Long distance Love

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Long distance Love

Post by Timmy » Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:09 pm

I've always been very skeptical about the supernatural......but I have a question for anyone that can answer....
Is there others out there that have experienced love from afar....I mean really feel it in every way. I am seperated from the love of my life by distance. We feel eachother.....she knows when I'm down...or sick or happy.....she's came to me in the spirit...I've seen her and touched her...We have made love without saying a word.....so real that we both have marks from our love making.....we feel eachothers pain.....
It's the wildest thing I've ever experienced. Freaked me out in the beginning....but now it's normal....people around us know it's true.
All our friends say we have loved eachother before. We knew eachother before we met. I can go on and on. We have even asked ourselves that there must be others....there must be....you see she's a seer...emphatic..
documented and studied....but only to help others. Never to profit from it. She says I am...and didn't know it....

Long question I know....but there is so much more that is so supernatural....the biggest skeptic in the world believe it's true...I do..
But has anyone known or experienced anything like this??

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Post by soul_flower » Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:10 pm

That's really interesting..

And I do believe it is possible,it's true and it does happen.. Connections are deeper than in the flesh or face to face in person so to speak..

Sounds like a very deep connection you two have.. Awesome!!

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True Love

Post by Timmy » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:37 am

Thank you and yes we do have a connection that's far beyond the natural....all these years looking for Love....
Now I have realized how Love is much deeper than just the flesh....true Love transends time and space....so wierd for me at first but now it only seems natural.
I just know there must be others that have experienced this before....

Take care

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:34 pm

Sounds more like astral projecting.  This level is not raising the spirituality to a level of actually connecting on love.

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I can completely relate...

Post by FreedomPhenix » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:57 pm

You are not unique in your experience.. only very advanced. I've been in and out of flesh on this planet for a very long time..heh i've taken a long time to grow up...lol. I have had reconnections with other souls much like your connection with each other, and when the soul and spirit are connected and bound together, no flesh or distance can keep them apart the moment they reconnect. Finding even one you have such a connection with is truly a gift in its self, I have been blessed with several. In correcting Karmic debt and paying things forward, I've had the opportunity to to experience this on many levels. And yes, some of it is astral, thats where our spirits reside, but the astral CAN and DOES from my personal experience have a way of manifesting through the flesh, as it is connected just the same. It's the ability to overcome the space and distance that really opens the door for total spiritual unity, with others and with the universal energy we are created in.
Enjoy such a blessing and relish in the lack of physical obstructions!

And to All be Blessed

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:12 pm

Of course that all depends upon your take on reincarnation, past lives, karma and of course, the astral plane.  As the astral is the lowest of all dis-embodied entities who reside there because of their lack of progress in intelligent order, I would not consider it the best place to meet/greet loved ones in the body or not.

Many ideas, many  thoughts, all of them just theories to help us understand ourselves at another level.

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Spiritually Dumb

Post by Timmy » Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:10 pm

OK.....I am really new to all this....and it all seems like greek to me..
all I do know is all my life things I can't explain have happened...over and over again....now this experience with connection with this lady i truly Love has opened up doors...mainly in my mind. I can say now that I am open and very curious, things are manifesting.....It seems as if we knew eachother before....where looking for eachother....a bond from the very beginning....kinda like I've heard with twins or something. We feel eachothers pain....happiness....sickness....I've felt her with me...and actually have seen her. She woke me up in the middle of the night at one point....At that time it scared the sh*t out of me....it was real...for her it seemed to drain her....my fear of it diminished her gift...I mean she wished it away....at this point it has returned. I believe there all along..
only dormant....but only for my benefit....

I'm just open and very curious....I want to learn all I can....

I will tell you I was a preacher at one point in my life...people where drawn to me....so in the beginning...the battle between religion and the supernatural weighed heavy on my mind....just saying....

thanks for your replies....like i said i am very open...

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:25 pm

When we attune to other people (as in astral travel) there is a lot of ethics involved.  It is not nice to scare people.  Nor is it considered polite to visit someone in their private place (bedroom) uninvited.  And then, too, there is mind games that can come as well.  

Some people do these things like a parlour game.  Others recognize its importance in a true caring relationship.  

