My Experience - Searching for Answers

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My Experience - Searching for Answers

Post by landofshadows » Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:13 pm

Hi All,

I have been encouraged (if that be the correct term) to start my own topic in relation to my search for answers and to also share my experiences.

Some of you may have read all this before, but some of it may be new to you, so it could be worth reading again.

According to some most of my experiences are taking place in the lower factions of the astral realms and the creatures I am conversing with are dark and low level spirits stuck in a limbo of sorts... Yet my take on things are some what different.

I drowned in my early teens in my local swimming pool, I saw what appeared at the time to be a sweat wrapper in a neon pink or two skipping ropes spinning really fast.

Painting I have done of this:-

After this my dreams became fairly odd.

Links to my dreams on this forum.
Link 1:- ... hp?t=60633
Link 2:- ... hp?t=60817

I started to see shadow people inside my bedroom... The first I saw wore a Hat that ran from shoulder to shoulder and a large long coat, it called my name as if it wanted me to follow, yet I couldn't move, this creature appeared in my door way to my room and I call it the watcher.

Others I have seen... One I call the dancer as it twirls around the room, and throws punches toward my face that don't land, while this creature is in the room I again can't move.  I sometimes hear a whispering from my pillow that slowly gets louder and louder while this is happening.

The last is a smaller creature that I find sitting upon my chest and causing my breathing to become strained. I ofen hear clicks and pops like static, this creature looks like a typical Grey Alien, yet is jet black, I call this one the Grey.

One time the Dancer appeared with a pebble in hand alongside a Fairy tale looking witch standing in the corner of my room, the pebble was placed into my mouth and I swallowed it.  Upon the pebble was a Symbol, this Symbol I have called the Lock.


This symbol I found is a Mason's Mark, Masons create and use these marks as a sort of signature.  This Mark relates to Melrose Abbey built back in 1136 and is said to have been built by the Masons.

I have researched the Masons, my research can be found here:- ... ight=mason

After some time, still having frequent visits from these shadow people and many a wrong dream, I felt the fear level dropping and would simply fall asleep while having punches thrown towards my face, or having a feeling of not being able to breath, I was past caring what they did... For they never truely hurt me.  After some time I felt complled to try and examine them, so when they appeared I watched them, trying to see or work out if it could be my mind that was creating them... As I was watching them I found they became more stand off-ish to me, sort of just looking at me with interest... The Dancer became the one I saw most often... Its head would lean from side to side looking at me, like a dog does when trying to make sense of words.

I awoke one night and all I could see right in front of me was Blackness, to the side of my vision I could see fine... I had a weight around my neck, my head was tilted back and I could see what looked like the dancer over me, yet it looked bigger and stronger than normal, and seemed to have a cloak... Then all of a sudden it shattered into a blinding light, and I saw a small grey shadow creature dart from my chest to the hallway, next thing I knew I was above my house standing next to a creature in a gloden glow.

This creature has four wings, each with small scales and feathers upon and large symbols, like that of the one upon the pebble.  A lions face/mask a mans torso, a tail that looks like a snake with a Vipers head, hocked legs like that of a bird/goat and long talons upon the feet.

It said to me without moving its mouth "I am of the Xoylo, Anan-Ael is my label" I then dropped back through the roof and into my bed, awaking with a jolt.

I am often visited by this creature that I feel is an Angel, I am given images and symbols, all I research and have been building a diary/publication of all I have found.

While searching for answers here I am only to happy to share my own answers and experiences with all.


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:07 pm


The PDF file is over 150meg... I will upload it to FileFront when I get home later. (For now however I have sent a link to each and every page as a seprate PNG file).


Shadow people...

I started to see Shadow people after I had a near death experience in my early teens.  The first one I saw stood in my door way filling the space, he had a large flat hat on with a large trim and a long black coat (Like a rain jacket) A little like the wrestler The Undertaker, in size and shape... It called my name, (I couldn't see any features) I felt the urge to follow as it slid from view, yet I couldn't move.  The really strange thing about this sighting was my brother saw the same thing on the same night ad he lives across town. I call this shadow being the Watcher.

