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Post by giggledoll00 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:53 pm

i'm taking night classes for cosmetology, which has taken me 14ish months (like 1250ish hours) to get this far, now i've been with the same people since halloween of 2006, and i'm still hearing how to them i'm strange or weird, it doesn't bother me, i take pride in my strangeness, i'm unique and i love it. so what if i want my hair 20 different shades of red, or if i go to icp and slayer concerts? i know i'm not alone, and even if i were i'm used to it. but i wonder, what give anyone the right to call someone strange, what's strange to me isn't the same as it is to someone else. i think that trying to be normal is strange, there really is no such thing. why try to be something that doesn't really exsist? i just don't get it, and wanted to share. laterz. meow

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Post by _Patt_ » Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:37 pm

If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with being different....I'd rather be completely freaking mental. :smt002

Just be who you are, sometimes people don't have anything else to say or are jealous... Ignore is the best thing to do.

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Post by giggledoll00 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:25 pm

i pretty much just laugh at them, i mean come one these are people that worship britney spears, can't be that sane, normal or anything then. being different makes you noticable, but still who has a right to call anyone strange? specially if u love britney, she need severe mental help.

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Post by karlenespellman » Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:54 am

Hi giggledoll00,
I AM a very stange person, and very proud of it. It took me a long time to become "myself". Now that I have I'm a very happy person.
My personal feeling is people are very insecure. I think they have to find the,( in their thoughts), all of the flaws in someone elses life to make them feel better about themselves. When they do that, the LABLE for the other people is STRANGE.
I work with over 200 people. 90% of them think I'm strange. I tell them 'I'm just myself". I love me and my life, they can't say the same. I love my kids, they have a lot of trouble with theirs. I could waste your time and go on about how good I am, but I won't.
My point is, people who believe in themselves, and don't hide it, will always be strange. This is a concept they just won't ever understand.
Do yourself and the rest of us a big favor, stay true to yourself, stay strange, and stay on this forum. You will find yourself in GREAT company. I have!

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Post by wishiknew » Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:50 am

We are all strange!!!!! even the most conformist of people will have idiosyncrasies that other people do not understand....

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:55 pm

God created each and every snowflake unique and different.  Why would he not do the same for humanity?  We are all unique and individual.

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Post by Bandit81101 » Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:02 pm

One of my favorite quotes was always:  Those of us who believe we are sane are the most insane of us all!
That being said, it is just those people afraid to branch out and step outside of their box.  I have been told by numerous people over the years that I've not only stepped out of my box, That I've completely lost its location lol  They also tell me that I should never try to find it again.  We are all unique, and I for one would not to be like anyone else.  The world doens't need 2 of them, and by acting like each other they r creating oddities in the world that they don't even realize.  I figure let them talk, who really cares in the end!?  Tomorrow you will wake up and be exactly who you are regardless, their fickle talk will change nothing in you, only you can do that.
P.S.  I'm nearly 28, and I still go to Slayer!  Unhold alliance tour last summer!!! Yay! :D  LOL

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Post by Betrayed » Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:17 pm

I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
Oooh look a bunny!
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.
I like being strange.

I don't know how strange you are, but 20 DIFFERENT SHADES OF RED?? COME ON!!! I HAVE COLORS ON MY HEAD I CAN'T EVEN IDENTIFY!!!! Well they used to be blue, purple, pink, and brown... o___o please hug me.

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Post by _Patt_ » Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:04 pm

Everyone is unique and that's the best! The world would be so boring and much less interesting if we all were the same... :smt019

Stay well everyone  :smt006

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:00 pm

In another thread here it talked about how combined we all are - the oneness of humanity.  While we are each unique, consider the snowflakes again - look what they can do when they combine!  Lets make a snowpile of peace and love.

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my hair

Post by giggledoll00 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:41 pm

my hair was never 20 shade of red at the same time, i would do one and go over it, then go over it again and again.  for a week i did have like safety vest orange but thats because i tried removing red with blonde then went over it with a lighter red. i was only 17 tho, and i don't go to salons, i'm cheap, why go to a salon when i can do it my self right? thats why when i mess up or don't like it i just go over it. now i'm working on blonde but its taking a while because i completely fried my ends. so i chopped them off for the most part. thank goodness for hot oil treatments. - if u wanna find out i think i'm gonna start an advice post

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Post by soul_flower » Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:38 am

Some people dont like "out of the norm" or "different/strange" people.I guess sometimes they dont know how to handle ones who arent scared to be themselves.

I have always been strange....When i went to high school i was teased alot.I always had either bright hair like purple,orange,red,blue and the list goes on.....I even had bright yellow shoes....I believe in spirits and would tell others my stories of what went on in the family...They all thought i was a few cans short of a six pack......Its still the same these days,but i only dye my hair black/blue now lol......