Caution would dictate that you know your own mind.  Do not let others ideas penetrate your own mind.  Know that you are connecting with this person because of your own mind, not some impression from others' mind.  You do not want to wake up one day and find yourself embroiled with someone you barely know.

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Post by Timmy » Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:53 pm

Please explain what you mean by Astral.

When this happened she was all alone and frightened out of her wits in the middle of the night.....she rarely sleeps...
From what I know people with the gift (seer) (emphatic) are doomed to live short lives. Her health suffers and more tragedy in her life than the
most horrible movie I've ever seen. But she inspires me. Never asks why me. Never shakes her fist at heaven. Has more faith than anyone I've ever known. Truly a soul that cares more for others than herself. Has a gift with animals that is freaky.....they actually listen to her....kindest most generous human I've ever known.
But this gift is wearing on her....Since a child she has had it...has seen me during the course of the day...told me things I've done without any guestion or answer session..
But never intrusive or out of line. Even today she was feeling under the weather....I myself have been suffering from gall bladder problems...same symptoms...

And I can go on and on. I am not bowled over at these things anymore...I expect them...it's the norm..
She also has a IQ that is off the charts....speaks 4 foreign languages.....always soaking up knowledge....

I know I may be rambling....but for a man that has operated in the natural all his life....I am so curious....not that I NEED answers...
I just want to learn what I can.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:23 am

Perhaps she is your twin flame?.....I have had similar experiences with my twin flame....and It is hard to put into words without writing a book...but it sounds as if this deep soul connection you are feeling may be just that....your twin connection...interesting that you used that same word in your postings...

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Re: Answers

Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:43 pm

Timmy wrote:Please explain what you mean by Astral.

J:  The astral plane is the lowest level of a non-physical plane that can be accessed through psychic, metaphysical, mediumship, methods and means.  It is also the most uneducated level of the lot.  Reaching higher helps to make the connection a more spiritual and ethical practice.

When this happened she was all alone and frightened out of her wits in the middle of the night.....she rarely sleeps...
From what I know people with the gift (seer) (emphatic) are doomed to live short lives.

J:  I don't know where you heard that the gifts of seer or empathic would shorten life span?  Why would anyone want to do it if that were true?  It is actually just another talent we have as human beings and can develop it to use with some control on our own part.

Her health suffers and more tragedy in her life than the
most horrible movie I've ever seen. But she inspires me. Never asks why me. Never shakes her fist at heaven. Has more faith than anyone I've ever known. Truly a soul that cares more for others than herself. Has a gift with animals that is freaky.....they actually listen to her....kindest most generous human I've ever known.

J:  Animal psychics are not as usual as human psychic abilities.  That in itself is a rather interesting talent.

But this gift is wearing on her....Since a child she has had it...has seen me during the course of the day...told me things I've done without any guestion or answer session..
But never intrusive or out of line. Even today she was feeling under the weather....I myself have been suffering from gall bladder problems...same symptoms...

And I can go on and on. I am not bowled over at these things anymore...I expect them...it's the norm..
She also has a IQ that is off the charts....speaks 4 foreign languages.....always soaking up knowledge....

I know I may be rambling....but for a man that has operated in the natural all his life....I am so curious....not that I NEED answers...
I just want to learn what I can.
J:  Psychic abilities are available to all human beings.  Development is a must when they start to manifest.  Learning the ins and outs of psychic abilities helps control the when, where, why, how.  It is up to the psychic to decide on how they will use it and when.  Being open to random input does not keep it strong and focused.

You might want to read up on some of the information at the Mediumship Development on the Mystic Academy for some answers or to form some questions.

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Post by Timmy » Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:22 pm

When I told her about my curiousity and even this place...it upset her.
She said the same thing almost. Random input from those that want to know and don't would only serve to confuse me....her gift is very strong. Wise well beyond her years. Very private....her gift with animals is
the wildest thing...like Snow White....wild animals actually come up to her....horses get out and she'll find them on her porch. She just pets them...loves on them and will say out loud....you go home now...and they will....

I think for her benefit and mine as well I will delete this post and seek
answers somewhere else..I thank all for there input....

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