What is love?

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What is love?

Post by Youdah » Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:28 am

I do  many astrological readings.  Many are about relationships.  Many talk about the sadness and longing they feel when some love has failed, or wanting love to come into their life and despairing that it will ever arrive.  It seems there is a universal need to love and be loved.  Yet, how do you know when you have found it?  There is always a reluctance to love fully for fear of being hurt.  Then there are those who give fully, but are devastated when the love is not returned.  Such heights and depths of emotions comes with the subject of love!

I had the fortune to find love in this life that is greater than any I could imagine before it came to me.  I, truly, experienced the universal unconditional love from another, and, by the example, was able to feel it myself.  It is a rare blessing to find a love that is so unwavering true that nothing could dissuade it or cause it to dim, and when even my own foolishness and selfishness caused me to hurt another, the love only grew stronger for me, cherishing even my faults as a part of me.  And no matter how deceitful or imperfect my love, no matter how  much my negligence to another, their love remained steadfast.  If I, in my childish ways, could give a small portion of the love I received, I would count myself as finally reaching some enlightenment and understanding of love.

The remembrance of her, and the loss of her, causes tears to fall.  Yet, how great the hope that I can see her again someday!  And how great is her example, even now yet gone.

Having lost my love through death in this life, I suppose this post can be a tribute.  Yet, as many search for love, I have a comparison of what can be, and should be achieved in relationships.  What is yours?  Have you found it?  Please talk about this, even your yearnings and hope.  What can be greater than the subject of love?  What are you looking for?  Is it a feeling, a set of attributes, a color of the hair?  What do you give and bring to such a thing as love?  What is love?

With all the wisdom of the ages, represented here at Mystic Board, how do you find it?  How do you bring the soulmate into your life?  Is there some ritual, some chant, some special way of being so that others can find it?  When something is so precious and sought after, surely it is not always just chance that it comes to someone!  Please give your thoughts, your experience, your ideas on how to find love!

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Post by Crow » Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:31 pm


It sounds that you were blessed with a form of unconditional love.  The thought of that makes my heart warm inside.  I enjoy your tribute to your beloved.  In time I hope you can share some fun things, those little lessons we learn from our partners.  As requested I will share mine. It is long I hope you all don't mind.  I tried to edit it down. But I felt the message was being lost.  Here goes...

My beloved is a stubborn donkey who drives me absolutely bonkers.  Cold, straight forward, rarely sugar coats.  Scowling, pestimistic, sour puss.  And I cannot get enough of him. ;)  It in his strength that I have had to find my voice.  It is his toughness that pushes me forward so I do not pine or wallow in sorrow.  I would be everyone's doormat, and was until he helped me to stand my ground.  Now I think this is something he kinda regrets.  I was a timid little girl.  Naive, inexperienced, and very gullable.  The world has hardened his heart.  But there is a tenderness there like no other.   :smt002 He grounds me, as I am the flighty Pisces, he the more down to earth Pisces.  But my gift to him is to help him from sinking too deep.  We put up with eachothers flaws, encourage our growth, and keep one another in check.  Both of us are stubborn!  We had to learn to find a balance.  This hasn't come easy.  As we have been in and out of eachothers lives for almost 12 years, with the last five being more productive.  There is a deep tie to my beloved.  He is my teacher from another life.  I retained many memories of him.  Although people think that being a soul mate limits our growth.  I say, what better way to pick up where you left off.  No need to start over, we progress together with a head start.  I knew from the moment we met, that he was the one I wished to spend the rest of my life with.  But I also knew that he had a wild side.  That I would have to let him go to experience life.  I had seen the things that he would be doing, I knew it would be too much for my heart to take.  (years later those visions were confirmed. I had a very wild man on my hands.  :smt003 ) Then  one day I had a dream that was so real I swear I could reach out and touch him, my beloved.  I was there asleep on my couch, I look over in my dream I seen a little boy.  The little boy was crying, I reached out and comforted the little boy.  Then all of a sudden the little boy transformed into my beloved!  I began to cry out, I miss you, I love you.  Trembling from the emotion, he gently strokes my cheek.  Not yet, but soon he told me.  And around 2 months later I was reunited with him.  He wasn't quite ready to let go of the past.  He had some issues inside he was still dealing with.  I still had many issues. Like not being so darn judgmental.  Claiming unconditional love, while I still hung on to all his flaws from hurting me in the past.  Saying I forgave while slapping him in the face with words every time we got into a heated arguement.  Then something happened. I seen the pain.  He was trying so hard.  Even he was punishing himself.  I began to cry.  How can I say I love him unconditional when I cannot move past it?  What was I doing to the man I loved?  It didn't make me feel better, I felt worse.  Having reliving that pain experienced at the time so long ago.  Why?  Why, I asked myself do I punsish myself?  Am I not human too?  Will I make many mistakes along the way?  Yes, many, many mistakes.  And through it, he has loved me.  Although it isn't warm and fuzzie feeling.  No sugar coating the obvious with me.  I say he needs to work on his tact. He says I need to grow a backbone. lol.  How could I put up with such a man?  Because he loved this basketcase.  Flaws and all.  Showing me through the years what true love is.  Love is inside us.  We will never feel full when we look outward.  I learned this too.  My heart was so darn jealous.  He is patient.  I see now that it is not my job to control his spirit.  There may come a day when we have to part.  No good worrying about something I can try as I may to control but will fail in the end.  In all those years of fearing that I would loose him again.  I missed out on the opportunity for joy in our growth.  But not all is lost.  Having learned this lesson early, I still may have many blessed years with my beloved.  There will be alot of arguments, we will make more mistakes.  It isn't perfect.  Even now I have my moments where I question what the heck is he thinking. And he shakes his head in annoyance.  The one thing remains.  He is my love eternal.  I have had relationships before and after our meeting.  The same remains.  No man will ever be able to be him.  It was him all the time.  In my pain I couldn't see it.  Then my eyes opened, and patiently there he stood.  Of course with a scowl.  :smt002

