The Art of Shielding: A Vampiric Dilemma

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The Art of Shielding: A Vampiric Dilemma

Post by Bismark » Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:08 pm

Shielding is a necessity for Vampires due to their inherent Empathic Nature.  The only way to control the inflow of emotional bombardments from those around us and to protect ourselves from attacks and uninvited probing is to shield ourselves from it.

Shielding, however, requires the use of energy, and for a being that runs on an energy deficit and requires outside sources to maintain his/her energy levels, here lies the dilemma.

This is why an uninvited probing, which is probably just natural curiosity, is many times taken as an offensive behavior to most Vampires.  Because the probing consumes energy required to maintain a shield.

So, what is the solution to such a dilemma?  Well the answer to that lies in the problem with using a shield as an opposing force, which is how most people learn to shield.  This form of shielding requires additional energy when the shield is being attacked or unintentionally challenged.

Several years ago, I learned a shielding technique that eliminates this problem.  By converting my shield from an opposing force to more of a sponge, which converts and absorbs the energy rather than repelling it, my shield becomes stronger and self-sustaining from an attack or intrusion.  This leaves me free to either ignore the unintentional probing or to deal with the attack, rather than concentrating on maintaining my shield.  It also negates even the strongest of attacks and allows me to benefit from the energy used by an attacker.

My friend, Leo, who is Magi, has been trying to figure out a way around this shielding for quite a while, but has thus far been unable to do so.

A while back, I was having dinner with some friends, as well as some new acquaintances.  Throughout most of dinner, one of the new acquaintances was probing me.  It was just out of curiosity.  I simply ignored the action and continued with my conversation.

After dinner, I spoke with the young lady and informed her that I was aware of the probing and asked her what she got from it.  She informed me that her experience was really strange.  She said it was complete and utter silence, which she had never experienced before.  Then, I explained to her why.

You see, by using my shield for absorbing the energy, she got no energy back from her probing.  This gives no feedback and creates a silent void, as where if I had merely blocked the energy, she would have received the reflected energy back, which would have at least let her know about the shield itself.

I on the other hand, didn’t mind the probing, because the energy being absorbed by my shield was actually beneficial to me.

This form of shielding is something I teach to Vampires willing to learn and who have an appropriate level of ethics related to the use of their abilities.

If anyone is interested, please let me know, and once I get to know you, perhaps I could teach you this technique.

Please let me know what you think about this topic and any experiences you may have had related to shielding.

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Post by Xia » Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:16 pm

You sound to me a very dangerous and amusing character, apparently an energy vampire, and one of those that dwells and enjoys it rather than one that seeks to channel energy for the good of all? One that drains others and revels in having understood how shielding works? What are you doing here then in a board where friendship and love and kindness are given freely and from an especially high amount of innocent seekers looking for truth and knowledge. Ahh so much energy here that you feed off it and you want to draw others of your kind that may not yet know it?
Very worrying, my shields are up and I surround this site too.

Xia :o)

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Greetings Xia

Post by Bismark » Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:32 pm

Psi Vamp yes.  Dangerous...Not really.

I am not out to do anyone harm.

I am very much into the ethics of feeding.  A topic which you may not be familiar with by the looks of your post (So quick to assume the worst).

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Post by daizyblackrose » Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:20 am

Hmmm.........I never thought of shielding myself on anything & am a sort that senses peoples feelings all the time among other things
(Check my other postings you'll see what I mean.)
But none the less the whole thought of Vampires have fascinate me for a long time along with witches, wizards, ghosts, & the whole magickal world.
I think it's cool that you had the nerve to post this & I tip my hat at your bravery.
In time I hope more of your type get the same bravery & speak up lol.  
One thing tho I want to know.
How could I tell if I am in the same room as a Vampire?
I ask cause of a person close to me.

DaizyBlackrose.   :smt020

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Greetings DaizyBlackrose

Post by Bismark » Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:33 am

That is a question with quite a complicated answer.

