A Mystic competition... Yogi and The Bandit

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A Mystic competition... Yogi and The Bandit

Post by acaveyogi » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:19 am

Hi Swetha!

I am here to meet other mystics. Being a mystic is a lonely reality. Your messageboard is a gift to us mystic folk. A place to meet others like us and others that are interested in or at least curious about the Mystic Experience.

So what is a Mystic? A mystic is someone that receives information from some where that nobody :) has any idea where that information came from. And "that" information is real in some sense of the word "Real".

Swetha, you have a tricky forum to create activity in :) or maybe not :)

So here is our "Mystic Challenge", "Has anybody on this messageboard "ever" received information from "the unknown" or "The Unknown (God/The Divine)", that proved to be real?" And, "Are you willing to share "that" experience (or "other" input experiences from the unknown) with the rest of us?"

I declare Admin Swetha the judge of who wins this Mystic Challenge.



Interested folks/others, the defining format of this topic has changed abit :) The Bandit Toni and I are exploring this topic as a "Mystic Talk Show", as a possible reality to promote this messageboard and to have fun. And it has actually (so far) become a project :) ,as "Holywood" would say :) .

The competition has become at this point, creating a mystic competition between "Mystic Talk Shows". And the viewers are the judge. Yes, there are now viewers out there that are wondering how to apply to management for permission to have their own "Mystic Talk Show". What Toni and I are doing is pretty new and at this time nobody actually knows how that is done yet :) !  Stay tuned and we will see how things go!

At this point in time, when you post in this topic, you are a "guest" on Toni and my "Mystic Talk Show", "Yogi and The Bandit". And we will try to welcome you. And nomatter who you are, we are happy that you have agreed to be on our show :) .

From here on out Toni and I may have to fight others for "guests". So anyway we really do want to welcome you as a "guest", before others are trying to steal you away from us :) !

You are love!

Yogi and The Bandit
Last edited by acaveyogi on Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:22 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by acaveyogi » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:49 am

And just for the record guys, "It is not the cards that predict yours or others most likely future." It is the fact that you and/or they "touched" those cards that enables them/those cards, to be a tool that allows "you", to invoke "the unknown" to use them as a tool.



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Post by Bandit81101 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:46 am

I'll answer lol
When I was in High School, I got a feeling that something was wrong, but couldn't explain it.  I knew that someone close to me had been hurt, but not who.  I ran all throughout my house checking on family, my mother and sister were not there, so my worry shifted to them.  Yet, somehow I knew that they were safe and it was others that I should worry about.  When my mom and sister arrived home they told me they had passed an accident about a mile away from our house.  A little red car had skidded on a sharp turn and turned over several times, I still don't know the exact details of the accident.  It turned out that the driver in that car was a friend of mine, a guy I had almost dated a few years before that.  ALong with him was his sister, and two of our other friends.  I was relived to hear that none were "seriously" injured, but the fear stuck with me.
In fact, I felt a similar feeling tonight.  A fear that was not my own, almost irrational one that I got as I prepared to leave work.  I hurried home again to check on my family (thankfully my children and family are fine :D)  But I still do not konw what tonights feeling leads to.

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Post by acaveyogi » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:36 am

Bandit81101 wrote:I'll answer lol
When I was in High School, I got a feeling that something was wrong, but couldn't explain it.  I knew that someone close to me had been hurt, but not who.  I ran all throughout my house checking on family, my mother and sister were not there, so my worry shifted to them.  Yet, somehow I knew that they were safe and it was others that I should worry about.  When my mom and sister arrived home they told me they had passed an accident about a mile away from our house.  A little red car had skidded on a sharp turn and turned over several times, I still don't know the exact details of the accident.  It turned out that the driver in that car was a friend of mine, a guy I had almost dated a few years before that.  ALong with him was his sister, and two of our other friends.  I was relived to hear that none were "seriously" injured, but the fear stuck with me.
In fact, I felt a similar feeling tonight.  A fear that was not my own, almost irrational one that I got as I prepared to leave work.  I hurried home again to check on my family (thankfully my children and family are fine :D)  But I still do not konw what tonights feeling leads to.
Hi Bandit, it is nice to meet you and welcome to this topic!

Whoa bandit! My heart goes out to you! It just does. Premonitions as a mysic/psychic is the most scary part of this stuff. Running the cards with out the cards. One did not ask, things were just issued. Honestly, I hate that part of this stuff. All one can do is run a whole bunch of prayer and hope that somebody is listening. Eek!

You are loved! We are all on your side!


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Post by Bandit81101 » Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:53 am

Nice to meet you as well :)   Luckily for me, it doesn't happen all that often.  More often than not things I feel are reminants left over from others.  Such as one day i was in this hallway thing and felt scared out of my mind, but for no reason I was aware of.  The moment my hand touched the doorknob, all the fear vanished.  I knew I was safe, I was at work.  So I get used to things like that.  It's the ones that I can't place that get me, cause I never know who they're for.