I have seen another Shadow being, much more slender that twirls around the room, like dancing... This one tends to act on my emotions, if my feeling is to chase it from the room it comes at me throwing punches towards my face (They don't land or hurt).  I can't move when this being is in the room, and I can feel a pressure on my anckles and wrists, like I am being held.  The Emotion of just simlpy watching this being and wondering what it is caused it to approach me tilting its head from side to side like a dog trying to make sense of words... Once it was right over me, it opened my mouth and pushed a pebble into it marked with a Symbol (A symbol I have found to be a freemasonry mark).

(Melrose Abbey, 3 in one down from the right, looks like a tent fallen on its side) ... -marks.jpg

This Shadow being I call the Dancer, this being once appeared with what I can only describe as a fairy tale witch, green face warts and al, standing about 3 feet in height, in the corner of my room... I have no idea why, or what the significance of her appearence is ?

The last looks like the Dancer, but has a larger head, and rather than being tall is fairly small, around 3 to 4 foot... This one comes with what sounds like clicks and pops, almost electric in sound, I call it the Grey after the typical idea of what an Alien looks like... I feel these little shadow beings may have been falusly pinned as space men. The experience I have had with the Grey is they like to touch you (Tugging your leg, or other limbs that may be out of the bed sheets), should they touch your head, there is nothing you can do but fall asleep, I have had dreams of flying or being on large spinning discs in space, jumping from one to the other.

I am unsure what these beings are, I feel they are some how connected to people after an OBE or Astral Projection, and I have a feeling they are there to stop you from travelling outside of your body... Or perhaps to help you understand projection before you are again able to... Not sure...?


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:09 pm

Hi Spiritalk,

This topic is about Shadow people... And the Djinn are stated to be of dark matter or fire demons... Made from black smoke...

In Islamic theology jinn are said to be creatures with free will, made from 'smokeless fire' by Allah in the same way humans were made of earth.[6] According to the Qur'an, Djinn have free will, and Iblis used this freedom in front of Allah by refusing to bow to Adam when Allah told Iblis to do so. By disobeying Allah, he was thrown out of Paradise and called “Shaitan”. Djinn are frequently mentioned in the Qur'an, Sura 72 of the Qur'an (named Al-Jinn) is entirely about them. Another Sura (Al-Nas) mentions Djinn in the last verse.[7] The Qur’an also mentions that Muhammad was sent as a prophet to both “humanity and the Djinn”.[8][9]

Similar to humans, jinns have free will allowing them to follow any religion they choose. Jinns have significantly lower intelligence than humans but are physically stronger.[citation needed] They are usually invisible to humans and humans do not appear clear to them. However, non-Muslim jinn often harass and even possess humans (Muslim jinn are forbidden from doing so)[citation needed], for various reasons, such as infatuation (with a girl), revenge, or because of a deal made with a practitioner of black magic. Jinns have the power to travel large distances extremely quickly and live in remote areas, mountains, seas, trees, and the air, in their own communities. Like humans, jinns will also be judged on The Day of Judgment and will be sent to Heaven or Hell according to their deeds.[10] Since humans usually cannot see them and humans do not appear clear to them, the human "world" and that of the jinn is considered separate, and only practitioners of "black magic" contact them deliberately. Ibn Taymiyyah's Essay on the Jinn describes Jinn in detail.[11]

Every person is assigned a special jinn to them, also called a qareen, the jinns that whisper into your soul and tell you to give into your evil desires. The Prophet Muhammad's jinn turned into a Muslim jinn, on the recitation of the Qur'an, as the jinn found it most beautiful.[12][13][14] However, the notion of a qareen is not universally accepted amongst all Muslims.[15]

I would say the above has a pretty good chance of being a shadow person...

But if not then, Spiritalk, what are Shadow people...?
Where do they come from, and why do they appear...?

I will remind all serious investigators and mediums to reach higher than the astral plane.  It is just not the most elevated of experiences.  

What is this realm or experience you speak of above the Astral planes...?
(From your line of text, you make out I am not being serious... and make out I am an Amature of sorts... or that's one way of reading your post).

Here is some information on Wiki about Shadow people:-


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:11 pm

I will take information from every and any source, I never hold it as truth, I look upon it, research it and find my own way.

