest of the world seems to "bow" before the Americans whenever they exert their dominance. I'm from Australia and every time my Prime Minister kisses Bush's arse, I feel that's just one more nail in the coffin.
I loathe how America has this overwhelming hold over the rest of the nations and I loathe how they are all letting it happen.
Times are changing...the era we live in is on the cusp of a huge shift...we live in times of absolute peril and it's all leading to destruction...
What can we all do?? The whole thing seems too overwhelming to get your head around...
Slowly I'm hearing and reading of sparks of hope accross the globe and I pray always that people need to take a stand...I don't know about you guys but I'm thinking we are crucial to this shift...

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:21 pm

The fact is we feel helpless as an indiivdual...but like waves on the ocean that build and increase with power, so our thoughts can and do increase.  Today the news tells us that the Brits are pulling troops out of Iraq.  Its a start!

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