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Post by Songstress » Sun May 17, 2009 3:09 am

I wasn't sure where exactly to put this so I figured general discussion should work.

Do you always acknowledge signs when they're put in front of you?  Do you tend to overlook them just thinking it's a coincidence?

I ask because I have been really trying to figure out what to do in regards to a guy I am attracted to at this time.  I've told him that I like him.  It hasn't effected the friendship we already have established.  There have been some changes though making me wonder if he's attracted to me as well.  He hasn't verbally confirmed or denied anything.  Well today we were on our way to my cousin's high school graduation.  While on the highway I usually ignore cars if I'm not driving, especially the license plates.  One caught my attention though.  Since the plates have 3 letters then 3 numbers I noticed something odd about this one.  The letters spelled the guy's name.  If I remember correctly the numbers were 8 4 and 7.  Not sure if they have any significance, but the letters struck me weird.  I'm not sure if this is a sign of some sort, but I can't seem to overlook this.

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Post by amalimrock » Sun May 17, 2009 7:08 am

I also have been recieving signs before this. That was after I was visualizing in the Temple of Meridia (if you go to the site you might know what I mean) and then the temple council seemed to give me a small mission through the phrase "Free the world free yourself" and I've been getting repetitive signs like the number 4100 which repeated 3 times etc etc...

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Post by Songstress » Sun May 17, 2009 5:48 pm

Now that I'm willing to acknowledge signs, I'm not sure what to think of them or how to decipher them.  I think decipher is the right word to use.  I guess what I mean is how to interpret them or something like that.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon May 18, 2009 6:02 pm

You could take every ache, pain or discomfort as a sign.  You could take the wind blowing as a sign.  In other words you could ascribe more to the energies than actual signs for your life.  Not everything is a spirit sign.

Yes, there are wonderful signs from spirit.  I think we might miss them, because we are not looking for them in the right places.  While not everything is a sign of something else, a lot of energies are helpful to our life.  

And when we get a sign from spirit, our interpretation could be off as well.  Opening our intuition to the positive and allowing the obvious signs helps us along the path.  Be alert to what is available.

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Post by Songstress » Mon May 18, 2009 6:05 pm

I understand what you're saying spiritalk.  I feel like I ignore so many things because I'm so focused on others.  I do agree that signs come in different ways and that we need to be open to them.  I think when we're consciously looking for signs we're refusing to see them unless they agree with our mindset.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue May 19, 2009 1:42 pm

Yes, it is the strange and different that is the valid sign.  Sometimes the meaning will be obvious and others it requires a little patience to let life unfold.

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Post by GavinKabal » Tue May 19, 2009 2:03 pm

Sometimes our subconscious will interpret things as a result of something that is of priority in our consciousness at the time, the same reason why when you buy a certain car all the sudden you begin to notice them on the road as you drive.  This guy is in your consciousness, so things you see begin to relate to this idea which has such priority in your mind these days.  If you desire something to be a certain way then your mind will present ideas to support this desire, as the saying goes, "What the thinker thinks the prover proves," meaning we find reasons to support our beliefs or desires.  This is not to say there are not signs, or coincidences which have great meaning in our lives, but to truly understand them we must remove all emotions from the equation, and look at our lives as if from someone else's viewpoint, detached of all desire for an end.  I would suggest any type of divination, from someone else, such as Tarot, to give you a true esoteric view of what will result from your pursuing a course of romance with him.  Good luck on our journey to enlightenment!

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