Seasons and Cycles

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Seasons and Cycles

Post by PrettySiren » Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:06 am

I've noticed something for the past two years of my life, and I was wondering if anyone else has had the same or similar sort of thing.

A lot of people believe that life is cyclic. Perhaps they believe it begins, then ends, and begins, then ends. Or perhaps they believe that life events tend to cycle.

But I've noticed a pattern involving seasons. It seems that in the winter, even though I love the wintertime, I go through a lot of hardships, like stresses of different varieties or illnesses (sometimes involving hospital stays). I'm very alone in this time and then suddenly, in spring. Things look up. Stresses going away, people gravitate to me, various family members pop out babies (lol -- not joking). Then, in the summer, I have fun...but after my birthday (July 28th), it all starts to decline and the cycle begins again.

Has anyone ever noticed a pattern in their life related to the seasons?

I'm sure some of it could be explained with science, but I'm pretty sure other things could not. I was just wondering what everyone else's take was.

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Post by Cody5202 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:06 am

Thanks for the thought, Ill get back to you tomorow

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:06 pm

Weather definitely affects all of us.  There is a part of us that is in tune with nature - we are called human nature after all.  

When the light declines in winter has been noted (in the scientific community) a depression of the human nature.  It is not so much the cold, but the light.  When the sun shines, we feel we can accomplish anything.  That is why summer and its warmth are so popular with most people.  

The spring growth renewal is good for the soul.  We see awakening nature in all its glory and know we too can awaken in our soul.  

The fall gives us those bright colors to enhance the long cold months to come.  And during winter we might remember there is no growth on the trees because of the cold, but they are not dead.  There is a lot of inner contemplation and work being done.  So also with human nature.

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Post by Sapphire927 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:15 pm

Late fall, early winter is when I start to experience the changes in my mood. I'm more tired, stressed, body aches and I can't focus. I've also noticed that whenever I took college courses in the fall, my work suffered as well. When spring comes along, I'm able to focus, I'm not so tired, I'm happier and I do better work...The doctor diagnosed me with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and I did take medication for it, but now I don't because of the bad side effects. There are a lot of articles on SAD and the winter blues.

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Post by Cody5202 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:26 pm

In Taoism, The body ties directly into the Chinese - five elements. The five organs correlate with the five elements, the five directions and the seasons.

Judging by what season, or types of weather form, The body; in turn,  has the tendency to create mental attitudes, thoughts, feelings, whatever it might be,  This could also be related to the mind body connection.

In conjunction with the philosophy, of the mind body connection, I think that without our senses realizing which season it was, there wouldnt be anything more than a subtle change in our atomic structure due to seasonal patterns .

 I dont think theres any such thing as bad weather, Just different types of good weather, same goes for seasons.  I liked this topic, Thanks!  I would enjoy to hear from someone who lived in unspoiled locations of natural beauty for an extended amount of time.  thanks again, goodday

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Post by PrettySiren » Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:01 am

What everyone has said about the mind body connection really makes a lot of sense. :) And I guess that shows how much they really DO connect. Because, if we are happier during summer, perhaps in my case, the summer brings good times, because my spirits are so high that I'm drawing even more happiness to me. At least that's the way I see it. Because it's not just my mood that's better in summer, it's as though my life in general (even events seemingly beyond my control) are much more cheery.

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Post by firetopaz » Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:16 am

I like to joke that I hibernate in winter.  Sleep more, move more slowly, less apt to leave the house.  But it is so cold out there if it wasn't for my dog I wouldn't go out every day.  When I was in Arizona I found myself sleeping through the day and going out when it cooled down.  I don't like the extremes.  I don't like wet feet and frozen extremities, I don't like sunburned noses and clothes that stick to me.  I agree that it's not such a bad thing to curl up by the wood stove with a good book, or to catch up on my sewing.  I bake a lot more and play board games with my kids in winter.  In spring we garden and hike and repair.  In summer we swim, and garden, BBQ, play catch, get the idea there are always different things to do each season.  I do like spring and Fall the most cuz of the temperate weather and I enjoy being outside..  Each season has pros and cons.

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Post by PrettySiren » Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:02 am

I'm not a big fan of extremes either. lol But I'm especially adverse to extreme heat. I'm a fire sign and I've always been told that people with fire signs need something to balance the flames (which probably wouldn't be heat lol). I live in Alabama and July (when my birthday is) is the hottest month here. Sometimes the insides of cars will get well above 120. I'm very prone to overheating. I've had heat stroke more than once and I just don't like the heat. haha

But spring has sprung here in the south. It happened just this week, apparently. I was really sick Thursday and Friday and wasn't able to go out really until today. Last time I'd been outside, it was cold and the trees were dead. And then today, voila! The cherry blossoms are blooming and flowers are everywhere. I feel as though I've walked into another world. It's done loads to raise my spirits -- and provoke my allergies. But I'm not complaining. Even though I love winter, spring is a nice change.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:44 pm

But having the changing seasons certainly uplifts us.  Some days (especially in the cold of winter) a warm climate sounds good.  But we are energized by the changing temperatures and scenes of nature.

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Post by firetopaz » Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:39 pm

I enjoy the beginning of each season...the first signs of life in the garden, the warm weather in summer, the changing of leaves, the first snow....

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:02 pm

Today I am so pleased to see the sun and know spring is on its way.  Everything will be in bud soon.  And they say today is the official first day of spring.

So it was kind of hard to think the first snow.  And yet....come Dec. we will be wanting and looking for a white Christmas.  

Yes, isn't each and every season, in all its glory, wondrous!

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Post by Medical Astrology » Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:54 am

We Hindus (and Buddhists) believe that life is cyclical and that each of our re-births is based on the karma we do in our successive lives.
Hindu philosophy has this core concept.
Rather than Heaven and Hell, this is what it is based upon.

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