I have people who totally understand me and support who i am...Then i still struggle to make friends,when i walk down the street i get odd looks,makes me laugh.....People dont know how to take me,but i dont care......I really like that im different and im not going to change for anyone.People tell me not to tell others my interests or who i am up front incase they think im weird,but i dont lie,if they dont like it to bad.Sometimes it does bother me as i wish people would just talk to me before judging me as im just like anyone else but i have different interests.

I think anyone who has the guts to be who they are and proud of it is wonderful....I think people need to look outside the box a little more,for the ones who think others are strange.

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Post by giggledoll00 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:00 am

i was definately the loner and kept to myself, but i dunno if i was always considered strange because i was also generally considered the smart one, especially if i applied myself. but since i've been in beauty skool, this girl like once a week tell me i'm strange, and i started this basically to vent, because honestly where does she get off calling me strange? so i want the perfect shade of red, or i change my mind quickly because i don't like how it looks, no one there understands me at all, i'm the non preppy, non-stuck up white girl so they don't know what to make with me. i tell them everytime theysay anything, so? like today, we just recently cut my hair short, i fried the ends got tired of people bitching and said just cut it. its falls right where the curve from my shoulder to my neck straightens out, now i have a heart shaped face, and a small neck. i said we need to cut another half inch or so off, because it looks like a poor attempt to look like i wanna be japanese, no offence, but when the have it short and straight, my hair kinda looks like that but a little longer, so i said may as well go fofr the full look right? no one in my class understood, they just kept going but it is short, and said yeah but if i am gonna look like i want to be a little japanese girl, it needs to look right, not like i'm trying to be a little wannabe biatch. then one girl said today u should dye it black, thatd look cute, now mind u she's black and creole i think, i said yeah then i'd really look like i wanna be japanese. she said i was stereotyping. i didn't say nothing but i thought, no thats whut it looks like, 'specially if i color by hair black. because my hair would be like pin straight - like a japanese straightener. beside y would i color my hair black, after i dam near killed it getting from black to where it is at now?

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Post by soul_flower » Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:16 am

Oh i had many friends in school but yet i was still a loner,was very confusing.....I know what you're saying with the hair....I have had mine cut pretty short for a while and i dye it black...I think its funky but alot of people think im asian,they dont believe me when i say im not.....Altho i have mongolian blood lines hmm....Everyone complains about my hair except for my mother,she thinks it looks great.....Someone in my family said "oh what have you done to your hair? i hate your hair,where did you get it done? oh from there,you shouldnt go there,they are crap at cutting hair,go to this place its cheaper" thats a very negative and silly thing to say to me i think...Like i care,if im happy why go on about it?!

I think everyone has an opinion about people because everyone has different likes and dislikes.......But you just need to not let them girls get to you....Let them think you're strange,but you are you,thats all that matters.....When there is a group of girls they always talk,its just the way they are....And sometimes i like to gossip,im only human,but i never ever say hurtful things or mean things because i was once in that place and it wasnt nice.......Most of the time when people say you're strange maybe they are a little jealous of you.....But as long as you are happy with everything then no one can bring you down.....Strange is just a word,i would just agree with them and say,yep i am and thats exactly how i like it......And when people have their hair done differently or a bright color i think its cool,i love when someone has a funky hair cut,i always wish mine was like that.

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Post by Betrayed » Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:22 am

Oh, I'm sort of a loner too. I do have a very small number of friends. The closest are sort of manipulative, so I tend to avoid them.

And people avoid oddballs anyway, unless they think you as interesting. When you start acting strange in public, they get embarassed. O_O everyone's so afraid of being embarassed about the people they hang out with even when they're not doing anything illegal, obscene...bleh blehs... Well, fine... hang out with the norms like you... Muehehehe. I'll just stay at home and sing along to an assortment of metal/electronic/pop with my plushies.

My best friend constantly tells me I should cahnge my hairstyle. HELL NO I WILL CONTINUE BLEACHING IT AND TURNING THEM IN RAINBOWS, and keep it so drastically long and uncombed for days. MAUAHAHAHA.

AND I HATE CLONES. SHEEP. ARRRGH. Hmm... cookies. I haven't never worn jeans! DEEHEHEHE. I'm strange. O_o.


And about the afriad to be what people uniquely are, be happy we're one of the few who feel much happier without the magazines and fashion police telling us how we should look.

Well, unless you get a job... *grumbles about working appearance* (In the office that I work as a web designer, I dress like a punk amidst a bunch of business men, o__O I'm being let off because I'm the designer i think, and the boss's young himself.)

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