Discourged :[

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Discourged :[

Post by IStareAtGoats » Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:43 am

Hello all. I really want to develop my psychic abilites but Im just feeling like Im never going to know enough or be good enough. [Which is usually how I feel about most things its not like Ive never been through this lol]. Should I just stop and not even try? I feel like I sound as if Im just trying to create a sob story but its been going through my mind to just give up and I didnt think that was a good sign.

Thanks for reading & may earth bless you with everything you desire.
Last edited by IStareAtGoats on Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:32 pm

Dear Girl...You are 16......it is around 1/5 of a normal life...and this 1/5 is the time you shall use to explore,and enjoy, many sides of life.

Open your eyes...investigate....enjoy life....the more serious part of your life will soon take place....and NONE can "BE GOOD ENOUGH" just by thinking they will....it takes years....and as you learn....you will always see there is a lot more to explore.

Let life unfold....be open minded...and you will be fine  Image

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:38 pm

There is never a better statement for all things than......Let Life Unfold.  

There was a 50 year old woman who phones me with a lot of her challenges and worries.  After telling me her problems she would say:  OK OK I get it - let life unfold.  It was the only message I believe I ever passed to her over many years of seeking.  We are never too old or too young to Let Life Unfold.

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Post by happyme » Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:22 pm

First and foremost identify, initiate and build a relationship with your spirit guide(s) or whoever you feel most comfortable with God, Allah, Jesus, mary, archangel, angels, guardian angel, deceased love one, etc. Keep asking them to reveal themselves in prayer, notes (i like to leave notes under my pillow), meditation, dreams or simply by talking to them like you would a friend. They will when they feel you are ready.

Keep track of everything you observe, hear, or feel that seems out of the norm - minor or major. Make written or typed record of everything keep a journal.

It may be synchronicities in events, symbols, word and number patterns.

It may be feelings you have that are unique or unusual, hot flashes, feeling cold or chilly at time when you normally shouldn't, tingles, vibrations, pulsing sections of the body, visuals, sounds, smells, extra sensitivies, headaches, backaches, joint aches, etc. Items appearing to you in your room or home that you have never seen before. Unexplainable forces like the slamming of doors, the fanshutting off when the electricity didn't go as long as you have eliminated all the rational explanations for them. Also observe your surroundings, and the people in the surroundings at that time, and the progression of events leading up to those sensations.

The thoughts in your head, if they seem unusual or not something you would typically think or say, and also the way you react when they enter your head. Does a shock, or a sharp sense of knowing hit you?

It may be being able to tell what somebody says or do before doing it. Something might have came to you then it manifest later on, make sure to record those results also.

Record all your dreams, keep repeating (x3) to yourself that you will remember them before closing your eyes. As you wake up, have a notepad and pen/pencil on your bed to jot them cuz they have the potential to fog easy very quickly if you dont. Practice researching and interpreting the theme of these dreams. Also record how you feel when you wake up from them, are feelings or sensations from dreams so intense that they llinger when you are awake? Do you feel hot and sweaty or cold and clammy? Does anywhere on your body throbs or feel super sensitive, like your forehead or crown for  example, or any other body part?

After a while you find you start to associate different groups of sensations and assocations with different visitors. e.g. one group with angels, one group with spirit guides, one group with spirits of the deceased. Everyone's experiences are unique.

You just have to look for the patterns.

Last and not least be patient it will come gradually, just leave it all up to them. They will reveal what you need to know of your abilities and your purpose when the time is right and when you are ready for it. That time varies for everyone. It could be days, weeks, months, years and the speed may even fluctuate at times.

Come back on hear and discuss what you are going through too. It's always good to get multiple perspectives, esp from the experts on here. :)

I know I personally am not at the level or potential I know I could be at, but I understand it is a process and I have learned to believe in myself and my guides.

Have faith be positive, don't doubt yourself, and allow the rest to happen from there! Don't streess or overwhelm yourself too much now. :)

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Re: Discourged :[

Post by sunmystic » Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:51 am

IStareAtGoats wrote:Hello all. I really want to develop my psychic abilites but Im just feeling like Im never going to know enough or be good enough. [Which is usually how I feel about most things its not like Ive never been through this lol]. Should I just stop and not even try? I feel like I sound as if Im just trying to create a sob story but its been going through my mind to just give up and I didnt think that was a good sign.

Thanks for reading & may earth bless you with everything you desire.
IStare, All of life is about giving up :) , it just is. IStare, if you really want to give up (what ever that means :) ?) then no matter what anybody says, you will give up. There is nothing anybody can do about that.

And about being psychic :) it is a pain! There are alot of folks out there that would consider one not wanting to be psychic, a sign of wisdom :) !



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Post by spiritalk » Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:58 pm

There are cycles in life - in our 20s we will be finished our education and seeking the best possible career to spend our life making a lifestyle we can enjoy.  It is right and proper to be at that place of material concerns and focus.

In our 30s we tend to solidify all the knowledge we have picked up to this point.  We tend to close down a little that urge to seek and search out answers to big questions.  We are satisfied in our own knowledge and can converse on many topics without any further understanding.  

By our 40s we realize we are ready to make our mark on life.  We feel we have not yet accomplished all that is availalbe for our own best growth.  New careers and businesses are often started at this time.  And spiritually we open to a whole new knowledge and understanding of ourselves.

So as you can see there is much to look forward to in your life.  While the focus may be on material things at present, you will find your spirit is alive and waking to other aspects of self.  It takes a lot of patience for it all to happen and rushing it will not get you farther on your path.  If anything it may result in some stops.  

There are no short cuts in life.  You have to accomplish all the lessons before you can move to next one.  Enjoy the journey - and LET LIFE UNFOLD!

