Astrology/spirituality/psychics and religion?

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Astrology/spirituality/psychics and religion?

Post by WernerOne » Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:06 am

Please post if you know anything related to psychics and religion. Is it compatible with christianity and other religions? are there any proves that this stuff is wrong or right? in sacred scriptures? Discuss..

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:58 pm

If we look carefully we find that all religions were begun based on a psychic experience.  Perhaps the moving spirit was not understood and the religion is based on fears?  

Of course the psychic is compatible with all religion.  It is  not religion - it is about the sensitivities of an individual.  Applied in a spiritual manner (which not all psychics do because of the current atmosphere on religious intolerance) it is definitely of God and ministering angels (guides).

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Post by mankatogamer » Sun Nov 25, 2007 4:45 pm

spiritalk wrote:If we look carefully we find that all religions were begun based on a psychic experience.  Perhaps the moving spirit was not understood and the religion is based on fears?  

Of course the psychic is compatible with all religion.  It is  not religion - it is about the sensitivities of an individual.  Applied in a spiritual manner (which not all psychics do because of the current atmosphere on religious intolerance) it is definitely of God and ministering angels (guides).

I agree but not all widgets are wadgets....and religion is far far too open of a term in this sense. I consider myself religious. I worship the Gods and Goddesses of Nature. I have holidays and special occasions, and I am a medium/psychic. I believe I have the ability to show what could be, using scrying and tarot. I also brew potions and lots of other fun stuff.  :smt003

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:03 pm

Yes, it certainly was an open thought - religion.  There are so many to consider and any religion 'of the book' (the big 3) do not seem to accept psychic abilities in their practices.

Then there are newer, more open groups who actually use a mediumship demonstration as part of their services.  It is based in God and oneness with others.  And the recognition that the psychic is merely another human talent.

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Post by Wolfshadow » Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:28 am

I have not been studying psychic\mediums for very long, but it seems to me that based on what I have researched, the leaders of tribes (peoples) in ancient times were leaders who had special abilities (shamans, seers, psychics, prophets, [witches-or-wicca,] which means wise one). They are what I now believe to be one and the same. And this research has brought me to this place where I believe that all of our religious leaders should have this same ability [Binny Hinn,Kathryn Kullman, others] in order to lead the masses. But, having said that, we must be on our guard, for the anti-christ will be just this kind of person.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:38 pm

An anti-Christ who brings healing and comfort?  Isn't that a bit strange to consider?  

Anyone different has always been labelled in this manner.  When good comes from their good, it is suspect and diminishes its results.

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Post by crnnagu1957 » Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:35 am

All good things are in india. But we are believing all only if it came from foreigh countries

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hindu religion

Post by crnnagu1957 » Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:38 am

Before christianity only hindus are ruled over all the world. we are having more than 3000 years old hindu buildigs,cultures etc. but christianity is born only 2000 years back. but due to their strong beliefs and conversions, they are majority in the world. but all are believers of god only

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:14 pm

Wolf: What makes you think modern day religion leaders do Not have psychic abilities?  They may call it something else - maybe more fashionable or acceptable - but in the final analysis it is their sensitivities (psychic) that is helping them attune in prayer and meditation.

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Post by MarcoAZS » Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:25 pm

well said spiritalk :).
However, in the end, religion is all the same, each one have their good and bad sides, and even tough they have the good sides the most seen are the bad ones. It doesnt matter how long your religion is, if its young or old, it is still religion, as it doing "religare" as it means? no, I particulary think that the opposit is happening.
Now back to the point, there is no "normal way to prove anything about any scripture, especially cause most of the religions books like the bible weren't written by there so called "jesus christ" but by there apostules, and the bible now is small compared to the old bible and so defined, that it lost all the ambiguous meaning. I didn't heard about psichics trying to find out, except a group that search on psichic vision to the history of Mary Madelain (maria madalena in my language). For myself, I think that in someway or another, all religions are real :)

Lights and Religare!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:33 pm

You tar with a broad brush - religion is so varied.  And there are religions that welcome ALL comers - not just the followers - we would like some leaders.  The reason is...spirituality is innate in all of us.  Religion is a choice of gathering together with others seeking a God of their own understanding.  