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Post by acaveyogi » Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:14 am

Bandit81101 wrote:Nice to meet you as well :)   Luckily for me, it doesn't happen all that often.  More often than not things I feel are reminants left over from others.  Such as one day i was in this hallway thing and felt scared out of my mind, but for no reason I was aware of.  The moment my hand touched the doorknob, all the fear vanished.  I knew I was safe, I was at work.  So I get used to things like that.  It's the ones that I can't place that get me, cause I never know who they're for.
Love you Bandit :) there are at least two of us sharing the same reality!

"I never know who they are for!"

Bandit, your input is a gift to all of us!

Love you! :)


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Post by Bandit81101 » Thu Jan 17, 2008 4:32 am

Yeah!  I'm not alone LOL  I would love to learn to decipher who these feelings and such are for, and I think branching out like this helps much.  In the past I have learned by trial and error, by watching those around me.  Unfortunaltly, they are not really around anymore and I feel like I'm floundering.  But now I know that there are others out there who expierence the same or similar things to me!  How cool is that haha
Love Lots

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Post by acaveyogi » Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:02 am

Bandit81101 wrote:Yeah!  I'm not alone LOL  I would love to learn to decipher who these feelings and such are for, and I think branching out like this helps much.  In the past I have learned by trial and error, by watching those around me.  Unfortunaltly, they are not really around anymore and I feel like I'm floundering.  But now I know that there are others out there who expierence the same or similar things to me!  How cool is that haha
Love Lots
Ok :) Bandit, no LOL!

Bandit, what you are up against is absolutely not funny!

Based on my experience with this stuff is the question, "How can you do the best that you can do?" First of all you ain't God. But at the same time ,you can actually effect things. First of all, "Love" is the most powerful force in "Creation." Nothing can effect things greater than love. Absolutely nothing.

The first thing you do is check the "force" for input about things on your loved ones. The second thing that you do is run this prayer, "Divine, please be gentle." These two things kick in a whole bunch of stuff on your behalf as a loving person. For what ever reasons, you can not win all of the time. But :) a loving prayer to the the Divine for "gentle", will cause the Divine to bend over backwards to do its best to help you.

I really do not care about me. But I do care about my loved ones, no matter where they live in this world. But I am not "God", and all I can do is my best. If my best does not work, then "Oh well." It ain't my fault and probably nobody elses.

Bandit, you probably can not save the whole world. But :) you can put input into invoking the "Divine" to help your loved ones. And maybe all living things in general. We all have power and the ultimate power is "love."

My suggestion is to start with your personal loved ones and then attempt to drift into to a, "Divine, I want this whole planet blessed!", reality. The funny thing about this world of things is that the "Divine" can not "play", unless we as individuals give "It" permission to play. And "love" is the key.

Love you!


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Post by Bandit81101 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:37 am

I'm going to try that and see what happens :)  Hopefully I will feel the results.  I can understand how that would work, I just need to try to figure out in the future who the feelings are for, if I know them at all.

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Post by acaveyogi » Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:40 am

Bandit81101 wrote:I'm going to try that and see what happens :)  Hopefully I will feel the results.  I can understand how that would work, I just need to try to figure out in the future who the feelings are for, if I know them at all.
Bandit, we all create our own future. Ignorance or otherwise. And  by the time that you are warned about a loved one's future, it is too late :)

I shut that part down. I don't want to know. I want to know before things happen, so that I can affect the future on the behalf of my loved one. Or myself :) my loved ones love me also.

Congnizance versus precognizance. Precognizance allows you to invoke some stuff :) to dink with things. Early warning creates an interesting reality relative to this stuff. It gives one time to "dink" with things if it can be done. :) sometimes there is nothing that you can do.

"What happened?", is a worry. "It may happen.", is a gift. We can effect things if we are allowed too.



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Post by Bandit81101 » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:57 pm

How would one open themselves up to that.  I would much rather know ahead of time, when there is still a possibility I could do something, then when it is too late.  
The most I've done is having a bad feeling on the way somewhere, knowing something bad was going tohappen there. (Was on way to visit boyfriend at time, he's an ex now, anyways I knew something was up, and after I arrived he confessed that he had cheated on me)
So though I knew something was going on, it again had already happened, and I didn't get the feeling till I was almost to the town he lives in.

