our influence on reality through our focus

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our influence on reality through our focus

Post by Aegeus » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:55 am

I was gonna post this for kadaimara75 who went on a little rant, but perhaps it deserves its own topic.

"Sometimes it feels like things are going backwards as those of your world draw nearer to an unprecedented new awakening but this is how it has always been. Elect forces try to hang on by diverting the masses and time and time again they fail not because they die or because they are sent to an infinite world of fire but because eventually the force and pull of love is to much for them to bare and they just give in.

As you will soon understand awakening has its own battles not of good and or evil but a battle of wills those who are already awakened try to raise the vibrational frequency of the earth while other elect forces try to bring it down. No side is wrong or right both are playing their part in the role of life either side doing their jobs both though will eventually end up at the same point in time and space.

Love is the key player in this battle however and is the one with the strongest weapon and those seeded on your planet play a major role in anchoring the love, light aspect in the world. This is a very important role because humanity is constantly surrounded with news of catastrophe, rumors of war, fear, anger, hatred but they do not know that they create this.

there are even those who are "aware" that help to bring in negative circumstances on earth an example of this is those who focus on fema camps, government manipulation, natural catastrophe, genocide etc. These souls worry constantly that the elite forces are out to get them however it is they who create these realities for themselves. Much like the threat of nuclear war from North Korea why are things like this televised so much? simple YOU ARE WHAT YOU FOCUS ON and they create this reality for the rest of the world when they focus on it. Their mind makes it real...where have we heard that quote!.

The mind is the main control center of the soul and like a computer it stores data that gets processed in to existence...ones own existence and reality, now imagine what this does when one says such phrases as: the elite will put us all in fema camps, or the dark forces will kill us all? it will be so. an alternate reality is created in which those who focus on this and many others will live this reality. Love and thoughts are the most powerful aspect of existence now imagine how much you can do with love and thoughts?

Instead of growing angry with the government who are spraying chem trails or preparing fema coffins or instead of feeling sad for those starving in Africa...fill your heart with love and envision a future free of toxins and full of abundance and beauty...say that there is more then enough food to feed the world, say that the world is clean and breathing pure positive air and light and love surround planet earth creating a world of peace and limitless love.

The same goes with sickness and disease instead of worrying about swine flu or other illnesses focus on a healthy, strong and pure body not only for you but for the world because your desire and intent for a healthier abundant world is stronger then the desire of others...meaning that your desire say for a beggar to have a warm meal and a roof over his head is stronger then his own desire.

There is no reason to accept the way things may be you CAN change that reality first by relinquishing fear. Fear breads fear, anger breeds anger, love breeds more love. Do you want peace on earth? do you wish for an abundant planet that is full of love and positive energy? then anchor this in to your every thought YOU are the beginning of a new world. You are ALL the revolution of love. "

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:12 am

Good post Aegeus, love it :)

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:38 am

This is an excellent post
Positive thought, idealistic visualization, all the good stuff taught by the secret is great.   I whole heartily agree with the most of it....

BUT I dont believe in an alternative reality

This is a good solid foundation to begin building a new world.

 I feel there needs to be more attention to action.

This is it.. its what we have.. visualizing its well doesn't make it well..
without necessary action.
The action of visualizing the desired result is just a start.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:01 pm

StormGirl Blue wrote:  I feel there needs to be more attention to action.
Yes...agree...nothing will ever happen if action is forgotten.

But I think we must agree that the "THOUGHT"  "The WILL to do something" always must arrive first.
Its very hard to get any action if we not carry the will, and belief that it will help.

And even the most important thought is;

It has to start with me, Not with my Neighbor, Not after I have seen it has started to work, and so on..if we do...then it will never happen any progress, beside those which are done as a duty from society.

So the Key are inside each, and one of us...we only need the will to use it ...to show that it is possible....if we our-self don't believe in it....who will? :)

We are all individualist, we will all have different opinions....and that makes life worth living..but I think most of us can agree, that love for other living souls, and a positive perspective, is a right way to go on, in our life. :)

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:05 pm

Excellent post.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:27 pm

Lines from a song:  Let there be peace on earth, AND LET IT BEGIN WITH ME!

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Post by nighthawk » Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:55 am

I believe there is a line in the Christian texts that says, " Faith without works is dead." It is not enough to light our own candle and see to our own paths. That is but a first step on the journey. It is also our job to spread our lights, by lighting other's candles.
Mother Theresa is one of my heros, even though I am not now, nor ever will be, a Christian. She saw a need, a desperate overwhelming need in the world. People wondered why she bothered tackling such an impossible problem. But her one light, her sincere drive and passion to better the world set fire to so many hearts languishing in the darkness, and through those lights, her divine love spread and grew throughout the world. She was one small person, with great compassion. She did not seek fame, glory, money, power... none of those things. She wanted to ease suffering.
Do one good thing a day and see what happens. Do it even though it may not benefit yourself. Let someone merge in traffic, say something kind to the people no one notices, like the fast food worker, the grocery check-out person. Be kind. Spread what is good to spread. you will not only enrich yourself, you will never know what good thing you have started. Pay it forward. :) It's important.

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misty sur
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Post by misty sur » Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:56 pm

Hi. Great post. I adore it. thanks.

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