He is my teacher, my lover, and my partner.  There was no spell to bring him to me.  No methods to really get my soul mate back.  Although in our absence I would write letters to him and then burn them, scattering the ashes in the air.  Why did I do that?  Only my spirit knows.  I am still unsure why I do things out of the blue.  But I do all the time. ;)

I am looking forward to hear other love stories.  Kinda mushy like that.  :smt007

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Post by Youdah » Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:21 pm

I hope others answer, too.  Thank you for sharing, Crow.  It made me smile with the recognition of something that is larger than the person, and takes over the heart and soul.

I understand the silly arguments that seem as nothing when looking back later.  Oh do I!

I could relate to your dream, very well.  After my love left me in this life, I would feel her so close to me, and often at night when I was asleep.  Some say it is just some trick of the mind, that the spirits of those not with us cannot come back in a dream.  But, those who say that must not have ever had the experience!  It calls upon every fiber of the being, every sense of sight, touch, smell and hearing!  My love is always standing on the shore when I come around the bend of a stream in a boat.  She is so excited to see me!  And, I to see her!  The stream is this life, and sooner or later, it will take me to her.  This I am sure of.  She is waiting for me, afterall!  I couldn't disappoint her by living a life that would not make me worthy of her love again!  So we will be together again.

thank you again!

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:45 pm

Rather than see love as the romantic version, perhaps it is more effective to see it as the deepest quality of all within the human being.  Practice a measure of love in all that you do and like many things, it will replenish itself and even multiply.  

While the romantic relationships are wonderful, practicing love allows that the smallest of things - even your smile - can be an upliftment to someone on their journey in life's challenges.  And the more we practice finding that love within, the more likely it is to manifest in all our relationships in our life - from the mundane to the most important.

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Post by Antigone » Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:16 pm

I am so glad that you are helping me to recover from my battered and dangerously low self-esteem which will pave the way for me finding the one true love of my life. :)

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Post by Crow » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:26 am


That is beautiful what you shared with us.  Although there are skeptics, I have confirmations of my heart that I know to be true.  Has this happened for you?  

