Time speeding up!

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Time speeding up!

Post by Aviendra » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:33 am

Hey everyone :)

Has anyone else noticed how much "time" seems to be speeding up? Things just seem to be happening at a more rapid pace. And I believe this may have something to do with the Earth moving into a new realm of consciousness...does anyone else know of this time?
All that talk of "the end of the world...as we know it". I'm not talking apocolyptic stuff...but a new shift in human awareness...does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Thanks for your time :)

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:22 am

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:38 pm

Hummm....and I who thought this was an average comedy


and now it shows that it is more 9 o'clock news.

From what I read on the site, I can now see where you have learned your easy drawn statements......I recommend to open your view....and why not start with...


it might give food for thoughts....and it is mostly proved by DNA, which even is useful in court...as future Father you might even control that your child is your own....the question is...do your belief have the same proof...or are we just stardust?

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Post by Aviendra » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:01 pm

Thanks Aeques! What an interesting site :)

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Re: Time speeding up!

Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:05 pm

Aviendra wrote:Hey everyone :)

Things just seem to be happening at a more rapid pace. And I believe this may have something to do with the Earth moving into a new realm of consciousness...does anyone else know of this time?
Since time is a set period, defined by earths movement in space, you can be sure that one hour at birth....is the same as 1 hour at death, hopefully at least 100 years later, and even millions or billions after that.

As for feeling the speed of time.
This goes on our feelings, and start to be noticeable i adult age. It is personal, not fixed, and are different according to our own situation, and how we see it.

It is a feeling that occur when we go in a certain routine each day,we do thing automatic or when we don't experience anything new...or brake our daily task.

If you take moment for moment, then you will notice that dull task takes forever to do in one hour, and funny or good task is done even before the hour have begun.
When you watch 90 minutes with a film about something that don't interest you, it never end...if you watch 90 minutes with a film that you enjoy, it is finish way to early.

You will also notice that you have much more time when you are on Holiday....or if you laid off from work....but it is not time at all that is different....its your feeling...its your mind....so it is not something that you have to look up in the Universe to understand.....better look to yourself :)

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:51 pm

What you just stated about our experience of time being relative to how much we are or aren't enjoying it is the best example of the flexibility of the fabric of time. When you enjoy your self it seems like hardly anytime went by. Not only does it seem like less time went by but you age less. When you enjoy your self and are hardly aware of time going by you are hardly growing old. When you do things you don't like while watching the clock for it to be over, this is when you are growing old and experiencing the passing time.

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:27 am

Rhutobello wrote:Hummm....and I who thought this was an average comedy


and now it shows that it is more 9 o'clock news.

From what I read on the site, I can now see where you have learned your easy drawn statements......I recommend to open your view....and why not start with...


it might give food for thoughts....and it is mostly proved by DNA, which even is useful in court...as future Father you might even control that your child is your own....the question is...do your belief have the same proof...or are we just stardust?
That article is very long and drawn out. I skimmed it to see if there was anything of interest. It doesn't even have a conclusion at the end. If you find something of interest in the article can you please summarize it.

Have you seen kymatica? Anyway at one point in the doc. a biologist mentions a test he did with identical cells, putting them in petri dishes and exposing them to different stimuli. The cells that all started out the same each grew into different things in the different conditions. In one case they turned into bone, in another muscle, and in another lung cells. Since then he began teaching that genes do not define life they respond to life, while in the past he taught that genes define life.
Last edited by Aegeus on Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by nighthawk » Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:08 am

Time is indeed relative. the experience of time is also about percentages. For example: To a 4 year old child, one year is 25% of their life. A very long time indeed. To a person of 100 years of age, one year is only 1% of their life and so, in context is a much shorter time. As we age, time seems to fly by at a faster and faster rate. We look up and wonder where it's all gone.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:01 am

nighthawk wrote:Time is indeed relative. .
Time is set, fixed and have no personal impact...Personal feeling of time is relative, and change from person to person..situation to situation..

Since personal feeling of time, is different from person to person, it can never be measured, and neither explained by change in the Universe, because then it again should be able to be universal measured.

