Love, Faith, Belief, Hope etc.. make our world a better place or worse?

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Love, Faith, Belief, Hope etc.. make our world a better place or worse?

Post by ravenfield » Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:02 am

Hi i am with another one of my conflicted questioning?   :smt107

We know that humans are very complex creatures...
How much a person love for life, faith in themselves, hope for a better tomorrow, can change the world?  :smt017

And if it can what about those whose faith, hope or love can destroy instead of building?   :smt011

Can the "good guys" reach out to the "bad guys" (sort of) somehow,  someway, someday? :smt058

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Post by jlhansl » Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:20 am

Your questioning is way too broad  :smt119

A person who can change the world is the one that have much more influence and power than the others. Yes, love can change us. The very best example is Mahatma Gandhi.

Love can also destroy. Ex: Love that is built by egocentrism and possession could harm more than one's expectations.

Good guy can reach bad guy. Ex: people (good guy) in this forum who encouraged other could possibly heal the bad guys (well, sort of negative thinking stuffs, not bad guys in general terms)  :smt020

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Post by ravenfield » Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:07 am

:smt101 Oops..Sorry! To be more specfic my question was:

if one all those people who base their life on hate and destruction of  other way of life in the name of religion and seems blind to deversity therefore intolerant;  can they  be reached by common means?  Or is a lost cause? :smt085  

What happened if Love, Faith, Belief conceived as harmoniously for everybody is misunderstood by those individual who only see what they want to see : Enemies to fight :smt067  :smt079  :smt009

Sorry if this question is sensitive to somone ....i Mean no hurt to anybody feelings... :)

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Post by karlenespellman » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:40 am

Ravenfield you are a very careing person.

The way I understand your question is very simple, the answer is two parts. My opinion in what you are asking, if I'm wrong, sorry.

YES, 1 person can make a difference. That has been proven on this board at least 15 times that I can pull of the top of my head this week-end alone. There is the Pay-it-forward I'm sure Pravin put up. There are countless replys in "hugs". And the Thank Yous from "hugs" proves that. There is the reply about complimenting strangers to put out positve energy so that you have room to recive it. (  I think Tourbi), very profound and very true. Ect...Ect...Ect....

I smile and say hi to everyone I see every day. Most responses, a smile on their face and they say hi back. Some responses, this womans nuts. I still feel good about myself either way.

The answer I think you are looking for is no.

I have a very hard time understanding how people can kill in the name of "God". My God/Godess/Diety(I'm still looking) is a very peaceful being.  So I believe you can't have GOOD without EVIL. For evey action there is a equall re-action. The only way that I can make any sense of this, is that they follow Satan/evil being. That must be their God.

I have to remember that if they beleive as stongly as I do, no we can't change it. We can try to "convert"(for lack of a better word), them 1 by 1, but they are doing the same thing to us.

I think this is just a part of life that we all have to live. We have to mourn the innocents lost(but then again, that could have been their reason for being). I don't mean that to sound harsh if it does, I just believe we are in this life to get to the next. Maybe they are the lucky ones, and we are the ones suffering.

I truley believe in the end the "good" guys do win. If I didn't, I'd hate to think who I'd be. But the good has to suffer some losses to keep fighting.

Sorry for rambling, but you did ask.

Lots of love to you.


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:56 pm

Everything is a learning experience.  Our intent to make it spiritual is the important aspect of how we make our thinking positive or negative.

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Post by lighting strikes twice » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:03 pm

I think the best place to start is to remove the  logs out of our own eye's, instead of seeing the mote in brothers eye and then maybe we can help our brothers and sisters. Good vs Bad? I think that again brings us back to square one again-turn the camera around.  :)

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Post by Callie » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:31 pm

Ravenfield, I can answer this from experience.

   My family has not talked to me in many years because I do not follow there religion, and were intolerant of the way I choose to live my life. But on the other side I have found really nice people, that have taken the time to give me great advice and to also listen to me.

   I believe that there is a fight against evil everyday, and that makes it more important to stand-up for what you believe in.

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Post by ravenfield » Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:27 pm

karlenespellman wrote:Ravenfield you are a very careing person.

The way I understand your question is very simple, the answer is two parts. My opinion in what you are asking, if I'm wrong, sorry.

YES, 1 person can make a difference. That has been proven on this board at least 15 times that I can pull of the top of my head this week-end alone. There is the Pay-it-forward I'm sure Pravin put up. There are countless replys in "hugs". And the Thank Yous from "hugs" proves that. There is the reply about complimenting strangers to put out positve energy so that you have room to recive it. (  I think Tourbi), very profound and very true. Ect...Ect...Ect....

I smile and say hi to everyone I see every day. Most responses, a smile on their face and they say hi back. Some responses, this womans nuts. I still feel good about myself either way.

The answer I think you are looking for is no.

I have a very hard time understanding how people can kill in the name of "God". My God/Godess/Diety(I'm still looking) is a very peaceful being.  So I believe you can't have GOOD without EVIL. For evey action there is a equall re-action. The only way that I can make any sense of this, is that they follow Satan/evil being. That must be their God.

I have to remember that if they beleive as stongly as I do, no we can't change it. We can try to "convert"(for lack of a better word), them 1 by 1, but they are doing the same thing to us.

