Can you hear Mother Earth?

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Can you hear Mother Earth?

Post by Gothessa » Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:48 am

At night before I fall asleep I can hear mother earth. She is in pain and she needs help from all of us, Now!
When I tell this to My husband, friends and neighborough they think I went crazy. But this is true, I Can hear Mother Earth, it´s like it is in the air, or in space, it´s like very soft disturbing sounds, like millions of whispers and cryings. Difficult to explane but this is what I hear.
At the same time I can Feel her pain and cryings, and I just feel I have to do something as a being on this planet, for Mother earth.
I have a purpose on this planet and maybe this is it?

Anybody else that hears Mother Earth? What Can we do to help?


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:51 pm

I have found the earth itself to be very strong and vibrant - despite what human beings are doing to destroy its resources.  In my opinion she is not asking for healing - as that is what she does all the time in re-generation.  (Many years ago an astrologer predicted the waters would overtake the land on both coasts of North America and land would arise from the waters in different places.  It is happening - there was a new island found off the coast of British Columbia a few years back.)  We see the destruction, we don't witness the subtle renewal.  

Could the voices have been the human cries of our own misery?  We do need to grow up and learn to live WITH the earth and not against it.

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Post by Gem » Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:55 pm

I think I have to agree with Spiritalk here :)

It sounds more like you were linking into the screams of mankind and not the Earth.

If you study energies and healing ways like Reiki and especially, Celtic Reiki you will find how to tune into the Earth and use the energies, and they are very alive and vibrant and still potent :)

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Post by Sorrow » Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:38 pm

Need no worries, Universe has master plan, everything happens for a reason.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:04 pm

It all depend on what view you put into Gothessa's post.

I agree both with Spiritalk and Gem that the earth is strong and will manage to fix it has done many times before......but then you are only viewing earth.

If you want to see earth and humans together...well then I will say Gothessa has more right.
If we humans still shall "administer" this world....then we need to show respect for it. We think on ourself as the Greatest there is....but when it come to Nature itself we are nothing.
Nature and earth will heal....the question is if we the humans endure the healing process.

Government after government....United Nation...and many many commissions say we have to act is no longer just some "doom days" people on the corner that cry out for start to be serious....and it will cost us a lot....both in money and suffering.

So Gothessa I for one hear your cry......hopefully we start to believe that we ourself must do something...not only our Neighbour.

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Post by Gothessa » Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:55 pm

Maybe I should tell you that ever since I was a child I have beleived that we, (people) animals, plants and earth belongs together.
This is our home our souls is bounded to Earth, and heaven(space), if we just sit and watch earth and space get distroyed, it´s like watching yourself or someone close to you die slowly and in pain.
We build all the time, citys and smaller towns gets bigger, soon the animals will not have any place or home to exist, they moves into the cities, the plants are blooming to soon and everything is upside down in nature.
Many people choose not to see, but I know a lot of people who sees and are very worried. Earth and all in it and around it, Are Us, and we are IT. And if we don´t do anything Now, we will not exist in the future.

Maybe it was all the crying voices of people in pain, true, and maybe It was Mother Earth as I beleive it was, however something is wrong and many suffers.

And as Good Masters or Guardians of Mother earth, we cannot just sit an watch what we love in pain.

Rhutobello wrote:It all depend on what view you put into Gothessa's post.

I agree both with Spiritalk and Gem that the earth is strong and will manage to fix it has done many times before......but then you are only viewing earth.

If you want to see earth and humans together...well then I will say Gothessa has more right.
If we humans still shall "administer" this world....then we need to show respect for it. We think on ourself as the Greatest there is....but when it come to Nature itself we are nothing.
Nature and earth will heal....the question is if we the humans endure the healing process.

Government after government....United Nation...and many many commissions say we have to act is no longer just some "doom days" people on the corner that cry out for start to be serious....and it will cost us a lot....both in money and suffering.

So Gothessa I for one hear your cry......hopefully we start to believe that we ourself must do something...not only our Neighbour.

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Post by Gem » Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:27 pm

Surely man is just a speck on the surface of mother Earth's time line? We have been around for so few years compared to her lifetime.

Take the recent flooding, if man would stop building in nature's floodplains, blocking their outlets then the flooding would not damage homes so much.  It is most probable that man will not survive for millions of years, sadly man appears to have an inbuilt destruct mechanism. We fight, we argue, we pollute, but the Earth has massive self-healing properties that we are only just beginning to learn about. Did you know cows pollute more than cars?

My conscience is clear, I sleep well at nights, but I do what I can and the ripples spread.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:42 pm

Gem wrote: Did you know cows pollute more than cars?
There is a difference between cows and cars. One is natural, the other is not. Also, cows are part of the problem. Don't think there would be so many cows if we all didn't like hamburgers so much. Why don't they call them cowburgers anyway?

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:47 pm

Gem wrote:. Did you know cows pollute more than cars?
That might so be....but both are a product of our need, then we have to ask...which is most important....which can we do something with?

This is no single persons's mankind''s mankind that must fix it.

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Post by Gem » Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:04 pm

Cow burgers and yep hamburgers!!  although we do have beefburgers in the UK so thats close.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:11 pm

Well.....I think cow is the only thing that change sex after death :)

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