An old Guy who have none friends, and do very little, can each day feel as long as a year, and in order to cope with it they sleep it away.
A baby will sleep away its first year in no time at all...because it has no personal feeling of time..."no time relation"

When we are young, then we experience new ting all the time...we go in very few routines, we feel we get a lot done each day....this change in adulthood...where we are inside a work routine..... home routine....everything we do is a routine, and feeling of time flowing away from us is something many carry.
Each Holiday, or when we break our daily routine, lead to another feeling of how time is running....we might feel we get much more out of the day....we have much more time to our disposal.......but again...its our feeling and not "TIME" itself...it still have 24 hours in a day and night....it still have 1440 minutes...even if you are in Brisbane, Kathmandu, Oslo or New York.

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:59 am

Do you find comfort in the idea that time is fixed? A lot of writings speak of time as an illusion.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:15 am

Aegeus wrote:Do you find comfort in the idea that time is fixed? A lot of writings speak of time as an illusion.
I think you misunderstand the whole concept.

Time is a measurement.
It is firm, and the foundation for the Calender.
It is firm in any appointment schedule.
It is firm in any departure schedule...
It's define sports event
It define your salery and so on and on.

BUT it is Man made, so Man can have a way to understand, with their limited brain capacity.

If we make a film that runs for 90 minutes...then it run for 90 minutes each time we put it on.

You might call time an illusion...we might call life an illusion.....BUT inside this illusion we need to have something everyone can agree upon...else your illusion will transfer into chaos, and frustration.

Everything we globally have defined is as an help for us all...it is so we as human can talk to each other...so we as human can have a common way to tell things.

If we should build everything on PERSONAL feelings...then how should I know when you was supposed to meet me....you tell it out from your personal view....I receive it out from my personal view...and confusion is a fact.
When should I start work...when should I end work...who was fasted on 100 meter...or wait...we don't have such measurement.....

Yes...we can say we live in an illusion....yes...we can say we are Robots...yes we can say that we comes from VENUS or Mars...BUT that is something we can say...and it makes no difference..we have to live our life here on EARTH...we have to cope with those problems we have here....we have to try to understand each other....and then I think our "defined measurements" are a good place to start....if you find new way we can agree upon..then fine...let us define it....then will even I understand it :)

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:43 pm

Society has been masculine dominated. Meaning rational and logical systems have dominated over the intuitive and emotional faculties. This makes for the capabilities of the intuitive faculties to be underestimated over looked, deprived of opertunities for development and repressed.

Ever look at the clock and notice recurring numbers? Like double digits, such as 11:11? Does this hint to any flexibility in the fabric of time, or just the possibility that your thinking of tripy numbers can attract it, or perhaps beings can trigger you to look at the clock at certain times.

Measurements are fine, but if one always measures and relies on their intellect then ones intuition becomes weak.

Also if our system of measurement is completely arbitrary then we create a separation between  the system we devise and the system that is beyond us. The Gregorian calendar is completely out of tune with lunar cycles, and does not even line up with solar cycles accuratley. The clocks don't even line up with the earths rotation. We have a completely arbitrary  system of time and its no surprise when we center our lives around such a system that we are so separate from nature and the rest of the cosmos.

You always come back to this point of how no matter what is or it we still have to function in this reality. Are you aware of the concept of shadow material? The more something is kept in the dark the darker it becomes. When darkness is reflected upon it is brought to the light and while there is more awareness of darkness the darkness it is of a lighter nature by virtue of exposure to light.

You can shove shadow material in a box, and go on living, but that does not solve anything except perhaps grant you freedom from an issue enough to go on surviving. But if one reflect upon shadow material they can go beyond survival.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:28 pm

Let me try to make it simple.
We have one official way to look at different measures....by talking in these official ways you shall be able to communicate about time, weight, length and so on....there are official standards to how transfer one to another, if one use different system.
When a system is accepted global, then the system work even if older thing don't work any longer....as said before...life goes forward...changes occur....opinion need to follow.

You as person can make any system you want.
You can tell everyone that you are invisible, you can tell that one happy person only age 0,75 official year, for each of his/her year, and a grumpy one age 1,5.
You can find out that one who's birth was in 1946 and died in 2006 was 120 years....it does not mind for anyone but you....official he lived for 60 years.