Around the time of my dream he was calling out to me.  Missing me, having ending a relationship.  Wondering, and trying to locate me via the internet.  We had lost contact with eachother many years prior to that dream.  Although there would be other things that I would see in my dreams, that were so vivid in my journeys.  I never forgot these strange places.  Later I seen them in person.  Looks like I was with my beloved all those years.  These were my little affirmations.  Which I just dismissed as wishful thinking.  My heart was just longing to be reunited, so I must be making this up.  It was not as I thought it was.  In those times when he was high up in the mountains, he was thinking of me.  He told me that he wished that I could be there to see it.  In those moments he recalled how much we loved to explore the outdoors and how much fun we had.  There were other things I had recalled.   Actual things such as rising of the waters, describing the dock where he had been the day before the water being low, and then rose the next day.  Hiking trails that were around this area, etc.  Details so vivid.  He knew exactly where I was talking about.  There was the rising of the waters while he spent the weekend there.  Odd little stuff like that.  The other times I did see those trees, and what I thought was a white dreamy mist was actually clouds.  Little things that stuck out like a certain boulder, etc.  And that one time when his spirit was yelling at me to leave him be...I recalled he was standing there on the patio deck.  I remembered the home he was at.  So vividly. In that dream he was screaming at me that he was starting a new life, leave him be!!!  I began to cry in my dream, woke up in tears.  Later I did see this former house of his where he was starting a new life with another.  I could go on and on.  This stuff I really don't understand completely how it works.  Why this strong bond between the two spirits?  In those years we had no physical contact.  We were seperated by thousands of miles.  No phone calls, emails, etc.  Only the dreams kept us in touch.

Would this also be applied to spirit in the after life?  Something so powerful, such as you described.  That memory of seeing her when you dream.  If it can happen on this plane, who is to say it cannot happen when we are seperated by death.  It sounds as if you still have that bond with her.  Again thank you for sharing this.  

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Post by prasanna » Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:55 pm

Dear Youdhaji , Crow ,  & spiritalkji,

      thanks for your wonderful sharing on love.  Love is a wonderful experience , which can be understood by the persons who succeeded in life like me getting the loved one as life partner after long years of  awaiting ( to get him  in 3.6 years.  without meeting, each other  in person ) But I really feel pity for the lost love.of Youdhaji. To me  Love is really a powerful force I agree . It makes man succeed in  his life  time ambitions. Because , My husband Sankarji  , full filled all the conditions made my father in getting me his wife. We earned name of Made for  each other couple,   in  all these 24 years of married life.  Thank GOD for this blessed life . Special thanks to u Youdhaji for this thread for making me express my True love,  in this forum ,  for the second time  ( Already I shared  my love life in Vedic astrology threads.,  in Cancer Ascendants disharmony in married life )


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Post by Youdah » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:04 pm

Oh, do not pity me for losing the love!  I would be such a smaller person if I had never met her!  I wouldn't know how to give or to love!  In that, I would be so much more miserable a human being!  Instead, celebrate that I was one of the lucky few who has seen and felt unconditional love!  

Crow, I am amazed at your experiences!  The dreams you had couldn't have meaning until you talked with your love again...then when you realized that your spirits kept in contact through dreams all those years, it was an affirmation of the love between you.

Prasanna, you have such a loving and beautiful soul!  Surely love will follow you and be near you all your life!  

When I see so many seeking love, it is a sorrow to me that they will settle for anything in hopes of finding it, but never realizing what it really feels like!  There needs to be an "ideal" to seek after!  Not just a poor shadow of love and giving their own affections to those who cannot love them back!  If they could only receive the vision of what it is like, then their hearts would not be so wounded by the lesser loves and they could be free to find the "real" thing!

Yes, as one said...it isn't just romantic love...but the essence of love that I speak of.

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Post by prasanna » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:16 am

Dear Youdahji,

                   You are a wonderful soul. I am amazed  to note the understanding of your love. Really speaking i feel many poets are born who are unsuccessful in love. History speaks of lovers. We can quote the examples of many in this as  , Romeo and Juliet,  Antony and Cleopatra., Laila Majunu, Ambikapathay amaravathi, Saleem Anarkali etc.  I feel You are no way inferior to these characters Yodah. To me , love is the very essence of life. I understand you fully now ie  what is love to u ? .Thanks dear friend. Now I am not  pitying you,  rather I respect You more . Thanks for your wishes to me . Crow's experiences are really wonderful. She can write many poems on her dreams and love.