In the last two years, I have tried to take everything I would have normally passed of as nothing/dream/vision etc and started to listen... I feel more awake, and I feel a pull towards information, I find I am researching one thing that leads to another, that leads to another... and all pulls lead me to the Occult of the ancient world... It's very odd.

I don't see the information as evil or good, I sometimes feel unconfitable also, curiosity has always been a driving factor, searching for my own way from my findings is always a constant.

Shadow people in my experience work from your emotions, if you are scared of them, they will become afraid of you... If you want to act towards them like forcing them out of your home they will will move forcefully against you... They are odd creatures, and I don't feel I am in contact with them... I think these creatures maybe what some call pretenders or the Djinn, parasetic creatures of the astral realm.

My guide destroyed two of these creatures right infront of me... I wouldn't say my guide is of the same clay.


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:13 pm

The creature I see now has a Lions face, the torso of a Man, four wings a viper for a tail and hocked legs like that of a bird. I feel it is an Angel... The shadow creatures don't visit me any more, only this creature.

I have been shown others like this guide of mine... Other Angels and Daemons.

It is as if these shadow beings aren't allowed near me, I often see them in my doorway but they wont venture any closer. I feel protected by this Angel, Anan-Ael is its name.

I don't know if the shadow creature that shattered when Anan-Ael appeared was destroyed or banished, I am not sure how or even what actually happend... Only what i saw, and in these grey areas you can paint many a picture.  I have tried to remove these creatures at a distance from my doorway, I use my own vibration from my stomach and my head, both are different, then I try and bring both together within my neck area with a hum of sorts, once I hold the vibrational note for a little bit I envisage a beam of light coming from my mouth and directed at these shadow creatures, or going up and out of the top of my head and rippling across the celing and then around the house, both methods remove the creatures... But they do return... I see them once every say 2 months... And it's normally for around 2 to 4 nights in a row. I have tried taking photos using my phone, or even using my video camera... I have sort of captured dark spots, but nothing like what my eyes see... It's odd...

I have tried contacting these shadow people using the Ouija board as I know it is a low level device, I actually took it to the doorway and sat in front of them with it... I spoke with one called Queshd (this was one night that my partner was sleeping at her friends house).  I have spoken to Queshd a few times, I have a feeling the name should have been Quesh .d as there was a large pause before the last letter, or perhaps Quesh is the last name and D is the first intital. The answers I gained from this being never made sense, always different dates, and by asking when he passed over and when he was born would have placed him nearly 300 years old.  These creatures lie, or they have no concept of time or space (In a sense like our own), or perhaps they have never been human, I am not sure, but I didn't gain anything from the contact made through the Ouija board when using it to speak with Shadow people.

(When I first had these creatures in my room, I couldn't move, now they are outside of the room, I can freely move, yet I wont step out into the hallway with them, I feel if I did, I again wouldn't be able to move... I think these creatures follow different rules to anything Earth bound in the sense we walk.  Doorways seem to be a place they manifest, yet for some reason they can't appear within my room now... Other places I have seen Shadow creatures is under rasied beds or chairs, but they seem small, and scuttle around like spiders... The feeling they give off (even if you can't see them) is a feeling like your being watched, the hairs will raise and your adrenilin will rise, all your sense along with it... And being unable to move with so much going on can lead to panic... Before I met Anan-Ael I grew to like thise feeling and after a while the panic left, I felt a calmness and understood my body like never before, and felt the vibrations of each point in my body.  This helped me research the Chakra system and helped me understand what was happening within me, it was around this time that Anan-Ael appeared... I can move freely at night when I see these shadow people... Actually, I managed to move once when the shadow people where in the room with me... The trick is not to make a large movement, somthing small, my wrists felt as if they where being held, so all I did was close my hand into a fist, I was angry, I didn't strain, then I lifted the back of the hand from the bed, slowly, and my wrist came unbound as soon as I did this it felt like a hudge weight within the room was lifted the shadow people vanished and I was wide awake and able to move as normal).

I have an interest in people who have seen these shadow creatures/people as I hope in time they may have the same release I had... I want to find others who have seen creatures that look or give the same feelings or information as my guide/Angel.

