For Girls: Why girls like to act High Class?

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For Girls: Why girls like to act High Class?

Post by setiawandavid » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:22 am

Well a friend of mine "A" had once tried to fool his female friend, A said "I Like you". You know she said she can not like him. Then she tried to calm  down. Well since thats just an acting, A felt nothing. He then said "Well i tried to tell you i like your nose" Then she angry to him (Normal Right)

Then several weeks later A meet that girl again, she try to flirt A by call him honey, try to find out whether A still like her or not (Well it wont work right since A just fool her). He replied somehow like yeah i like you, something like that, then the girl replied "Well i dont actually want to reject you but i just cant imagine that there will be a guy like you who expressed your love to me" (This part sounds weird)

Well my question if A's story is right then why do girls like to play hard-to-get, they somehow reject the men and seek them later?
Do you think that A lie to me?
Well i guess women's desire is hard to be predicted right hehe, somehow they want to test guy's effort right?
Thanks for your participation and asnwer

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High Class

Post by noskcaj » Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:34 pm

Many people do not want to feel predictable or used. Moods change in many conversations, as well as any moods influenced by alcohol or other drugs. The best method to understand her is to learn what she enjoys... her likes and dislikes. Building a rapport with someone is the best way to understand them. I am not sure class has anything to do with it...unless there is more information you are not explaining.

If its a short lived romance you want...keep it up. If its longer, you should slow down an appreciate the little intricacies of every conversation. Ask her why she said that or what she meant by that.

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Re: For Girls: Why girls like to act High Class?

Post by suresh » Tue Aug 14, 2007 5:54 pm

She is like any other girl, toying with men, making them suffer, and deriving pleasure out of it. I am yet to see a normal woman, most of them like to play games, send mixed signals, and hurt your feelings. I have no idea why, maybe, that's woman's nature and she can't help it.:smt012

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:11 pm

women. can't live em. can't live with em. hahahaha!

lmao. you guys are funny.

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Post by Angelique » Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:43 pm

Some people do play head games, and this goes for both genders... it is not isolated to just one specific gender. Some don't even realize they are playing one because they are too busy protecting their heart (seeing if the other person intentions are for real) or even the other persons heart because they don't want to hurt their feelings by flat out saying they aren't interested. So they tap dance around the subject delicately, as best they know how while considering the other person has feelings and it causes misunderstandings. Then you have those who enjoy toying with other peoples emotions because they like the attention they are receiving, or they may not even know any better.

And then we have people (both genders) who don't play head games, who are true blue and say it like they see it no matter gentle or how harsh it may seem to be clear they're not interested. And then we have those people who no matter how you tell them you aren't interested, they just don't get it.

Some men feel women play head games, and some women feel men play head games... gender roles do not have their own corner in the market other than the fact some anatomical parts differ, upbringing, morals and beliefs may differ. But our blood is just as red, we all have feelings, intellect, emotions.. each individual handles it differently.

If you feel someone you like is playing head games with you, it's your choice to move along or your choice to stay. The blame rests entirely upon you, not the other person considering you have absolutely no control over others actions, you only have control over your own.

I would like to think that most people don't play games, they are just too wrapped up in their own emotions and even baggage to articulate properly what they really feel the right way. Ultimately, you can't please everyone all of the time.

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Post by adrianna » Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:49 am angelique says, playing head games goes for both sexes. Some woman like to think that they're worth themselves by playing hard to get and classy. Some on the other hand come from the other side of the scale and play to easy (read:sleazy). Being a woman myself - i find both types of these woman frustrating and unattractive. I guess they both have their reasons for acting that way. That said however, shyness and coyness are sometimes miscontrued and 'playing hard to get' without meaning to.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:19 am

like attracts like so if you find yourself in a pool of fools it may be time to change your ways and live differently...???

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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:19 am

The question is why is OK for your friend to play games with this girl but when she does it back he gets offended.
Tell him to grow up and start treating women as would be treated then he might find someone special.

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Post by brandoNZ » Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:46 am

I read a poem on this board and i'll share a bit with you i think it has some significance to this.

When you judge a person in your mind
We are actually judging ourselves
What we see in another person
Is inside of us

Make what you will of this message.


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Post by Angelique » Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:14 pm

brandoNZ wrote:I read a poem on this board and i'll share a bit with you i think it has some significance to this.

When you judge a person in your mind
We are actually judging ourselves
What we see in another person
Is inside of us

Make what you will of this message.

Hi BrandoNZ,

For a 17 year old you're very wise and perceptive, I'm impressed.  I try my best to follow this theory in my life more so than not... Though I confess I am what I am, I don't always remember this golden tidbit.. But it's a good rule of thumb :)

In fact I wrote about it recently. It's what helps give me understanding, patience, compassion and tolerance and is similar to what I had put in my signature when I first signed on board but it never showed up. Signature's are a hit or miss from what I understand.

Thank you for sharing it :)

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Post by boadicca » Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:44 pm

interesting subject

i think the operative word here is 'act' ........... personally i think it shows a lack of self confidence when people of either sex feel they need to act as something they are not in order to make themselves more interesting

much better all round for people to just be themselves  :)

what does anyone else think?

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Post by Angelique » Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:21 am

boadicca wrote:interesting subject

i think the operative word here is 'act' ........... personally i think it shows a lack of self confidence when people of either sex feel they need to act as something they are not in order to make themselves more interesting

much better all round for people to just be themselves  :)

what does anyone else think?
Hi boadicca,

What one persons understanding of another's actions is ultimately perception... which can sometimes be way off base.  

The initial post, I don't know if you caught it, but the guy tried to "fool" her, and honestly, if he was trying to fool her then shame on him - he has no right to complain since he is just as guilty with his own deception.

Bottom line is you are absolutely right, people should just be themselves, not what they think everyone wants or expects them to be.... Just keep it real, it makes things so much easier. :)

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Post by Leslie » Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:41 pm

Hi BrandoNZ,

I am going to agree with Angelique when it comes to you.

My thought is I am who I am. You either like me or do not. If you do not that is okay with me. I do not like games whether they be from females or males.

Life is just too short!


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