I have a Problem and would like some Advice!

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I have a Problem and would like some Advice!

Post by eclipseroses » Sat May 12, 2007 9:20 pm

Hi, I'm new here, but i've got a problem and would like some guidance. My boyfriend broke up with me a few weeks ago. I have been told by several psychics that he is my soulmate and that he will be coming back to me. Now i've had some spells done for to bring him back and some of these people tell me that they need to do some extra stuff and want extraordinary amounts of money. How can you tell the difference between a real authentic love spell and someone who is just out for the money? Need some advice on this! Thanks so much for responding.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat May 12, 2007 9:54 pm

Well....here is it just one thing to do.....forget all about spell....forget about all people who want to cast spell for you for money....all is forge!

If mankind was able to cast such spell, then we would have to loose our free will. We can call "falling in love" one of our most powerful spell....but even that is not lasting  long if not mutual respect and care for each other follows.

If he broke up with you...evaluate your last 6 month's with him.
Do you see a decline in his care for you?
Did you have more quarrels in this period?
Are you a jealous type that try to control him and in doing that push him away.

If he left you for another, don't bother more with him....there isn't enough to build an lasting relationship upon such a ground.
If you feel you are the reason, talk to him...say you have realize the situation...say you want to work with it and ask him to help and support.
If he feel something for you he might come back...and from that you both can bring it forward.

If you feel you have no fault or he say no, then forget about him as soon as possible....don't build castle in the air...be open for new relationship....and don't live on dreams that never can come true.

And never believe in love spell...love portions...or people who say they can bring him back to you for money!

Good luck to you :)

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Re: I have a Problem and would like some Advice!

Post by George » Sat May 12, 2007 10:24 pm

eclipseroses wrote:Hi, I'm new here, but i've got a problem and would like some guidance. My boyfriend broke up with me a few weeks ago. I have been told by several psychics that he is my soulmate and that he will be coming back to me. Now i've had some spells done for to bring him back and some of these people tell me that they need to do some extra stuff and want extraordinary amounts of money. How can you tell the difference between a real authentic love spell and someone who is just out for the money? Need some advice on this! Thanks so much for responding.
:smt017 you see, and this is my personal opinion, doing a spell to bring someone back hence forcing them to do something that they do not want to do is ethically wrong.  I wasn't there so i don't know the spell so it is hard to say for sure if its that type of spell.
now for someone to say, i have to do something more with the spell or something like that then ask for more money but then you say "Extraordinary amounts of money." then i say,  run like hell and keep your money!  
what i would suggest is find a book on spells and ethics and give it a good read and you will find that YOU could most likly do those spells but look for the ones that will guide you into a state of mind in finding your soulmate.  look within yourself!  :smt002

good luck !   :smt006

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Post by Erinrose » Sat May 12, 2007 11:59 pm


I'm new too and I always feel a little hesitant about where I should post to begin with. So if I may comment on your post.

I disagree with love spells since it makes no sense to me to make someone stay with me and love me if they don't want to.

And I have to say, the red flags go up when I hear that someone claiming to be professional would charge money to do a love spell for you.

I would like to suggest that you take a step back. Forget about the love spells, and seek out a competent psychic or medium in order to get a little insight into what the future might hold.

I have to say, I do not believe in 'soul mates'. But that's not to say they don't exist - I just don't believe in it.

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Post by Reiniba-Chan » Sun May 13, 2007 12:07 am

oh my goodness...casting spells??? let it GOO!! o_O If he is you "soulmate" sweetie, what point is there in casting a spell? Girl, you gotta wake up and smell the coffee, literally.

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Re: I have a Problem and would like some Advice!

Post by Gem » Sun May 13, 2007 11:22 am

eclipseroses wrote:Hi, I'm new here, but i've got a problem and would like some guidance. My boyfriend broke up with me a few weeks ago. I have been told by several psychics that he is my soulmate and that he will be coming back to me.
Psychics can be wrong... did they charge too?
Now i've had some spells done for to bring him back and some of these people tell me that they need to do some extra stuff and want extraordinary amounts of money.
When people first get involved with spells it seems a good idea, but if he IS your soulmate there would be no need.
How can you tell the difference between a real authentic love spell and someone who is just out for the money? Need some advice on this! Thanks so much for responding.
They are both the same! If someone charges for a spell then whether it is any good or not they are there for the money. Do not pay any more, and do not go back to them. You don't need it, as everyone has already said if he is your soul mate you will meet again, not necessarily in this life though. And if he isn't then no spell will bring him back and give you true love.