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Post by sunmystic » Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:32 am

spiritalk wrote:There are cycles in life - in our 20s we will be finished our education and seeking the best possible career to spend our life making a lifestyle we can enjoy.  It is right and proper to be at that place of material concerns and focus.

In our 30s we tend to solidify all the knowledge we have picked up to this point.  We tend to close down a little that urge to seek and search out answers to big questions.  We are satisfied in our own knowledge and can converse on many topics without any further understanding.  

By our 40s we realize we are ready to make our mark on life.  We feel we have not yet accomplished all that is availalbe for our own best growth.  New careers and businesses are often started at this time.  And spiritually we open to a whole new knowledge and understanding of ourselves.

So as you can see there is much to look forward to in your life.  While the focus may be on material things at present, you will find your spirit is alive and waking to other aspects of self.  It takes a lot of patience for it all to happen and rushing it will not get you farther on your path.  If anything it may result in some stops.  

There are no short cuts in life.  You have to accomplish all the lessons before you can move to next one.  Enjoy the journey - and LET LIFE UNFOLD!
Spirit Talk, not everybody progresses like you do. "LET LIFE UNFOLD AND TO HELL WITH THE LESSONS!" "Just go play!" Things will sort themselves out and probably end up interesting :) . There are short cuts to life and I took them all :) and at 60 years old :) things are turning out interesting!



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Post by IStareAtGoats » Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:06 am

I understand that it can be troublesome at times sunmystic. But Ive read what I can find on people who dont want to be psychic but are, and why it can be a problem, and I still want it for myself. I want to be able to help other people, if I can, with what I can do. I understand there will be good things about it and bad, but thats not anywhere close to stopping me. Theres a good and bad side to everything. And I know in my heart it would make me happy to understand and practice it.

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Post by fisk_82 » Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:21 pm

IStareAtGoats wrote:But Ive read what I can find on people who dont want to be psychic but are, and why it can be a problem, and I still want it for myself.

to be a psychic and not is a choice... why is to be a psychic so important to you? if you don't mind to share...
IStareAtGoats wrote:I want to be able to help other people, if I can, with what I can do. I understand there will be good things about it and bad, but thats not anywhere close to stopping me.

actually, u can still help people although you are not a psychic at all ^.^
IStareAtGoats wrote:Theres a good and bad side to everything
this is the wise one

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Post by sunmystic » Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:55 pm

IStareAtGoats wrote:I understand that it can be troublesome at times sunmystic. But Ive read what I can find on people who dont want to be psychic but are, and why it can be a problem, and I still want it for myself. I want to be able to help other people, if I can, with what I can do. I understand there will be good things about it and bad, but thats not anywhere close to stopping me. Theres a good and bad side to everything. And I know in my heart it would make me happy to understand and practice it.
Well ok :) There are two things that you have got to be able to do: Can you create pictures in your minds eye? And can you sit quietly and listen without your mind being busy thinking about stuff?



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Post by IStareAtGoats » Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:23 am

fisk, its important because Ive never really been allowed to make my own choices in life for anything, religion, hobbies, political views, nothing. But now the person who controled all that is gone and Ive been able to choose what I want. And since I was never allowed to do what I wanted now that I can I want to immerse myself in it as much as I can. Ive never believed anything as much as I believe in the power of the mind and spirit and I want to understand and practice the things I believe :].

and sunmystic, I am definitely working on it :], Ive been meditating for like 5 or 6 days now I think and Ive already noticed big changes in the way I feel and think. I was a pretty negative and fearful person but thats starting to fade, which is awesome cause I was so afraid of life I couldnt even sleep but Ive gotten the best sleep i can remember even having in the past couple days :]. But like I said Im still working on that :].

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Post by happyme » Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:47 am

The fact that you want to so bad means you're one already. You also say it runs in the family. Your admission of your mom being one standing out. You also show a natural aptitude for some of the subjects related to magic and psychic practices and abilities, e.g. tarot, hunches, etc. I think it is all there. The fact that you want it so bad and you want to do something positive with it once you open up your full potential makes it all the better for you and the people you will help with it. Just continue to stay positiive and patient. Also remember you need keep doing the hard work that comes with developing it - meditate, practise, record, and it will manifest from there.

You may also want to start reading up on lightworkers. I believe you may be one.  :)

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Post by fisk_82 » Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:26 pm

IStareAtGoats wrote:fisk, its important because Ive never really been allowed to make my own choices in life for anything, religion, hobbies, political views, nothing. But now the person who controled all that is gone and Ive been able to choose what I want. And since I was never allowed to do what I wanted now that I can I want to immerse myself in it as much as I can. Ive never believed anything as much as I believe in the power of the mind and spirit and I want to understand and practice the things I believe :].
i don't know what were you dealing in the past :D... but as the obstacle gone i hope it will bring a new positive way of thinking ^.^

Do you know one secret that basically people can choose whatever they want to even when they feel that the destiny won't allowed that... but every choice has their own risk and the risk should be taken... but not every one love to do it... basically they avoid the risk and don't like to dealing with it... but you know you still young and the young who seek the wisdom must have that wisdom also in her   :smt002

the good one to have confidence in the self... ^.^
i've seen your picture before... the light hearted and curious one
just welcome to the board  :)

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Post by IStareAtGoats » Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:22 pm

Thank you for the welcome fisk :] and yes I could have decided what I wanted and followed that but I was a child and didnt realize that yet :] Im glad I never realized it though because I might not be here right now if I did.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:43 pm

We learn from every choice we make.  So even from the youngest of age, we are making choices.  That is why parents worry so much.  The choices of the young are made without experience and mostly without the fears of the consequences that comes with age.

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