I think this is just a part of life that we all have to live. We have to mourn the innocents lost(but then again, that could have been their reason for being). I don't mean that to sound harsh if it does, I just believe we are in this life to get to the next. Maybe they are the lucky ones, and we are the ones suffering.

I truley believe in the end the "good" guys do win. If I didn't, I'd hate to think who I'd be. But the good has to suffer some losses to keep fighting.

Sorry for rambling, but you did ask.

Lots of love to you.


Thanks Karlene and all of you....I also believe the power of good will prevail...But what i am concerned is how many lives we got to sacrifice at the hand of violence ignorance and unkindiness before those people will be more receptive to something different...What if people are chained in cave sort of speech as Plato's philosophy of the divided Line tell us and  people are too blind to see an alternate solution.?.....Are we doomed? I am worried... :smt090

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Post by Callie » Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:01 pm

Ravenfield, I have never given up hope that I will be together with my family again. I am positive and hopeful. But I will be ok if it helps them understand that to be different is actually kinda great. I do not believe we are doomed. Because I still have hope.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:14 pm

I have had visits from spirit of my family members with a thought of seeking forgiveness.  Our relationships definitely define our spirituality and death is no barrier to the practice of forgiveness.  The more we learn while in the body, the less we will carry with us - do we want to be loving? or do we want to be right?

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Post by seeker345 » Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:54 am

Hi Ravenfield,
Your question, though simply stated, is quite profound and shows a caring attitude and what I perceive is a genuine concern on your part for the world condition and the widespread feelings of 'hopelessness' that it can be changed, the individuals 'helplessness' to be able to affect it in any meaningful way and the damage, unintentional or otherwise, caused by some of those who attempt to try.  For 'world', substitute family, friends, country or whatever level is the real driver for your question.

For what it is worth, here are a number of my thoughts on this, which will hopefully provoke further discussion and maybe there will be something that you can take from it.  These thoughts are given in love and do not necessarily all reflect my own personal views.

1.  Maybe we are not intended to change the world by direct action.  Maybe this is just a place we come to to work on some aspect of our own being in this particular lifetime to prepare our own self for the next stage of our personal spiritual evolution  ...and maybe by doing that, we are creating an effect which will contribute in a small (or large) way to change those we come in contact with.  

2.  The Good and Bad duality is a myth at all levels.  Hence to change perceived 'badness' to perceived 'goodness' is an impossibility.  This is the reason why misguided action to force individuals/groups/nations to change for the better can be so damaging.

3.  If enough people care enough to change themselves, even in some small way, then the cumulative effect on the people around them has to produce a flow-on effect which, IF MAINTAINED, will eventually result in a global movement, the net direction of which will be determined by the type of change in the affected individuals, whether toward a higher state or a lower state.  Simply put...  ya just gotta keep trying.

Best wishes

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Post by Purple Spirit » Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:06 am

Ravenfield, your question is an excellent one!
I believe there is very little true evil in this world.  Most of those individuals we percieve as evil, I believe are ill-intended.  Although ill-intention can definitely be destructive, I believe the ill-intended individuals have some good in them.  Good can be touched, evil can not.
Once we realize our similarities connect us and our differences bind us, tolerance comes naturally.

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Zoddn Drak
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Post by Zoddn Drak » Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:45 am

Hello, I personally believe that humans have an infinite capacity for both good and evil, but that doesn't make someone good, evil, or other wise. Actions and decisions are what change the world, as such they should be labeled good/evil. If enough people decided to make good decisions the world would be a better place. Faith, Hope, and Love are the three best human emotions, the saddest thing in the world is that some people forget about one or more of these emotions. That, I believe is what causes people to make evil decisions.

Love with out Hope and Faith is Jealousy.
Faith without Love and Hope is Fervor.
Hope without Love and Faith is Pointless.

I hope that helped, that's just what I think.


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:47 pm

1.  Maybe we are not intended to change the world by direct action.  Maybe this is just a place we come to to work on some aspect of our own being in this particular lifetime to prepare our own self for the next stage of our personal spiritual evolution  ...and maybe by doing that, we are creating an effect which will contribute in a small (or large) way to change those we come in contact with.  

2.  The Good and Bad duality is a myth at all levels.  Hence to change perceived 'badness' to perceived 'goodness' is an impossibility.  This is the reason why misguided action to force individuals/groups/nations to change for the better can be so damaging.

3.  If enough people care enough to change themselves, even in some small way, then the cumulative effect on the people around them has to produce a flow-on effect which, IF MAINTAINED, will eventually result in a global movement, the net direction of which will be determined by the type of change in the affected individuals, whether toward a higher state or a lower state.  Simply put...  ya just gotta keep trying.  Posted by Seeker

1.  While this life is about our personal lessons - is there some way that our experience can change the whole?  Even putting out good thoughts to change can make change - even if it is one person at a time.  

2.  Could it be seen as good or bad as opposite sides of the same coin?   We toss it to land where we are at in our understanding of our world?

3.  Being a mirror for others to see themselves helps to outline how we can all change for the better.  Spirituality is the key - materialism will tear it all down.

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Post by Purple Spirit » Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:34 pm

Zoddn Drak and spiritalk,
Have either of you watched the movie "The Secret"?
Much of what each of you have shared coincides with this move.  I do not mean to sound stand-offish or short.  This is a subject I am passionate about, as I have just finished writing a novel on the subject.
I love this site!  There are so many different views, which makes for great discussion and insight.

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