If you are around a Vampire who is aware of what he / she is, and that individual is in control of their abilities and practices ethics in feeding, then you may never know (unless that individual wants you to know).

However, since you suspect someone, I would say that isn't the case.

If the individual is unaware of what he / she is, then you would have involuntary feeding.

This type of feeding is unpleasant / uncomfortable for who is being fed upon, and usually causes the person to feel drained or sometimes even ill.

This can also happen with intentional feeding of an unethical nature from a Vampire who is aware.  However, this is rare due to the fact that a Vampire who is aware and is feeding unethically can usually give the person a false feeling of euphoria while they are being fed upon.  This feeling of euphoria is then followed by a crash afterwards as the euphoria effect wears off, and the person feels the effects of being drained.

This is a little off the subject of shielding, so if you would like to discuss your situation in more detail, then drop me a private message and I’ll see what I can do to help.

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Post by suzisco » Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:05 am

I think we are all surrounded by people who unintentionally can suck the energy out of you.  we all have that friend we dread seeing because by the time they are finished you are drained emotionally and physically, your never quite sure how it happens but it does.

Perhaps learning to shield is not such a bad thing.  


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Greetings Suzisco

Post by Bismark » Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:00 pm

I believe you are correct with your statement.  And though some of those encounters may be Vampires, there are those people in the world who are just emotionally draining.  Shielding does have its place with those people as well.
suzisco wrote:I think we are all surrounded by people who unintentionally can suck the energy out of you.  we all have that friend we dread seeing because by the time they are finished you are drained emotionally and physically, your never quite sure how it happens but it does.

Perhaps learning to shield is not such a bad thing.  


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:19 pm


     I personally would be deemed a vampire, although I don't actually take anything from anyone anymore, (in my unaware days when I was much younger I did) The kind of shield that you have described sounds like a great thing if you are afraid of being attacked, and therefore feel the need to protect yourself most of the time. I learned a long time ago energy is much more abundant from other sources than other people and as my friends from here can tell you I am always freely giving when I feel the urge. Learning how to use different energies is something that you have to work at... and Something I think anyone who naturally pulls in energy should learn... I and pull and push it. But when needed to I can stop. Which when I am dealing with someone who doesn't know that you shouldn't just poke at someone else... I do. I stop my natural flow, I meet their eyes and I let them know, that they crossed a line without ever causing a scene, then later if I am able to I let them know that they need to be careful who they poke at and that it could be dangerous for them. Let say they were poking at someone who doesn't care and would gladly and excessively take what they were so freely offering.  Personally, I would caution anyone you teach this to, that it is a tool to protect yourself from someone you can't possible deal with in a more decent manner. There are plenty of ways of being a productive and yet well guarded member of any social setting without stealing energy from others... Your shield, could be pulling energy that wasn't actually directed completely at you, and letting someone who doesn't really understand what they are up against rail against such a void is indeed something that could be dangerous.... So many people 'practice' not with loved ones, but on strangers... It isn't something I would suggest using as a everyday defense....

Being they way we are, I feel like we need to protect not only ourselves but those around us who do not fully understand who and what we are, and just how capable of draining someone we CAN be. At some point every vampire has crossed the line of what we should do, but we need to learn how to control the things we do and how to make sure that we do not drain others, just for the sake of hording the energy to make ourselves stronger....

If you are dealing with a well practiced and well experienced person, who knows what they are dealing with, then by all means drain away... but when you are dealing with someone who is not those things, then I think you are teaching them a hard lesson, which is much better learned by them knowing that you are not going to put up with a behavior that is so intruding. It is all about common decency I think. I relate it to people who I am explaining it to as, you wouldn't walk into my house for the first time and just go open my fridge or go through my things. (Most people would never think of doing such a thing)  So, therefore why would you think it is ok to poke and probe at my energies?? Not only do I get my point across, but I have never had someone do it to another after me. Energy is just as personal, if not more so than a home, teaching manners is much more productive than just taking from someone.