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Post by acaveyogi » Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:29 pm

Bandit81101 wrote:How would one open themselves up to that.  I would much rather know ahead of time, when there is still a possibility I could do something, then when it is too late.  
The most I've done is having a bad feeling on the way somewhere, knowing something bad was going tohappen there. (Was on way to visit boyfriend at time, he's an ex now, anyways I knew something was up, and after I arrived he confessed that he had cheated on me)
So though I knew something was going on, it again had already happened, and I didn't get the feeling till I was almost to the town he lives in.
Yours is an interesting challenge Bandit :) What you are picking up is the minds/emotions of other people as they happen. So you are experiencing things in real time. What I do is "frisk" the "force" (for lack of any other term :) ) for "probabilities" that are headed my way. When I feel one that I am not happy with, then I go to the Divine, "Guys, I am not real happy about this :) Is there something that we can do to shift things around abit?!"

So I guess this needs to be asked at this point Bandit :) , "What kind of relationship do you have with the Divine?"



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Post by Bandit81101 » Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:28 am

I suppose not much of one at all.  I recognize that there is a divine source out there, and at times I give thanks for certain things.  It proves its there when I voice a disbelief.  When I draw energy and such into myself I picture it as coming from all around me, but I view most of the mysticism coming from the earth/stars/moon etc.

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Re: A Mystic competition...

Post by Sylveey » Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:14 am

acaveyogi wrote:Hi Swetha!

I am here to meet other mystics. Being a mystic is a lonely reality. Your messageboard is a gift to us mystic folk. A place to meet others like us and others that are interested in or at least curious about the Mystic Experience.

So what is a Mystic? A mystic is someone that receives information from some where that nobody :) has any idea where that information came from. And "that" information is real in some sense of the word "Real".

Swetha, you have a tricky forum to create activity in :) or maybe not :)

So here is our "Mystic Challenge", "Has anybody on this messageboard "ever" received information from "the unknown" or "The Unknown (God/The Divine)", that proved to be real?" And, "Are you willing to share "that" experience (or "other" input experiences from the unknown) with the rest of us?"

I declare Admin Swetha the judge of who wins this Mystic Challenge.


So here is our "Mystic Challenge", "Has anybody on this messageboard "ever" received information from "the unknown" or "The Unknown (God/The Divine)", that proved to be real?" And, "Are you willing to share "that" experience (or "other" input experiences from the unknown) with the rest of us?"  -----

I have one, although it's rather sad. I kept dreaming that my brother had no face, but those around him did. I would wake up
with a most dreadful feeling, like death was looming in the air. I tried to shake it off, but after the third time, I knew his death was coming. I told my mother about it, and she became angry with me. Two weeks after I told her that I felt he would pass on, he did. That's the only event that's ever concerned someone dying, and I hope to never experience it again. I must admit, it was traumatic for me, seeing it over and over again. For a long time I felt like I did something wrong, that I could have stopped it. His death occured 21 years ago, and ithas taken 18 of those years for me to find peace within myself. It was simply his time to exit this life --- there was nothing I could have done to stop it.


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Re: A Mystic competition...

Post by acaveyogi » Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:55 pm

Sylveey wrote:
acaveyogi wrote:Hi Swetha!

I am here to meet other mystics. Being a mystic is a lonely reality. Your messageboard is a gift to us mystic folk. A place to meet others like us and others that are interested in or at least curious about the Mystic Experience.

So what is a Mystic? A mystic is someone that receives information from some where that nobody :) has any idea where that information came from. And "that" information is real in some sense of the word "Real".

Swetha, you have a tricky forum to create activity in :) or maybe not :)

So here is our "Mystic Challenge", "Has anybody on this messageboard "ever" received information from "the unknown" or "The Unknown (God/The Divine)", that proved to be real?" And, "Are you willing to share "that" experience (or "other" input experiences from the unknown) with the rest of us?"

I declare Admin Swetha the judge of who wins this Mystic Challenge.


So here is our "Mystic Challenge", "Has anybody on this messageboard "ever" received information from "the unknown" or "The Unknown (God/The Divine)", that proved to be real?" And, "Are you willing to share "that" experience (or "other" input experiences from the unknown) with the rest of us?"  -----

I have one, although it's rather sad. I kept dreaming that my brother had no face, but those around him did. I would wake up
with a most dreadful feeling, like death was looming in the air. I tried to shake it off, but after the third time, I knew his death was coming. I told my mother about it, and she became angry with me. Two weeks after I told her that I felt he would pass on, he did. That's the only event that's ever concerned someone dying, and I hope to never experience it again. I must admit, it was traumatic for me, seeing it over and over again. For a long time I felt like I did something wrong, that I could have stopped it. His death occured 21 years ago, and ithas taken 18 of those years for me to find peace within myself. It was simply his time to exit this life --- there was nothing I could have done to stop it.

Hi Sylveey and welcome to this topic!

One of the hardest tings to this stuff is that there are things that one just can not change. I have been a mystic for over 50 years and that one still bothers me. One does what one can do and that is all that one can do. :)



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