I am here to share what I know as truth to me, and to try and find others who may have seen or experienced anything like myself. (I hope I am not alone, and I hope others have had the same experience as myself).


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:14 pm

The closest I have found is NARASIMHA.

He is depicted with four arms, rather than four wings however... In his hands the items seem to have four wings upon them...?

Another co-insidence is in this picture he has vipers behind him, much like my Angel having a Viper for a tail... Do you have pictures of the statues or the names of them ?

Another is he is always golden... Same as my guide...

Another interesting bit of information is this I have found on Wiki:-

Narasimha is neither one of these, as he is a form of Vishnu incarnate as a part-human, part-animal. He comes upon Hiranyakashipu at twilight (when it is neither day nor night) on the threshold of a courtyard (neither indoors nor out), and puts the demon on his thighs (neither earth nor space). Using his sharp nails (neither animate nor inanimate) as weapons, he disembowels and kills the demon.

(Anan-Ael smited the shadow people holding me down...)

Perhaps this is anothers take or interpretation of the same message I have been passed...?

The legs arn't right... the legs are bird like on my guide, like a lions hind legs in shape...


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:15 pm

How's this,  Look up Pazuzu

Again, I already said this...  But you should stop what you're doing!

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Post by firetopaz » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:59 am

You might have already answered this, but I remember you saying you have contact with your guide, or this being at special times....when and why do you think this is?

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Post by landofshadows » Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:32 am


I can relax myself, or call out to my guide in a way, any time I wish really, but all I get is very lax images and a base of understanding... It's not until my Synodic period (13 month moon cycle each lasting 28 days) that I have intense dreams, visions and actual sight to my guide... (Often in dream/lucid states/relaxtion/meditation).

My Synodic period is 4 days after the full moon approx and last for about two or three days... This month it should be around the 16th...

Women have a biological clock that keeps them intune with their Synodic period, in the way of their menstral cycle... No doubt why they make better mediums and are more sensitive and open to things of a spiritual nature... Men however, need to monitor their sleep, and find when their dreams are most memorable, there are other more complex methods...

I feel the move from a 13 month calendar to that of a 12 month was done to seperate us from the spirit world and to remove magic and spell work from or lives to push forward a materialisitc Sun worshipping culture.

Handy links

Moon Calander:-
Synodic Period Info:-
Video on the Djinn (Jinn):-

There is much more on the above in my free book, found in the Advert section of this forum.

The pages in question:-








(As long as you follow the notes in a set order - Doesn't have to be as I have outlined above - and keep to a synodic period of the moon and your most awake and intune window this will greatly increase your chances of getting better results).


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Post by landofshadows » Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:17 pm


A lady called Sue Kessler (suekessler09) has been helping me on YouTube, and sent me this video that makes so much sense to me and my understanding:- ... ture=email

This video is just like my own understanding... This is so odd !!

I am no Muslim !!... But the information, is so much like my own...


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Post by Mystic Cadet » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:59 pm

I watched 3/4 of the video and not impressed with it

To sum up what the video is trying to say   Islam is the way to go, and you must follow the laws of the Keran "SPL".

For him to denounce all other religion and it's practices was quite something..

I'm Roman Catholic and when I used to go to church, we were constantly told what to do and what not to do.  hmmm  same as islam teachings but he says Islam  is the only religion to follow ...

Even when he mentions all Psychic and Mediumship abilities are bad, you are working with the Jinn, you will go to hell for this..

the Kiran, Bible,,,what ever holy text was writtin by man in his version of truth.    bahh  i'll stop there..  Don't want to create a blodd bath or create something negative out of this..

my 2 cents...

note:  I believe in god and that's a fact.  I will admit I don't go to church . I believe the church of god or his house is within me, my heart.  does that make sense?  this is what I hold dear to me

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Post by landofshadows » Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:53 pm

Ignore the religious garble, and listen to how he describes the Angels and the Whisper of the Jinn...

The prohpet Mohamed had Angels visit him and speak to him with the message that helped him create his book, strange thing is he couldn't spell or read well, so he spoke and people wrote for him.  I too have the same problem, yet I have started to write despite my dyslexia and I am slowly getting past it, using methods shown by my guide, I remember the shape of a word and use it as an image each letter just being a symbol to create the shape with.