I don't always let people know that I am a vampire, although we have discussed it on the board here before... but It is something I am proud of, I am ME, love me or not. I don't need someone else to give me anything... I do not work at a lower energy level than non vampires.... I burn through it more quickly and I maintain myself with the energy that is abundant in the world. Mother earth can sustain us.... Those who take from people do it by not opening themselves up to learning more about themselves and what they can do... You don't have to struggle to keep your energies up and you don't have to use that shield... Learn how to do things for yourself without using anything but what the earth can give you.... (I do not suggest using your electric, Bills go through the roof and your electronics take a header into the Never works again pile) I would be happy to share with you more if you are interested in learning.Also like I said I think this could be a good defense when you have no other choice.... Please don't think that I think poorly of you, I just think that you found a place where  you can maintain a certain strength in what you know you are able to do, and have not pushed yourself to find more... I am always trying to learn more things to do, and push myself daily to new places and I will always keep pushing myself to learn more and new ways to do things. We will never know everything, we can only try to learn as much as we can.

Light, Love, and Blessings,

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Greetings Nyte

Post by Bismark » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:23 am


Thank you for your input.  I agree with you on most of what you have said.  However, I think you see this Shielding as a sort of offensive thing.  It is not, if learned and used properly.  The shield takes only energy directed at it and is not just an indiscriminate sponge so to speak.

It is good that you have found a way to get the energies you need from other sources, however, a bit naive to think that this applies to all Vampires.  I know those who can and those who can't.

I have pursued this route myself and it is not sustaining for me personally.  That doesn't mean I must take directly from others.  Vampires who feed ethically from human energies do so by feeding from energies that are given off freely and are no longer being used by anyone.  This means going to high energy places such as malls, nightclubs, etc.  Energy is given off freely in these places and is taken from the air, not the individual.

I also appreciate your offer of knowledge, but again think it a bit naive to assume from a single article that you know my complete knowledgebase.

But please don't think that I am offended or that I think poorly of you.  I am use to the ego of Vampires, being that I am active in the community and that I am a Vampire myself.  It comes with the territory.

And now that I think we understand each other a little better, I would love to talk with you more if you are still willing.  Just let me know.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:27 am

     It seems funny that you say you think I am naive, when you are also judging what I said by a single article of what I wrote... I personally think that there are people who are simple more naturally gifted at being able to do something than others, and I spent YEARS learning how to do what I do, it isn't a over night easy thing for me... it took a lot of determination and persistence and often failures.... I don't think just cause you can do something that I don't know how to do, that I can't do it... I can and I will if I chose to put my all into learning something.... So keeping that in mind when I hear someone say that someone can or can't possibly do something I think it is just lack of determination... perhaps I have a better will to achieve than others and do not take failure laying down... I just keep at it til I can do it, and do it without hard concentration.  So you can therefore understand why I said what I did how I did.... *shrugs* Maybe it doesn't matter to you, but it did to me and I wanted to make sure that I could rely solely on myself for what I wanted to get... I don't need to be around anyone... *shrugs* Perhaps it is just more the differences in personality and not in knowledge. I was simply stating that I did not think you have explored all the avenues available to you... Which honestly you haven't, I haven't none of us have..... I wouldn't mind talking to you, as long as you don't mind labeling me... I think calling me naive was doing so. *shrugs* but you probably thought that it was justified...  Secondly, I think that you in reading what I wrote thought that I assumed that I knew your knowledge base and that was the farthest thing from my mind... I think that you know alot more than you are saying... just like I do... *defense is like a reflex, I never tell anyone everything, so I DO assume that of other people, that there is always more than meets the eye*  Who knows perhaps I AM naive in thinking that someone would want to learn more and be more than they are at this moment... Like I do...