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Post by Crow » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:35 am


It was joy mixed with a mixed feeling.  There was a sadness, that you couldn't be there with her, or her here with you.  But happy that you had blessed memories, and are still in touch with her via your dreams.  Sharing my experience as a little hope for those still awaiting their confirmations.  You were right, I had to wait until the reunion to know.  Those years were painful, but I had moved on.  

And I was one of those guilty who settled for any man who would show me a little lovin'. Oh the heartbreaks, the growing pains hurt alot!  But there were so many lessons learned in those experiences.  It really helped me see what I wanted, and what I didn't want for myself.  Instead of all the negative, perhaps we can see the possitive.  Which is extremely hard to do. I still wrestle with that one!  Some of those men, OMG! I just want to...well no matter, what is done is done.  Live and Learn.

Safe Jouney
Last edited by Crow on Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Crow » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:40 am

Dearest Prasanna,

Again thank you for your kind words.  Long ago I wished to be an editorialist.  But it was frowned upon.  :smt005 I do love to write.  Thank you for sharing a little bit about your husband and you.  24 years is a long time now a days!!  May you be blessed with many more years.

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Post by Crow » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:45 am

Antigone wrote:I am so glad that you are helping me to recover from my battered and dangerously low self-esteem which will pave the way for me finding the one true love of my life. :)
Hello Antigone... :smt006 Glad you shared, and hope that you are able to find some peace and encouragement in the comming days!  Did you have any views on what you think love is?  I would really like to hear them too.

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Post by Crow » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:52 am


I agree with the self love aspect.  While looking for it elsewhere, we forget that if we were to recieve this type of love from the outside, it can be taken away just as it is given.  Where as if we are the ones to love ourselves, we hold the reigns so to speak.  No one can take it away then.  Perhaps it is because we were taught self love is vanity, pride, and just plain wrong to do.  Having to reprogram ourselves, this is something I am still doing. ;)  I have my days where I struggle.  

But I do love my oh so romantic Chick Flick moments.  :smt005

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:50 pm

If love were merely the emotions of our material life, it would die with the death of the physical body.  Love is so much deeper than that - it is beyond emotion - it is a soul quality that is either available and growing or not - according to our own personal experiences.  I would like to think that is what is being expressed in the love experiences here.

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Post by Pandora1151 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:50 pm


I'm having a rough day with my love. Your story reminded me a lot of mine, although it's still quite different. I guess you remind me of myself. My nickname for my man is Grumpy Bear, lol. I just wanted to thank you because your story brought me back to reality about my current situation that is happening today. I've been with mine for 8 years. We have separated but never for more than a few months (once) and usually it takes less than a week before one of us is trying to reconnect. I am mad at him right now but I can't imagine being separated from him for years! Honestly, it's like torture when we aren't speaking for just a few hours although I've learned through all of our difficulties that he could never truly leave me. It does no good to hold on to the past, but it's just so hard to get over sometimes. Thankfully, he is no longer that person but all he has to do is remind me unwittingly and I've got an internal struggle on my hands. By learning to love myself, I taught him how to love me the way I deserve. Somehow my example seems to be showing him how to love himself as well and I'm happy for that. It also took me a long time to realize that he punishes himself worse than I could ever do. He's made such valiant strides in the last few years because of how important I am to him. It's true that you can't find true love until you love yourself. It's hard to forgive someone when you can't forgive yourself. If you hold yourself to high, unreasonable standards, you will do the same to the person you profess to love. I don't think he was my teacher in a former life. More likely it's the other way around. But he has filled in the gaps in my understanding about people and the world just by who he is. I've never connected with anyone so strongly in my life. In all the ways he is opposite from me, he has completed me. We fit together like pieces of a puzzle. I believe in past life karma and lately I've been getting trickles of information about the ways I've hurt him in a previous incarnation. This has made a lot of things clearer about what our relationship has been like this time around. Sometimes we experience these difficulties to show us just how connected we really are with someone. I've never been one to stick with someone before. But it seems that no matter how he frustrates me, no matter how we hurt each other, I can always see the bigger picture with him and he with me. I cannot imagine life without him.

I'm ignoring him right now and haven't even given him an opening to make things right. I guess I'll go sit with him and see what happens. In the larger scheme of our relationship, this is a pebble.

Love Pandora

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