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Post by littlebird03 » Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:19 pm

Is anyone here a member of the Rosicrucian society? I am very interested in joining. It's not a scam, right? Is it really worth it to join?

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:20 pm

More ways to divide and conquer.

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Post by littlebird03 » Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:15 am

I'm sorry, what do you mean by that?

Love, Kim

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Post by Angelique » Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:00 pm

Hi Kim-

It depends on who you join such as AMORC, Order of The Rose. Before getting into anything you do, you should always do a lot of research about any organization; I don't care if it's a business you're looking to work for, look into their credentials, learn what they do and what they expect - never go into anything blindly because it sounds cool. To become a member is instant IF you are accepted and depending on the lessons can take years of study, I believe up to eight. After eight years, I believe you become a master in a particular area but you need to continue your studies and it isn't all about mysticism. You'll have to look into it.

You need to ask yourself why you wish to become a member of the Rosicrucian Order? What exactly are looking for and what is it that you want to get out of it?

As bends said, there are more ways than one to divide and conquer.

Am I a member? No. But someone who was very close and dear to me was.

I hope this was helpful to you.


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Post by sidewalk_bends » Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:33 pm

Hi Kim,

When I think of groups and memberships, it reminds me of how people separate themselves. Sometimes it is not an intentional thing, but we do it nonetheless. It reminded of the different religions of the world and how despite their common ground (usually love for all) they find ways to say one is superior above the other, or how one's way is better than the other. In truth, you don't need to belong to any group to find the truth, or to learn about oneself and one's place in the grand scheme of things. What is available to one is available to all. Nothing is a secret, except in one's own mind.

So when I said divide and conquer, what better way to dispel the truth, than to give different versions (perceptions) of it, or throw it in with a bag of lies.

It's not a knock on the group you mentioned, it's just as Angelique said, ask yourself why you want to join.

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Post by littlebird03 » Wed Oct 17, 2007 7:37 pm

Thank you both for your responses!

Angelique, I was considering AMORC. I'm not sure why, I feel the most comfortable with them. I have been doing a bit of research and the more I learn, the more interested I get in becoming a member. It's beginning to come down to a "too good to be true" kind of deal. I was hoping to find someone who was a member to ask them their personal opinion. If you don't mind me asking, Is the person you know still a member? If not, why did they leave? Did they find it to be worthwhile and interesting?

Sidewalk bends, you bring up some good points for me to think about. You are very right in that one does not need to be a member of a group in order to find the truth. I am, however, hoping that the lessons taught within this particular group will help me to get there! Everything I read seems so interesting and I just find myself wanting to know more. I am just trying to be cautious before I join because I don't want to make any mistakes!

Thank you again
Love, Kim

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:07 pm

In regards to mistakes, just remember, there are many ways to the Center. You go forwards. I go backwards and somewhere we shall meet.

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Post by Angelique » Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:55 pm

littlebird03 wrote:Thank you both for your responses!

Angelique, I was considering AMORC. I'm not sure why, I feel the most comfortable with them. I have been doing a bit of research and the more I learn, the more interested I get in becoming a member. It's beginning to come down to a "too good to be true" kind of deal. I was hoping to find someone who was a member to ask them their personal opinion. If you don't mind me asking, Is the person you know still a member? If not, why did they leave? Did they find it to be worthwhile and interesting?

Sidewalk bends, you bring up some good points for me to think about. You are very right in that one does not need to be a member of a group in order to find the truth. I am, however, hoping that the lessons taught within this particular group will help me to get there! Everything I read seems so interesting and I just find myself wanting to know more. I am just trying to be cautious before I join because I don't want to make any mistakes!

Thank you again
Love, Kim

The person left the order due to death and for no other reason. He found it worthwhile and interesting for no other reason other than the fact that he loved to learn, they shared his interests and learn he did. I have considered joining and would readily be accepted because I am a descendant, but I know I can learn all of this and more on my own just as well. My "fraternity," is whomever is interested in the same things that interest me, part of that is here. I get to share and be the receiver of knowledge and learn a lot here. It works out great for me.

Rosicrucian's don't only deal with the esoteric, a lot of study is in heavy duty in the sciences (Bio/Chemistry/anatomy/medicine,etc, etc....) and heavy duty mathematics (Right down to physics/quantum/string and then some it's mind boggling) because everything is made up of mathematics and numbers play an important role in all things.

If you're having doubts about something and you're afraid to make a mistake, then perhaps your best bet would be to put it on the back burner for now and learn what interests you at your own pace. There is no law that says you have to join something now... it can wait until tomorrow, ten years from now or hold its breath until it turns blue  :smt002

Listen to what your instincts tell you. Besides, the internet is rich with all the information and then some that you seek. Plus book stores have tons of books on the subjects you're interested in.

Happy learning!