Mohamed heard voices and was given images, why is it not Evil for him, but Evil for you...?

He is chatting rubbish... There is no such thing as Evil or Good they are both notions and opinions... For example:-

For the Canibals that eat people as a part of life, are they Evil ?
Sharks that eat other Animals to live are they Evil ?
When a Killer Whale throws a Seal around for 40min before eating it Evil ?

Who is to say what our true nature is, we have been fashioned into tools by laws made by arcane systems to prevent Chaos and protect those that perhaps wouldn't survive...

I say do what you feel is natural to you, doing anything different would create a regret... Life is short... Experiences all that you want and must to make your energy as whole as you can, for I have seen what happens in the hear after if you don't.

Go with your heart, if you feel your guide is right for you, than Feck what your friends/Allah or God has to say... You have to remember all those just mentioned are just opinions... You have to look within yourself to find your own truth.

My take in what I have been shown, is we are God in part... We are of the same energy as everything else in this universe including God...

The video posted here wasn't to question what your doing, but to show Angels and Djinn's are different, and Angels as I have described them have been described as I have seen them... Just at last I have found something that shows the Astral/Spiritual world as I see it.


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Post by landofshadows » Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:29 am

General realization and ethos of the Xoylo message.

I thaught I would do some summing up of my own... some rabblings on how I feel at the moment.

I have learnt that we are all of the same source, doesn't matter what ideals you hold onto, follow them back far enough we are all from the same energy.

Two for example.

God Created Adam and Eve (Well, Adam had a first partner called Lilith, but that is another story).

Adam and Eve being the first of Gods creations and the first humans, made from the dirt of the Earth (Adam, Eve was made from Adam's rib... however Lilith was made of Dirt like Adam and was equal to him)... The Earth as made from Gods Energy (the devine) so in a sense we to are of the same energy used to create the Earth, the Energy of God.

Should you feel the big Bang theory is correct, then the universe came from a big bang caused by some sort of energy release/reaction that brought into exsistance everything we see today, inculding us, all created from the same energy.


Something I have also been shown, is God never created a Church, Jesus never built a Church... Perhaps we shouldn't be using the Church... Yes it is the best way to hear someone read out from a religious book and give their own opinion of it.  Yet my understanding religious books should be read by yourself and you should find your own truth.  After all God or Jesus didn't ink a sinle letter within the Bible...


We often question our faith, I think the reason we do this is down to so many people giving us their own opinions of it and shaking our own, people have used these books to defend their actions good or bad.  Many Churches preaching fringe elements and break of sects all seem to lead to prevsions from the original source, people I feel of the new generation will have very little to do with Church as the Church is becoming so mixed up, changing laws and rules to accodate modern traditions.


I feel as long as you have faith in yourself, a sense that we are all connected and that we should be helping each other rather than trying to step on one and another a new ethos and way of life could come forward, slowly...  Money and material wealth seems to be a driver that makes us do the unthinkable to one and another.

It seems if you go to the small tribes that have been isolated from material wealth and money, they open their arms and hearts to you, embrace you as a brother and take you into their community without judgement... Yet in our Modern world, nobody would do that for you, or if they did you would be very lucky or there would be an alternative motive.  Perhaps the modern world has things all wrong... Perhaps Material world needs to end.

We need to move into an era that Mankind pushes to better its self.


If I could I would make a company that focues on an issue, and tries to solve that one issue each year... For example solar cells and lithium storage, trying to make a solar cell that could power a lithium battery that could power a 5 seater vehicle or power a home...

If only materials wheren't a comodity that costed money that had to be bartered for and we shared the reasources to find and and shape the new world things could be so much better.


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Post by Mystic Cadet » Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:24 pm

Good post LoS  
I feel the same way concerning your post from Yesterday

I recently watched the Program on the History Channel concerning Adam & Eve, Lilith...  excellent program...
Too  bad I missed the program concerning Angels & Demons  bah!!  darn work schedule LOL

Mystic Cadet

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Post by landofshadows » Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:16 pm

Mystic Cadet,

The History Channel shows that stuff... WOW... I usally find it online on google video... I guess TV is going up in the world... I will have to keep an eye on the TV guide, cheers buddy !!


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