You can read books about time travel, you can read about us dissolve into atoms and build our-self up 10000 of star miles ahead....you can believe in freezing down your body in order to resurrect in the future...(and some do...horror....do they think at all?)...you can believe in anything......but it is just belief....it is something you and those who believe the same has in common......but people outside it will not understand it...you have no reference point....you have no meat on the bone.

Life goes forward...maybe we once in the future will be able to time travel...maybe we will be able to transform....maybe we will be able to do teleportation.
If this is achieved, then we will get those reference points which we need in order to understand....I am sure there are scientist working on it...it might be music in our ears....but until it is proved...its only fiction...used in an authors mind, and loved by millions of Adventure readers, among them....me.

As for shift in Earths rotation, and a new era, don't hope for that....to day we have equilibrium...but there is forces in space that try to weaken earths drawing on our moon, and if they succeed, then our universe collapse because we become unstable, just like a "spinner" who loose equilibrium will spin all over the floor.

So the main thing is....we must have an official way to see thing in order to understand....we can have millions of different opinion that goes in every directions, but bottom line is...they don't change anything.....because the official version is the one we put everything up against, in order to get the same value in the end.

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:40 am

We are all familiar with official versions of stories or events, and how far they can be from the truth. Just like how our official measurement of time is so far from natural time.

One of the four laws of creation is change is the only constant. What makes you think time is such a constant thing. The only way we can get any bearing on it is through relativity and everything is constantly moving so how can we have any surety that any of it is consistant.

What took one year 50 years ago can be done in 5 minutes now.

We know our experience of time is changing, but we convince our selves that time it's self is not.

A quartz crystal programed for keeping time may hold a consistent frequency, but our definition of that being consistent is only defined by our experience of it as constant by relativity of more erratic things. For example we experience a boat as in motion and the land as fixed. In reality the land is in motion too, but for practical purposes it is fixed, and it's motion is so slow that it fails to register in our experience except for the shadow it's movement creates, which we can observe.

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:44 am

Aegeus wrote:
What took one year 50 years ago can be done in 5 minutes now.
Young man...young man....

The above is called progress of MAN.....and has nothing to do with time itself.

What about a 90 minutes of film today, will it be played with same quality as today, in seconds in 2060?

How long was "Gone with the wind" in 1939, and how long is it today?
I think you will see it hasn't shortened with even a second.

Time....or any other measurement...aren't necessarily "laws of Nature", they are something that are defined out from something all could agree upon when they was made. It is MAN made...not given in scriptures or by revelation.

When we look upon time, then we see it different then one who's lifespan is many hundred years...or something that live for seconds....time as we know it is ours.....time in another Galaxy might be quiet different.....and if we assume "God" in the  middle of it all, a day in its life might be millions in ours....so time is just something defined for us, to have something to compare with, and it is only valid for us who use that sort of definition...

Since these measurements are well known and accepted, it has no practical influence on us, if the "starting point" is seen as "wrong" today, or that it is other "forces" that we did not know before, that can be use to explain thing better today...it has no value....100 cm is still 100 cm. 1 hour is still 1 hour...1 kg is till 1kg.

In order for you to change "official" measurement, you need to come up with a system. This system then need to be explained in such degree, that the majority of worlds population cry out...YES we want this!!!!

But again....for what?
A meter is still a meter, even if you call it 1 Broom
a Kg is still a kg, even if you call it 1 bon
an hour is still an hour even if you call it 1 tron
December is still December even if you call it the month of Santa

So you change NOTHING...our measurements are fixed........You might only change a name..or a starting point in space...and then you need to have a tool to convert the old to the new...but who care in the daily life?...because still after that..a meter will still be a meter...houses will not collapse..roads will not shorten or be longer...it will take the same time to travel...so why change thing which are in every schoolbook....it DON*T need to be the ULTIMATE TRUTH...It just NEED TO HAVE BEEN DEFINED, AND ACCEPTED OFFICIALLY!

It all can be seen by introducing the Euro, it gives some benefits...it gives some back-draws....but it don't change us to be better humans....we as mankind don't gain anything in the transfer...those involved only become a part of a greater marked where their values can be put up against each other....but don't let us have a discussion about that.

And by that I end this discussion, hopefully you have taken this discussion in order to have me going, and your opinion don't show your real thoughts....if they do...please come back to EARTH, open your mind for other thing then what you now pollute it with!

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