Do you practise the Craft? Do you follow Wicca? Learn more and then you will understand, grow in confidence in yourself, and feel a lot happier, but using others with no morals to do your spells for you  is a slippery slope downhill and will come back with repercussions :(

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Post by Erinrose » Sun May 13, 2007 5:09 pm


I hope you will come back and let us know how it worked out.

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Post by babyg0187 » Sun May 13, 2007 9:53 pm

My boyfriend left me for another about a year ago, and i just couldn't let go of him i was so depressed, and even though he'd moved to Australia and i was still in NZ i just wanted him back and wished for him back.  His family kept getting in our business and i feel they were 1 of the main reasons we broke up.  I always said what goes around comes around.  Now my ex is back and things didn't work out for him and this much prettier blue eyed blonde #$#&#^ ( i still feel alot of hate, but need to get passed it ) but i have taken him back.  I don't no if i am dumb to take him back or whether it was just a path in life that needed to be taken for us to learn or what but every1 is saying there happy to see me happy again and i hope it last because our relationship wasn't so great before we broke up. We were always fighting and arguing but i was still depressed when he left me.  Things are much better now but if it lasts i don't no, his family is still trying to get in our business but he has assured me they can't come between us this time.  So just wait it out and hopefully if it was meant to be you guys will be, this just might be a path you both need to take to realise where you guys stand in each others lifes or a learning experience for you both.  I hope if works out for you anyway, just remember everything happens for a reason.

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Post by MissEm » Sun May 13, 2007 11:36 pm

Hi eclyipserose

Everything I was going to say has already been said by previous comments to you.  I guess I jsut want to add my own 2 cents and say that if you have to 'forcibly' hang on to something or someone then you really need to take a step back and evaluate the situation.  He left for a reason (whatever that may be) and if you don't know or understand why, then maybe you just need to talk to him and find out why he left.  If he left you for another, then there's not a lot you can do about that and I'd be thinking that if he came back, could you trust him again to not walkout on you again for someone else?

If he left you because he dosn't like somethign that you did, then that can be talked about.  If he left because things were getting too heavy perhaps, then that can be discussed also.  Ultimatley though, you need to think about why you want him back.  There are so many variables here as to why he left or why you want him back.  In your heart of hearts, why do you want him back?

I wish you well and lots of luck with whatever choice you make.  Just think things through before you act and I, like the others here, would steer well clear of those so called psychics asking you for money.  If they didn't get the spell right the first time, I'd be thinking about their competence in their craft (so called) and their sincerity and integrity in doing the right thing.  Phonies or charlatans are a couple of words that come to mind.  Be careful with your money and be very reluctant to give it to those people.

Now that I've probably said a bit more than 2 cents worth...good luck!  Take heed of the very wise words provided by the others here.  You'll come out on top in the end. :)

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Lost love

Post by kalimullah_3 » Mon May 14, 2007 2:59 am

There is no formula to test a spell. But I think trust in god and pray to god according to your belief. Remain confident that your wish will be fulfill at some time. It requires time some time. I am confident that one day you will be happy with your love mate

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Post by Erinrose » Mon May 14, 2007 5:36 am


If I may... One word of warning, hate is a killer - it causes diseases.
Let go of the hate and you will be a much happier person.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon May 14, 2007 2:00 pm

My friend and I went to a psychic...he turned out to be not very good.  He told her that the husband of a 30+ years marriage would be returning in April.  We still haven't figured out what year...and that was over 20 years ago.

The problem with this reading is...she held out hope for a very long time.  He moved on and re-married, etc.  She still clung to the old promise of the reading - in the back of her mind.  

A psychic can be right or wrong.  They are not responsible for giving such advice!  It is just not their job description!  The fact is...life unfolds as it should!  We just don't allow all circumstances to unfold when we are 'stuck' in someone else's advice for our lives.  NOTHING is case in stone about the future...it is all created and changed by our thoughts.

BTW I had someone for a reading that want to hear and had been told by several other psychics that her lost love would be returning...it was in her destiny.  She ranted with me when I said it just wasn't so...others had told her.  My response: Then what the heck are you doing here with me?  Do you want the truth or some placebo?

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Rep to babyg0187,

Post by kalimullah_3 » Mon May 14, 2007 5:06 pm

Yes I 100% agree with you. Love start when hate ended. Hate and love are synonym of Paradise and hell.

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