The big 3 get the press - not the rest.  And there are some wonderful new thought and earth based religions rising out of the ashes of the old.  Reconsider looking at what benefits you gain as you contribute to others' in their search as well.

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Post by heavenly7073 » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:32 pm

I recently had to re-evaluate my entire life.  I was having much difficulty grasping onto the concept of a Higher Power.  In the religion I was taught as a child God was very punishing and if something bad was happening to you it was because you deserved it.  I didn't feel I deserved any of what was going on in my life.  I found solace in Tarot and having been studying it ever since.  I was lucky enough to have a support system that introduced me to a Spiritual Healer/Psych.  She has been instumental in helping me learn how to change my life and make it what I want it to be, not what someone feels I should be.  For the first time in a long time I again trust and like who I am just the way I am.  Religion is a belief system and it should be yours and no one elses

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Post by Wolfshadow » Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:58 pm

spiritalk: I did not mean to mislead anyone to think that I thought religious leaders did not have psychic abilities, because they do (some), however, many of the religious leaders today are in it only for the profitability of it and have no connection to the spirit world whatsoever. What I was picturing when I posted was of the time of the inquisition, when the church had supreme authority and anyone who they deemed a threat to that authority was considered dangerous, the Knights Templar are a good example along with anyone else who would not submit to them. I have read that the Roman Empire did not like innovative thinking without their knowledge and blessing, the church after the Roman Empire fell continued that policy. Things have changed today from that time, but... there still is stigma from that time lingers on, but to a much lesser degree. Thank God for that!

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Post by MarcoAZS » Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:03 pm


"religion is a belief system and it should be yours and no one elses"
But the thing is, religion today, is one person trying to make you belive on what he/she says without even hearing you. I dont care about how many good and wonderful pretty religions in some kind of "spiritual church" is coming, I feel bad energy on it, I wont stay, I feel they are wrong and there is someone there who find itself godlike to know all the truth I wont. Is simply wrong to accept something already didgered by others, without your own points of view. Im not discriminating any religion, but I dont think anyone have to follow other peoples dogmas, thats just a problem some people have, they like and need to follow other people rules. I hope people on this board aren't any kind like that :)

Luzes and Vrai!

edited: not forgetting that creating a religion, is somehow a way to not accept other persons belief, you shouldnt allow yourself to impose, actually you should know how to separe your life from the other people :)

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:43 pm

Wolfshadow wrote:spiritalk: I did not mean to mislead anyone to think that I thought religious leaders did not have psychic abilities, because they do (some), however, many of the religious leaders today are in it only for the profitability of it and have no connection to the spirit world whatsoever. What I was picturing when I posted was of the time of the inquisition, when the church had supreme authority and anyone who they deemed a threat to that authority was considered dangerous, the Knights Templar are a good example along with anyone else who would not submit to them. I have read that the Roman Empire did not like innovative thinking without their knowledge and blessing, the church after the Roman Empire fell continued that policy. Things have changed today from that time, but... there still is stigma from that time lingers on, but to a much lesser degree. Thank God for that!
Churches could not exist without the fear factor.  That is a fact of their history as you pointed out.  

My point is....out of the ashes of all the people leaving the old religions in droves, has risen the phoenix of a new thought and practice - more earth based and spiritual in its approach.  

It can be found under a couple of names - Spiritualism (the one I know) is one and also Unity and Universalism seem to be others.  The Wiccas, Witches, Pagans are also enjoying an upsurge of interest as well.

Spirituality is the innate urge within the human makeup to seek after a more spiritual approach to life's experiences.  When meeting in a congregation, we maintain that individuality, and add to the group by sharing any experiences that may add to the community (religion).  

That is just how I see religion and spirituality in practice.

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