Web Bot and 2021 enlighten me please :-)

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Web Bot and 2021 enlighten me please :-)

Post by Angelfish » Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:54 am

Hi friends,
can you help me get in touch with what is happening on our planet at the moment, what is actual :D
In the last few years I was highly involved in researching the underwater eco-system and I didn't watch TV nor News in about ... lets see ... in about 4 .... maybe 6-7 years ... yes I know I am very ignorant to what is going on around, sorry ;-)

I have seen this and other stuff;
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 0411484434

Creator of the Web Bot named Cliff something;

Thank you.

Love and Light, Angelfish

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:03 am

I avoid watching news, I can't help but find it depressing watching things repeat and people still not learn. We're at that point again where we either learn to use technology in cosmic harmony or get sent back to the stone age. I guess it's hard to get so advanced and still stay connected with roots, but it's either stay connected or learn it all again from the roots. Your probably better studying the ocean. There's all kinds of history written there and a lot more harmony in the creatures there also. The oceans a better place to learn harmony then the news, but if your sure you wanna know you can attract info and input from others. Some good lessons in acceptance are bound to come of it.

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Post by Charlesman » Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:19 pm

... Salvage anything useful?

First off - those were some very nice links. I especially got a lot out of the part about cursing/use of negative emotional language and the part about a global (r)evolution.

With that being said,
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:54 am
can you help me get in touch with what is happening on our planet at the moment, what is actual :D
In the last few years I was highly involved in researching the underwater eco-system and I didn't watch TV nor News in about ... lets see ... in about 4 .... maybe 6-7 years ... yes I know I am very ignorant to what is going on around, sorry
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Five months online and 30 posts into this board, and you still don't have a clue what's going on? Come on. It's not like you need an excuse to post insightful links.


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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:39 am

I didn't have time to check the links when I first saw it, thanks for bringing attention back to the links.

The first link that talks about the helios sphere shutting down is trippy. It's like the magnetic field has protected us and isolated the planet well it's life develops and now it's reached point where it's time to be integrated with the rest of the galaxy. A parallel to that in the other link is the fall of the us regime. I read this article that said aliens that wish to helps us and establish galactic cooperation must wait for the us regime to fall first,the aliens were saying this. So that is in the process of falling at the same time us the magnetic field of the sun which has isolated us from the rest of the galaxy shuts down. Or the sun has changed it's form of protection to protect those who are changing and let those who would just continue harming the planet fry from space radiation. Radiation is known to cause mutations, and if a mutation is positive it is evolution and this is a form of the change. The other thing it is known to do is fry flesh. So I guess it's change or fry.

The web bot prediction the money will be worthless falls in line with the hopi prophecy of the same. The replacement of money being getting what we need directly, like growing food and such. It's trippy the web bot designer talking about the average paper currency having a life span of 70 to 80 or so years. Funny how people who use money as their means of survival live about that long too.

Passing through the magnetic field of the galaxy  as part of the web bot interview mentions could be what is canceling out the suns magnetic field. Sounds like part of being integrated into the galaxy and leaving the isolation of development to become a part of something larger. Which involves global cleansing so that the corruption of the planet doesn't taint the whole, as it is only as strong as it's weakest link, or as clean as it's dirtiest part. As well as strengthen, so the the description given of it being like going through a pressure cooker would achieve both results, as pressure is what makes crystals, and crystals are very strong, the high amount of pressure that makes them being cleansing by pushing so much energy into them that energy that doesn't fit or belong leaves.

The part where he talks about how the words pooping up in the web bot could mean different things. Like it could be that people don't want it to happen so they are dealing with it before it happens as a means to prevent it by talking about it. This is working towards balance approaching something that appears negative and bringing positive to it to balance and stabilize. The worst comes from ignoring all negative and seeking all positive. Then the negative builds and builds till it eventually comes crashing through as the universe is constantly seeking balance, and negative and positive will always come back together. So separating them out and holding them apart as much as possible only makes more extreme the difference and the size and mass and the amount of built up charge pulling them together till they come crashing back to together. Like those chinese metal balls with bells in them that can be rotated in one hand and kept separate. It's easy at first but rotating them more and more they build up a charge till eventually the charge is so strong they come back together. That is if they aren't dropped first.

anyone who found the link interesting would probably also find the hopi prophecy interesting as well. Or kymatica & esoterica agenda. Although there are better things to fill ones head with, I think balance is key.

Zecahria stitchins books bring more light to related things also. There based on the study of ancient clay tablets but it gives an out line of the roots of many of these problems. Like in web bot where it alludes to something not native to this planet having influence and interest in what goes on here and what caused them to stray so far from their nature. The clay tablets tell a story which is a more literal version of the genesis story in the bible.
Thanks for the links.

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