Has Anyone had a Real Out of Body Experience?

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Has Anyone had a Real Out of Body Experience?

Post by PurpleRose53 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 9:33 am

I had an out of body experience when I was 15.
I don't remember what I had done to make my biological sperm donor  (father) so mad at me, but he was in a red-hot, livid state at me.
He made me take off all of my clothes, and lay face down on my bed. He then took his big black belt with the buckle on it, and started beating me. He beat me everywhere: head, back, shoulders, legs, hands, face, well you get the idea. The beating went on for an hour and a half. At first I cried and shouted and tried to get away from him to no avail.
Then, I stopped being vocal, and had my face down in the mattress where it was almost impossible to breathe. I went completely limp.
Next thing I knew, I was floating near the ceiling in a corner of the room. I saw him still beating my body, but I didn't feel any pain. My body wasn't moving. I saw all of the welts on that body. But, I still didn't feel any pain. I saw the blood staining the mattress, but again I didn't feel any pain.
I then saw him stop swinging the belt and he turned me over. I must have looked dead to him, because he started shouting to my brothers and sister, that he was going out, and to not let me take a bath or go to sleep. He then left the room, and I came back into my body. Then, the pain was there.

Has anyone had an out of body experience?
How did I leave my body? Was it because the beating was so tramatic that the only way I could protect myself was to completely leave that broken and torn body? Please let me know what you think happened. I still wonder at it to this day.
Thank You for Reading my Post.

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Post by Danny » Sat Oct 20, 2007 9:40 am

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Post by PurpleRose53 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:19 am

Danny wrote:Dreams are multidimensional.  But you should thread carefully.  There are experts here at the dream factory.  Dream interpretation group.  I suggest you start there.  I remember the time I was riding my bike when I was about seven,  I was a flying.


Dear Danny,
Thank You for your insight about dreams, but what I experienced wasn't a dream. I literally left my body while I was awake... getting beat.
Wow, you went flying while riding your bike? That's awesome!!

Thank You for Reading my Post.

Happiness to You,

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Post by Samson » Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:49 am

Hello Ronda,

 What you had experienced was an out of body, your body went into shock from the beating that you received, it was far to much for you to take so the only thing you could do was leave until your father had stopped. I'll have to admit I'm also in shock that your father could do that to you, he had absolutely no right, I'm totally discussed in him and feel so sorry for you for being the receiver of his anger.  

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:07 pm

I, too, experienced an out of body happening following an operation.  I was back from the anathesia and in pain, so my spirit left the painful body and I was able to look down from the ceiling at it lying on the bed.  

At least my experience wasn't a beating - that was the most disgusting thing I have ever read - to do that to another human being is a total lack of any humanity.

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Post by starryskies » Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:17 pm

Ronda, that was definitely an out of body experience not a dream. I sympathise with what must have been a horrible experience (the beating).

I have only had one OBE, unless you count lucid dreaming, when I fly over fields and meet strangers. This happens when I am relaxed and can sleep late (perhaps getting excess sleep).

I was in India and had cold/flu symptoms. I got some huge yellow pills after communicating in sign language with a non-English speaking Indian medic. That night, I was dreaming wildly and flying all over the place. I remember standing outside the en suite bathroom looking at myself in bed. When I awoke, I assumed it had been a vivid dream. However, my boyfriend told me he woke in the night, saw me lying in the bed and ALSO outside the bathroom door, like there were 2 of me. I guess the strange anti-flu drugs sparked this!

I am fascinated by OBEs but I strongly believe in the spirit living after death so, to me, it makes sense that the spirit can leave the body during life too - and a "virtual cord" keeps it from leaving altogether. The body is in control so will keep breathing etc when you aren't there (ie during an out of body experience). I have also heard that the body carries on as normal (holding a conversation etc, normal reactions) while the soul travels.

I remember a big white hall where there were many students and an office, like a sorting office, where people (angels?) were sorting mail sent to heaven from people on Earth - perhaps this was a trip to the other side. I like to think so. It was a beautiful place.

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Post by djberg98 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:19 pm

I've heard of other people doing things like that.  It's like the bodies defense system for traumatizing experiences.  
I hate to hear about what happened to you.  I grew up in an abusive environment, also.  I never had sn OOBE, but it sure would've been nice.  Even better so, if you didn't remember the event at all.

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Thank You so much for responding to my post

Post by PurpleRose53 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:57 pm

To the Wonderful People Who Took the Time to Respond to my Post,

djberg98 - Thank You for affirming why the OOBE happened. Thank You too for your kind and caring words.

starryskies - Thank You for affirming that it was indeed an OOBE - and not a dream. Thank You for your kind and caring words regarding the beating. It's great that you shared your OOBE with us. I find your belief in spirit leaving the body while alive and the Virtual Cord keeping it all together very interesting. Where can I go to learn more about it? Can you teach me?

spiritalk - Thank You for sharing your OOBE with us. You went to the ceiling too and saw your hurt body just like I did. Is that a common thing for OBEs? To go to the ceiling and look down at our bodies? You are so right about the biological sperm donor, ( I just can't call him Dad. ) having no humanity. He is and always will be a monster in my eyes. I haven't had any contact with him in over ten years. Not just because of this beating, but the other hurtful atrocities he felt he had the right to do to me and my siblings. He had nothing but Pure, unadulterated, hatred for us.

Sampson - Thank You for confirming that I did have an OBE. Your insight as to why it happened, makes perfect sense. I never even thought my body went into shock. But, that makes a lot of sense too, because when I let my body go limp, with very little air, that's when I floated out. It was out of my control. Does your body go into shock by shutting down? Thank You for you kind words of concern too.

Now, I hope it's ok with everyone, but I need to give you all hugs.

djberg98 - {{{{{ HUG }}}}}
starryskies - {{{{{ HUG }}}}}
spiritalk - {{{{{ HUG }}}}}
Sampson - {{{{{ HUG }}}}}

You're all precious to me for your concern.

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Post by Samson » Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:29 pm

Ronda, I wish you nothing but the best for your future and would love to give you a {{{{BIG SAMSON HUG}}}}

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Post by carte_blanche » Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:43 pm

Is there something like dream analysis to study on? I had heard that one could tell a lot of a person's past life and the future by reading into someone's dreams! any clue?

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Post by angel2007 » Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:51 pm

I had something similar happen to me to.
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Post by atharva_sharma2004 » Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:52 pm

sorry to hear ur state buddy

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:40 pm

I am not sure if the ceiling is the only place the spirit tends to go - but it is a common experience.

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Post by djberg98 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:17 pm

I've tried to have an OOBE, whenever I get relaxed enough I fall asleep.  I have on two occassions tried and woke up shaking and sweating.  Don't know if that means anything.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:52 pm

dj:  perhaps it just means you have used too much physical energy to accomplish something on another level of energy? OBE are usually caused in medical situations when the spirit is sort of forced out of the body through drugs, or procedures.  

Astral travel on the other hand is possible when using certain techniques.  It uses a great deal of physical energy and ultimately leaves the traveler depleted in body, mind, spirit.

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