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Post by littlebird03 » Thu Oct 18, 2007 6:59 am

Thank you Angelique, this really sounds like it's right down my alley.

I originally became interested in this group after I came across a book that they had published. I thought that it was unlike any other thing that I had read and it was written in a way that was so easily understandable, as soon as I finished it I went out and tried to find other books that they had, and I found out that they were this huge group and that they had so much more that they could teach. I think have a bit of a habit of always wanting to learn learn learn and I don't pace myself! I have an intense curiosity about every little thing and while I generally believe it's a good thing, I might need to make more of an effort to slow down a bit so I don't burn out. But then again I never want to feel like I'm wasting my time watching television or something. Hopefully I can find a middle ground!

Anyway I just really like how they explain their ideas, they have a way of making everything seem simple and their theorys really appeal to logic. I want to know where they're coming from and how much more I can learn from them.

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Post by MarcoAZS » Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:07 pm

well I don't find it worthy.... here in Brazil we have the biggest number of rosicrucians in the world and I can tell you they are very skeptic very full of rules from the spiritist religion its not worthy and afterwards you start turning yourself on a very emotional person wish they are in lot, and they are all full of veangence in heart if I cant tell you something its that it is in fact not worthy to join them but thats how I think


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:35 pm

The Spiritist teachings have nothing to do with Rosicrucians.  They are 2 separate teachings.

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Post by Angelique » Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:37 pm

Hi marcos-

Although I'm not defending the Rosicrucian's, or any other similar following like Masons, Free Masons, you can't stereotype a group into a nice neat little package - it doesn't exist or work that way. I know the group my relative was a member of it was not all spiritualist, esoteric, they were very open, not skeptic but they exercised their minds, education was very important, logic and gathered all facts and kept an open-mind about things. Religion was never a factor and Rosicrucian's are not a religious sect by any means - they are a potpourri of jewish/catholics/christians/protestants/baptists/muslims/unitarians/atheists, etc.. take your pick. Religion doesn't play a part in this at all.

No vengefulness, spitefulness, aggressiveness for anyone who agrees or disagrees with their views. Rather a group of like minds with common interests and goals. Think of a group of Advertising Executives getting together on a monthly or yearly basis except this group is more interested in the sciences and of the mind.

If you look read up on the Rosicrucian's you will find some state they are actual members/affiliates/associates when they are not just because they are an established group of some sort who happen to follow some of the same criteria. In biker terms, they'd be called "wannabe's" aka want to be's.

This response isn't a slight to you by any means, but I don't believe in generalizing something when other factors are involved. Perhaps the chapters in Brazil aren't all truly what the Rosicrucian's are... and then again perhaps some are and are just plain old crooked because sometimes that happens. It happens in government, why not within certain groups ad its affiliates?

MarcoAZS wrote:well I don't find it worthy.... here in Brazil we have the biggest number of rosicrucians in the world and I can tell you they are very skeptic very full of rules from the spiritist religion its not worthy and afterwards you start turning yourself on a very emotional person wish they are in lot, and they are all full of veangence in heart if I cant tell you something its that it is in fact not worthy to join them but thats how I think


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Post by littlebird03 » Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:01 pm

Hey, I got a question. What are the names of the groups who would be considered wanna-be's? Which one is the authentic one? If you don't mind me asking

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Post by LupusMatris » Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:50 pm

If I were you I would read as much as I could about as many of the Rosicrucian groups as I could find. If you are interested in learning why not start with learning about the history of the organization and how todays groups have evolved from what you termed the authentic. I know it isnt always the most reliable source of factual information, but Wikipedia is a great place to start. Search for Rosicrucian and when you have read that one start following the links in the first article and read until you just cant do it anymore :)

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Post by MarcoAZS » Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:46 pm

well I think I should just start saying that when I said that I wasn't generalizing and yes I do have a basis of what im saying, cause if rosicrucians comes from rosy cross well im sure my mom my dad 3 of my teachers 6 of my best family friends are involved on that term. And when I say spiritist + rosicrucians I mean by that, that most of the rosicrucians are in fact spiritists here in Brazil I can see that very very clearly and dont worry cause I travelled to 14 countries canada was only number 14 I've seen points of view from all sides. And in fact I understand why you think they are so open minded, is cause you still didn't realized alot but maybe one day you will notice, how they indulce you to think the way they want and they do that very clearly such as society teosophia do. And when you realize the so involved power people think feel they have you will understand what I say with weak emotion wish makes people weak of mind but thats in fact something you have the right to choose your path you are still a young so I belive so, I feel so, but after some reincarnations you will realize the mistake that rosicrucians have, but as I say, everyone thinks the way they want, thats just how I see things.
and no by anyways I didn't stereotype no one on little packages I just took the biggest part of them and talked about them, of course there are good people there, there are good people god knows where in the world, everywhere have good people :) even in the littlest places.

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