I Will tell you that I do not appreciate you calling me something when I did not do so to you... Next, I always try to make what I say, said so that the other person understands that I am not saying that I think when I reply is written in stone as it concerns them. If you disagree with me, I am OK with that, but to say things about how I understand something based on what I wrote, in turn makes you doing the same thing you have accused me of. I will tell you now that I do not always express myself as clearly as I would like and had you been a bit more diplomatic in answering me, I would have apologized if I had miss stated something to where you took it in a way that I did not mean. &nbsp;This place is about sharing and being different and learning, and rejoicing in the things that make us ALL individuals.... If you prefer to have energy from people, regardless of how you get it then you do, big deal!! The reason why I pointed out that there are other ways of getting energy and a abundant source, is that You stated in the original post that it is draining to hold a shield when you are working with a vampiric <sp?> system. I know that for a long long time I also struggled with this and it is important to me to share things that can help people who are vampires to know that it can be easier and that certain things don't have to always be a struggle.

Next, since I am at it. If you ARE dealing with someone who is experienced in dealing with energies, then they will know that the void that they encounter while probing you, IS NOT natural and most likely back off.... WHERE someone who doesn't know much will simply think they are doing something wrong and continue to try. THIS is why I said the things I did and for me to have to so bluntly point that out to you, makes me think that you did not understand what I was saying... I was not saying that what you were doing was going after people, JUST that someone new to doing it wouldn't be so quick to back off and you will have made a nice little energy reserve from them trying and trying and trying to achieve something while you reap the benefits. THAT I do believe is wrong... you are taking advantage of them being new to something and they will in turn view it as a failure... HOW can that help them??

If you can explain that to me I will GLADLY Take back everything I have said about the shield and it not being that great a thing!!


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Post by Bismark » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:08 am


Fair enough.  If you care to reference the article and see that I did have a talk with the individual.  This was a learning experience for her.  And I will add that in my conversation with the young lady, I did explain how uninvited probing is considered offensive to most Vampires and why.  There is always a teaching role needed if you intend to help others.  That doesn't necessarily mean to needlessly expose yourself to attack whether it be intentional or unintentional.

And it is now with great restraint and respect that I suggest we BOTH turn back the aggression meter just a tad.  It is totally counter productive.

With that said, I shall refrain from any response to the more aggressive statements in the previous post.

You are right about this site and its purpose.  And that was my reason for the original post to begin with.

I look forward to your reply.

Warm Regards,


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:30 am


&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Thank you for that I am do recall that you said that you spoke with her, but yet again this isn't always possible. So in those cases, what would you do?? I know I always try to talk to someone and let them know that such things can be viewed as a attack to someone and not just vampires, but someone who has had a bad run in with a vampire or other energy users. &nbsp;I honestly think the shield is not always a bad thing, just that to teach people to use it as a basic shield can be something where lines can be crossed and people unintentionally hurt... &nbsp;I also feel that there are standards that people hold vampires to, and many 'predetermined' concepts of vampires to over come.... I could just see someone who is not as ethical or as experienced using this and something going badly for them. I also felt the need to let them know that there are always other ways to achieve similar affects.... &nbsp;

*smile* I am sure you understand that it isn't always easy for us to communicate in a productive manner with each other... as the defensive is over active and we tend to react more quickly to things.... *hugz and love* So I apologize for my &nbsp;ummm more aggressive statements... *smile*

I just am not sure about the shield as everyday use... I think that It can be a good tool in some situations, and that as such and can be a benefit to know...

Yet again, I think that it will work quiet well and I fear that it will be used as a 'catch all' and instead of working toward something that is less intrusive to others, that it can and might be used to simply horde energy. (not everyone can resist the urge to do so...) So even someone who doesn't 'feed' off people would still use it to attain something in a more easy way... It just seems like too easy of a way to fall into a bad habit of letting the energy come to you.... *has scary visions of fat vampires with blobs of energy all around them* So I hope you can understand the concern in that...

I do see the benefits... but you have to look at both sides before you decide if something is a good thing...


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Post by Bismark » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:11 am


I apologize as well for my aggressions and assumptions. *Smiles*

I do agree with you about the ability of someone to use such a thing unethically. &nbsp;That is why I will not teach such a thing to someone I do not know well.

I think you can probably figure out from the number of times I have used the word in my posts, that ethics is something I hold dear to me.

The article from my post was originally published by myself for a Vampiric Community I am active with. &nbsp;They share my same views on the importance of ethics.

And I find your concern for such a thing falling into the wrong hands to be very noble indeed.

Please know that I would never show such a technique to anyone I did not know very well and trusted where they stood on the ethics of feeding.

It is true that you can't always talk to someone for various reasons. &nbsp;On the other hand, ethics is a two way street. &nbsp;The uninvited probing of someone is not exactly ethical to begin with. &nbsp;So all you can really do is try to explain. Furthermore, the uninvited probing of someone and then refusing to listen when called on it, shows a lack of responsibility for one's actions. &nbsp;And I know it sounds harsh, but in cases like that, they may just need the lesson that the experience teaches them.

I would be particularly interested in your views about this.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:34 am

LOL well my views change depending upon the subject... as I am thinking you well know.. you can pretty much tell a Good I know what I am doing poke from a let's see what happens... bumbling kinda poke... (*smile* I think knowing the difference is something most vampys can determine... seeing as we are much more in touch with reading the coming and going of energy once we know that it is going on... like a switch, nothing that had to be explained you just suddenly seemed to get it, if that isn't the case PLEASE inform me.... but on that basis) Someone new... Yeah they need manners... and YES sometimes they are cocky and really need to learn a lesson, But I always try to remind myself that at one point... I was doing things to people that should have gotten me a good lesson myself... Luckily I had a good friend who had tons of patience and would just Yell at me to 'Knock it off'... So keeping that in mind... I tend to be a little more compassionate... And I just get stern and tell them if they do it again I Will not be so nice and they will regret it... *Smile* &nbsp;I might also put alittle something behind the threat to make them more inclined to listen...

Now I have had people who knew they were doing it and wanted the 'challenge' For them I tend to just give them a look that lets them know I am serious... and if they still don't stop I make a point to say something to them out loud... and I am like 'Look, you keep wanting to poke the beast, then you can't cry when it bites your stupid little head off....' I have a bit of a temper and I hate to be pushed... *blush* I try to be calm and peaceful but I have my things that just set me off...

I tend to find people who poke me, even the ones who are doing it with every intention of violating my privacy, tend to come around when I tell them how would you like it if someone (like me) did that to you?? For those instances where I absolutely can not confront the person... I tend to give them bad things to poke... Like nightmares, and sad memories... Most people keep those things buried and don't let people in to there. So when they pokers are out there poking around, they are getting the recent and important now.. and not too many poke unhappy people... Try it... just let the spot that is getting the poke channel something unpleasant there... Keep smiling and acting 'normal' but It should stop the poking... who really wants to poke something yucky?? ( I associate it with them poking a slimy spot... LOL so then they have this slimy yucky goo all over their little pokey fingers... Ewwwww)

So there ya go that is how i normally cope with it, while not expending a lot of energy and getting alittle satisfaction from teaching someone naughty a lesson....

What do you think??

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Post by Bismark » Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:34 am


Ah...a little mischievous streak…I like that.

I think your right. &nbsp;Any Vampire that is aware of themselves, does know intentional from unintentional. &nbsp;And I have a great deal of patience for the unintentional. &nbsp;Those I will try and talk to about it and usually with little resistance. &nbsp;On the other end of the spectrum, the intentional and persistent, I’ve always made sure that they really don’t want to do it again. &nbsp;And in the middle somewhere are the ones I like to call just enough knowledge to be dangerous to themselves. &nbsp;Those are the ones who know enough to intentionally probe, but not enough to realize the ramifications of such. &nbsp;Those are the ones that I will try and talk to but most often find resistance from discussing such. &nbsp;Usually the lesson of the experience is what they need.

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